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Nanoscale occurrence of Pb in an Archean zircon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report, for the first time, a direct, atomic-scale characterization of Pb in zircon (4.4-3.1 Ga) from the early Archean Yilgarn craton in Australia using high-resolution HAADF-STEM. Two forms of Pb have been identified: Pb concentrated at ∼3 atom% as a nanoscale patch in zircon structure, and Pb concentrated within the amorphous domain created by fission fragment damage. The first result suggests that the Pb atoms directly substitute for Zr4+ in the zircon structure, and the latter observation demonstrates that Pb diffusion can occur through amorphous regions created by radiation damage, although volume diffusion is typically considered to be the dominant mechanism for Pb diffusion. Beyond the first percolation point, i.e., when the amorphous domains overlap and form a fully interconnected network of amorphous domains, there is a new pathway for the diffusion of Pb that is faster than volume diffusion through crystalline zircon.  相似文献   
The effect of mode-coupling on the temporal variation of the linearly unstable magnetic mode is investigated for weakly unstable dynamos. It is shown that the nonlinear coupling of the unstable mode to itself is the dominant effect which stabilizes the mode at a certain amplitude rather than the coupling to other damped modes.  相似文献   
The mobility and availability of arsenite, As(III), in anoxic environments is largely controlled by adsorption onto iron sulfides and/or precipitation of arsenic in solid phases. The interaction of As(III) with synthetic mackinawite (FeSm) in pH 5 and 9 suspensions was investigated using high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), STEM elemental mapping, high resolution TEM, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). At pH 5, arsenic sulfide phases precipitate among the FeSm particles as discrete particles that are an amorphous hydrous phase of arsenic sulfide. The oxidation state of As in the surface layers of the arsenic sulfide precipitates is ‘realgar-like’ based on XPS results showing that > 75% of the As 3d peak area is due to As with oxidation states between 0 and 2+. Discrete, arsenic sulfide precipitates are absent at pH 9, but elemental mapping in STEM-EDX mode shows that arsenic is uniformly distributed on the FeSm, suggesting that uptake is caused by the sorption of As(III) oxyanions and/or the precipitation of highly dispersed arsenic sulfides on FeSm. XPS also revealed that the FeSm that equilibrated without As(III) has a more oxidized surface composition than the sample at pH 9, as indicated by the higher concentration of O ( three times greater than that at pH 9) and the larger fraction of Fe(III) species making up the total Fe (2p3/2) peak. These findings provide a better understanding of redox processes and phase transitions upon As(III) adsorption on iron sulfide substrates.  相似文献   
Signals from the tsunami waves induced by the March 11, 2011 moment magnitude (Mw) 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake and from subsequent resonances were detected as radial velocity variability by a high-frequency ocean surface radar (HF radar) installed on the eastern coast of the Kii Channel, at a range of about 1000 km from the epicenter along the eastern to southern coasts of Honshu Island. A time–distance diagram of band-passed (9–200 min) radial velocity along the beam reveals that the tsunami waves propagated from the continental shelf slope to the inner channel as progressive waves for the first three waves, and then natural oscillations were excited by the waves; and that the direction of the tsunami wave propagation and the axis of the natural oscillations differed from that of the radar beam. In addition, spectral analyses of the radial velocities and sea surface heights obtained in the channel and on the continental shelf slope suggest complex natural oscillation modes excited by the tsunami waves.  相似文献   
The intensity of Saturn’s infrared aurora is investigated using Cassini VIMS images acquired during October 2006–February 2009. Polar and main oval auroral regions were defined in both hemispheres, which extend between 0–10° and 10–25° co-latitude, respectively. Average intensities were computed for these regions and compared. While the northern and southern main oval regions covered a similar range of intensities, the southern main oval was on average more intense by a factor of ∼1.3. The emission from the southern polar region was usually less intense than the main oval emissions, while this was only the case for approximately half of the northern hemisphere images. The northern hemisphere polar region displayed intensities more than twice as high as those in the south and the difference between the two hemispheres was most pronounced on the dayside. In general, more intense polar emissions were accompanied by more intense main oval emissions. Possible explanations for the hemispheric and latitudinal differences are discussed in terms of particle energies and fluxes, ionospheric conductivity, temperature and magnetic field strength.  相似文献   
Abstract. Numerous bedded manganese deposits sporadically distributed throughout the Tamba district, southwestern Japan are intercalated within chert sequence. It is well known that radiolarian remains are commonly included in both bedded manganese deposits and host cherts. The Gen‐otani mine, one of these deposits, is located at Otani, Keihoku‐Shimonaka, northern Kyoto City. Chemical composition and age of the chert sequence at the mine were examined. Mainly according to SiO2 and MnO contents together with lithology, the chert sequence is divided into three sections; lower massive chert, middle bedded manganese deposit and upper bedded chert sections. Radiolarian faunas consisting of middle Jurassic species such as Eucyrtidiellum unumaense, Dictyomitrella(?) kamoensis, Parvicingula dhimenaensis, Sethocapsa aitai, Sethocapsa kodrai, Transhsuum brevicostatum, Tricolocapsa plicarum, Unuma echinatus and others were extracted from both the middle manganese section and overlying bedded chert of the upper section. This examination reveals that the bedded manganese deposit at the Gen‐otani mine formed until Bajocian to early Bathonian (middle Middle Jurassic) in age.  相似文献   
Abstract. A detail investigation of ore and gangue minerals was performed on the Doyashiki Kuroko deposits, Hokuroku basin, Japan for the first time. Main ore minerals are sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite-tennantite and digen-ite. Small amounts of enargite, wittichenite, electrum, covellite, bornite, marcasite and hematite are also observed. Quartz, barite and gypsum are common gangue minerals. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in quartz, sphalerite and barite range from 190 to 240C and 3.0 to 5.5 wt% NaCl equivalent, respectively. The FeS contents of sphalerite and Ag contents of electrum were 0.12 to 0.18 mol %, 39.0 to 39.6 atom %, respectively. The chemical composition of digenite as a primary mineral shows high sulfur contents.
These data indicate that ore fluid responsible for digenite and associated ore minerals was characterized by a range of high sulfur fugacity with a moderate formation temperature. This is concordant with the mineral assemblage of bornite-pyrite and chalcopyrite, which shows high sulfur fugacity conditions. It seems that the mineralization closely associated with acidic volcanism has occurred around 13 Ma of Middle Miocene on the seafloor at the depth of about 1500 m.  相似文献   
A class of pulsar models which provide a stationary beam-plasma system as the source of radiation is considered. Since the beam-plasma system is stable near the pulsar where the coherent curvature radiation damps the longitudinal mode, we consider the beam-plasma system away from the star so that the effects of curvature radiation may be neglected. We find that the total wave energy density may attain a significant fraction of the beam energy density provided that the beam and plasma carry away a comparable amount of energy from the star. It should be noted that the attained high wave energy density is peculiar to a relativistic beam-plasma interaction.  相似文献   
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