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Patterns of sediment composition of Jamaican fringing reef facies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent carbonate sediments from Jamaican north coast fringing reefs were collected along three parallel traverses in the vicinity of Discovery Bay. Each traverse extended from near shore across the back reef, reef crest, and fore reef to a depth of 75 m. Relative abundances of the biotic constituents vary between sites, reflecting general patterns of reef community composition. The sediment is dominated by highly comminuted coral fragments (27·1% to 63·1%), plates of the calcareous green alga Halimeda (0·4% to 38·7%), coralline algae (4·7% to 16·2%) and the encrusting foraminiferan Homotrema rubrum (0·7% to 9·5%), with lesser amounts of other taxonomic groups (non-encrusting foraminifera 1·3–5·5%; molluscs 1·4–7·0%; echinoderms 0·9–5·0%). Coral fragments, coralline algae and particles of Homotrema rubrum dominate the sediments of the shallow portions of the fore reef (5–15 m), whereas plates of Halimeda are most abundant in sediments from the back reef and deeper portions of the fore reef ( 24 m). Q-mode cluster analysis, using sediment constituent data, resulted in the delineation of four reef biofacies over the depth range of this study (1–75 m).  相似文献   
Material collected over a month on plates attached to the bed of the Afon Goch, Anglesey, a stream highly contaminated by acid mine drainage (AMD), was either examined intact by electron microscopy or suspended and cultured to reveal the presence of microbiota. Certain of the aerobic microbiota were identified, the genus Pseudomonas formed the commonest isolate and cultures of Serratia plymuthica were grown in order to compare the biofilms formed with the material collected in the Afon Goch. The material at the sediment–water interface of the Afon Goch was of similar underlying morphology to that of the cultured biofilms. However, the former had a superficial granular coating of equidimensional (60–100 nm) and evenly spaced iron rich particles (determined by X-ray microanalysis). The sediment–water interface of this AMD-contaminated stream is therefore best described as a highly contaminated biofilm. Evidence from previous work suggests that the streambed is active in iron removal from the water column. The intimate association of iron with microbiota at the streambed, therefore, implies that iron flux prediction may not be possible from physical and chemical data alone but requires knowledge of biofilm physiology and ecology. Microbially mediated metal precipitation, both by single bacteria and by biofilms, has been reported elsewhere but mass balance considerations suggest that this explanation cannot hold good for the large amounts of iron hydroxide depositing from waters of the prevalent pH and redox status. Filtered stream water analyses indicate the presence of colloidal iron hydroxide and also its removal downstream where ochreous (iron hydroxide rich) material accumulates. The process of iron immobilization is likely to be the attraction and physical trapping of colloidal iron hydroxide by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) which constitute the matrix of biofilms. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Macquarie Island is an exposure above sea-level of part of thecrest of the Macquarie Ridge. The ridge marks the Australia–Pacificplate boundary south of New Zealand, where the plate boundaryhas evolved progressively since Eocene times from an oceanicspreading system into a system of long transform faults linkedby short spreading segments, and currently into a right-lateralstrike-slip plate boundary. The rocks of Macquarie Island wereformed during spreading at this plate boundary in Miocene times,and include intrusive rocks (mantle and cumulate peridotites,gabbros, sheeted dolerite dyke complexes), volcanic rocks (N-to E-MORB pillow lavas, picrites, breccias, hyaloclastites),and associated sediments. A set of Macquarie Island basalticglasses has been analysed by electron microprobe for major elements,S, Cl and F; by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy forH2O; by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma massspectrometry for trace elements; and by secondary ion mass spectrometryfor Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes. An outstanding compositional featureof the data set (47·4–51·1 wt % SiO2, 5·65–8·75wt % MgO) is the broad range of K2O (0·1–1·8wt %) and the strong positive covariation of K2O with otherincompatible minor and trace elements (e.g. TiO2 0·97–2·1%;Na2O 2·4–4·3%; P2O5 0·08–0·7%;H2O 0·25–1·5%; La 4·3–46·6ppm). The extent of enrichment in incompatible elements in glassescorrelates positively with isotopic ratios of Sr (87Sr/86Sr= 0·70255–0·70275) and Pb (206Pb/204Pb =18·951–19·493; 207Pb/204Pb = 15·528–15·589;208Pb/204Pb = 38·523–38·979), and negativelywith Nd (143Nd/144Nd = 0·51310–0·51304).Macquarie Island basaltic glasses are divided into two compositionalgroups according to their mg-number–K2O relationships.Near-primitive basaltic glasses (Group I) have the highest mg-number(63–69), and high Al2O3 and CaO contents at a given K2Ocontent, and carry microphenocrysts of primitive olivine (Fo86–89·5).Their bulk compositions are used to calculate primary melt compositionsin equilibrium with the most magnesian Macquarie Island olivines(Fo90·5). Fractionated, Group II, basaltic glasses aresaturated with olivine + plagioclase ± clinopyroxene,and have lower mg-number (57–67), and relatively low Al2O3and CaO contents. Group I glasses define a seriate variationwithin the compositional spectrum of MORB, and extend the compositionalrange from N-MORB compositions to enriched compositions thatrepresent a new primitive enriched MORB end-member. Comparedwith N-MORB, this new end-member is characterized by relativelylow contents of MgO, FeO, SiO2 and CaO, coupled with high contentsof Al2O3, TiO2, Na2O, P2O5, K2O and incompatible trace elements,and has the most radiogenic Sr and Pb regional isotope composition.These unusual melt compositions could have been generated bylow-degree partial melting of an enriched mantle peridotitesource, and were erupted without significant mixing with commonN-MORB magmas. The mantle in the Macquarie Island region musthave been enriched and heterogeneous on a very fine scale. Wesuggest that the mantle enrichment implicated in this studyis more likely to be a regional signature that is shared bythe Balleny Islands magmatism than directly related to the hypotheticalBalleny plume itself. KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridge basalts; Macquarie Island; glass; petrology; geochemistry  相似文献   
Dark mottles are a prominent and widespread feature of the regressive, cyclic, shallow marine limestones which form the late Asbian succession in many parts of Britain. The colour difference which defines mottles in outcrop is caused by distinct but often subtle petrographic differences in the limestone fabric. Specifically, mottles contain a light brown coloured opaque inclusion-rich calcite spar with characteristic dull brown luminescence; ‘mottle spar’. Outside mottle margins this calcite spar is absent, with clear inequant blocky cements forming the pore filling phase. ‘Mottle spar’ comprises a fabric of irregular crystals predominantly 5–40 μm in diameter, with more regular crystals up to 100 μm diameter often occurring in intraparticle and large interparticle pores. Under cathodoluminescence, ‘mottle spar’ displays crystal morphologies and growth patterns which indicate that both localized neomorphism and patchy cementation contributed to mottle formation. Cathodoluminescence cement stratigraphy shows that ‘mottle spar’ pre-dates all other major pore filling cements in the local Asbian succession, but post-dates marine micritization. ‘Mottle spar’ sharply defines the moulds of former aragonitic allochems which are now filled by the later clear, inequant spar cements. This shows that aragonite dissolution occurred after the formation of ‘mottle spar’. Mottles in calcretes contain unaltered allochems which have been protected from the effects of subaerial micritization by ‘mottle spar’, although mottles are often affected by subaerial brecciation. This evidence shows that mottles formed during early diagenesis; after marine micritization, but before dissolution of aragonite, subaerial exposure and meteoritic phreatic cementation. Mottles represented lithified patches of very low porosity which are interpreted to have formed in the marine/freshwater mixing zone, during the repeated phases of regression and emergence in the late Asbian.  相似文献   
Phenocryst zoning patterns are used to identify open-systemmagmatic processes in the products of the 2001 eruption of ShiveluchVolcano, Kamchatka. The lavas and pumices studied are hornblende–plagioclaseandesites with average pre-eruptive temperatures of 840°Cand fO2 of 1·5–2·1 log units above nickel–nickeloxide (NNO). Plagioclase zoning includes oscillatory and patchyzonation and sieve textures. Hornblendes are commonly unzoned,but some show simple, multiple or patchy zoning. Apatite microphenocrystsdisplay normal and reverse zoning of sulphur. The textural similarityof patchy hornblende and plagioclase, together with Ba–Srsystematics in patchy plagioclase, indicate that the cores ofthese crystals were derived from cumulate material. Plagioclase–liquidequilibria suggest that the patchy texture develops by resorptionduring H2O-undersaturated decompression. When H2O-saturatedcrystallization recommences at lower pressure, reduced pH2Oresults in lower XAn in plagioclase, causing more Al-rich hornblendeto crystallize. Plagioclase cores with diffuse oscillatory zoning,and unzoned hornblende crystals, probably represent a populationof crystals resident in the magma chamber for long periods oftime. In contrast, oscillatory zoning in the rims of plagioclasephenocrysts may reflect eruption dynamics during decompressioncrystallization. Increasing Fe/Al in oscillatory zoned rimssuggests oxidation as a result of degassing of H2O during decompression.A general lack of textural overlap between phenocryst typessuggests that different phenocryst populations were spatiallyor temporally isolated during crystallization. We present evidencethat the host andesite has mixed with both more felsic and moremafic magmas. Olivine and orthopyroxene xenocrysts with reactionor overgrowth rims and strong normal zoning indicate mixingwith basalt. Sieve-textured plagioclase resulted from mixingof a more felsic magma with the host andesite. The mineralogyand mineral compositions of a mafic andesite enclave are identicalto those of the host magma, which implies efficient thermalquenching, and thus small volumes of intruding magma. Mixingof this magma with the host andesite results in phenocryst zoningbecause of differences in dissolved volatile contents. We suggestthat small magma pulses differentiated at depth and ascendedintermittently into the growing magma chamber, producing incrementalvariations in whole-rock compositions. KEY WORDS: patchy zoning; magma mixing; Shiveluch  相似文献   
A typical stratigraphy below a streamlined till plain in Northumberland, England, consists of cross-cutting lodgement till units, within and between which occur repeated shoestring interbeds of ‘cut and fill’ channels. Till units have erosional lower contacts; in certain cases marked changes in erratic content and local ice flow direction are evident from one till unit to another. These lodgement till complexes have hitherto been described by ‘tripartite’ schemes of lower grey till (s) and upper reddened till (s) identified with respect to ‘middle’ fluvial horizons; regional correlation proceeding on the basis of matching ‘middle’ horizons, with the whole sequence commonly interpreted as evidence for multiple glaciation. Data indicates, by way of contrast, that these lodgement till complexes were deposited during a single phase of subglacial deposition. Till deposition was not continuous but was interrupted by erosional episodes. Changes in the mix of bedrock lithologies transported by the glacier down a single flow line or by lateral displacement of basal ice flow units within the glacier result in till units of different facies to be emplaced when deposition recommences, a process referred to as ‘unconformable facies superimposition’. Subglacial meltwater flow was also a characteristic of the glacier bed; channeled glaciofluvial sediment bodies are found as ribbon-like inclusions in the till and appear to have been deposited rapidly. These so-called ‘middle’ fluvial horizons occur repeatedly in section, their lateral extent at any given exposure being dependent upon the orientation of the exposure with respect to former ice flow direction. These lenses act as internal drainage blankets and have accelerated postglacial soil formation in the drier climate of eastern Britain accounting for the reddened colour of upper till(s). It is suggested that this model of subglacial deposition can be employed in other areas of northern England characterized by subglacial (lodgement till plain) terrains.  相似文献   

This article is an agreed summary of a workshop held in Sheffield between 18-20 March 1991. The focus here is on three of the themes of the workshop: the mutual benefits of closer links between geographical information systems (GIS) and the methods of spatial data analysis (SDA); the specific areas of SDA that should be linked with GIS; how the linkage should be made in practice. Directions for future research are also reviewed. The emphasis throughout is on statistical SDA and principally from the perspective of human rather than physical geography.  相似文献   
Abstract– The fluence of dust particles <10 μm in diameter was recorded by impacts on aluminum foil of the NASA Stardust spacecraft during a close flyby of comet 81P/Wild 2 in 2004. Initial interpretation of craters for impactor particle dimensions and mass was based upon laboratory experimental simulations using projectiles less than >10 μm in diameter and the resulting linear relationship of projectile to crater diameter was extrapolated to smaller sizes. We now describe a new experimental calibration program firing very small monodisperse silica projectiles (470 nm–10 μm) at approximately 6 km s?1. The results show an unexpected departure from linear relationship between 1 and 10 μm. We collated crater measurement data and, where applicable, impactor residue data for 596 craters gathered during the postmission preliminary examination phase. Using the new calibration, we recalculate the size of the particle responsible for each crater and hence reinterpret the cometary dust size distribution. We find a greater flux of small particles than previously reported. From crater morphology and residue composition of a subset of craters, the internal structure and dimensions of the fine dust particles are inferred and a “maximum‐size” distribution for the subgrains composing aggregate particles is obtained. The size distribution of the small particles derived directly from the measured craters peaks at approximately 175 nm, but if this is corrected to allow for aggregate grains, the peak in subgrain sizes is at <100 nm.  相似文献   
Numerous dykes of ultramafic lamprophyre (aillikite, mela-aillikite,damtjernite) and subordinate dolomite-bearing carbonatite withU–Pb perovskite emplacement ages of 590–555 Ma occurin the vicinity of Aillik Bay, coastal Labrador. The ultramaficlamprophyres principally consist of olivine and phlogopite phenocrystsin a carbonate- or clinopyroxene-dominated groundmass. Ti-richprimary garnet (kimzeyite and Ti-andradite) typically occursat the aillikite type locality and is considered diagnosticfor ultramafic lamprophyre–carbonatite suites. Titanianaluminous phlogopite and clinopyroxene, as well as comparativelyAl-enriched but Cr–Mg-poor spinel (Cr-number < 0.85),are compositionally distinct from analogous minerals in kimberlites,orangeites and olivine lamproites, indicating different magmageneses. The Aillik Bay ultramafic lamprophyres and carbonatiteshave variable but overlapping 87Sr/86Sri ratios (0·70369–0·70662)and show a narrow range in initial Nd (+0·1 to +1·9)implying that they are related to a common type of parentalmagma with variable isotopic characteristics. Aillikite is closestto this primary magma composition in terms of MgO (15–20wt %) and Ni (200–574 ppm) content; the abundant groundmasscarbonate has 13CPDB between –5·7 and –5,similar to primary mantle-derived carbonates, and 18OSMOW from9·4 to 11·6. Extensive melting of a garnet peridotitesource region containing carbonate- and phlogopite-rich veinsat 4–7 GPa triggered by enhanced lithospheric extensioncan account for the volatile-bearing, potassic, incompatibleelement enriched and MgO-rich nature of the proto-aillikitemagma. It is argued that low-degree potassic silicate to carbonatiticmelts from upwelling asthenosphere infiltrated the cold baseof the stretched lithosphere and solidified as veins, therebycrystallizing calcite and phlogopite that were not in equilibriumwith peridotite. Continued Late Neoproterozoic lithosphericthinning, with progressive upwelling of the asthenosphere beneatha developing rift branch in this part of the North Atlanticcraton, caused further veining and successive remelting of veinsplus volatile-fluxed melting of the host fertile garnet peridotite,giving rise to long-lasting hybrid ultramafic lamprophyre magmaproduction in conjunction with the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent.Proto-aillikite magma reached the surface only after coatingthe uppermost mantle conduits with glimmeritic material, whichcaused minor alkali loss. At intrusion level, carbonate separationfrom this aillikite magma resulted in fractionated dolomite-bearingcarbonatites (13CPDB –3·7 to –2·7)and carbonate-poor mela-aillikite residues. Damtjernites maybe explained by liquid exsolution from alkali-rich proto-aillikitemagma batches that moved through previously reaction-lined conduitsat uppermost mantle depths. KEY WORDS: liquid immiscibility; mantle-derived magmas; metasomatism, Sr–Nd isotopes; U–Pb geochronology  相似文献   
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