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Petrographic and petrologic investigations of upper amphibolitefacies metacarbonates from the East Humboldt Range core complex,Nevada, provide important constraints on P-T-XCO2 conditionsand fluid flow during metamorphism. Three marble assemblagesare observed [(1)dol+cc+bt+cpx+q+ruscapkspamph; (2) cc+bt+cpx+plag+q+sphscapksp;(3) cc+cpx+plag+q+sphscapksp], all of which equilibrated withrelatively CO2-rich fluid compositions, at P-T conditions of6 kbar and 600–750C. The most recent equilibration eventis recorded in some calcsilicate gneisses where retrograde amphiboleand epidotegarnet replace clinopyroxene and plagioclase, respectively.This is attributed to infiltration of H2O-rich fluids at and/orafter peak metamorphic temperatures, which continued as therocks were cooled and rapidly uplifted after a Tertiary extension-relatedheating event. Likely sources for the retrograde fluids are the abundant pegmatiticleucogranites in the area. Volumetric fluid-rock ratios of 0.02–0.4are required to generate the retrograde assemblage, and observedleucogranite proportions are more than adequate to provide therequired volume of fluid. Estimates of retrograde fluid fluxesrange from 0.25 to 5102 cm3/cm2 for a transient temperaturegradient of 5C/m, to 3103 to 7104 cm3/cm2 for a temperaturegradient of 35C/km. These gradients are characteristic of askarn-type contact metamorphic environment and a regional crustalgeotherm, respectively. They imply different time-scales andlength-scales for the retrograde fluid flow system, with theformer more akin to a contact metamorphic setting with local,meter-scale retrograde fluid flow, and the latter to a regionalmetamorphic setting with regionally high mid- and lower-crustaltemperatures and fluid flow throughout a significant thicknessof the middle crust. Higher gradients are considered more likelygiven the proximity of leucogranites to retrogressed calc-silicategneisses, and the resultant relatively small fluxes are consistentwith a magmatic source. The length-scale of reaction within the retrograde fluid flowsystem was of the order of meters to hundreds of meters andinvolved both pervasive and (later) fracture-controlled down-temperatureflow. Retrograde fluid flow in this terrance, as well as othersdominated by magmatic volatiles, is in the form of multiplediscrete bursts of fluid released in a discontinuous mannerpotentially over long periods of time (1–10 Ma) with locallyvariable thermal gradients along the flow path.  相似文献   
Abstract– A Devonian siltstone from Orkney, Scotland, shows survival of biomarkers in high‐velocity impact experiments. The biomarkers were detected in ejecta fragments from experiments involving normal incidence of steel projectiles at 5–6 km s?1, and in projectile fragments from impact experiments into sand and water at 2–5 km s?1. The associated peak shock pressures were calculated to be in the range of 110–147 GPa for impacts of the steel projectiles into the siltstone target, and hydrocode simulations are used to show the variation of peak pressure with depth in the target and throughout the finite volume projectiles. Thermally sensitive biomarker ratios, including ratios of hopanoids and steranes, and the methylphenanthrene ratio, showed an increase in thermal maturity in the ejecta, and especially the projectile, fragments. Measurement of absolute concentrations of selected biomarkers indicates that changes in biomarker ratios reflect synthesis of new material rather than selective destruction. Their presence in ejecta and projectile fragments suggests that fossil biomarkers may survive hypervelocity impacts, and that experiments using biomarker‐rich rock have high potential for testing survival of organic matter in a range of impact scenarios.  相似文献   
Macquarie Island is an exposure above sea-level of part of thecrest of the Macquarie Ridge. The ridge marks the Australia–Pacificplate boundary south of New Zealand, where the plate boundaryhas evolved progressively since Eocene times from an oceanicspreading system into a system of long transform faults linkedby short spreading segments, and currently into a right-lateralstrike-slip plate boundary. The rocks of Macquarie Island wereformed during spreading at this plate boundary in Miocene times,and include intrusive rocks (mantle and cumulate peridotites,gabbros, sheeted dolerite dyke complexes), volcanic rocks (N-to E-MORB pillow lavas, picrites, breccias, hyaloclastites),and associated sediments. A set of Macquarie Island basalticglasses has been analysed by electron microprobe for major elements,S, Cl and F; by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy forH2O; by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma massspectrometry for trace elements; and by secondary ion mass spectrometryfor Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes. An outstanding compositional featureof the data set (47·4–51·1 wt % SiO2, 5·65–8·75wt % MgO) is the broad range of K2O (0·1–1·8wt %) and the strong positive covariation of K2O with otherincompatible minor and trace elements (e.g. TiO2 0·97–2·1%;Na2O 2·4–4·3%; P2O5 0·08–0·7%;H2O 0·25–1·5%; La 4·3–46·6ppm). The extent of enrichment in incompatible elements in glassescorrelates positively with isotopic ratios of Sr (87Sr/86Sr= 0·70255–0·70275) and Pb (206Pb/204Pb =18·951–19·493; 207Pb/204Pb = 15·528–15·589;208Pb/204Pb = 38·523–38·979), and negativelywith Nd (143Nd/144Nd = 0·51310–0·51304).Macquarie Island basaltic glasses are divided into two compositionalgroups according to their mg-number–K2O relationships.Near-primitive basaltic glasses (Group I) have the highest mg-number(63–69), and high Al2O3 and CaO contents at a given K2Ocontent, and carry microphenocrysts of primitive olivine (Fo86–89·5).Their bulk compositions are used to calculate primary melt compositionsin equilibrium with the most magnesian Macquarie Island olivines(Fo90·5). Fractionated, Group II, basaltic glasses aresaturated with olivine + plagioclase ± clinopyroxene,and have lower mg-number (57–67), and relatively low Al2O3and CaO contents. Group I glasses define a seriate variationwithin the compositional spectrum of MORB, and extend the compositionalrange from N-MORB compositions to enriched compositions thatrepresent a new primitive enriched MORB end-member. Comparedwith N-MORB, this new end-member is characterized by relativelylow contents of MgO, FeO, SiO2 and CaO, coupled with high contentsof Al2O3, TiO2, Na2O, P2O5, K2O and incompatible trace elements,and has the most radiogenic Sr and Pb regional isotope composition.These unusual melt compositions could have been generated bylow-degree partial melting of an enriched mantle peridotitesource, and were erupted without significant mixing with commonN-MORB magmas. The mantle in the Macquarie Island region musthave been enriched and heterogeneous on a very fine scale. Wesuggest that the mantle enrichment implicated in this studyis more likely to be a regional signature that is shared bythe Balleny Islands magmatism than directly related to the hypotheticalBalleny plume itself. KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridge basalts; Macquarie Island; glass; petrology; geochemistry  相似文献   
Dark mottles are a prominent and widespread feature of the regressive, cyclic, shallow marine limestones which form the late Asbian succession in many parts of Britain. The colour difference which defines mottles in outcrop is caused by distinct but often subtle petrographic differences in the limestone fabric. Specifically, mottles contain a light brown coloured opaque inclusion-rich calcite spar with characteristic dull brown luminescence; ‘mottle spar’. Outside mottle margins this calcite spar is absent, with clear inequant blocky cements forming the pore filling phase. ‘Mottle spar’ comprises a fabric of irregular crystals predominantly 5–40 μm in diameter, with more regular crystals up to 100 μm diameter often occurring in intraparticle and large interparticle pores. Under cathodoluminescence, ‘mottle spar’ displays crystal morphologies and growth patterns which indicate that both localized neomorphism and patchy cementation contributed to mottle formation. Cathodoluminescence cement stratigraphy shows that ‘mottle spar’ pre-dates all other major pore filling cements in the local Asbian succession, but post-dates marine micritization. ‘Mottle spar’ sharply defines the moulds of former aragonitic allochems which are now filled by the later clear, inequant spar cements. This shows that aragonite dissolution occurred after the formation of ‘mottle spar’. Mottles in calcretes contain unaltered allochems which have been protected from the effects of subaerial micritization by ‘mottle spar’, although mottles are often affected by subaerial brecciation. This evidence shows that mottles formed during early diagenesis; after marine micritization, but before dissolution of aragonite, subaerial exposure and meteoritic phreatic cementation. Mottles represented lithified patches of very low porosity which are interpreted to have formed in the marine/freshwater mixing zone, during the repeated phases of regression and emergence in the late Asbian.  相似文献   
Phonolitic Diatremes within the Dunedin Volcano, South Island, New Zealand   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The Port Chalmers Breccia is a vent-filling, clastic volcanicunit exposed within the Miocene Dunedin Volcano of South Island,New Zealand. Clasts (up to in excess of 1 m but generally <20cm) are supported in ash and fine lapilli of phonolitic (ne-benmoreiteor tephro-phonolite) composition and the dominant clast type(55 to almost 100%) is also phonolitic. Less abundant lithologiesinclude ne-normative basalt (basanite), hawaiite, mugeariteand trachyandesite, syenites and microsyenites, coarse-grainedmafic (gabbros) and ultramafic rocks (pyroxenites, hornblendites),schists and sediments. The breccias were emplaced as diatremesassociated with localized, but highly explosive, eruptive eventsin which mantle-derived CO2 was an important component. Thesyenitic and ultramafic clasts could represent intrusive suitesproduced by crystal fractionation acting on parental ne-benmoreitemagmas that may themselves have been derived by crystal fractionationfrom basanitic precursors. An alternative variation on thismodel is that the parental ne-benmoreites were generated throughpartial melting of an alkalic igneous underplate. Sr, Nd andPb isotopic compositions are strikingly similar to those ofintraplate igneous rocks, ranging in age from 100 to less than10 Ma, from elsewhere in the South Island, and New Zealand'ssub-Antarctic islands, the south Tasman Sea and the Ross Searegion. This regional, HIMU-influenced, isotopic signature isbelieved to be derived from within the lithospheric mantle. KEY WORDS: phonolite; diatreme; nepheline syenite; Dunedin Volcano; alkalic rocks; fractional crystallization  相似文献   
Material collected over a month on plates attached to the bed of the Afon Goch, Anglesey, a stream highly contaminated by acid mine drainage (AMD), was either examined intact by electron microscopy or suspended and cultured to reveal the presence of microbiota. Certain of the aerobic microbiota were identified, the genus Pseudomonas formed the commonest isolate and cultures of Serratia plymuthica were grown in order to compare the biofilms formed with the material collected in the Afon Goch. The material at the sediment–water interface of the Afon Goch was of similar underlying morphology to that of the cultured biofilms. However, the former had a superficial granular coating of equidimensional (60–100 nm) and evenly spaced iron rich particles (determined by X-ray microanalysis). The sediment–water interface of this AMD-contaminated stream is therefore best described as a highly contaminated biofilm. Evidence from previous work suggests that the streambed is active in iron removal from the water column. The intimate association of iron with microbiota at the streambed, therefore, implies that iron flux prediction may not be possible from physical and chemical data alone but requires knowledge of biofilm physiology and ecology. Microbially mediated metal precipitation, both by single bacteria and by biofilms, has been reported elsewhere but mass balance considerations suggest that this explanation cannot hold good for the large amounts of iron hydroxide depositing from waters of the prevalent pH and redox status. Filtered stream water analyses indicate the presence of colloidal iron hydroxide and also its removal downstream where ochreous (iron hydroxide rich) material accumulates. The process of iron immobilization is likely to be the attraction and physical trapping of colloidal iron hydroxide by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) which constitute the matrix of biofilms. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Vedde Ash (c. 10 300 14 C BP) provides a key time-parallel marker horizon within the Younger Dryas chronozone or GS-1 event of the GRIP stratigraphy. Until recently, the known distribution of wind-blown Vedde Ash outside Iceland was restricted to the west coast of Norway, off-shore sequences close to the Outer Hebrides and the Greenland summit GRIP ice core. The first discoveries of the Vedde Ash in Scotland were reported in 1997, following the development of a new technique for extracting rhyolitic micro-tephra particles from minerogenic deposits. Here we report on the discovery of the Vedde Ash at additional sites in Scotland and at sites in southern Sweden. The concentration of tephra particles in sediments is highest in sites in western Norway, but is also relatively high in sites in southwestern Sweden, suggesting that the main ash cloud travelled eastwards from its volcanic source of Katla, in southern Iceland. Electron microprobe analyses do not indicate any clear geochemical evolution within the samples reported here.  相似文献   
Glaciotectonic structures in subglacial till and substrate, as well as stone fabric, provenance and surface features in till, indicate that complex interactions of late Wisconsinan glacial lobes occurred along a mountain front in the western Fraser Lowland of southwestern British Columbia. Tills of this study represent subglacial deposition through the maxima of two stades in the Fraser Glaciation, the Coquitlam and the Vashon. Through each stadial maximum, temperate glacial ice was grounded and commonly overrode proglacial outwash while superimposing deformations in subglacial till during three phases: (1) pre-maximum glacier flow down valleys and into lowland piedmont ice, (2) coalescent piedmont ice during stadial maxima when flow was westward along the mountain front and across valley mouths, and (3) post-maximum glacier flow down valleys into lowland piedmont ice but prior to general deglaciation. Valley glaciers appear to have shifted flow directions during phases 1 and 3. During stadial maxima (phase 2), Fraser Lowland piedmont ice may have been part of an outlet glacier-ice stream complex that terminated in salt water over the continental shelf.  相似文献   
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