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Laser diffraction is now widely used for particle size distribution analysis of sediments and soils. The technique can be very precise, and offers advantages of speed and cost over many other methods when used to analyse mixtures of sand, silt and clay. This study presents the results of an experimental investigation that examined the sensitivity of the Beckman-Coulter LS230 instrument to mixtures of different grain populations and differences in particle shape. The instrument was found to have high sensitivity to coarse particles in a finer matrix (detection threshold 1–2%), but much lower sensitivity to finer particles in a coarser mixture (detection threshold 12–17%). Experiments using near-spherical ballotini showed that laser analysis provides very similar values to dry sieving for the mean, median and mode, but for a range of natural sand samples values for the mean, median and mode were offset by 8–21%, with an average of ca 15%, compared with sieving. Analysis using a Beckman-Coulter RapidVUE instrument, which provides both size and shape information, provided support for the hypothesis that the differences between laser analysis and sieving are partly attributable to the effects of particle shape. However, an additional factor is the way in which the laser software interprets the optical diffraction data. The software predicts a high degree of log-normality in the size distribution, such that highly skewed, truncated or bimodal samples are poorly represented. Experiments using sieved fractions of ballotini indicated that, even with near-perfectly spherical particles, the particle size distribution predicted by the laser software includes a relatively large percentage of particles outside the sieve class limits.  相似文献   
Thirteen samples from three cores and boreholes are examined using micromorphology to test existing interpretations of Late Quaternary sedimentary sequences from the Norwegian Channel, North Sea Fan and the North Sea Plateau. Previous studies have interpreted these sediments using arbitrary parameters as reflecting Late Weichselian subglacial and glacimarine conditions associated with the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and Norwegian Channel ice stream. This study develops existing micromorphological criteria to interpret the samples as reflecting specific processes of subglacial deformation and proximal and distal glacimarine sedimentation during and subsequent to the Last Glacial Maximum. The study concludes by outlining diagnostic criteria for the identification of these sediment types from core and borehole samples of other Quaternary sediments.  相似文献   
Inter-seasonal rainfall variability is evaluated as a potential source of much needed information for agroecological or agroclimatological classifications. For some food crop production areas, inter-seasonal rainfall variability appears to dominate decisions in the crop-production strategy. We constructed 31 years worth of seasonal rainfall surfaces for Zimbabwe using techniques as described by Hutchinson (1995) and his software ANUSPLIN. We evaluated these surfaces in an effort to describe the main rainfall period (October to March) for Zimbabwe in terms of rainfall variability. Our results were then put into the context of an agroecological study which produced a Natural Regions map for Zimbabwe. GIS technology enables the synthesis and integration of many more data than was possible in a pre-computer era and robust rainfall variability surfaces contribute towards improved agroecological and agroclimatological classifications for planning (natural resource management and agricultural) purposes. GIS technology also enables a shift in the design of such agroecological or agroclimatological studies: dynamic characterization can readily produce objective specific classifications, classifications which use the wealth of data readily accessible in a GIS to produce maps and databases reflecting specific boundary conditions.  相似文献   
Myths help resolve differences in the policy process. The Resource Management Act 1991 is underpinned by four linked policy myths. ideas about resources, sustainable management, integration and rational planning. Implementing the Act will require acknowledging the myths in order to relieve conflicts inherent in the legislation.  相似文献   
HARLEY  SIMON L. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(5):1059-1095
Granulites from the Rauer Group, East Antarctica, were metamorphosedat 860?40?C during a high-grade tectonothermal episode youngerthan 1400 Ma and probably close to 1000 Ma in age. A spatialvariation of pressures of metamorphism at the thermal peak iscalculated for felsic and mafic granulites preserving garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclaseassemblages with or without additional clinopyroxene and quartz.Pressures of 6 to 7.5 kb are derived for the northern partsof the Rauer Group, whereas 7–8?5 kb pressures are calculatedfor similar granulites some 10–20 km further south. Post-deformational reaction textures including orthopyroxene-plagioclasesymplectites after garnet in basic granulites and plagioclasemoats or rims on garnet and orthopyroxene in felsic granulitesindicate a decompressional pressure-temperature-time evolution(P-T-t) which is confirmed by garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase-quartzand garnet-orthopyroxene barometry of zoned and regrown minerals.A pervasive decompression through c. 2 to 3–5 kb in thenorthern Rauer Group and to 5–6 kb in the southern partof the region occurred at temperatures above 700?C and probablyin excess of 750?C. This P-T evolution, which indicates a uniformunroofing of some 6–9 km while quite high mid- to lower-crustaltemperatures only decreased by c. 100?C, is consistent withthe later stages of a prolonged collision-related thermal evolution.Comparisons of the P-T-t paths of the late Proterozoic granulitesfrom the Rauer Group and elsewhere in East Antarctica with calculatedP-T paths for simple collisional models where erosion terminatesthe heating phase show that externally- derived magmatic additionsand an enhanced total heat budget are necessary to produce theobserved high-temperature evolution.  相似文献   
A pyroclastic tuff from the Velay volcanic province in the FrenchMassif Central contains blocks up to 30 cm long of local basementrocks, lava clasts, coarse-grained cumulates and pyroclasticfragments, with more or less diffuse boundaries with the hosttuff, which probably represent more consolidated parts of thetuff. All of the pyroclastics examined and approximately 10%of the cumulate xenoliths contain carbonates in variable amounts,textures and mineralogy. In some of the tuff samples, dolomiteoccurs in large amounts (up to 57%), principally as immiscibleglobules in trachytic melt (now glass), and represents the firstoccurrence of carbonatite reported from the Massif Central.The other carbonates, magnesiosiderite in the mafic cumulatesor occasionally in some tuffs, and calcite in the felsic cumulates,are always associated with a silicate glass of trachytic composition.Coexisting feldspars and carbonates in the various types ofsample are approximately in Sr isotopic equilibrium with aninitial ratio of about 0·7042. C- and O-isotopic compositionsof the carbonates covary and cover a very wide range of compositionfrom -2·9 to 3·9  相似文献   
Detailed geochronological, structural and petrological studies reveal that the geological evolution of the Field Islands area, East Antarctica, was substantially similar to that of the adjacent Archaean Napier Complex, though with notable differences in late and post Archaean times. These differences reflect the area's proximity to the Proterozoic Rayner Complex and consequent vulnerability to tectonic process involved in the formation of the latter. Distinctive structural features of the Field Islands are (1) consistent development of a discordant, pervasive S3 axial-plane foliation; (2) re-orientation of S3 axial planes to approximate to the subsequent E-W tectonic trend of the nearby Rayner Complex; (3) selective retrogression by a post-D3 static thermal overprint; and (4) relatively common development of retrogressive, E-W-trending, mylonitic shear zones. Peak metamorphic conditions in excess of 800°C at 900 ± 100 M Pa (9 kbar) were attained at one locality following, but probably close to the time of D2 folding. D3 took place in late Archaean times when metamorphic temperatures were about 650°C and pressures were about 600 MPa (6 kbar). Later, temperatures of 600 ± 50°C and pressures of 700 MPa (7kbar) were attained in an amphibolite-facies event, presumably associated with the widespread granulite to amphibolite-facies metamorphism and intense deformation involved in the formation of the Rayner Complex at about 1100 Ma. The area was subsequently subjected to near-isothermal uplift. Rb-Sr isotopic data indicate that the pervasive D3 fabric developed at about 2400–2500 Ma, and this age can be further refined to 2456+8-5 Ma by concordant zircon analyses from a syn-D3 pegmatite. All zircons were affected by only minor (<7–10%) Pb loss and/or new zircon growth during the Rayner event at about 1100Ma. Thus the 450–850 μg/gU concentrations of these zircons were too low to cause sufficient lattice damage over the 1350 Ma (from 2450 Ma) for excessive Pb to be lost during the 1100 Ma event. The emplacement of pegmatite at 522 ± 10 Ma substantially changed the Rb-Sr systematics of the only analysed rock that developed a penetrative fabric during the 1100 Ma event. Monazite in this pegmatite contains an inherited Pb component, which probably resides in small opaque inclusions. A good correlation is found between Rb-Sr total-rock ages and rock fabric. U-Pb zircon intercepts with concordia also mostly correspond to known events. However, in one example a near perfect alignment of zircon analyses, probably developed by mixing of unrelated components, produced concordia intercepts that appear to have no direct geochronological significance.  相似文献   
Palaeosols associated with exposure surfaces in Mississippian platform carbonate sequences in Britain invariably show evidence for later alteration by sea water. These alteration effects can be attributed to flooding of the emergent platforms during transgressions that terminated exposure surface development. A study of 230 palaeosol profiles representing 60 stratigraphic levels has revealed a two fold division of these marine hydromorphic effects. Palaeosols in ramp sequences (Chadian-Arundian stages) are capped by ferroan dolomite horizons with carbonized rootlets, pyrite and thin coals. The ferroan dolomites exhibit δ13C and δ18O values indicative of formation in brackish waters. These are interpreted as coastal marshes that developed landward of a transgressive shoreline. Younger Asbian-Brigantian palaeosols lack these dolomites but have been extensively pyritised. The pyrite also developed through marine hydromorphic alteration but flooding was relatively instantaneous over the flat topped platforms. These differences in flooding history reflect both different platform configuration and more rapid transgressions during the Asbian-Brigantian, likely a result of glacio-eustatic effects. Flooding characteristics of the Asbian-Brigantian platforms differ from those associated with late Cainozoic examples, apparently because complete platform rims were not developed. Similar mineralogical alteration effects are likely to be common in other platform sequences in the geological record, but have not been documented.  相似文献   
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