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Debris in basal ice produced by glaciohydraulic supercooling is typically characterized by high proportions of silt. A prominent hypothesis for this silt‐dominance is that frazil ice growing in supercooled water preferentially traps silt from sediment‐laden water percolating through it. It has therefore been suggested that silt‐dominance may be diagnostic of glaciohydraulic supercooling. The aim of our work is to test this hypothesis that freezing sediment‐laden supercooled water necessarily produces ice dominated by silt. We do this by simulating two freezing processes under laboratory conditions: (1) percolation of sediment‐laden water through frazil ice; (2) turbulent supercooling and subsequent freezing of sediment‐laden water. In experiments repeated using different particle sizes (sand, silt and clay in individual experiments) both processes entrained sand most effectively and silt least effectively. In experiments using a sediment mixture dominated by medium to coarse silt, both processes produced ice facies dominated by particle sizes between fine sand and coarse silt. These results suggest that silt‐dominance should therefore not be expected for supercooled freeze‐on, and is not a reliable diagnostic signature for supercooling. The silt‐dominated character of basal ice types associated with supercooling may result from other controls such as a silt‐dominated sediment supply or subglacial water flow rates, rather than the freezing process.  相似文献   
Results of empirical research undertaken in New Zealand to determine public perceptions of natural character in the biophysical environment are presented and related to recent theoretical literature. The research comprised two distinct case studies using Q method and photographs, in which participants evaluated natural character in terms of their own landscape experiences by ranking the photographs in order of preference. The results confirm prevailing responses to nature recently specified in North American literature, and have some policy implications for environmental management in New Zealand.  相似文献   
Bivalve, brachiopod and cirripede faunas from the latest Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Barents Sea boreholes 7320/3-U-l and 7425/9-U-l are systematically described and illustrated. Microfossils have also been studied and the cores arc dated on the basis of the fossil recovery. The bivalve Buchia whose zonal sequence has been used for correlation of boreal marine sections is the most important biostratigraphic marker group in the condensed Boreal Berriasian-Hauterivian intervals of these cores. A new species of cirripede Zeugmatolepas? borealis Collins sp. nov. and dinoflagellate cyst Muderongia aequicornus Århus sp. nov. are described.
The Late Jurassic fine-grained elastics of core 7320/3-U-l are overlain by about 3 m of grey dolomitic limestone of Valanginian and Hauterivian age. The lowermost part of 7425/9-U-l is represented by a latest Volgian-earliest Berriasian fossiliferous greyish green marl. It is followed by a reddish brown fossilifcrous claystone of Berriasian and perhaps partly Valanginian age. Core 7425/9-U-l also contains a mainly Valanginian greyish green marly limestone which changes into a dark grey to black limestone of Early Barremian age in its upper part. The sedimentological change from condensation to dark grey clay deposition took place in the middle Barremian H. rude-fissicostatum ammonite Zone in 7425/9-U-l and probably slightly earlier in 7320/3-U-l. This was commenced at about the same time as deposition of the inaccurately and only indirectly dated fluvio-deltaic Festningen Sandstone Member on Spitsbergen. The dark claystone may thus be a distal equivalent to this sandstone unit.  相似文献   
In this comment we argue that the premise on which the peat mound model developed by Armstrong (Earth Surface Process and Landforms, 1995, 20 , 473–477) is based, that hydraulic conductivity shows an exponential decline with depth in bog peats, is unsound. Empirical evidence in the literature for such an exponential decline is less sound than Armstrong suggests. In addition, Armstrong's suggestion that the hypothesis of Baird and Gaffney (Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1995, 20 , 561–566) supports an exponential decline is shown to be erroneous.  相似文献   
Abstract— We studied three fluffy Type A refractory inclusions from Allende that contain orange hibonite. The melilite in the present samples is very Al‐rich, averaging Åk6, Åk14, and Åk12 in the three samples studied. Hibonite in two inclusions, unlike that in Murchison, has low rare earth element abundances of <10 × CI; in the other inclusion, the hibonite, melilite and perovskite have Group II‐like patterns. The hibonite and melilite in all three inclusions studied have excess 26Mg consistent with (26Al/27Al)I = 5 × 10?5. Much of the hibonite and some of the spinel in these inclusions is corroded. These phases are found enclosed in melilite, but based on bulk compositions and phase equilibria, hibonite should not be an early‐crystallizing phase in these inclusions. We conclude that the hibonite and probably some of the spinel is relic. Reversely zoned melilite, rounded spinel and isotopically heavy Mg in the inclusions probably reflect reheating events that involved melting and evaporation. Alteration of the gehlenitic melilite gave rise to some rare phases, including corundum and nearly pure CaTs pyroxene. Studies have shown that blue hibonite contains Ti3+ while orange hibonite does not (Ihinger and Stolper, 1986; Beckett et al., 1988). Orange hibonite formed either under oxidizing conditions (such as at oxygen fugacities at least seven orders of magnitude greater than that of a solar gas at 1700 K), or under conditions reducing enough (e.g., solar) that it contained Ti3+, which was later oxidized in situ. Although V and Ce oxides are volatile at the temperature and range of oxygen fugacities at which orange hibonite is known to be stable, we find that (a) the hibonite is V‐rich (~1 wt% V2O3) and (b) there are no negative Ce anomalies in Allende hibonite. This indicates that the hibonite did not form by condensation under oxidizing conditions. In addition, there are slight excesses of Ti + Si cations relative to Mg + Fe cations (up to 0.1 of 0.8 cations per 19 oxygen anions), probably reflecting the original presence of Ti3+. The results of this study strongly support the suggestion (Ihinger and Stolper, 1986) that Allende hibonite originally formed under reducing conditions and was later oxidized. Oxygen fugacities within ~2–3 orders of magnitude of that of a solar gas are implied; otherwise, strong Ce and V depletions would be observed.  相似文献   
Garnet-orthopyroxene bearing granulite assemblages from theArchaean Napier Complex, Enderby Land, Antarctica, display avariety of exsolution, recrystallization and corona textureswhich result both from near-isobaric cooling from the peak ofmetamorphism and from later overprinting. Compositional dataon distinct generations of phases and on zoning patterns incoexisting minerals, have been used to estimate (a) peak metamorphicconditions attained between the first and second major deformationphases (Dl and D2); (b) cooling paths from this peak, and (c)ambient metamorphic conditions at the time of a later deformation(D3). Experimentally calibrated geothermobarometers indicateinitial metamorphism at 900–950?C and 7–10 kb duringand subsequent to Dl and D2, at 3100–3000 Ma. The presentlyexposed granulites indicate a regional increase in the pressuresof this metamorphism south-west to the Scott Mountains-CaseyBay region, where minimum crustal thicknesses of 10 kb wereattained at c. 3000 Ma. Subsequently, the Napier Complex granulitesevolved through a prolonged period of near-isobaric coolingprior to further metamorphism at 600–750 and 4–8kb during D3 at c. 2500 Ma. The near-isobaric pressure-temperature-timepath (P-T-t) suggests that the Napier Complex acted as an essentiallystable craton as early as 3000 Ma, and that the major magmaticand tectonic crustal thickening events associated with Dl precededthe thermal peak represented by the earliest recognized metamorphism.  相似文献   
Within high-density flood flows a prominent mechanism of gravel transport and deposition is by stream-driven, high-density traction carpet (with a rheology similar to grain flow). These gravel carpets are envisaged to form the basal portion of a bipartite high-density flood flow, decoupled from an overlying sand- and silt-laden turbulent flow. Several examples already documented in the literature are reviewed and an additional case from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of southwest Ireland is presented. Two mechanisms of traction carpet initiation are discussed: by rapid entrainment of gravel into suspension on rising stage, followed by settling into the gravel traction carpet at peak and falling stage; and by overconcentration of a ‘normal’, low-density bedload. Gravel entrainment, suspension and traction carpet development are significantly easier if the flood water already carries a high concentration of sand and silt in suspension. Theoretical consideration further shows that gravelly traction carpets can be maintained in channels of relatively low gradient by the shear stress exerted by the high-density, sand-bearing turbulent flood flow above. This tangential shear stress is converted to dispersive pressure, which aids buoyancy and quasi-static grain-to-grain contacts in the support of the clasts within the gravel carpet. The carpet is thought to have a quasi-plastic rheology but behave much like a viscous fluid at high shear rates. Stream-driven gravelly traction carpets are expected to produce sheet-like units of clast- to matrix-supported conglomerate, characterized by a parallel or an a(p)a(i) clast fabric. These units may be ungraded, normally or inversely graded, depending on the rate of shear, the viscosity of the flow and the celerity of deposition.  相似文献   
Considerable Quaternary environmental reconstruction for the high Drakensberg is based on geomorphological and sedimentological work undertaken along the northern aspects of the Sekhokong mountain range of eastern Lesotho. Given that no previous investigations have focused on the southern aspects, this paper documents the observed geomorphology and provides a more complete palaeo-environmental picture for this range. Data on the morphology, sedimentology and micromorphology for two linear debris ridges are presented. It is demonstrated that the two ridges are most likely moraines originating from a small niche glacier. The combined use of macro- and micro-scale sedimentology is proven to be an essential tool in ascribing a glacial process origin for the landforms, given the complex depositional history they have undergone. AMS ages obtained from the deposits (14 700 cal. yrs bp and 19 350 cal. yrs bp ) places these in the time-scale of the Last Glacial Maximum. The study demonstrates rather contrasting aspect-controlled palaegeomorphological environments along the Sekhokong range, which is also reflected in the dissimilar contemporary biophysical micro-environments. It is suggested that the south-facing slopes were dominated by glacial processes during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), as is evident from the moraines, while the proposition for previously described north-facing glacial cirques is rejected based on the absence of erosional/depositional evidence and greater insolation received on these warmerequator-facing slopes. Rather, we propose that the observed north-facing hollows are a product of a multitude of geomorphic processes spanning several tens to hundreds of thousands of years.  相似文献   
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