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Melt Generation by Plumes: A Study of Hawaiian Volcanism   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:9  
The mantle plume underlying the Hawaiian Swell has been modellednumerically using a stationary steady axisymmetric plume undera solid conducting lid. A method of calculating the rate ofmelt production from the plume has been developed, and the totalmelt production rate, the residual depth anomaly and the geoidanomaly have been used to constrain the model. The plume hasa central potential temperature of 1558 ?C and the mechanicalboundary layer is 72 km thick. An average of 6?6% melting occursin a melt-producing region which has a vertical extent of 55km and a radial extent of 130 km to produce 0?16 km3/y of melt.A parameterization of melt composition has been developed thatis consistent with laboratory experiments, with models of MORBgeneration, and with primitive Hawaiian tholeiites containing 16% MgO. There is no evidence that the major and minor elementconcentrations in the source region of Hawaiian tholeiites differfrom those in the source region of MORB. The model is consistentwith the REE contents of Kilauean tholeiites if the source regionhas primitive REE contents. The viscosity of the low-viscositylayer is constrained to be 1016m2/s.  相似文献   
Rare Earth Element Inversions and Percolation Models for Hawaii   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
WATSON  SARAH 《Journal of Petrology》1993,34(4):763-783
A detailed study has been made of the evolution with time ofthe mantle source and degree of melting required to producea typical Hawaiian volcano. The preshield stage involves a changefrom a depleted to a primitive mantle source and an increasein the melt fraction. Important intra- and inter-volcano variationsoccur during the shield stage which may be related to melt transportprocesses. With time, Mauna Loa's lavas show depletion in increasinglycompatible elements, a result which is consistent with percolationprocesses. Postshield magmas are generated by very small degreesof melting of a depleted mantle source and may be importantin the development of posterosional volcanism. Posterosionallavas can be generated by variable degrees of melting of anamphibole-bearing source that has been enriched by postshieldmagma. A simple percolation model is consistent with the isotopic evolutionof Hawaiian volcanoes. All of the observed isotopic variationseen between Hawaiian volcanoes may be produced from only twomantle sources by small variations in the percolation processes. * Present address: Department of Earth Sciences, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential of using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) in the field for environmental characterization, modelling and decision support particularly in isolated areas where data collection is difficult. Observations are based on experiences gained during two Anglo-Russian expeditions to the Altai Mountains of south central Siberia aimed at evaluating proposals for a new national park in the Katunsky Ridge area of the Belukha Massif. The use of GIS together with GPS (Global Positioning Systems) for primary data collection and verification/update of existing data is described and the use of field-based systems for on-the-spot environmental modelling and decision support is evaluated.  相似文献   
This paper presents a study on Manasbal lake, which is one of the high altitude lakes in the Kashmir Valley, India. Eighteen water samples were analysed for major ions and trace elements to assess the variability of water quality of the lake for various purposes. Geostatistics, the theory of regionalized variables, was then used to enhance the dataset and estimate some missing spatial values. Results indicated that the concentration of major ions in the water samples in winter was higher than in summer. The scatter diagrams suggested the dominance of alkaline earths over the alkali elements. Three types of water were identified in the lake that are referred to as Ca–HCO3, Mg–HCO3 and hybrid types. The lake water was found to be controlled by rock–water interaction with carbonate lithology as a dominant source of the solutes. The major (Ca2 + , Mg2 + , Na + , K + , NO3 and HCO3-{\rm{HCO}}_{3}^{-}, CO3 and Cl) and trace elements of the lake water were within the World Health Organization standards, therefore the lake water was considered chemically safe for drinking purposes. Although NO3 concentration (ranging from 1.72 to 2 mg/L), is within the permissible limit and not very alarming, the gradually increasing trend is not acceptable. It is however, important to guard its spatio-temporal variability as the water is used for domestic as well as agricultural purposes. This study is significant as hydrogeological information on such high altitude lakes in India is scanty.  相似文献   
Farm households in New Zealand have responded to the changing political and economic environment since the mid-1980s in a variety of ways. This paper explores the various farm adjustment strategies adopted by farm households in Waihemo (East Otago) and ways in which these influence both the household and enterprise domains of the family farm unit. It examines the complex interrelationships between specific farm adjustments, drawing attention to the ways in which these are redefining the nature of family farming in the area.  相似文献   
This paper examines the status of efforts to implement GIS in Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) education in the United States. Factors promoting and impeding the growth and diffusion of GIS are identified and suggestions for action on the part of higher education GIS specialists are made. In the United States more science teachers have adopted GIS geography/social studies teachers for several reasons. These include science teacher preservice preparation and the essentially different natures of the respective disciplines. Preservice education and teachers' perceptions of geography emerge as key factors influencing the diffusion of GIS in K-12 classrooms. The need for on cognition and GIS before effective curricula and instruction can be developed is emphasized. Three strategies directed at higher education GIS specialists may help implement this eduational innovation. They are: (1) modelling GIS instruction in content classes; (2) including GIS in preservice preparation classes; and (3) outreach to professors who tach educational technology to educate than regarding GIS. The addendum by Paul Heinrich which follows this paper compares US and UK experiences in the diffusion of GIS in elementary and secondary schools.  相似文献   
The Skye igneous centre, forming part of the British Tertiarymagmatic province, developed over a 7 Myr period (61–54Ma) and is characterized by a complex suite of lavas, hypabyssaland intrusive rocks of picritic to granitic composition. Theintrusion of magma from mantle to crust at 2x10–3km3/yr(6 Mt/yr) advected magmatic heat of roughly 0·2 GW averagedover the period of magmatism supporting an ‘excess’heat flux of about 130 mW/m2, or about twice the present-dayaverage continental heat flow. The volume of new crust generatedat Skye (15000 km3) spread over the present-day area of Skyecorresponds to 9 km of new crust. The geochemical evolutionof the Skye magmatic system is constrained using the Energy-ConstrainedRecharge, Assimilation, and Fractional Crystallization (EC-RAFC)model to understand variations in the Sr- and Pb-isotopic andSr trace-element composition of the exposed magmatic rocks withtime. The character (composition and specific enthalpy) of bothassimilant and recharge magma appears to change systematicallyup-section, suggesting that the magma reservoirs migrated toprogressively shallower levels as the system matured. The modelof the magma transport system that emerges is one in which magmabatches are stored initially at lower-crustal levels, wherethey undergo RAFC evolution. Residual magma from this stagethen migrates to shallower levels, where mid-crustal wall rockis assimilated; the recharge magma at this level is characterizedby an increasingly crustal signature. For some of the stratigraphicallyyoungest rocks, the data suggest that the magma reservoirs ascendedinto, and interacted with, upper-crustal Torridonian metasediments. KEY WORDS: assimilation; EC-RAFC model; geochemical modelling; magma recharge; Skye magmatism  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Many mountain peoples face water and environmental health problems. At particular risk is the health of women and of children who live in remote and marginalized mountain areas. Environmental health concerns are often associated with the waterborne parasitic and endemic diseases responsible for much child morbidity and mortality in the Karakoram‐Himalaya of northern Pakistan. Poor environmental health and water‐quality conditions affect child survival, and challenges to viable local interventions are severe. Transformations in women's productive and reproductive work have health consequences for children, and gender and household dynamics shape and mediate women's responses to environmental health risks. Significantly, these findings draw attention to the need for improved water and health policy, especially policy that recognizes different gender and child‐care roles in mountainous regions of the developing world.  相似文献   
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