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The atmosphere may be the most valuable resource on Earth and is worth orders of magnitude more to society than it costs as a hazard. However, the atmosphere, and information about the atmosphere, are increasingly being transformed from being considered as part of a global commons to being conceived of as a global commodity to be bought and sold. There are three basic types of atmospheric commodity: firstly, the material atmosphere itself; secondly, the physical properties of the atmosphere; and thirdly, data or information or predictions about the atmosphere. The global expenditure on national meteorological and climatological services and research has now been surpassed by the value of new economic instruments such as weather derivatives and climate emissions trading. Atmospheric scientists, climatologists and physical geographers need to be critically aware of what the consequences, both positive and negative, of these developments for science and society might be. This is particularly the case as climate change is increasingly providing new discourses for companies and governments to exploit as the atmosphere becomes a tradable green resource. This paper attempts to construct an initial critical framework of analysis drawing from broader literatures on the commodification of nature.  相似文献   
The hydrogen-to-carbon monoxide (H2/CO) emission ratio of anthropogenic combustion sources was determined from more than two years of quasi-continuous atmospheric observations in Heidelberg (49°24' N, 8°42' E), located in the polluted Rhein-Neckar region. Evaluating concurrent mixing ratio changes of H2 and CO during morning rush hours yielded mean molar H2/CO ratios of 0.40 ± 0.06, while respective results inferred from synoptic pollution events gave a mean value of 0.31 ± 0.05 mole H2/mole CO. After correction for the influence of the H2 soil sink on the measured ratios, mean values of 0.46 ± 0.07 resp. 0.48 ± 0.07 mole H2/mole CO were obtained, which are in excellent agreement with direct source studies of traffic emissions in the Heidelberg/Mannheim region (0.448 ± 0.003 mole H2/mole CO). Including results from other European studies, our best estimate of the mean H2/CO emission ratio from anthropogenic combustion sources (mainly traffic) ranges from 0.45 to 0.48 mole H2/mole CO, which is about 20% smaller than the value of 0.59 mole H2/mole CO which is frequently used as the basis to calculate global H2 emissions from anthropogenic combustion sources.  相似文献   
The dominant sink of atmospheric molecular hydrogen (H2) is its enzymatic destruction in soils. Quantitative estimates of the global sink strength, as derived from bottom-up process studies, are, however, still associated to large uncertainties. Here we present an alternative way to estimate atmosphere-to-soil flux densities, respectively deposition velocities of H2, based on atmospheric H2 and 222Rn observations in the boundary layer. Two and a half years of continuous measurements from a polluted site in the Rhine-Neckar area have been evaluated and night-time flux densities were calculated for situations of strong nocturnal boundary layer inversions using the Radon-Tracer Method. The influences from local anthropogenic combustion sources could be detected and successfully separated by parallel measurements of carbon monoxide. Inferred daily uptake fluxes in the Heidelberg catchment area range from 0.5 to 3 × 10−8 g H2 m−2 s−1 with a mean value of (1.28 ± 0.31) × 10−8 g H2 m−2 s−1. Uptake rates are about 25% larger during summer than during winter, when soil moisture is high, and diffusive transport of H2 into the soil is inhibited. The mean deposition velocity is 3.0 ± 0.7 × 10−2 cm s−1, which is very well in line with direct measurements on similar soil types in Europe and elsewhere.  相似文献   
Mineral and whole-rock chemical data for peridotite xenolithsin basaltic lavas on Spitsbergen are examined to reassess mechanismsof melt–fluid interaction with peridotites and their relativerole versus melt composition in mantle metasomatism. The enrichmentpatterns in the xenoliths on primitive mantle-normalized diagramsrange from Th–La–Ce ‘inflections’ inweakly metasomatized samples (normally without amphibole) toa continuous increase in abundances from Ho to Ce typical foramphibole-bearing xenoliths. Numerical modelling of interactionbetween depleted peridotites and enriched melts indicates thatthese patterns do not result from simple mixing of the two end-membersbut can be explained by chromatographic fractionation duringreactive porous melt flow, which produces a variety of enrichmentpatterns in a single event. Many metasomatized xenoliths havenegative high field strength element and Pb anomalies and Srspikes relative to rare earth elements of similar compatibility,and highly fractionated Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf. Although amphiboleprecipitation can produce Nb–Ta anomalies, some of thesefeatures cannot be attributed to percolation-related fractionationalone and have to be a signature of the initial melt (possiblycarbonate rich). In general, chemical and mineralogical fingerprintsof a metasomatic medium are strongest near its source (e.g.a vein) whereas element patterns farther in the metasomatic‘column’ are increasingly controlled by fractionationmechanisms. KEY WORDS: Spitsbergen; lithospheric mantle; metasomatism; trace elements; theoretical modelling  相似文献   
Two series of anhydrous experiments have been performed in anend-loaded piston cylinder apparatus on a primitive, mantle-derivedtholeiitic basalt at 1·0 GPa pressure and temperaturesin the range 1060–1330°C. The experimental data provideconstraints on phase equilibria, and solid and liquid compositionsalong the liquid line of descent of primary basaltic magmasdifferentiating in storage reservoirs located at the base ofthe continental crust. The first series are equilibrium crystallizationexperiments on a single basaltic bulk composition; the secondseries are fractionation experiments where near-perfect fractionalcrystallization was approached in a stepwise manner using 30°Ctemperature steps and starting compositions corresponding tothe liquid composition of the previous, higher-temperature glasscomposition. Liquids in the fractional crystallization experimentsevolve with progressive SiO2 increase from basalts to dacites,whereas the liquids in the equilibrium crystallization experimentsremain basaltic and display only a moderate SiO2 increase accompaniedby more pronounced Al2O3 enrichment. The principal phase equilibriacontrols responsible for these contrasting trends are suppressionof the peritectic olivine + liquid = opx reaction and earlierplagioclase saturation in the fractionation experiments comparedwith the equilibrium experiments. Both crystallization processeslead to the formation of large volumes of ultramafic cumulatesrelated to the suppression of plagioclase crystallization relativeto pyroxenes at high pressures. This is in contrast to low-pressurefractionation of tholeiitic liquids, where early plagioclasesaturation leads to the production of troctolites followed by(olivine-) gabbros at an early stage of differentiation. KEY WORDS: liquid line of descent; tholeiitic magmas; equilibrium crystallization; fractional crystallization  相似文献   
The nepheline-kalsilite exsolution reaction was studied isothermallybetween 400 and 700°C. Under nonaqueous conditions the mechanisminvolves nucleation of kalsilite and growth by diffusion ofthe alkalis. As predicted by simple nucleation theory, the nucleationrate and hence the over-all exsolution rate are strongly dependenton the supersaturation of the nepheline. A decrease in temperatureat constant composition increases the supersaturation and therebythe nucleation rate. This increased nucleation rate is opposedby the decrease in the growth rate due to slower volume diffusion.At a supersaturation of more than 8–10 mole per cent thenumber of nuclei is large and the over-all exsolution rate isdetermined primarily by the growth rate. The activation energyfor growth is 28 kcal/mole. An increase of two kilobars in thehydrostatic pressure has little effect on the kinetics of thereaction. Under nonhydrostatic conditions the exsolution rateincreases significantly because the nucleation rate is faster. Under hydrothermal conditions the ‘exsolution’ rateis approximately two orders of magnitude faster due to a modificationin the mechanism. Partial dissolution of the original solidsolution in distilled water creates a condition of nonequilibriumin which the fluid is sodium-rich. Rapid alkali exchange eliminatesthis condition but produces the equilibrium compositions ofthe solids because kalsilite nucleates and grows in contactwith the fluid. The experimental evidence for this mechanismincludes X-ray diffraction data showing a gradual change inthe composition of the initial supersaturated solid, essentiallyidentical activation energies for growth under aqueous and nonaqueousconditions, and a lower percentage of oxygen isotope exchangethan ‘exsolution’ in the same experiment.  相似文献   
The extent of multi‐year sea ice impacts climate processes worldwide, such as ocean–atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange and deep ocean current formation. Reconstructing these processes in the past, and assessing the distribution of ecologically and climatically significant features, such as polynas, requires recognition of sediments deposited under multi‐year sea ice, but little is known about their characteristics. Textural analysis of subaerial and sea floor sediment in Explorers Cove, McMurdo Sound, at the mouth of Taylor Valley, Antarctica, augmented with observations of sedimentary structures and faunal components, elucidates how sediment is transported to the sea floor and allows characterization of the deposits. Comparison of grain‐size characteristics of subaerial (moraine, delta and sea‐ice surface) sediment and sea floor sediment from short cores taken at depths of 7 to 25 m indicates that the likely source of the moderately to poorly sorted sea floor sand is deltaic sediment; small glacial meltwater streams have built deltas since Taylor Valley became ice‐free ca 7000 years ago. Windblown sediment accumulating on the multi‐year sea ice close to the coast typically is coarser grained than sediment on the sea floor; this suggests that the transport of sediment through the ice to the sea floor is not the predominant mode of sediment transfer. However, supra‐sea‐ice sediment does move to the sea floor through local fractures. The rate of sedimentation under multi‐year sea ice is low because of limited stream flow and biogenic sedimentation; the ice cover inhibits primary productivity and dampens waves, precluding physical re‐suspension. The upper centimetres of sea floor sediment are churned by epifaunal scallops and brittle stars that leave no telltale biogenic structures and whose calcite ossicles and shells may be poorly preserved. The resulting deposits under multi‐year sea ice are poorly sorted, massive sand that provides little evidence of the bioturbators that have masked the indicators of the original physical depositional processes.  相似文献   
Several spinel peridotite xenoliths from Spitsbergen have Sr–Ndisotopic compositions that plot to the right of the ‘mantlearray’ defined by oceanic basalts and the DM end-member(depleted mantle, with low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd).These xenoliths also show strong fractionation of elements withsimilar compatibility (e.g. high La/Ce), which cannot be producedby simple mixing of light rare earth element-depleted peridotiteswith ocean island basalt-type or other enriched mantle melts.Numerical simulations of porous melt flow in spinel peridotitesapplied to Sr–Nd isotope compositions indicate that thesefeatures of the Spitsbergen peridotites can be explained bychemical fractionation during metasomatism in the mantle. ‘Chromatographic’effects of melt percolation create a transient zone where thehost depleted peridotites have experienced enrichment in Sr(with a radiogenic isotope composition) but not in Nd, thusproducing Sr–Nd decoupling mainly controlled by partitioncoefficients and abundances of Sr and Nd in the melt and theperidotite. Therefore, Sr–Nd isotope decoupling, earlierreported for some other mantle peridotites worldwide, may bea signature of metasomatic processes rather than a source-relatedcharacteristic, contrary to models that invoke mixing with hypotheticalSr-rich fluids derived from subducted oceanic lithosphere. Pbisotope compositions of the Spitsbergen xenoliths do not appearto be consistently affected by the metasomatism. KEY WORDS: Spitsbergen; lithospheric mantle; metasomatism; radiogenic isotopes; theoretical modelling  相似文献   
To constrain the relatively uncertain anthropogenic impact on the organic aerosol load, radiocarbon analyses were performed on aerosol samples, collected year-round, at six non-urban sites including a maritime background and three remote mountain stations, lying on a west-east transect over Western Europe. From a crude three component model supported by TOC and levoglucosan filter data, the fossil fuel, biomass burning and biogenic TOC fraction are estimated, showing at all stations year-round, a relatively constant fossil fuel fraction of around  (26 ± 6)%  , a dominant biogenic contribution of on average  (73 ± 7)%  in summer and the continental as well as the maritime background TOC to be only about 50% biogenic. Assuming biomass burning as completely anthropogenic, the carbonaceous aerosol concentration at the mountain sites was found to have increased by a factor of up to  (1.4 ± 0.2)  in summer and up to  (2.5 ± 1.0)  in winter. This figure is significantly lower, however, than the respective TOC change since pre-industrial times seen in an Alpine ice core. Reconciling both observations would require an increase, since pre-industrial times, of the background biogenic aerosol load, which is estimated at a factor of 1.3–1.7.  相似文献   
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