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北祁连熬油沟蛇绿岩岩石成因的地球化学证据   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
螯油沟蛇绿岩位于甘肃南南县祁青乡。其地质-地球化学特征表明:蚀变作用形成的蛇纹岩,原岩为方辉橄榄岩,所有的岩石类型均以相对富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素为特征,并且玄武质熔岩显示出幔柱型大洋中脊玄武岩的地球化学特征,说明岩浆来源于与洋岛玄武岩源相似的富集地幔。  相似文献   
裴春传  曾琴 《天文学报》1998,39(1):103-105
使用紫金山天文台青海观测站13.7米毫米波射电望远镜,于1996年12月10日至1997年1月2日和1997年3月25日至1997年4月4日对海尔-波普彗星的CO分子J=1—0转动跃迁谱线(频率为115.27120GHz)进行了观测.观测谱线表明,CO分子相对于地心的速度比彗星整体相对于地心的速度要小些,即有蓝移现象.这反映了CO分子是由该彗星迎着太阳的面以一定的速度产生出来的.从观测谱线中还初步估算了该彗星CO分子的产生速率.  相似文献   
产于北大河群的早元古代火山岩是北祁连山西段最主要的三期火山岩之一,其地球化学特征表明,该期火山岩的原岩为具有双峰式组合的拉斑玄武岩和中酸笥凝灰岩。两者具有完全不同的稀土分布型式,前者以极低的富集轻稀土为特征,而后者以强烈富集轻稀土的特征;基性火山岩的微量元素分布曲线指示了其形成了裂陷槽环境。结合Nd同位素特征以及区域2得出本区早元古代变质火山岩形成于裂陷槽环境。  相似文献   
The approach to remote sensing of water vapor by using global positioning systems(GPS)isdiscussed.In order to retrieve the vertical integrated water vapor(IWV)or the precipitable water(PW),the weighted“mean temperature”of the atmosphere,T_m would be estimated to the specificarea and season.T_m depends on surface temperature,tropospheric temperature profile,and thevertical distribution of water vapor.The surface temperature dependence is borne out by acomparison of T_m and the values of surface temperature T_s using radiosonde profiles of BeijingStation(No.54511)throughout 1992.The analysis of radiosonde profiles spanning a one-yearinterval(1992)from sites in eastern region of China with a latitude range of 20-50°N and alongitude range of 100-130°E yields the coefficients α and b of a linear regression equation T_m=α bT_s.  相似文献   
赣南营前岩体由早期似斑状花岗闪长岩和晚期细粒黑云母花岗岩组成,在前者中普遍发育暗色基性包体。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年显示似斑状花岗闪长岩为172.2±3.1Ma,细粒黑云母花岗岩为168±3Ma,包体为167.6±3.3Ma。所有的岩石均为钙碱性系列,稀土元素显示LREE富集,HREE亏损,Eu负异常并不明显的特征,Nb-Ta负异常显示壳源物质的特征。晚期细粒黑云母花岗岩、早期似斑状花岗闪长岩、暗色包体的(87Sr/86Sr)i和εNd(t)值分别为0.70885~0.70965、0.71058~1.46393、0.70788~0.70923和-6.38~-5.31、-6.51~-5.17、-5.47~-4.31;锆石εHf(t)值分别为-12.4~-5.7、-9.2~-4.2、-9.4~+0.1。结合岩相学、地球化学研究,初步认为营前岩体的两期花岗质岩石源于地壳重熔,地幔底侵导致地壳熔融形成营前岩体,基性岩浆加入到未冷却的酸性岩浆中形成了目前所见到的暗色包体。结合区域上的研究资料,认为中侏罗世期间,沿"十杭"断裂带及与其相平行的一些深断裂发生了板块的撕裂,这些缝合带是岩石圈相对薄弱的地带,有利于幔源物质底侵上升以及壳幔相互作用。  相似文献   
应用分析模型是面向专业应用领域GIS的关键模块之一,其设计和实现应具备良好的可扩展性和可移植性,从而达到软件复用、降低系统维护成本的目标。采用面向对象方法,对辽宁省鞍山市地质灾害评价预警系统中地质灾害危险性区划分析模型模块进行分析和设计,提出分别封装表达地质灾害分析模型方法的抽象类(class CModel)、描述灾害评价因子的抽象类(class CFactor),以及描述灾害分析单元格的抽象类(class CGridLayer)的设计方案,达到模块划分的“高内聚、低耦合”要求,便于模块的修改和扩展。以描述单元格的抽象类(class CGridLayer)作为模块与GIS平台的中间层,面向模块屏蔽不同GIS平台的实现细节,使得模块具备良好的可移植性。最后,以MapGIS 6.5为平台,按上述设计方案构建鞍山市地质灾害评价预警系统并投入实际应用。  相似文献   
Galaxies can be classified in two broad sequences which are likely to reflect their formation mechanism. The 'main sequence', consisting of spirals, irregulars and all dwarf galaxies, is probably produced by gas settling within dark matter haloes. We show that the sizes and surface densities along this sequence are primarily determined by the distributions of the angular momentum and formation time of dark haloes. They are well reproduced by current cosmogonies provided that galaxies form late, at z  ≲ 2. In this scenario, dwarf ellipticals were small 'discs' at z  ∼ 1 and become 'ellipticals' after they fall into cluster environments. The strong clustering of dwarf ellipticals is then a natural by-product of the merging and transformation process. The number of dwarf galaxies predicted in a cluster such as Virgo is in good agreement with the observed number. On the other hand, the 'giant branch', consisting of giant ellipticals and bulges, is probably produced by the merging of disc galaxies. Based on the observed phase-space densities of galaxies, we show that the main bodies of all giant ellipticals can be produced by dissipationless mergers of high-redshift discs. However, high-redshift discs, although denser than present-day ones, are still not compact enough to produce the high central phase-space density of some low-luminosity ellipticals. Dissipation must have occurred in the central parts of these galaxies during the merger which formed them.  相似文献   
Microlensing events are usually selected among single-peaked non-repeating light curves in order to avoid confusion with variable stars. However, a microlensing event may exhibit a second microlensing brightening episode when the source or/and the lens is a binary system. A careful analysis of these repeating events provides an independent way to study the statistics of wide binary stars and to detect extrasolar planets. Previous theoretical studies predicted that 0.5–2 per cent of events should repeat due to wide binary lenses. We present a systematic search for such events in about 4000 light curves of microlensing candidates detected by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) towards the Galactic bulge from 1992 to 2007. The search reveals a total of 19 repeating candidates, with six clearly due to a wide binary lens. As a by-product, we find that 64 events (∼2 per cent of the total OGLE-III sample) have been misclassified as microlensing; these misclassified events are mostly nova or other types of eruptive stars. The number and importance of repeating events will increase considerably when the next-generation wide-field microlensing experiments become fully operational in the future.  相似文献   
A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver can generally track 5-7 rays from GPS satellites at any moment, and water vapor along these ray paths (slant-path water vapor, SWV) may be retrieved using the methods developed in recent years. This paper suggests two new parameters-absolute vertical SWV (VSWV) and relative VSWV derived from SWV, and their temporal and spatial figures can reflect the heterogeneous distribution and variation of water vapor field. This approach has been applied to the weather diagnoses in a severe storm event in Beijing during July 2004, and it is concluded that the temporal and spatial figures of absolute VSWV and relative VSWV can be useful in monitoring the evolution of water vapor field and be potential in better understanding the precipitation process.  相似文献   
本文从方法论的角度论述了地理科学中的地图方法和遥感方法的共同特征,分析了二者之间的差异和联系,阐述了二者融合的两个理论问题(地图和遥感图像的综合与图形识别)和技术基础(地理图像处理),提出了为促进二者融合需要研究的主要内容及具体建议。  相似文献   
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