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Sr–Nd–Pb isotope ratios of alkaline mafic intra-plate magmatism constrain the isotopic compositions of the lithospheric mantle along what is now the eastern foreland or back arc of the Cenozoic Central Andes (17–34°S). Most small-volume basanite volcanic rocks and alkaline intrusive rocks of Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) age were derived from a depleted lithospheric mantle source with rather uniform initial 143Nd/144Nd ( 0.5127–0.5128) and 87Sr/86Sr ( 0.7032–0.7040). The initial 206Pb/204Pb ratios are variable (18.5–19.7) at uniform 207Pb/204Pb ratios (15.60 ± 0.05). A variety of the Cretaceous depleted mantle source of the magmatic rocks shows elevated Sr isotope ratios up to 0.707 at constant high Nd isotope ratios. The variable Sr and Pb isotope ratios are probably due to radiogenic growth in a metasomatized lithospheric mantle, which represents the former sub-arc mantle beneath the early Palaeozoic active continental margin. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope signatures of a second mantle type reflected in the composition of Cretaceous (one late Palaeozoic age) intra-plate magmatic rocks (143Nd/144Nd  0.5123, 87Sr/86Sr  0.704, 206Pb/204Pb  17.5–18.5, and 207Pb/204Pb  15.45–15.50) are similar to the isotopic composition of old sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the Brazilian Shield.

Published Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc-related magmatic rocks (18–40°S) represent the composition of the convective sub-arc mantle in the Central Andes and are similar to those of the Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) intra-plate magmatic rocks. The dominant convective and lithospheric mantle type beneath this old continental margin is depleted mantle, which is compositionally different from average MORB-type depleted mantle. The old sub-continental lithospheric mantle did not contribute to Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc magmatism.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die wichtigsten glazialen Stauchungsvorgänge wurden experimentell nachgeahmt. Als Versuchsmaterial fanden erwärmte Sand-Paraffin-Gemenge mit eingelegten Schichten von Modellgips Verwendung. Bei Temperaturen über dem Schmelzpunkt des Paraffins besitzen sie ähnlich günstige Eigenschaften wie der meist bevorzugte Tonschlamm, bei Zimmertemperatur sind sie erhärtet und erlauben, im Gegensatz zum Tonschlamm, beliebige Profilschnitte und damit Einblicke in den inneren Bau.Die Experimente ergaben Zusammenhänge zwischen Veränderungen im Versuchsansatz und verschiedenen Störungstypen. Es entstanden:Schuppen bei Stauchung vor dem Modell einer Eiszunge,Falten bei Stauchung unter Belastung,Horizontal eingeschlichtete Streifen bei Bewegung des Modelles unter seiner Sohle.Die Beobachtungen stimmen weitgehend überein mit den Lagerungsstörungen in eisentstandenen Formen entsprechender Bildungsbedingungen.  相似文献   
Following Appalachian orogenesis, metamorphic rocks in central Newfoundland were exhumed and reburied under Tournaisian strata. New zircon fission‐track (ZFT) ages of metamorphic rocks below the Tournaisian unconformity yield post‐depositionally reset ages of 212–235 Ma indicating regional fluid‐absent reheating to at least ≥220°C. Post‐Tournaisian sedimentary thicknesses in surrounding basins show that burial alone cannot explain such temperatures, thus requiring that palaeo‐geothermal gradients increased to ≥30–40°C/km before final late Triassic accelerated cooling. We attribute these elevated palaeo‐geothermal gradients to localized thermal blanketing by insulating sediments overlying radiogenic high‐heat‐producing granitoids. Late Triassic rifting and magmatism before break up of Pangaea likely also contributed to elevated heat flow, as well as uplift, triggering late Triassic accelerated cooling and exhumation. Thermochronological ages of 240–200 Ma are seen throughout Atlantic Canada, and record rifting and basaltic magmatism on the conjugate margins of the Central Atlantic Ocean preceding the onset of oceanic spreading at ~190 Ma.  相似文献   
Some species of sulphate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) are known to mediate the formation of dolomite and Mg‐calcite. However, their exact role in the mineralization process remains elusive. Here, we present the result of a laboratory experiment that was designed to test whether formation of carbonate minerals by SRB can occur in the absence of living cells, through passive mineralization of their exopolymeric substances (EPS). SRB capable of mediating dolomite were cultivated in the laboratory, allowing them to secrete EPS. Microbial activity within the cultures was subsequently inhibited with antibiotics. Only after this step, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were added to the solution and carbonate minerals could form. Mg‐calcite and disordered Ca‐dolomite precipitated in association with EPS. The mol.% of Mg2+ in the crystals increased with longer incubation times. This result demonstrates that organic compounds produced by SRB can mediate the formation of Ca‐Mg carbonates in the absence of an active metabolism.  相似文献   
The waning stage(s) of the Tethyan ocean(s) in the Balkans are not well understood. Controversy centres on the origin and life‐span of the Cretaceous Sava Zone, which is allegedly a remnant of the last oceanic domain in the Balkan Peninsula, defining the youngest suture between Eurasia‐ and Adria‐derived plates. In order to investigate to what extent Late‐Cretaceous volcanism within the Sava Zone is consistent with this model we present new age data together with trace‐element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data for the Klepa basaltic lavas from the central Balkan Peninsula. Our new geochemical data show marked differences between the Cretaceous Klepa basalts (Sava Zone) and the rocks of other volcanic sequences from the Jurassic ophiolites of the Balkans. The Klepa basalts mostly have Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic and trace‐element signatures that resemble enriched within‐plate basalts substantially different from Jurassic ophiolite basalts with MORB, BAB and IAV affinities. Trace‐element modelling of the Klepa rocks indicates 2%–20% polybaric melting of a relatively homogeneously metasomatised mantle source that ranges in composition from garnet lherzolite to ilmenite+apatite bearing spinel–amphibole lherzolite. Thus, the residual mineralogy is characteristic of a continental rather than oceanic lithospheric mantle source, suggesting an intracontinental within‐plate origin for the Klepa basalts. Two alternative geodynamic models are internally consistent with our new findings: (1) if the Sava Zone represents remnants of the youngest Neotethyan Ocean, magmatism along this zone would be situated within the forearc region and triggered by ridge subduction; (2) if the Sava Zone delimits a diffuse tectonic boundary between Adria and Europe which had already collided in the Late Jurassic, the Klepa basalts together with a number of other magmatic centres represent volcanism related to transtensional tectonics.  相似文献   
The40Ar-39Ar degassing spectra of white micas and amphiboles from three tectonic units of the central Tauern Window (Pennine basement and cover in the Eastern Alps) have been measured. White micas are classified as (1) pre-Alpine low-Si relic micas with an age value of 292 Ma, variously disturbed by the Alpine metamorphism; (2) Alpine phengitic micas of variable composition with an age between 32 and 36 Ma; (3) Alpine low-Si micas with a maximum age of 27 Ma. We attribute the higher Alpine ages to a blueschist facies event, whereas the lower age reflects the late cooling of the nappe pile. Blueschist facies phengites from the basement (Lower Schieferhülle) and the tectonic cover (Upper Schieferhülle) crystallized at a temperature below the closure temperature (T c) for argon diffusion in white mica and record ages of 32 to 36 Ma. At the same time a thin, eclogite facies unit (Eclogite Zone) was thrust between the Lower and the Upper Schieferhülle and cooled from eclogite facies conditions at about 600°C at 20 kbar to blueschist facies conditions at 450°C or even 300°C at >10 kbar. Eclogite facies phengites closed for argon diffusion and record cooling ages, coinciding with the crystallization ages in the hanging and the footwall unit. Amphibole age spectra (actinolite, glaucophane, barroisite) are not interpretable in terms of geologically meaningful ages because of excess argon.  相似文献   
Surface sediment diatom assemblages for 86 Alpine lakes were analysed focusing on the dominant genusCyclotella and corresponding environmental data. The range of morphological variability of theCyclotella bodanica/radiosa, C. distinguenda, C. ocellata, C. comensis andC. stelligera complexes was documented. Significance tests included in the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that total phosphorus, conductivity and surface water temperature were significantly correlated withCyclotella taxa assemblage distribution. Numerical species optima and tolerances were calculated in respect to these significant variables using weighted averaging (WA) regression and calibration. CCA and WA were able to provide information about the environmental preferences of the various morphotypes observed.  相似文献   
The rocks of the Northern Apennines predominantly consist of non-metamorphic terrigeneous deposits (flysches and molasses) some of which are preorogenic, some synorogenic and others postorogenic with respect to the nappe tectonics (Miocene). As plant fragments frequently occur in these sediments, a study of coal rank based on reflectance measurements on vitrinites (% Rm = mean value of the random reflectance in non polarized light) contributes to the clarification of the relation between the orogenic and the palaeogeothermal development. The determination of the Rm values of more than 180 samples from outcrops and three deep drillings revealed some important features. Within the pile of Liguride and Tuscanide nappes, the coal rank increases from the uppermost nappe to the lower nappes until lowgrade metamorphism is reached in the Lower Tuscanides. In the single nappes the rank decreases from the Tyrrhenian coast (internal zone) towards the Po Plain (external zone). This regional trend is disturbed only locally by young post-coalification tectonics. In the uppermost Liguride nappe (M. Antola Unit) a pre-Oligocene (i. e. pre-Apenninic) thermal event was detected. Postorogenic heating is connected with the magmatic activity of Late Miocene to Pleistocene age in Tuscany. Except for these preorogenic and postorogenic thermal events, the main coalification is generally younger than the emplacement of the nappes in the nappe pile during the Apenninic orogeny in the Miocene, but it is older than the last thrust movements and the final tensional tectonics in the internal zones of the chain. For these reasons, the main regional thermal event has to be considered as synorogenic or, more precisely, as late-synorogenic.  相似文献   
Chironomid remains from Big Lake, British Columbia were analysed and paleosalinities were estimated using a pre-existing transfer function and several developed using new regression methods. A two component partial-least-squares model (PLS-2) had the highest coefficient of determination (R2 (Jackknifed) = 0.75) and lowest root-mean-squared error-of-prediction (RMSEP). As compared to the pre-existing model, it was also less sensitive to the influence of rare taxa. Nevertheless, the marginally larger R2 (Jackknifed) and lower RMSEP do not clearly identify a single best model. The models were applied to Big, Mahoney and Kilpoola lakes, revealing the sensitivity of paleosalinity inferences to model selection. A synopsis of chironomid-based paleosalinities in British Columbia and their correspondence with other paleoclimatic data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
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