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When subjected to long‐period ground motions, high‐rise buildings' upper floors undergo large responses. Furniture and nonstructural components are susceptible to significant damage in such events. This paper proposes a full‐scale substructure shaking table test to reproduce large floor responses of high‐rise buildings. The response at the top floor of a virtual 30‐story building model subjected to a synthesized long‐period ground motion is taken as a target wave for reproduction. Since a shaking table has difficulties in directly reproducing such large responses due to various capacity limitations, a rubber‐and‐mass system is proposed to amplify the table motion. To achieve an accurate reproduction of the floor responses, a control algorithm called the open‐loop inverse dynamics compensation via simulation (IDCS) algorithm is used to generate a special input wave for the shaking table. To implement the IDCS algorithm, the model matching method and the H method are adopted to construct the controller. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the open‐loop IDCS algorithm and compare the performance of different methods of controller design. A series of full‐scale substructure shaking table tests are conducted in E‐Defense to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and examine the seismic behavior of furniture. The test results demonstrate that the rubber‐and‐mass system is capable of amplifying the table motion by a factor of about 3.5 for the maximum velocity and displacement, and the substructure shaking table test can reproduce the large floor responses for a few minutes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The paper is concerned with the seismic design of steel‐braced frames in which the braces are configured in a chevron pattern. According to EuroCode 8 (EC8), the behaviour factor q, which allows for the trade‐off between the strength and ductility, is set at 2.5 for chevron‐braced frames, while 6.5 is assigned for most ductile steel moment‐resisting frames. Strength deterioration in post‐buckling regime varies with the brace's slenderness, but EC8 adopts a unique q value irrespective of the brace slenderness. The study focuses on reevaluation of the q value adequate for the seismic design of chevron‐braced frames. The present EC8 method for the calculation of brace strength supplies significantly different elastic stiffnesses and actual strengths for different values of brace slenderness. A new method to estimate the strength of a chevron brace pair is proposed, in which the yield strength (for the brace in tension) and the post‐buckling strength (for the brace in compression) are considered. The new method ensures an identical elastic stiffness and a similar strength regardless of the brace slenderness. The advantage of the proposed method over the conventional EC8 method is demonstrated for the capacity of the proposed method to control the maximum inter‐storey drift. The q values adequate for the chevron‐braced frames are examined in reference to the maximum inter‐storey drifts sustained by most ductile moment‐resisting frames. When the proposed method is employed for strength calculation, the q value of 3.5 is found to be reasonable. It is notable that the proposed method does not require larger cross‐sections for the braces compared to the cross‐sections required for the present EC8 method. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Online hybrid tests (called the online tests), particularly when combined with substructuring techniques, are able to conduct large‐scale tests. An extension of this technique is to combine multiple loading tests conducted in remote locations and to integrate the tests with large numerical analysis codes. In this study, a new Internet online test system is developed in which a physical test is conducted in one place, the associated numerical analysis is performed in a remote location, and the two locations communicate over the Internet. To implement the system, a technique that links test and analysis domains located at different places is proposed, and an Internet data exchange interface is devised to allow data communication across Internet. A practical method that utilizes standard protocols implemented by operating systems for sharing files and folders is adopted to ensure stable and robust communication between remotely located servers that commonly protect themselves by strict firewalls. To combine the online test with a finite element program formulated in an incremental form and adopting an implicit integration scheme, a tangent stiffness prediction procedure is proposed. In this procedure, a tangent stiffness is estimated based on a few previous steps of experimental data. Using the system devised, tests on a base‐isolated structure were carried out. Here, the base‐isolation layer was taken as the tested part and tested in Kyoto University, Japan, and the superstructure was modelled by means of a finite element program and analysed in a computer located in Osaka University. A series of physical Internet online tests were carried out, with the integration time interval and the method of tangent stiffness prediction as the major parameters. The tests demonstrated that the Internet communication was very stable and robust, without malfunctions. The proposed method of stiffness prediction was effective even when the experimental hysteresis curves exhibited complex behaviour, thereby ensuring accurate simulation for the earthquake response of the entire structure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper proposes an online test technique that employs mixed control of displacement and force. Two types of mixed control, ‘displacement–force combined control’ and ‘displacement–force switching control’ are proposed. In displacement–force combined control, one jack is operated by displacement‐control, and another is operated by force‐control. Validity of the combined control technique is demonstrated by a series of online tests applied to a base‐isolated structure subjected to horizontal and vertical ground motions simultaneously. The substructuring technique is employed in the tests, and the base‐isolation layer is tested, with the rest of the structure modeled in the computer. Displacement‐control and force‐control were adopted for simulating the horizontal and vertical response, respectively. Both displacement‐ and force‐control were implemented successfully despite interference between the two jacks. Earthquake responses of the base‐isolated structure involving the effects of varying axial forces on the horizontal hysteretic behavior of the base‐isolation layer were simulated. In the displacement–force switching control, the jack was operated by displacement‐control when the test specimen was flexible but switched to force‐control once the specimen became stiff. Validity of the switching control technique was also checked by a series of online tests applied to the base‐isolated structure subjected to vertical ground motions. Switching between displacement‐control and force‐control was achieved when the axial force applied to the base‐isolation layer changed from tension to compression or from compression to tension. Both the displacement‐ and force‐control were successful even with many rounds of switching. The test revealed that large accelerations occurred on the floor immediately above the base‐isolation layer at the instants when the axial force of the base‐isolation layer changed from tension to compression. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
碎屑岩储层的孔隙特征是油气勘探开发中最重要的研究课题之一,次生孔隙发育的特殊性更增加了研究难度。本文从微观上对鄂尔多斯盆地西北部地区上古生界碎屑岩盒 8、山 1储层的孔隙类型、孔隙组合、孔隙结构等方面进行了深入的分析,对于孔隙分布、孔隙成因进行了有益的探讨,提出次生孔隙是主要孔隙类型,次生孔隙发育区也是天然气的高产富集区。这些研究无疑为该区天然气勘探开发提供了重要的地质依据。  相似文献   
The mechanism and rate of hydration of rhyolitic glass during weathering were studied. Doubly polished thin sections of two rhyolites with different duration of weathering (Ohsawa lava: 26,000 yr, Awanomikoto lava: 52,000 yr) were prepared. Optical microscope observation showed that altered layers had developed along the glass surfaces. IR spectral line profile analysis was conducted on the glass sections from the surface to the interior for a length of 250 μm and the contents of molecular H2O (H2Om), OH species (OH) and total water (H2Ot) were determined. The diffusion profile of H2Om in Ohsawa lava extends beyond the layer observed by optical microscope. The content of H2Om in the hydrated region is much higher than that of OH species. Thus, the reaction from H2Om to OH appears to be little and H2Om is the dominant water species moving into the glass during weathering. Based on the concentration profiles, the diffusion coefficients of H2Om(DH2Om) and H2Ot(DH2Ot) were determined to be 2.8 × 10−10 and 3.4 × 10−10 μm2 s−1 for Ohsawa lava, and 5.2 × 10−11 and 4.1 × 10−11 μm2 s−1 for Awanomikoto lava, respectively. The obtained DH2Om during weathering are more than 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than the diffusion coefficient at ∼20 °C that is extrapolated from the diffusivity data for >400 °C. This might suggest that the mechanism of water transport is different at weathering conditions and >400 °C.  相似文献   
The Mifflin meteorite fell on the night of April 14, 2010, in southwestern Wisconsin. A bright fireball was observed throughout a wide area of the midwestern United States. The petrography, mineral compositions, and oxygen isotope ratios indicate that the meteorite is a L5 chondrite fragmental breccia with light/dark structure. The meteorite shows a low shock stage of S2, although some shock‐melted veins are present. The U,Th‐He age is 0.7 Ga, and the K‐Ar age is 1.8 Ga, indicating that Mifflin might have been heated at the time of the 470 Ma L‐chondrite parent body breakup and that U, Th‐He, and K‐Ar ages were partially reset. The cosmogenic radionuclide data indicate that Mifflin was exposed to cosmic rays while its radius was 30–65 cm. Assuming this exposure geometry, a cosmic‐ray exposure age of 25 ± 3 Ma is calculated from cosmogenic noble gas concentrations. The low 22Ne/21Ne ratio may, however, indicate a two‐stage exposure with a longer first‐stage exposure at high shielding. Mifflin is unusual in having a low radiogenic gas content combined with a low shock stage and no evidence of late stage annealing; this inconsistency remains unexplained.  相似文献   
The dehydration kinetics of serpentine was investigated using in situ high-temperature infrared microspectroscopy. The analyzed antigorite samples at room temperature show relatively sharp bands at around 3,655–3,660 cm?1 (band 1), 3,570–3,595 cm?1 (band 2), and 3,450–3,510 cm?1 (band 3). Band 1 corresponds to the Mg–OH bond, and bands 2 and 3 correspond to OH associated with the substitution of Al for Si. Isothermal kinetic heating experiments at temperatures ranging from 625 to 700 °C showed a systematic decrease of the OH band absorbance with heating duration. The one-dimensional diffusion was found to provide the best fit to the experimental data, and diffusion coefficients were determined with activation energies of 219 ± 37 kJ mol?1 for the total water band area, 245 ± 46 kJ mol?1 for band 1, 243 ± 57 kJ mol?1 for band 2, and 256 ± 53 kJ mol?1 for band 3. The results indicate that the dehydration process is controlled by one-dimensional diffusion through the tetrahedral geometry of serpentine. Fluid production rates during antigorite dehydration were calculated from kinetic data and range from 3 × 10?4 to 3 × 10?5  $ {\text{m}}_{\text{fluid}}^{ 3} \,{\text{m}}_{\text{rock}}^{ - 3} \,{\text{s}}^{ - 1} $ . The rates are high enough to provoke hydraulic rupture, since the relaxation rates of rocks are much lower than these values. The results suggest that the rapid dehydration of antigorite can trigger an intermediate-depth earthquake associated with a subducting slab.  相似文献   
High temperature infrared spectra of hydrous microcrystalline quartz   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of in-situ high temperature infrared (IR) measurements of water in an agate sample and in a milky quartz has been conducted in order to understand the nature of water in silica at high temperatures (50–700?°C) and the dehydration behavior. IR absorption bands of water molecules trapped in the milky quartz showed a systematic decrease in intensities and a shift from 3425?cm?1 at 50?°C toward 3590?cm?1 at 700?°C without any loss of water. This indicates a change in IR absorption coefficients corresponding to different polymeric states of water at different temperatures. The broad 3430?cm?1 band in the agate sample also showed a systematic decrease in IR intensity and a band shift toward higher frequency with increasing temperature (~700?°C). This indicates that the agate sample also contains fluid inclusion-like water. For this agate sample, a dehydration of loosely hydrogen-bonded molecular water occurred at lower temperatures (<200?°C). At higher temperatures (>400?°C), sharp bands around 3660 and 3725?cm?1 (3740?cm?1 at 50?°C) due to surface silanols, appeared. This indicates dehydration of H2O molecules that are hydrogen bonded to surface silanols. SiOH species in the agate are divided into three groups, namely SiOH group located at structural defects, surface silanols hydrogen bonded to each other and free surface silanols. Former two dehydrate below 700?°C and the dehydration rate of the SiOH at structural defects is faster than the other. IR spectra show that SiOH species decrease continuously even after the dehydration of most of H2O molecules. All these results provide realistic bases for the change in physicochemical states of different OH species in silica at high temperatures.  相似文献   
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