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Cochlodinium polykrikoides is a notoriously harmful algal species that inflicts severe damage on the aquacultures of the coastal seas of Korea and Japan. Information on their expected movement tracks and boundaries of influence is very useful and important for the effective establishment of a reduction plan. In general, the information is supported by a red-tide(a.k.a algal bloom) model. The performance of the model is highly dependent on the accuracy of parameters, which are the coefficients of functions approximating the biological growth and loss patterns of the C. polykrikoides. These parameters have been estimated using the bioassay data composed of growth-limiting factor and net growth rate value pairs. In the case of the C. polykrikoides, the parameters are different from each other in accordance with the used data because the bioassay data are sufficient compared to the other algal species. The parameters estimated by one specific dataset can be viewed as locally-optimized because they are adjusted only by that dataset. In cases where the other one data set is used, the estimation error might be considerable. In this study, the parameters are estimated by all available data sets without the use of only one specific data set and thus can be considered globally optimized. The cost function for the optimization is defined as the integrated mean squared estimation error, i.e., the difference between the values of the experimental and estimated rates. Based on quantitative error analysis, the root-mean squared errors of the global parameters show smaller values, approximately 25%–50%, than the values of the local parameters. In addition, bias is removed completely in the case of the globally estimated parameters. The parameter sets can be used as the reference default values of a red-tide model because they are optimal and representative. However, additional tuning of the parameters using the in-situ monitoring data is highly required.As opposed to the bioassay data, it is necessary because the bioassay data have limitations in terms of the in-situ coastal conditions.  相似文献   
The process of embryogenesis and larval development of the asteroid sea star Asterias amurensis (Lütken) was observed, with special attention paid to morphological change and larval duration. In reproductive season, mature sea stars were collected under floating net cages, located in Tongyeong, southern Korea. The mature eggs are 138 μm in average diameter, semi-translucent and orange in color, sperms in good condition appear light cream to white-gray in color. Embryos develop through the holoblastic equal cleavage stage and a wrinkled blastula stage that lasts about 9 hours after fertilization. Gastrulae bearing an expanded archenteron hatch from the fertilization envelope 22 hours after fertilization. At the end of gastrulation, rudiments of the left and right coelom are formed. By day 2, larvae possess complete alimentary canal and begin to feed. At this stage, the larva is called early bipinnaria. In 6day-old larvae, the pre- and post- oral ciliated bands form complete circuits and the bipinnarial processes start to develop. By day 12, the lateral and anterior projection of the larval wall processes along the ciliated bands begins to thicken and curl, and the ciliated bands become more prominent. By day 32, early brachiolaria are presented with three pairs of brachiolar arms. Advanced brachiolaria with a well-developed brachiolar complex (three pairs of brachia and central adhesive disc) occur 6 weeks after fertilization. In the field, spawning of the sea star was observed in April to May, settlement form larvae and just settlements seem to occur from June to July, and early juveniles occur from August to September. Although we had not described the end of brachiolaria stage, it can be tentatively estimated that the duration of the pelagic stage of A. amurensis is 40 to 50 days.  相似文献   
Although it has been shown that the implementation of the HHT-α method can result in improved error propagation properties in pseudodynamic testing if the equation of motion is used instead of the difference equation to evaluate the next step acceleration, this paper proves that this method might lead to instability when used to solve a nonlinear system. Its unconditional stability is verified only for linear elastic systems, while for nonlinear systems, instability occurs as the step degree of convergence is less than 1. It is worth noting that the step degree of convergence can frequently be less than 1 in pseudodynamic testing, since a convergent solution is achieved only when the step degree of convergence is close to 1 regardless of whether its value is greater or less than 1. Therefore, the application of this scheme to pseudodynamic testing should be prohibited, since the possibility of instability might incorrectly destroy a specimen. Consequently, the implementation of the HHT-α method by using the difference equation to determine the next step acceleration is recommended for use in pseudodynamic testing.  相似文献   
Substructure hybrid simulation has been the subject of numerous investigations in recent years. The simulation method allows for the assessment of the seismic performance of structures by representing critical components with physical specimens and the rest of the structure with numerical models. In this study the system level performance of a six‐storey structure with telescoping self‐centering energy dissipative (T‐SCED) braces is validated through pseudo‐dynamic (PsD) hybrid simulation. Fragility curves are derived for the T‐SCED system. This paper presents the configuration of the hybrid simulation, the newly developed control software for PsD hybrid simulation, which can integrate generic hydraulic actuators into PsD hybrid simulation, and the seismic performance of a structure equipped with T‐SCED braces. The experimental results show that the six‐storey structure with T‐SCED braces satisfies performance limits specified in ASCE 41. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A formula to determine the local magnitude (ML) following Richters original definition was empirically derived for the Korean Peninsula. A total of 1,644 digital seismograms from 142 Korean earthquakes that occurred from 1997 to 2000 were corrected for instrument response and convolved with the nominal Wood-Anderson torsion seismograph response to be appropriate for the original definition of ML. Then, the zero-to-peak amplitude was measured in millimeters on the synthetic Wood-Anderson seismogram. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine distance and station correction terms for the measured peak amplitudes. The best-fit solution for ML yielded the following formula for the Korean Peninsula:where A() and S denote the peak amplitude on the synthetic Wood-Anderson seismogram at distance and the station correction term, respectively. Note that the second term, distance correction, was adjusted with Richters ML, taking into consideration attenuation differences between the Korean Peninsula and southern California, where Richter originally introduced ML. On average, the magnitudes determined in this study are nearly the same as those determined by the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), but are larger than those of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) by as much as 0.36.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to fit the diameter-height data of Quercusglaucain Jeju Island, South Korea to the four commonly used stem taper equations andto evaluate the performance of the four stem taper models using four statistical criteria: Fit index (FI), root mean square error (RMSE), bias (),and absolute mean difference (AMD). Results showed that the Kozak02stem taper equation provided the best FI(0.9847), RMSE(1.5745),(-0.0030 cm) and AMD (1.0990 cm) whileMax and Burkhart model had the poorest performance among the four stem taper models based on the four evaluation statistics (FI : 0.9793,RMSE : 1.8272, : 0.3040 cm and AMD : 1.3060 cm). These stem taper equations can serve as a useful tool for forest managers in estimating the diameter outside bark at any given height, merchantable stem volumes and total stem volumesof the standing trees of Quercusglaucain theGotjawal forests located in Mount Halla, Jeju Island, South Korea.  相似文献   
Permo-Triassic high-pressure(HP) mafic granulites, together with the Bibong retrogressed eclogite,preserved along the central western Korean Peninsula provide important insights into the Late Permian to Triassic collisional orogeny in northeast Asia. The metamorphic pressureetemperatureetime(P-T-t)paths of these rocks, however, remain poorly constrained and even overestimated, owing to outdated geothermobarometers and inaccurate isopleth techniques. Here we evaluate the metamorphic Pe T conditions of Triassic HP mafic granulites including those in Baekdong, Sinri and Daepan and the Bibong Triassic retrogressed eclogite in the Hongseong area, and the Permo-Triassic Samgot mafic granulite in the Imjingang Belt of the central western Korean Peninsula through the application of modern phase equilibria techniques. The Baekdong and Samgot mafic granulites and the Bibong retrogressed eclogite yield a range of 12.0 -16.0 kbar and 800 -900℃, representing HP granulite facies conditions. The Sinri and Daepan granulites from the Hongseong area show relatively lower grade metamorphic conditions between HP granulite and normal granulite facies, and are characterized by sub-isothermal decompression during exhumation. The similarities in the metamorphic ages and the post-collisional igneous activity from the central western Korean Peninsula indicate that the Triassic ages represent the retrograde stage of the metamorphic Pe T paths. In contrast, the Late Permian metamorphic ages, which are older than protolith ages of the post-collisional igneous rocks, correspond to the possible prograde stage of metamorphism. The P-T-t paths presented in this paper, together with the metamorphic ages and post-orogenic igneous events reported from these areas suggest trace of the subduction, accretion and exhumation history, and indicate a tectonic linkage among the northeast Asian continents during the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean closure.  相似文献   
以岩石粉末试样的熔融实验为基础的 Q Ab Or An H2 O 体系的相关系表明,地壳岩石的熔融作用遵循矿物相消失所制约的固 液相平衡规律。然而,地壳岩石块状样品开放体系的熔融作用,其熔融机制、矿物相转变、初熔液相成分、残余固相等方面,均与地壳岩石封闭体系的熔融作用有很大差别。石英闪长岩开放体系的熔融实验表明,岩石的熔融首先从含水矿物的脱水熔融开始,从而熔体成分由基性逐渐转变为中酸性,残余固相趋于超酸性。这一实验结果对大陆地区岩浆起源和深部地壳物质组成的研究可能有新的启示。  相似文献   
It is highlighted in the past that the soil–structure interaction phenomenon can produce a significant alteration on the response of a bridge structure. A variety of approaches has been developed in the past, which is capable of tackling the soil–structure interaction problem from different perspectives. The popular approach of a discretized truncated finite element model of the soil domain is not always a numerically viable solution, especially for computationally demanding simulations such as the probabilistic fragility analysis of a bridge structure or the real time hybrid simulation. This paper aims to develop a complete modeling procedure that is capable of coping with the soil–structure interaction problem of inelastic bridge structures through the use of a frequency dependent lumped parameter assembly. The proposed procedure encounters accuracy and global stability issues observed on past methods while maintaining the broad applicability of the method by any commercial FEM software. A case study of an overpass bridge structure under earthquake excitations is illustrated in order to verify the proposed method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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