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The Dinantian Edale Basin is located to the north of the Derbyshire carbonate platform and underlies the Upper Carboniferous of the central Pennines. The Edale Basin was thought to be part of a large basin which extended from the Derbyshire carbonate platform to the Askrigg Block. The presence of aggregate grains and ooids in the Alport Borehole suggests that a carbonate platform, possibly located on the Holme structural high, was present underneath the central Pennines. This platform is called the Holme Platform. The Arundian to early Asbian section of the Alport Borehole represents deposition of resedimented shallow-water carbonates with occasional bioturbated periplatform carbonates and basinal shales on the middle part of a carbonate ramp. Volcaniclastic sediments may have been derived from a volcanic centre within the Edale Basin. A change in sedimentation during the mid-Asbian to the deposition of basinal shales and distal carbonate turbidites is attributed to starvation of the basin. This may have been caused by a combination of the development of accretionary rimmed carbonate shelves and the repeated emergence of shelf carbonates deposited on surrounding carbonate platforms. The late Asbian/early Brigantian section of the Edale Borehole is interpreted as a distal equivalent of the ‘Beach Beds’ which outcrop at the north margin of the Derbyshire carbonate platform. The ‘Beach Beds’ represent bioclastic turbidites derived from the Derbyshire carbonate platform. Throughout the Brigantian, sedimentation in the Edale Basin was dominated by the deposition of distal carbonate turbidites and basinal shales. Variation of dip through the Alport Borehole indicates the common occurrence of slumps throughout the sequence and the presence of either an angular unconformity or a fault within the early Brigantian section.  相似文献   
Emplacement of a giant submarine slide complex, offshore of South Kona, Hawaii Island, was investigated in 2001 by visual observation and in-situ sampling on the bench scarp and a megablock, during two dives utilizing the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Kaiko and its mother ship R/V Kairei. Topography of the bench scarp and megablocks were defined in 3-D perspective, using high-resolution digital bathymetric data acquired during the cruise. Compositions of 34 rock samples provide constraints on the landslide source regions and emplacement mechanisms. The bench scarp consists mainly of highly fractured, vesiculated, and oxidized aa lavas that slumped from the subaerial flank of ancestral Mauna Loa. The megablock contains three units: block facies, matrix facies, and draped sediment. The block facies contains hyaloclastite interbedded with massive lava, which slid from the shallow submarine flank of ancestral Mauna Loa, as indicated by glassy groundmass of the hyaloclastite, low oxidation state, and low sulfur content. The matrix facies, which directly overlies the block facies and is similar to a lahar deposit, is thought to have been deposited from the water column immediately after the South Kona slide event. The draped sediment is a thin high-density turbidite layer that may be a distal facies of the Alika-2 debris-avalanche deposit; its composition overlaps with rocks from subaerial Mauna Loa. The deposits generated by the South Kona slide vary from debris avalanche deposit to turbidite. Spatial distribution of the deposits is consistent with deposits related to large landslides adjacent to other Hawaiian volcanoes and the Canary Islands.  相似文献   
Lava flows of the Ninole Basalt, the oldest rocks exposed on the south side of the island of Hawaii, provide age and compositional constraints on the evolution of Mauna Loa volcano and the southeastward age progression of Hawaiian volcanism. Although the tholeiitic Ninole Basalt differs from historic lavas of Mauna Loa volcano in most major-element contents (e.g., variably lower K, Na, Si; higher Al, Fe, Ti, Ca), REE and other relatively immobile minor elements are similar to historic and prehistoric Mauna Loa lavas, and the present major-element differences are mainly due to incipient weathering in the tropical environment. New K-Ar whole-rock ages, from relatively fresh roadcut samples, suggest that the age of the Ninole Basalt is approximately 0.1–0.2 Ma, although resolution is poor because of low contents of K and radiogenic Ar. Originally considered the remnants of a separate volcano, the Ninole Hills are here interpreted as faulted remnants of the old south flank of Mauna Loa. Deep canyons in the Ninole Hills, eroded after massive landslide failure of flanks of the southwest rift zone, have been preserved from burial by younger lava due to westward migration of the rift zone. Landslide-induced depressurization of the southwest rift zone may also have induced phreatomagmatic eruptions that could have deposited widespread Basaltic ash that overlies the Ninole Basalt. Subaerial presence of the Ninole Basalt documents that the southern part of Hawaii Island had grown to much of its present size above sea level by 0.1–0.2 Ma, and places significant limits on subsequent enlargement of the south flank of Mauna Loa.  相似文献   
Atmospheric contributions of methane from Arctic wetlands during the Holocene are dynamic and linked to climate oscillations. However, long-term records linking climate variability to methane availability in Arctic wetlands are lacking. We present a multi-proxy ~12,000?year paleoecological reconstruction of intermittent methane availability from a radiocarbon-dated sediment core (LQ-West) taken from a shallow tundra lake (Qalluuraq Lake) in Arctic Alaska. Specifically, stable carbon isotopic values of photosynthetic biomarkers and methane are utilized to estimate the proportional contribution of methane-derived carbon to lake-sediment-preserved benthic (chironomids) and pelagic (cladocerans) components over the last ~12,000?years. These results were compared to temperature, hydrologic, and habitat reconstructions from the same site using chironomid assemblage data, oxygen isotopes of chironomid head capsules, and radiocarbon ages of plant macrofossils. Cladoceran ephippia from ~4,000?cal?year BP sediments have ??13C values that range from ~?39 to ?31??, suggesting peak methane carbon assimilation at that time. These low ??13C values coincide with an apparent decrease in effective moisture and development of a wetland that included Sphagnum subsecundum. Incorporation of methane-derived carbon by chironomids and cladocerans decreased from ~2,500 to 1,500?cal?year BP, coinciding with a temperature decrease. Live-collected chironomids with a radiocarbon age of 1,640?cal?year BP, and fossil chironomids from 1,500?cal?year BP in the core illustrate that ??old?? carbon has also contributed to the development of the aquatic ecosystem since ~1,500?cal?year BP. The relatively low ??13C values of aquatic invertebrates (as low as ?40.5??) provide evidence of methane incorporation by lake invertebrates, and suggest intermittent climate-linked methane release from the lake throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   
This study was carried out with the primary aim of understanding how the mangrove ecosystem in the Niger Delta has been altered recently. Specifically, we determined the spatial extent of the mangrove forest in the Niger Delta using remotely sensed satellite data and estimated changes in the spatial extent of the forest from the mid-1980s through 2003. Overall, about 21,340 hectares of Mangrove forest was lost over the study period. Fieldwork confirmed that these losses were primarily due to urbanization, dredging activities, activities of the oil and gas industries, and the spread of Nypa Palm (Nypa frutican) plant species.  相似文献   
We construct and evaluate a new three-dimensional model of crust and upper mantle structure in Western Eurasia and North Africa (WENA) extending to 700 km depth and having 1° parameterization. The model is compiled in an a priori fashion entirely from existing geophysical literature, specifically, combining two regionalized crustal models with a high-resolution global sediment model and a global upper mantle model. The resulting WENA1.0 model consists of 24 layers: water, three sediment layers, upper, middle, and lower crust, uppermost mantle, and 16 additional upper mantle layers. Each of the layers is specified by its depth, compressional and shear velocity, density, and attenuation (quality factors, Q P and Q S ). The model is tested by comparing the model predictions with geophysical observations including: crustal thickness, surface wave group and phase velocities, upper mantle n velocities, receiver functions, P-wave travel times, waveform characteristics, regional 1-D velocities, and Bouguer gravity. We find generally good agreement between WENA1.0 model predictions and empirical observations for a wide variety of independent data sets. We believe this model is representative of our current knowledge of crust and upper mantle structure in the WENA region and can successfully be used to model the propagation characteristics of regional seismic waveform data. The WENA1.0 model will continue to evolve as new data are incorporated into future validations and any new deficiencies in the model are identified. Eventually this a priori model will serve as the initial starting model for a multiple data set tomographic inversion for structure of the Eurasian continent.  相似文献   
Although regional mineral zoning in pelitic rocks has been described in numerous metamorphic terrains, relatively little is known about zoning in carbonate-bearing rocks. Regional metamorphism has resulted in a distinctive sequence of mineral zones in calcareous rocks (containing Fe, K and Al) of the Lessard Formation in the Bishop Corners-Madoc area, Grenville Province, Canada. The variation in metamorphic grade represented by the mineral zoning is attributed to a gradient in physical conditions (mainly temperature) at the time of metamorphism.In areas where pelitic schist and siliceous dolomite marble are rare or restricted in distribution, the mineral zones and isograds in impure calcareous rocks provide an alternative to conventional isograds for evaluating variations in metamorphic grade. In a metamorphic terrain where all three rock types occur, comparison of these isograds to those in pelitic and siliceous dolomite rocks results in a more accurate assessment of the distribution of isotherms and may provide some insight into the properties of the metamorphic fluid phase.  相似文献   
Much is known about how climate change impacts ecosystem richness and turnover, but we have less understanding of its influence on ecosystem structures. Here, we use ecological metrics (beta diversity, compositional disorder and network skewness) to quantify the community structural responses of temperature-sensitive chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) during the Late Glacial (14 700–11 700 cal a bp ) and Holocene (11 700 cal a bp to present). Analyses demonstrate high turnover (beta diversity) of chironomid composition across both epochs; however, structural metrics stayed relatively intact. Compositional disorder and skewness show greatest structural change in the Younger Dryas, following the rapid, high-magnitude climate change at the Bølling–Allerød to Younger Dryas transition. There were fewer climate-related structural changes across the early to mid–late Holocene, where climate change was more gradual and lower in magnitude. The reduced impact on structural metrics could be due to greater functional resilience provided by the wider chironomid community, or to the replacement of same functional-type taxa in the network structure. These results provide insight into how future rapid climate change may alter chironomid communities and could suggest that while turnover may remain high under a rapidly warming climate, community structural dynamics retain some resilience.  相似文献   
The structure of planetary scale low frequency phenomena in the tropics is studied, and an attempt is made to de-termine its influence and interactions with phenomena at higher latitudes.In the tropics, it is found that the majority of the variance in the zonal wind structure is made up in wave num-bers 1 and 2. During warm events in the Pacific Ocean, when the Southern Oscillation Index is negative, almost all of the variance resides in the gravest mode which undergoes a 40o eastward phase shift. Meanwhile, the second logitudinal mode almost disappears. On the other hand, the meridional wind field possesses maximum amplitude at higher wave numbers. However, near the equator, the amplitude is small with extreme values occurring in the subtropics. The difference in scale and the location of extrema of the meridional and zonal wind components indicate that the tropical atmosphere is responding to two different driving mechanisms,Correlation analyses between variations of the zonal wind at reference points along the equator with variations of component elsewhere show that there are strong logitudinal connections. The strongest correlations between the tropics and higher latitudes exist in the region of the equatorial westerlies. In fact, stronger correlations occur between variations in U anywhere along the equator and the middle latitudes to the north and south of the equatorial wester-lies than to the latitudes immediately to the north and south of the reference points. We interpret this “remote” corre-lation pattern as indicating a two-stage teleconnection process which emphasizes the importance of the equatorial tropical westerlies of the Pacific Ocean as a “corridor” of communication between the low and high latitudes. The regionality of the correlations confirms, to some extent, recent theoretical development regarding trapped equatorial modes. Finally, time lagged correlations from plus and minus six months between variations of U and OLR indicate that the interactions between the extratropics and low latitudes possess an organized sequence. The extratropical in-fluence appears to propagate into the tropics followed by an eastward propagation along the equator. Finally, a propagation from the tropics to the extratropics in the upper troposphere occurs in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The time-lagged correlation sequence does not appear to be symmetric about the equator.  相似文献   
The Yucatán Peninsula karst aquifer is one of the most extensive and spectacular karst aquifer systems on the planet. This transboundary aquifer system extends over an area of approximately 165,000? km2 in México, Guatemala and Belize. The Triassic to Holocene Yucatán limestone platform is located in the vicinity of the North American/Caribbean plate boundary and has been reshaped by a series of tectonic events over its long geologic history. At the end of the Cretaceous period, the Yucatán Peninsula was hit by a large asteroid, which formed the Chicxulub impact crater. The Yucatán Peninsula karst aquifer hosts large amounts of groundwater resources which maintain highly diverse groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Large parts of the aquifer are affected by seawater intrusion. Anthropogenic pollution of the aquifer has been increasing over the past few decades, owing to relentless economic development and population growth on the Peninsula. This review summarizes the state of knowledge on the Yucatán Peninsula karst aquifer and outlines the main challenges for hydrologic research and practical groundwater-resources management on the Peninsula.  相似文献   
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