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Long term monitoring for oil in the Exxon Valdez spill region   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In the aftermath of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, a Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program (LTEMP) has been regularly sampling mussels (and some sediments) for polycyclic aromatic and saturated hydrocarbons (PAH and SHC) at sites in Port Valdez, Prince William Sound, and the nearby Gulf of Alaska region. After 1999, a decreasing trend appears in total PAH (TPAH) in tissues at all sites with current values below 100 ng/g dry weight (many below 50 ng/g). Currently, most samples reflect a predominantly dissolved-phase signal. This new low in TPAH likely represents ambient background levels. Synchrony in TPAH time-series and similarities in the hydrocarbon signatures portray regional-scale dynamics. The five inner Prince William Sound sites show similar composition and fluctuations that are different from the three Gulf of Alaska sites. The two Port Valdez sites represent a unique third region primarily influenced by the treated ballast water discharge from the Alyeska Marine Terminal. Prince William Sound has reverted to a stable environment of extremely low level contamination in which local perturbations are easily detected.  相似文献   
U-Pb monazite and zircon geochronology and calculated metamorphic phase diagrams from drill holes in the northern Gawler Craton, southern Australia, reveal the presence of ca. 1.45 Ga magmatism and metamorphism. Magmatism and granulite facies metamorphism of this age has not previously been recognised in the Gawler Craton. The magmatic rocks have steep LREE-enriched patterns and high Ga/Al values, suggesting they are A-type granites. Calculated metamorphic forward models suggest that this event was associated with high apparent thermal gradients and reached pressures of 3.2 -5.4 kbar and temperatures of 775-815℃. The high apparent thermal gradients may reflect pluton-enhanced metamorphism, consistent with the presence of A-type granites. The recognition of ca. 1.45 Ga tectonism in the northern Gawler Craton is added to a compilation of ca. 1.50 -1.40 Ga magmatism, shear zone reactivation, rift basin development and isotope resetting throughout the South and North Australian Cratons that shows that this event was widespread in eastern Proterozoic Australia. This event is stylistically similar to ca. 1.45 Ga A-type magmatism and high thermal gradient metamorphism in Laurentia in this interval and provides further support for a connection between Australia and Laurentia during the Mesoproterozoic. The tectonic setting of the 1.50-1.40 Ga event is unclear but may record rifting within the Nuna(or Columbia) supercontinent, or a period of intracontinental extension within a long-lived convergent setting.  相似文献   
The skin friction of a two-dimensional planing flat plate is made up of two opposing components; a drag force from the flow aft of the stagnation line and an opposing thrust force from the jet flow. This paper is concerned only with the drag term and the wake velocity defect which it causes in the water behind the transom.It is concluded that the skin friction is less than would be expected from a flat plate at ambient static pressure (Dfo say) and is approximately equal to Dfo (1 − CR), where CR is the normal force coefficient based on wetted area. The wake velocity decrement due to this drag is found to be significant, particularly for surface piercing propellers.  相似文献   
Added mass theory has been shown to give excellent agreement with experimental measurements on planing surfaces at normal planing angles [e.g. Payne, P.R. (1982, Ocean Engng9, 515–545; 1988, Design of High-Speed Boats, Volume 1: Planning. Fishergate. Inc., Annapolis, Maryland)] and to agree exactly with more complex conformal transformations where such a comparison is possible. But at large trim angles, it predicts non-transient pressures that are greater than the free-stream dynamic pressure and so cannot be correct. In this paper, I suggest that the reason is because, unlike a body or a wing in an infinite fluid, a planing plate only has fluid on one side—the “high pressure” side. So the fluid in contact with the plate travels more slowly as the plate trim angle (and therefore static pressure) increases. This results in lower added mass forces than Munk, M. (1924) The Aerodynamic Forces on Airship Hulls (NACA TR-184) and Jones, R. T. (1946) Properties of Low-Aspect-Ratio Pointed Wings at Speeds Below and Above the Speed of Sound (NACA TR-835) originally calculated for wings and other bodies in an infinite fluid.For simplicity of presentation, I have initially considered the example of a triangular (vertex forward) planning plate. This makes the integration of elemental force very simple and so the various points are made without much trouble. But the penalty is that there seem to be no experimental data for such a configuration; at least none that I have been able to discover. But at least the equations obtained in the limits of zero and infinite aspect ratio, small trim angles (τ) and τ = 90° all agree with established concepts and the variation of normal force with trim angle looks like what we would expect from our knowledge of how delta wings behave in air.I then employed the new equation to calculate the force on a rectangular planing surface at a trim angle τ, having a constant horizontal velocity uo and a vertical impact velocity of ż. This happens to have been explored experimentally by Smiley, R. F. [(1951) An Experimental Study of Water Pressure-Distributions During Landings and Planing of a Heavily Loaded Rectangular Flat Plate Model (NACA TM 2453)] up to trim angles of τ = 45°, and so a comparison between theory and experiment is possible. The results of this comparison are encouraging, as is also a comparison with the large trim angle planing plate measurements of Shuford, C. L. [(1958) A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Planing Surfaces Including Effects of Cross Section and Plan Form (NACA Report)].As two practical applications, I first employed the new equations to calculate the “design pressures” needed to size the plating of a transom bow on a high-speed “Wavestrider” hull. The resulting pressures were significantly different to those obtained using semi-empirical design rules in the literature. Then I used the theory to critically review data obtained from tank tests of a SES bow section during water impact to identify how the “real world” of resilient deck plating diverged from the “model world” of extreme structural rigidity.  相似文献   
Virtual mass solutions (Payne, 1974, 1980a) for the normal force on a flat planing plate gave good agreement with experiments for wetted length to beam ratios (l? = l/b) in excess of unity. In an article by Payne (1981a), the region below l? = 1 was faired into the known two-dimensional solution (infinite aspect ratio) by means of a bridging function. A subsequent study (Payne, 1980c) of the virtual mass of a rectangular plate led to another bridging function which seemed to be more fundamental, and might give better agreement between theory and experiment below l? = 1 than was the case in the work by Payne (1981a). In the present note this is shown to be so. And although the lift curve slope of a wing and a planing plate (when the cavity lift contribution is neglected) are identical for slender planforms (l? > 1) and in the two dimensional flow (l? = 0) the plate is found to have a higher lift curve slope in between. There is no relationship between the pitching moment of a planing plate and an aerofoil.This subsequent work has also resulted in a more elegant version of the basic equations, and the new version is presented for both normal force and moment. For slender (l? = 1) flat plates the non-dimensional center of pressure (X?G) of the “virtual mass” force is close to the stagnation line and moves aft with increasing τ and l?. It is rarely further aft than 10% of the wetted length. The theoretical prediction is compared with the measurements of Sottorf and found to be within the scatter of the data. In contrast, X?G = 23 for a chines dry prismatic hull, and 14 for a wing or hydrofoil.The theory enables the effect of camber and rocker to be studied. Using simplified approximations to the general theory it is shown that camber reduces pressure drag (by as much as half) and the bow-up pitching moment; the latter by so much that a cambered planing surface can become unstable. (This was already known theoretically for two-dimensional flow, from the work of Wagner (1932a,b), Cumberbatch (1958), Wu and Whitney (1972), Doctors (1974), Wellicome and Jahangeer (1978). It was known for slender planing surfaces from the work of Maruo (1967) and Tulin (1957). It was also known experimentally for finite aspect ratios from the work of Sottorf (1932, 1934), Clements (1964) and Moore (1967). Rocker, on the other hand, gives a large bow-up couple, and results in increased pressure drag. Presumably this large bow-up moment is why rocker is almost invariably employed with planing sailing dinghies and surfboards, despite the resistance penalty.  相似文献   
Barry Fahey  John Payne 《水文研究》2017,31(16):2921-2934
This paper presents results from 34 years of the Glendhu Experimental Catchment Study, established in 1979 by the former New Zealand Forest Service in upland east Otago in New Zealand's South Island to determine the hydrological consequences of converting indigenous tussock grassland to plantation forestry. A traditional paired catchment approach was adopted; after a 2.5‐year pretreatment period, one catchment (GH2, 310 ha) was planted over two thirds of its area in Pinus radiata, and an adjacent catchment (GH1, 216 ha) was left in tussock as a control. The average annual reduction in water yield from the planted catchment between canopy closure in 1991 and 2013, compared with that in tussock, was 273 mm (33%). Annual water yields from the planted catchment continued to decline relative to the tussock catchment until 2010. Since then, the difference in annual water yields between the two catchments has narrowed. Ripping before planting caused some redistribution of the total streamflow from stormflow to baseflow. Following canopy closure, afforestation has reduced the low flow (Q95) by an average of 26% compared with the tussock catchment. Average peak flows for small events (2–5 L/s/ha) were reduced by 78%, but only by 37% for larger, less frequent storms (>15 L/s/ha), suggesting that peak flows during high magnitude storms are less dependent on the prevailing land cover.  相似文献   
Numerous palaeoecological studies have used testate amoeba analysis to reconstruct Holocene hydrological change in peatlands, and thereby past climatic change. Current studies have been almost exclusively restricted to ombrotrophic bogs and the period since the fen–bog transition. Although the critical link between peatland surface wetness and climate is less direct in minerotrophic peatlands, such records may still be of value where there are few others, particularly if multiple records can be derived and inter‐compared. Expanding the temporal and spatial scope of testate amoeba‐based palaeohydrology to minerotrophic peatlands requires studies to establish the primacy of hydrology and the efficacy of transfer functions across a range of sites. This study analyses testate amoeba data from wetlands spanning the trophic gradient in the eastern Mediterranean region. Results demonstrate that different types of wetlands have distinctly different amoeba communities, but hydrology remains the most important environmental control (despite water table depth being measured at different times for different sites). Interestingly, Zn and Fe emerge as significant environmental variables in a subset of sites with geochemical data. Testate amoeba–hydrology transfer functions perform well in cross‐validation but frequently perform poorly when applied to other sites, particularly with sites of a different nutrient status. It may be valid to use testate amoebae to reconstruct hydrological change from minerotrophic peatlands with an applicable transfer function; however, it may not be appropriate to use testate amoebae to reconstruct hydrological change through periods of ecosystem evolution, particularly the fen–bog transition. In practice, the preservation of amoeba shells is likely to be a key problem for palaeoecological reconstruction from fens. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present moderate-resolution (<5 Å) long-slit optical spectra of 51 nebular objects in the nearby Sculptor Group galaxy NGC 300 obtained with the 2.3 meter Advanced Technology Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory, Australia. Adopting the criterion of [S?ii]Total:Hα≥0.4 to confirm supernova remnants (SNRs) from optical spectra, we find that of 28 objects previously proposed as SNRs from optical observations, 22 meet this criterion with six showing [S?ii]Total:Hα of less than 0.4. Of 27 objects suggested as SNRs from radio data, four are associated with the 28 previously proposed SNRs. Of these four, three (included in the 22 above) meet the criterion. In all, 22 of the 51 nebular objects meet the [S ii]Total:Hα criterion as SNRs while the nature of the remaining 29 objects remains undetermined by these observations.  相似文献   
The theory of polar magnetic burial in accreting neutron stars predicts that a mountain of accreted material accumulates at the magnetic poles of the star, and that, as the mountain spreads equatorward, it is confined by, and compresses, the equatorial magnetic field. Here, we extend previous, axisymmetric, Grad–Shafranov calculations of the hydromagnetic structure of a magnetic mountain up to accreted masses as high as   M a= 6 × 10−4 M  , by importing the output from previous calculations (which were limited by numerical problems and the formation of closed bubbles to   M a < 10−4 M  ) into the time-dependent, ideal-magnetohydrodynamic code zeus-3d and loading additional mass on to the star dynamically. The rise of buoyant magnetic bubbles through the accreted layer is observed in these experiments. We also investigate the stability of the resulting hydromagnetic equilibria by perturbing them in zeus-3d . Surprisingly, it is observed that the equilibria are marginally stable for all   M a≤ 6 × 10−4 M  ; the mountain oscillates persistently when perturbed, in a combination of Alfvén and acoustic modes, without appreciable damping or growth, and is therefore not disrupted (apart from a transient Parker instability initially, which expels <1 per cent of the mass and magnetic flux).  相似文献   
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