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We present new U/Pb and Pb/Pb radiometric age data from two tectono-stratigraphic units of the regionally extensive Bolu Massif, in the W Pontides (İstanbul Fragment), N Turkey. A structurally lower unit (Sünnice Group) is cut by small meta-granitic intrusions, whereas the structurally higher unit comprises meta-volcanic rocks (Çaşurtepe Fm) cut by meta-granitic plutons (Tüllükiriş and Kapıkaya plutons). U/Pb single-crystal dating of zircons from the Kapıkaya Pluton yielded a concordant cluster, with a mean 238U/206Pb age of 565.3 ± 1.9 Ma. Zircons from the Tüllükiriş Pluton (affected by Pb loss) gave a 207Pb/206Pb age of 576 ± 6 Ma age (Late Precambrian). Small meta-granitic intrusions cutting the Sünnice Group yielded a less precise 207Pb/206Pb age of 262 ± 19 Ma (Early Permian). The older ages from the Bolu Massif confirm the existence of latest Precambrian arc magmatism related to subduction of a Cadomian ocean. We infer that the Bolu Massif represents a fragment of a Cadomian active margin. Cadomian orogenic units were dispersed as exotic terranes throughout the Variscan and Tethyan orogens, and the Bolu Massif probably reached its present position prior to latest Palaeozoic time. Our dating results also confirm that NW Turkey was affected by Hercynian magmatism related to subduction of Palaeotethys, as inferred for other areas of the Pontides.  相似文献   
Investigations of atmospheric composition in the Himalayas has been limited in both temporal and spatial scales, mainly due to difficult logistics. Ideal sites for monitoring atmospheric composition and its evolution should be free from local pollution and representative of the remote troposphere (HUEBERT et al., 1980). As the Himalayas are far removed from highly industrialized regions they provide suitable locations to monitor the chemistry of the remote troposphere and to study the evolu…  相似文献   
Ten rare-earth elements (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Tm, Yb and Lu) and Ta, Th and Hf contents in eight kimberlites and inclusions from Greenland and Zambia have been determined by instrumental neutron activation. All the samples have highly fractionated rare-earth (REE) distribution patterns. La/Yb ratios in the Greenland kimberlites (hypabyssal facies) vary from 111.8 to 188.4, and the total rare-earth contents range from 204.8 to 380.3 ppm. No europium anomaly is present. The Zambian kimberlites (diatreme facies) are altered and carbonated. Rare-earth patterns in these are also light REE-enriched. A significant difference is shown to exist between the diatreme and hypabyssal facies of kimberlites.  相似文献   
Diamonds have been discovered in mantle peridotites and chromitites of six ophiolitic massifs along the 1300 km‐long Yarlung‐Zangbo suture (Bai et al., 1993; Yang et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2015), and in the Dongqiao and Dingqing mantle peridotites of the Bangong‐Nujiang suture in the eastern Tethyan zone (Robinson et al., 2004; Xiong et al., 2018). Recently, in‐situ diamond, coesite and other UHP mineral have also been reported in the Nidar ophiolite of the western Yarlung‐Zangbo suture (Das et al., 2015, 2017). The above‐mentioned diamond‐bearing ophiolites represent remnants of the eastern Mesozoic Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. New publications show that diamonds also occur in chromitites in the Pozanti‐Karsanti ophiolite of Turkey, and in the Mirdita ophiolite of Albania in the western Tethyan zone (Lian et al., 2017; Xiong et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2018). Similar diamonds and associated minerals have also reported from Paleozoic ophiolitic chromitites of Central Asian Orogenic Belt of China and the Ray‐Iz ophiolite in the Polar Urals, Russia (Yang et al., 2015a, b; Tian et al., 2015; Huang et al, 2015). Importantly, in‐situ diamonds have been recovered in chromitites of both the Luobusa ophiolite in Tbet and the Ray‐Iz ophiolite in Russia (Yang et al., 2014, 2015a). The extensive occurrences of such ultra‐high pressure (UHP) minerals in many ophiolites suggest formation by similar geological events in different oceans and orogenic belts of different ages. Compared to diamonds from kimberlites and UHP metamorphic belts, micro‐diamonds from ophiolites present a new occurrence of diamond that requires significantly different physical and chemical conditions of formation in Earth's mantle. The forms of chromite and qingsongites (BN) indicate that ophiolitic chromitite may form at depths of >150‐380 km or even deeper in the mantle (Yang et al., 2007; Dobrthinetskaya et al., 2009). The very light C isotope composition (δ13C ‐18 to ‐28‰) of these ophiolitic diamonds and their Mn‐bearing mineral inclusions, as well as coesite and clinopyroxene lamallae in chromite grains all indicate recycling of ancient continental or oceanic crustal materials into the deep mantle (>300 km) or down to the mantle transition zone via subduction (Yang et al., 2014, 2015a; Robinson et al., 2015; Moe et al., 2018). These new observations and new data strongly suggest that micro‐diamonds and their host podiform chromitite may have formed near the transition zone in the deep mantle, and that they were then transported upward into shallow mantle depths by convection processes. The in‐situ occurrence of micro‐diamonds has been well‐demonstrated by different groups of international researchers, along with other UHP minerals in podiform chromitites and ophiolitic peridotites clearly indicate their deep mantle origin and effectively address questions of possible contamination during sample processing and analytical work. The widespread occurrence of ophiolite‐hosted diamonds and associated UHP mineral groups suggests that they may be a common feature of in‐situ oceanic mantle. The fundamental scientific question to address here is how and where these micro‐diamonds and UHP minerals first crystallized, how they were incorporated into ophiolitic chromitites and peridotites and how they were preserved during transport to the surface. Thus, diamonds and UHP minerals in ophiolites have raised new scientific problems and opened a new window for geologists to study recycling from crust to deep mantle and back to the surface.  相似文献   
利用树轮资料重建青海都兰地区过去1835年的气候变化   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
根据青海都兰地区树木年轮样本,建立了上前我国最长的年轮年表序列(1835a),系 统地与所在地区气候资料进行了综合分析。通过响应函数计算得出,该年表对温度因子的反映更为第三一些。在响应面分析中发现,温度、降水与年轮宽度的关系呈现出随温度和降水的不同而不同。在温度低而降水量少的情况下,其线性相关性明显;但在温度较高和降水量较多时,树轮与两要素间的关系就显得不明显。另外,还对该年表玮秋季平均温度的关系进  相似文献   
The room-temperature Raman spectra of aragonite, magnesite and dolomite have been recorded up to 30 GPa and 25 GPa, respectively and no phase changes were observed during compression, unlike calcite. The effect of temperature on the room-pressure Raman spectra of calcite, aragonite, magnesite and dolomite is reported up to 800–1100 K. The measured relative pressure and temperature-shifts of the Raman lines are greater for the lattice modes than for the internal modes of the CO3 groups. These shifts are used to calculate the mode anharmonic parameters of the observed Raman modes; they are negative and their absolute values are smaller (close to 0) for the internal CO3 modes than for the lattice modes (4–17 10?5 K?1). The temperature shifts of the lattice modes in calcite are considerably larger than those for dolomite and magnesite, and a marked non-linear increase in linewidth is observed above 400° C for calcite. This is consistent with an increasing relaxational component to the libration of the CO3 groups about their threefold axes, premonitory to the rotational order-disorder transition at higher temperature. This behaviour is not observed for the other calcite structured minerals in this study. We examine systematic variations in the lattice mode frequencies and linewidths with composition, to begin to understand these differences in their anharmonic behaviour. Finally, we have used a simple Debye-Waller model to calculate atomic displacements in calcite, magnesite and dolomite with increasing temperature from the vibrational frequency data, to provide a direct comparison with atomic positional data from high-temperature structure refinements.  相似文献   
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