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Outside the Bergell tonalite contact aureole, ophicarbonate rocks consist of blocks of antigorite schist embedded in veins of calcite ± tremolite. An antigorite schistosity predates some of these calcite veins. Mono- and bimineralic assemblages occur in reaction zones associated with the veins. Within the aureole, the ophicarbonate veining becomes less distinct and polymineralic assemblages become more frequent. A regular sequence of isobaric univariant assemblages is found, separated by isograds corresponding to isobaric invariant assemblages. In order of increasing grade the invariant assemblages are: antigorite+diopside+olivine+tremolite+calcite antigorite+dolomite+olivine+tremolite+calcite antigorite+olivine+talc+magnesite antigorite+dolomite+olivine+tremolite+talc These assemblages match a previously derived topology in P-T-XCO2 space for the system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O-CO2; the field sequence can be used to adjust the relative locations of calculated invariant points with respect to temperature. Isobaric univariant and invariant assemblages are plotted along a profile map to permit direct comparison with the phase diagram.It is inferred that, during the formation of the ophicarbonate veins, calcite precipitated from fluid introduced into the serpentinite. During contact metamorphism, however, the compositions of pore fluids evolved by reaction in the ophicarbonate rocks were largely buffered by the solid phases. This control occurred on a small scale, because there are local variations in the buffering solid assemblages within a centimeter range.  相似文献   
The direction of convergence between the Rivera and North American plates becomes progressively more oblique (in a counter-clockwise sense as measured relative to the trench-normal direction) northwestward along the Jalisco subduction zone. By analogy to other subduction zones, the forces resulting from this distribution of convergence directions are expected to produce a NW moving, fore-arc sliver and a NW–SE stretching of the fore-arc area. Also, a series of roughly arc parallel strike-slip faults may form in the fore-arc area, both onshore and offshore, as is observed in the Aleutian arc.In the Jalisco subduction zone, the Jalisco block has been proposed to represent such a fore-arc sliver. However, this proposal has encountered one major problem. Namely, right-lateral strike-slip faulting within the fore-arc sliver, and between the fore-arc sliver and the North American plate, should be observed. However, evidence for the expected right-lateral strike-slip faulting is sparse. Some evidence for right-lateral strike-slip faulting along the Jalisco block–North American plate boundary (the Tepic–Zacoalco rift system) has been reported, although some disagreement exists. Right-lateral strike-slip faulting has also been reported within the interior of the Jalisco block and in the southern Colima rift, which forms the SE boundary of the Jalisco block.Threefold, multi-channel seismic reflection data were collected in the offshore area of the Jalisco subduction zone off Manzanillo in April 2002 during the FAMEX campaign of the N/O L'Atalante. These data provide additional evidence for recent strike-slip motion within the fore-arc region of the Jalisco subduction zone. This faulting offsets right-laterally a prominent horst block within the southern Colima rift, from which we conclude that the sense of motion along the faulting is dextral. These data also provide additional evidence for recent subsidence within the area offshore of Manzanillo, as has been proposed.  相似文献   
Four plutons from the W-Tibati area of central Cameroon crop out in close relationships with the Pan-African Adamawa ductile shear zone (Central Cameroon Shear Zone: CCSZ). These plutons include diorites, tonalites, granodiorites and granites, and most of them are porphyritic due to the abundance of pink K-feldspar megacrysts. Syn-kinematic magma emplacement is demonstrated by the elongate shape of the plutons and by magmatic and ductile (gneissic) foliations that strike parallel to or at a low angle with the CCSZ; the foliation obliquity is consistent with dextral transcurrent tectonics. Whole-rock geochemistry points to high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism. Mixing-mingling features can be observed in the field. However, fractional crystallization of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite (+ K-feldspar in the more felsic compositions) appears to have played a dominant role in the magmatic differentiation processes, as confirmed by mass balance calculations based on major elements. Isotopic signatures suggest that the magmas may have originated from different sources, i.e. either from a young mafic underplate for most magmas with εNdi(600 Ma) around −1 to −2 and Sri(600 Ma) around 0.705, or from an enriched lithospheric mantle for some diorites with εNdi(600 Ma) at −6 and Sri(600 Ma) at 0.7065; mixing with young crustal component is likely. The plutonic rocks of W-Tibati are similar to other Pan-African high-K calk-alkaline syn-kinematic plutons in western Cameroon. They also display striking similarities with high-K calk-alkaline plutons associated with the Patos and Pernambuco shear zones of the Borborema province in NE Brazil.  相似文献   
Résumé Après un bref aperçu sur les types intrusifs de roches plutoniques, sont décrits les divers types d'associations min7'erales isogénétiques d'origine hydrothermale du Massif de bohême, sur le territoire de la Tchécoslovaquie. L'étude de la répartition spatiale de certaines associations minérales conduit à la différenciation de 2 zones et de 7 sous-provinces, dans la province du Massif de Bohême. Du point de vue chronologique, trois époques de minéralisation sont distinguées: antéhercynienne, hercynienne et posthercynienne, qui comportent plusieurs sous-époques distinctes de minéralisation. En conclusion, une distinction est faite entre: 1°) des associations hydrothermales montrant des relations chronologiques et spatiales nettes avec des granitoïdes voisins; 2°) des associations ne montrant que des relations spatiales; 3°) des associations, les plus nombreuses, qui sont sans aucun rapport évident avec les massifs connus de granitoïdes.
After a brief survey of intrusive types of plutonic rocks, the present paper contains a review of isogenetic mineral associations of hydrothermal origin occurring in the Bohemian Massif in the territory of Czechoslovakia; further, the distribution of some mineral associations is discussed; the result is the differentiation of 2 zones and 7 subprovinces of the province of the Bohemian Massif. From the chronological point of view three epochs can be distinguished: pre-Variscan, Variscan and post-Variscan which include marked mineralisation subepochs. In conclusion the authors discern: 1°) hydrothermal associations showing spatial and chronological relations to the surrounding granitoids; 2°) associations displaying spatial relations only; 3°) those — the most numerous — which do not show any distinct relations to the known massifs of granitoids.
Résumé On détermine analytiquement les températures absoluesT (z, t) etT (z, t) dans l'air et dans le substrat terrestre, au voisinage de la surface de séparation de ces milieux, sous la condition que le rayonnement global varie dans le temps selon une fonction périodique simple ou quelconque. A cette fin, on s'attache à résoudre le système des deux équations de la chaleur dans l'air et dans le substrat terrestre en tenant compte de toutes les conditions physiques déterminantes du problème. Celles-ci interviennent dans l'équation énergétique aux limites pour le plan de séparationz=0. Un minimum d'hypothèses simplificatrices confère une plus haute valeur pratique aux résultats. Leur limitation principale réside dans le fait que les diffusivités turbulentesK etK w de l'air et de l'Océan sont supposées constantes. On retrouve le résultat classique selon lequel l'onde thermique est déphasée sur le rayonnement global et jouit d'une amplitude proportionnelle à celle de ce rayonnement. Toutefois, l'amortissement thermique et le déphasage dépendent cette fois de la somme + des «propriétés thermiques» du substrat et de l'air, et étant alternativement dominant selon qu'il s'agit des Continents ou des Océans. Dans ce dernier cas, la théorie des oscillations thermiques est traitée d'abord en admettant l'existence d'une couche d'eau isothermique. On établit ensuite la théorie plus réaliste qui considère à la fois la diffusivité thermique turbulenteK w et le coefficient d'extinctionq du rayonnement global dans l'Océan. Le point de départ de la théorie est l'équation de la chaleur dans un milieu semi-transparent. Les résultats montrent que l'onde thermique de surface subit un amortissement complémentaire dû au facteurq, le déphasage sur le rayonnement global pouvant atteindre 91 jours alors que cette limite n'est que de 45 jours pour les Continents. La discussion des résultats théoriques montre leur bon accord quantitatif avec les faits observés. On termine par quelques applications de la théorie; on montre notamment que celle-ci valide rationnellement la théorie astronomique des phases climatiques quaternaires.
Summary Absolute temperaturesT (z, t) andT (z, t) near the interface of air and terrestrial substratum are analytically determined, under the condition that the total radiation varies with time according to a simple or to any other periodic function. To achieve this, the system of two equations of heat in air and terrestrial substratum is resolved in taking into account all the determining physical conditions of the problem. These conditions are considered in the energy boundary equation for the surface of separationz=0. A minimum number of simplifying hypotheses give a higher practical value to the results whose principal limitation lies in the fact that eddy conductivitiesK andK w of air and ocean water are supposed to be constant. The classical result that the thermal wave differs in phase from the total radiation and gives an amplitude proportional to that radiation is confirmed. However, the thermal damping and the lag in phase depend here of the sum + of the thermal properties of the substratum and the air, and being preponderant for continents and oceans respectively. In the last case, the theory of thermal oscillations is first studied with the aid of the hypothesis of an isothermal water layer. Then a more realistic theory is established which considers in addition the eddy diffusivityK w and the extinction coefficientq of the total radiation in the ocean. The basis of the theory is the heat equation for a semi-transparent medium. The results show that the surface thermal wave suffers a further damping due toq. In addition, the maximum temperature may lag behind the maximum radiation by as much as 91 days as against a maximum of 45 days for the continents. The discussion of the theoretical results shows their good quantitative agreement with the observations. Some practical applications of the theory are given. For example the validity of the astronomical theory of the climatic changes during the Quaternary period is rationally justified.

Zusammenfassung Die absoluten TemperatureT (z, t) undT (z, t) von Luft und terrestrischer Unterlage in der Nähe der Trennschicht der beiden Medien werden analytisch bestimmt mit der Bedingung, daß die Globalstrahlung nach einer einfachen oder einer beliebigen periodischen Funktion mit der Zeit variiert. Zu diesem Zweck wird versucht, under Berücksichtigung aller bestimmenden physikalischen Bedingungen des Problems das System der beiden Wärmegleichungen für Luft und für das terrestrische Substrat zu lösen. Diese gehen in der Energiegleichung für die Grenzbédingungen der Trennflächez=0 ineinander über. Ein Minimum an vereinfachenden Hypothesen erhöht den praktischen Wert der Resultate; die Annahme der Konstanz des AustauschkoeffizientenA=K undA w = w A w der Luft und des Ozeans bildet die wichtigste Einschränkung. Das klassische Resultat, nach dem die Wärmewelle zur Globalstrahlung in Phase verschoben und ihre Amplitude proportional zur Strahlungsamplitude ist, wird bestätigt. Die Abschwächung der thermischen Amplitude sowie die Phasenverschiebung hängen aber von der Summe + der thermischen Eigenschaften der Unterlage und der Luft ab; wobei oder überwiegt, je nachdem es sich um die Kontinente oder die Ozeane handelt. Für den letzteren Fall Wird die Theorie der Wärmeschwankungen zuerst unter der Annahme der Existenz einer isothermen Wasserschicht behandelt. Hernach wird die allgemeiner gültige Theorie entwickelt, welche gleichzeitig den TurbulenzaustauschA w und den Extinktionskoeffizientenq der Globalstrahlung im Ozean in Betracht zieht. Den Ausgangspunkt für die Theorie bildet die Wärmegleichung für ein Strahlungsdurchlässiges Medium. Die Resultate zeigen, daß die Oberflächenwärmewelle eine Abschwächung entsprechend dem Faktorq erfährt; dabei kann die Phasenverschiebung gegenüber der Globalstrahlung 91 Tage erreichen, während die maximale Verschiebung für die Kontinente nur 45 Tage beträgt. Die Vergleichung der theoretischen Resultate ergibt deren gute quantitative Übereinstimmung mit den Beobachtungstatsachen. Zum Schluß werden einige Anwendungen der Theorie gebracht; so wird z. B. gezeigt, daß diese eine sinngemäße Rechtfertigung der Gültigkeit der astronomischen Theorie der quaternären klimatischen Phasen gestattet.

Institut belge pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique Outre-Mer (IBERSOM), 3, rue Montoyer, Bruxelles, Belgique.  相似文献   
The electron probe X-ray microanalyzer has been used to determine the compositional variability of the groundmass minerals and glass in 10 specimens from a complete 225-foot section of the prehistoric tholeiitic lava lake of Makaopuhi Crater, Hawaii. The order of beginning of crystallization was: (1) chromite, (2) olivine, (3) augite, (4) plagioclase, (5) pigeonite, (6) iron-titanium oxides and orthopyroxene, (7) alkali feldspar and apatite, and (8) glass.Although the lake is chemically tholeiitic throughout, the occurrence of ferromagnesian minerals is as though there were a gradation from alkali olivine basalt in the upper chill downwards to olivine tholeiite. Groundmass olivine decreases downwards and disappears at about 20 feet. Pigeonite is absent in the uppermost 5±2 feet, then increases in amount down to 20 feet, below which augite and pigeonite coexist in constant 21 proportions. Strong zoning and metastable compositions characterize the pyroxenes of the chilled zones, but these features gradually disappear towards the interior of the lake to give way to equilibrium pyroxenes. Relatively homogeneous poikilitic orthopyroxene ( Ca4Mg70Fe26) occurs in the olivine cumulate zone, having formed partly at the expense of pre-existing olivine, augite, and pigeonite ( Ca8Mg66Fe26). The growth of orthopyroxene is believed to have been facilitated by the slower cooling rate and higher volatile pressure at depth, and by the rise in Mg/Fe ratio of the liquid due to the partial dissolution of settled olivine.Unlike olivine and pyroxene, feldspar is least zoned in the upper and lower chilled regions. The greatest range of compositional zoning in feldspar occurs at 160 to 190 feet, where it extends continuously from Or1.0Ab22An77 to Or64Ab33An3. The feldspar fractionation trend in the An-Ab-Or triangle gradually shifts with depth toward more equilibrium trends, even though the zoning becomes more extreme. The variation with depth in the initial (core) composition of the plagioclase suggests the influence of either slow nucleation and growth (undercooling) or slow diffusion in the liquid, relative to the rate of cooling.Idiomorphic opaque inclusions in olivine phenocrysts are chrome-spinels showing continuous variation from 60 percent chromite to 85 percent ulvospinel and to magnetite-rich spinel. A pre-eruption trend of increasing Al with decreasing Cr can be recognized in chromites from the upper chill. Most of the inclusions show a trend of falling Cr and Al, toward an ulvospinelmagnetite solid solution which is progressively poorer in Usp with depth. This trend was produced by solid state alteration of the chromite inclusions during cooling in the lava lake. Ilmenite (average Ilm91Hm9) coexists with variably oxidized titaniferous magnetite in the basalt groundmass. Estimated oxygen fugacities agree well with other independent determinations in tholeiitic basalt. No sulfide phase has been detected.Fractional crystallization produced a groundmass glass of granitic composition. Average, in percent, is: SiO2, 75.5; Al2O3, 12.5; K2O, 5.7; Na2O, 3.1; CaO, 0.3; MgO, 0.05; total FeO, 1.2; and TiO2, 0.8. Normative Or> Ab. Minor changes in glass composition with depth are consistent with a greater approach towards the granite minimum. Incipient devitrification precluded reliable analysis of glass from the lower half of the section. The SiO2-phase associated with devitrification contains alkalis and Al and is believed to be cristobalite. Needle-like apatite crystals in the groundmass glass are Siand Fe-bearing fluorapatites containing appreciable rare earths (predominantly Ce) and variable Cl.The grain-size and maximum An content of the cores of plagioclase grains were controlled by cooling rate and are at a maximum at the center of the section. The most homogeneous pyroxene (and olivine, Moore and Evans, 1967), most equilibrium pyroxene trends, most abundant alkali feldspar, and most equilibrium feldspar trends are found at 160 to 190 feet, which is appreciably below that part of the lake which was slowest to crystallize. Volatile pressure, increasing with depth, possibly controlled the degree of attainment of equilibrium more than cooling rate.Since they are dependent on cooling history, some of the modal criteria commonly used for recognizing basalt types, such as the absence of Ca-poor pyroxene, presence of groundmass olivine, and the presence of alkali feldspar, should be applied with caution. Petrographic comparison of basalts from one flow, volcano, or province, with another, should recognize the possible variations due to cooling history alone.Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey  相似文献   
Across the extreme south of Patagonia, the Magallanes‐Fagnano Fault (MFF) accommodates the left‐lateral relative motion between South America and Scotia plates. In this paper, we present an updated view of the geometry of the eastern portion of the MFF outcropping in Tierra del Fuego. We subdivide the MFF in eight segments on the basis of their deformation styles, using field mapping and interpretation of high‐resolution imagery. We quantify coseismic ruptures of the strongest recorded 1949, Mw7.5 earthquake, and determine its eastern termination. We recognize several co‐seismic offsets in man‐made features showing a sinistral shift up to 6.5 m, greater than previously estimated. Using 10Be cosmogenic nuclides depth profiles, we date a cumulated offset in post‐glacial morphologies and estimate the long‐term slip rate of the eastern MFF. We quantify a 6.4 ± 0.9 mm/a left‐lateral fault slip rate, which overlaps geodetic velocity and suggests stable fault behaviour since Pleistocene.  相似文献   
This review aims to distill and synthesize the existing information on the use of models to describe and predict the distribution and movement of metals in lacustrine sediments. As such it examines the causes of metal diagenesis, the origin and form of the equations that govern these phenomena, and the predictability or measurability of the parameters that appear in the models. The paper concludes by highlighting some seminal results from modelling studies, including the determination of the factors controlling the formation of surficial Mn-Fe-enriched zone or layers, the substantial contribution possible from metal reduction to organic matter regeneration, the calculation of mixing-corrected metal input histories to lakes, and the prediction of growth rates and morphologies for both deep-sea and lacustrine ferromanganese nodules.  相似文献   
The South Pandora and the Tripartite Ridges are active spreading centers located in the northern part of the North Fiji Basin. These spreading centers were surveyed over a distance of 750 km during the NOFI cruise of R/V L'Atalante (August–September 1994) which was conducted in the frame of the french-japanese Newstarmer cooperation project. SIMRAD EM12-dual full coverage swath bathymetric and imagery data as well as airgun 6-channel seismic, magnetics and gravity profiles were recorded along and offaxis from 170°40 E to 178° E. Dredging and piston coring were also performed along and off-axis. The axial domain of the South Pandora Ridge is divided into 5 first-order segments characterized by contrasted morphologies. The average width of the active domain is 20 km and corresponds either to bathymetric highs or to deep elongated grabens. The bathymetric highs are volcanic constructions, locally faulted and rifted, which can obstruct totally the axial valley. The grabens show the typical morphology of slow spreading axes, with two steep walls flanking a deep axial valley. Elongated lateral ridges may be present on both sides of the grabens. Numerous volcanoes, up to several kilometers in diameter, occur on both flanks of the South Pandora Ridge. The Tripartite Ridge consists of three main segments showing a sigmoid shape. Major changes in the direction of the active zones are observed at the segment discontinuities. These discontinuities show various geometrical patterns which suggest complex transform relay zones. Preliminary analysis of seismic reflection profiles suggest that the Tripartite Ridge is a very young feature which propagates into an older oceanic domain characterized by a significant sedimentary cover. By contrast, a very thin to absent sedimentary cover is observed about 100 km on both flanks of the South Pandora Ridge active axis. The magnetic anomaly profiles give evidence of long and continuous lineations, parallel to the South Pandora Ridge spreading axis. According to our preliminary interpretation, the spreading rate would have been very low (8 km/m.y. half rate) during the last 7 Ma. The South Pandora and Tripartite Ridges exhibit characteristics typical of active oceanic ridges: (1) a segmented pattern, with segments ranging from 80 to 100 km in length; (2) an axial tectonic and volcanic zone, 10 to 20 km wide; (3) well-organized magnetic lineations, parallel to the active axis; (4) clear signature on the free-air gravity anomaly map. However, no typical transform fault is observed; instead, complex relay zones are separating first-order segments.  相似文献   
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