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In 1984, on a transect covering the whole Baltic Sea and parts of the adjacent North Sea, 160 water samples were taken and analysed for their concentrations of particulate and dissolved metals. In addition, the suspended materials were investigated for their elemental bulk composition.The particulate fractions represented from about 5% (Cd, Cu and Ni) to 50% (Fe and Pb) of the total (particulate plus dissolved) concentrations. For some elements (Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn), the particulate matter from the surface microlayer was enriched with respect to those suspended materials taken from 0.2 m depth. This could reflect the atmospheric input of metal-rich aerosols. In anoxic deep waters, maximum contents of Zn (6400 μg g−1), Cu (1330 μg g−1) and Cd (12 μg g−1) were observed in the particulate matter, indicating sulphidic forms. On the other hand, under oxic conditions the distribution coefficients (Kd) decreased with the water depth (Cd, Fe and Pb).Relative to global background levels, the particulate matter contained metal “excesses” amounting to more than 90% of the total contents (Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn). Automated electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA) revealed that the elemental composition of sediments is mainly governed by post-depositional processes of early diagenesis and is only weakly related to the composition of suspended matter in the overlying water body. For instance, in relation to surface mud sediments of the central Baltic net-sedimentation basins, Zn, Cd, Cu and Mn had 30–100% higher levels in the suspended materials. The general pattern of metal contents of particulate matter taken from 10 m depth on a transect between the Bothnian Bay and the North Sea were—possibly as a result of anthropogenic inputs—rather similar for Pb, Zn and Cu. For Fe and Mn, the distribution patterns along the transect were probably governed by the natural loading characteristics and by the biogeochemistry of those elements.  相似文献   
The generation and propagation of surface waves resulting from suddenly created disturbances over water surfaces is investigated. The initial boundary conditions defining the disturbance are given either by a velocity of the free surface, an initial elevation of the free surface or a pressure impulsively applied on the free surface. It is shown that the corresponding three forms of solutions are related by a simple time derivative. Linear solutions are obtained in the cases where the wave motion is assumed to be nondispersive, mildly dispersive and fully dispersive, as well as in the case where the motion is given by the method of stationary phase. Criteria are established to indicate the limit of validity of each method.  相似文献   
The geomorphic, oceanographic, terrestrial and anthropogenic attributes of the European coastal zone are described and published data on ecosystem function (primary production and respiration) are reviewed. Four regions are considered: the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and the European Atlantic coast including the North Sea. The metabolic database (194 papers) suffers from a non-homogeneous geographical coverage with no usable data for the Black Sea which was therefore excluded from this part of our study. Pelagic gross primary production in European open shelves is, by far, the most documented parameter with an estimated mean of 41 mmol C m−2 d−1, the lowest value is reported in the Mediterranean Sea (21 mmol C m−2 d−1) and the highest one in the Atlantic/North Sea area (51 mmol C m−2 d−1). Microphytobenthic primary production, mostly measured in shallow areas, is extrapolated to the entire 0–200 m depth range. Its contribution to total primary production is low in all regions (mean: 1.5 mmol C m−2 d−1). Although macrophyte beds are very productive, a regional production estimate is not provided in this study because their geographical distribution along the European coastline remains unknown. Measurements of pelagic community respiration are clearly too sparse, especially below the euphotic zone, to yield an accurate picture of the fate of organic matter produced in the water column. With a mean value of 17 mmol C m−2 d−1, benthic community respiration consumes approximately 40% of the pelagic organic matter production. Estuaries generally exhibit high metabolic rates and a large range of variation in all parameters, except microphytobenthic primary production. Finally, the problem of eutrophication in Europe is discussed and the metabolic data obtained in the framework of the Land–Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) project are compared with available direct measurements of net ecosystem production.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic modeling can be used to spatially characterize water renewal rates in coastal ecosystems. Using a hydrodynamic model implemented over the semi-enclosed Southwest coral lagoon of New Caledonia, a recent study computed the flushing lag as the minimum time required for a particle coming from outside the lagoon (open ocean) to reach a specific station [Jouon, A., Douillet, P., Ouillon, S., Fraunié, P., 2006. Calculations of hydrodynamic time parameters in a semi-opened coastal zone using a 3D hydrodynamic model. Continental Shelf Research 26, 1395–1415]. Local e-flushing time was calculated as the time requested to reach a local grid mesh concentration of 1/e from the precedent step. Here we present an attempt to connect physical forcing to biogeochemical functioning of this coastal ecosystem. An array of stations, located in the lagoonal channel as well as in several bays under anthropogenic influence, was sampled during three cruises. We then tested the statistical relationships between the distribution of flushing indices and those of biological and chemical variables. Among the variables tested, silicate, chlorophyll a and bacterial biomass production present the highest correlations with flushing indices. Correlations are higher with local e-flushing times than with flushing lags or the sum of these two indices. In the bays, these variables often deviate from the relationships determined in the main lagoon channel. In the three bays receiving significant riverine inputs, silicate is well above the regression line, whereas data from the bay receiving almost insignificant freshwater inputs generally fit the lagoon channel regressions. Moreover, in the three bays receiving important urban and industrial effluents, chlorophyll a and bacterial production of biomass generally display values exceeding the lagoon channel regression trends whereas in the bay under moderate anthropogenic influence values follow the regressions obtained in the lagoon channel. The South West lagoon of New Caledonia can hence be viewed as a coastal mesotrophic ecosystem that is flushed by oligotrophic oceanic waters which subsequently replace the lagoonal waters with water considerably impoverished in resources for microbial growth. This flushing was high enough during the periods of study to influence the distribution of phytoplankton biomass, bacterial production of biomass and silicate concentrations in the lagoon channel as well as in some of the bay areas.  相似文献   
The following points are discussed:
(i)  The dependence of the angular velocity, , on the spatial coordinates near the lower boundary, R c, of the solar convection zone (SCZ) can be obtained from an integration with respect to r of a sound approximation to the azimuthal equation of motion. Here P 2 (cos ) is the second-order Legendre polynomial and is the polar angle. Estimates of 0, 2 (the primes denote derivatives with respect to r), based on the best available values for the Reynolds stresses and anisotropic viscosity coefficients, suggest that 0 < 0,=">2 0 for r = R c. Since a reliable theory of anisotropic turbulent coefficients does not exist at present, positive values of 0 are conceivable.
(ii)  In the lower SCZ the latitudinal variations of the superadiabatic gradient vanish if is constant along cylinders. The uniformity of the superadiabatic gradient is, however, inconsequential: the physically meaningful rotation law is the one that insures the uniformity of the convective flux.
(iii)  With the exception of the polar regions, the angular momentum transport in thin azimuthal convective rolls is towards the equator.
(iv)  It is suggested that buoyancy uncorrelates horizontally separated regions in the lower SCZ preventing the generation of magnetic fields with small wave numbers: in consequence, the cycle magnetic field must be generated in a region of weak buoyancy whereas the lower SCZ generates a weak rather stochastic magnetic field. The dependence on rotation of these two types of magnetic field could differ.
(v)  In the context of helioseismology it is customary to expand the perturbations (induced by rotation) of the eigenfrequencies in the following form: , where the notation is standard. The observations reveal that to a good approximation a 1 is independent of l. It is shown that this is the case if is constant with r. For a simple viscous, rotating fluid in the steady state (r) is constant with r if the angular momentum loss vanishes. Let J(ri dr) be the angular momentum of a thin shell of radius r and thickness dr. Since , the constancy of (r) implies that each shell of radius r has the same angular momentum as if the Sun were rotating uniformly with an angular velocity given by . It is discussed whether, alternatively, the observations simply indicate that 0(r) is a slowly varying function of r.
Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
We present the results of a multidisciplinary study of the Ms = 6.2, 1995, June 15, Aigion earthquake (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). In order to constrain the rupture geometry, we used all available data from seismology (local, regional and teleseismic records of the mainshock and of aftershocks), geodesy (GPS and SAR interferometry), and tectonics. Part of these data were obtained during a postseismic field study consisting of the surveying of 24 GPS points, the temporary installation of 20 digital seismometers, and a detailed field investigation for surface fault break. The Aigion fault was the only fault onland which showed detectable breaks (< 4 cm). We relocated the mainshock hypocenter at 10 km in depth, 38 ° 21.7 N, 22 ° 12.0 E, about 15 km NNE to the damaged city of Aigion. The modeling of teleseismic P and SH waves provides a seismic moment Mo = 3.4 1018 N.m, a well constrained focal mechanism (strike 277 °, dip 33 °, rake – 77°), at a centroidal depth of 7.2 km, consistent with the NEIC and the revised Harvard determinations. It thus involved almost pure normal faulting in agreement with the tectonics of the Gulf. The horizontal GPS displacements corrected for the opening of the gulf (1.5 cm/year) show a well-resolved 7 cm northward motion above the hypocenter, which eliminates the possibility of a steep, south-dipping fault plane. Fitting the S-wave polarization at SERG, 10 km from the epicenter, with a 33° northward dipping plane implies a hypocentral depth greater than 10 km. The north dipping fault plane provides a poor fit to the GPS data at the southern points when a homogeneous elastic half-space is considered: the best fit geodetic model is obtained for a fault shallower by 2 km, assuming the same dip. We show with a two-dimensional model that this depth difference is probably due to the distorting effect of the shallow, low-rigidity sediments of the gulf and of its edges. The best-fit fault model, with dimensions 9 km E–W and 15 km along dip, and a 0.87 m uniform slip, fits InSAR data covering the time of the earthquake. The fault is located about 10 km east-northeast to the Aigion fault, whose surface breaks thus appears as secondary features. The rupture lasted 4 to 5 s, propagating southward and upward on a fault probably outcropping offshore, near the southern edge of the gulf. In the shallowest 4 km, the slip – if any – has not exceeded about 30 cm. This geometry implies a large directivity effect in Aigion, in agreement with the accelerogram aig which shows a short duration (2 s) and a large amplitude (0.5 g) of the direct S acceleration. This unusual low-angle normal faulting may have been favoured by a low-friction, high pore pressure fault zone, or by a rotation of the stress directions due to the possible dip towards the south of the brittle-ductile transition zone. This fault cannot be responsible for the long term topography of the rift, which is controlled by larger normal faults with larger dip angles, implying either a seldom, or a more recently started activity of such low angle faults in the central part of the rift.  相似文献   
The unexpectedly large scale height of Io's ionosphere (Kliore, A., et al., 1975, Icarus24, 407–410) together with the relatively large molecular weight of the likely principal constituent, SO2 (Pearl, J., et al., 1979, Nature280, 755–758), suggest a high ionospheric temperature. Electrical induction in Io's ionosphere due to the corotating plasma bound to the Jovian magnetosphere is one possible source for attainment of such high temperatures. Accordingly, unipolar induction models were constructed to calculate ionospheric joule heating numerically. Heating rates produced by highly simplified models lie in the range 10?9 to 10?8 W/m3. These heating rates are lower than those determined from uv photodissociative heating models (Kumar, S., 1980, Geophys. Res. Lett.7, 9–12) at low levels in the ionosphere but are comparable in the upper ionosphere. The low electrical heating rate throughout most of the ionosphere is due to the power limitation imposed by the Alfvén wings which complete the electrical circuit (Neubauer, F.M., 1980, J. Geophys. Res.85, 1171–1178). Contrary to the pre-Voyager calculations of Cloutier, P. A., et al. (1978, Astrophys. Space Sci.55, 93–112), our numerical results show that the J × B force density due to unipolar induction currents in the ionosphere is much less than the gravitational force density when the combined mass of the neutral species is included. The binding and coupling of the ionosphere is principally due to the relatively dense (possibly localized) neutral SO2 atmosphere. In regions where the ions and neutrals are collisionally coupled the ionosphere will not be stripped off by the J × B forces. However at a level above that (to which the ions move by diffusion only) the charged species would be removed. Thus there appears to be no need to postulate the existence of an intrinsic Ionian magnetic field as suggested by Kivelson, M. G., et al. (79, Science 205, 491–493) and Southwood, S. J., et al. (1980, J. Geophys. Res., in press) in order to retain the observed ionosphere.  相似文献   
A sample of 35 variable carbon stars has been considered. The stellar temperatures, radii, absolute luminosities, masses, and mass loss rates have been estimated. Then the spherical circumstellar dust shells around the analysed stars are discussed and the differences in the infrared properties between semi-regular, irregular, and long-period variables are indicated.  相似文献   
It is shown that, to any change of variables:q i=qi(r, t) (i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) increasing the number of variables, it is possible to associate a Mathieu's transformation and conversely. The results are applied to the theory of the osculating plane of motion.
Resumé On montre qu'à toute transformation:q i=qi(r, t)(i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) augmentant le nombre de variables, on peut associer une transformation de Mathieu et réciproquement. Les résultats sont appliqués à la théorie du plan osculateur du mouvement.
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