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In recent years, the high incidence of harmful health effects through inhalation of airborne asbestos from amphibole-bearing rock mélanges has been thoroughly documented. Here, we present a field-based, multi-scale geological approach aimed at illustrating the occurrence of amphibole fibrous mineralisation in an ophiolitic suite from the Ligurian Alps (Italy) and discussing the implication on in situ determination of the asbestos hazard. The rock mélange is composed of plurimetre-sized blocks of different lithotypes (metagabbro, serpentinite, chloritoschist) juxtaposed by the meaning of tectonic structures. The geological-structural survey revealed that the fibrous mineralisation is localised in specific structural sites of the rock volume, including veins and schistosity. Both micro-chemical and crystal structure analyses on selected fibrous samples revealed that actinolite fibres grow in veins within the metagabbro and in chloritoschists, while fibrous tremolite occurs in serpentinite schistosity. The morphological features of these amphibole fibres have been analysed in TEM images and used for classifying them as “asbestiform” or “non-asbestiform”. The results show that the asbestos hazard determination is not unequivocally identified when different procedures for asbestos fibre identification and classification are applied. This may have impact on normatives and regulations in defining environmental hazards due to asbestos occurrence.  相似文献   
We use theoretical results derived in a previous paper (Lanzano, 1986) to numerically evaluate the temperature profile and radial deformation within a spherical, elastic Earth due to heat generated by the decay of radiogenic elements.We consider only the Uranium family and have assumed the diffusivity of the silicate mantle to be K = 8 × 10–3 cm2 s–1, the Poisson elastic ratio to be = 0.25 and the coefficient of thermal expansion to be = 2 × 10–5 (deg)–1. Our series solutions when applied to the interiors of the Moon, Mercury, and Mars yield results in agreement with Kopal's (1963) evaluations.  相似文献   
In recent years it has become of geophysical interest to detect a possible time variation of the low-degree coefficients of the Earth's gravity field, in particular the (2, 2) tesseral harmonic. We investigate the possibility of detecting such a phenomenon via analysis of the tracking data from LAGEOS, the passive geodynamics satellite tracked by laser stations on the ground. For this purpose the main problems are caused: (i) for short orbital arcs, by the irregular distribution in time of the tracking data, and by the dynamical effects of oceanic tides, which cannot be easily separated from the effects of geopotential changes; (ii) for long orbital arcs, by the difficulty of reliably predicting the variable drag-like force that is causing a slow semimajor axis decay. We estimate that a relative accuracy of the order of 10–4 in the (2, 2) coefficients can be reached provided that a larger number of higher technology laser stations is available, and that better modelling is possible of the drag-like force. Both these conditions seem quite unrealistic at present. If a relative accuracy better than 10–4 has to be reached, an effective separation of the tidal perturbations is also needed, since they give rise to perturbations with a similar signature.  相似文献   
We describe interferometric observations of the Asteroid (41) Daphne in the thermal infrared obtained with the Mid-Infrared Interferometric Instrument (MIDI) and the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). We derived the size and the surface thermal properties of (41) Daphne by means of a thermophysical model (TPM), which is used for the interpretation of interferometric data for the first time. From our TPM analysis, we derived a volume equivalent diameter for (41) Daphne of 189 km, using a non-convex 3-D shape model derived from optical lightcurves and adaptive optics images (B. Carry, private communication). On the other hand, when using the convex shape of Kaasalainen et al. (Kaasalainen, M., Mottola, S., Fulchignoni, M. [2002]. Icarus 159, 369-395) in our TPM analysis, the resulting volume equivalent diameter of (41) Daphne is between 194 and 209 km, depending on the surface roughness. The shape of the asteroid is used as an a priori information in our TPM analysis. No attempt is made to adjust the shape to the data. Only the size of the asteroid and its thermal parameters such as, albedo, thermal inertia and roughness are adjusted to the data. We estimated our model systematic uncertainty to be of 4% and of 7% on the determination of the asteroid volume equivalent diameter depending on whether the non-convex or the convex shape is used, respectively. In terms of thermal properties, we derived a value of the surface thermal inertia smaller than 50 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1 and preferably in the range between 0 and ∼30 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1. Our TPM analysis also shows that Daphne has a moderate macroscopic surface roughness.  相似文献   
The outbreak of COVID-19 raised numerous questions on the interactions between the occurrence of new infections, the environment, climate and health. The European Union requested the H2020 HERA project which aims at setting priorities in research on environment, climate and health, to identify relevant research needs regarding Covid-19. The emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be related to urbanization, habitat destruction, live animal trade, intensive livestock farming and global travel. The contribution of climate and air pollution requires additional studies. Importantly, the severity of COVID-19 depends on the interactions between the viral infection, ageing and chronic diseases such as metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and obesity which are themselves influenced by environmental stressors. The mechanisms of these interactions deserve additional scrutiny. Both the pandemic and the social response to the disease have elicited an array of behavioural and societal changes that may remain long after the pandemic and that may have long term health effects including on mental health. Recovery plans are currently being discussed or implemented and the environmental and health impacts of those plans are not clearly foreseen. Clearly, COVID-19 will have a long-lasting impact on the environmental health field and will open new research perspectives and policy needs.  相似文献   
Among the main invasive species, the wild boar (Sus scrofa) is the most responsible for soil degradation in Europe and many Italian regions. At the same time, the stable presence of this species in agricultural areas has induced a conflict with humans, causing economic losses, environmental degradation and also social issues. A clear quantification of the potential damages (in terms of soil bioturbation) of this species at large scale is, however, still obscure. The purpose of this research is to analyse the role of wild boars as a geomorphologic agent, presenting a general diagnostic framework regarding the geomorphic impact of this species, classifying and mapping potential sediment hotspots and their likely connection to rivers and road networks. Accordingly, a record of wild boar damage types is first presented, and their possible interaction with hydrological and geomorphological processes is described. Then, a pilot case study is discussed on mapping and quantifying wild boar damages in a hilly agricultural landscape located in northeast Italy. The wild boar damages were geolocalized using a geographical positioning system (GPS) in two years of intensive field campaigns among agricultural fields involved in wild boar damaging activities. For each damaged area (total 406), several measures of soil erosion depth were taken and the degradation surface of interest mapped for a total of 10 150 measures. The volume of removed soil was then estimated, considering the average depth of damages previously recorded. Finally, the Index of Connectivity was applied to provide a classification of the considered damages based on their connection to both river and road networks. The results indicate that the ongoing uncontrolled wild boar expansion may not affect crops only or be a risk for people, but can also increase soil erosion, with a potential connection to hydrographic networks and human infrastructures. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to propose seismic reliability‐based relationships between the strength reduction factors and the displacement ductility demand of nonlinear structural systems equipped with friction pendulum isolators (FPS) depending on the structural properties. The isolated structures are described by employing an equivalent 2dof model characterized by a perfectly elastoplastic rule to account for the inelastic response of the superstructure, whereas, the FPS behavior is described by a velocity‐dependent model. An extensive parametric study is carried out encompassing a wide range of elastic and inelastic building properties, different seismic intensity levels and considering the friction coefficient as a random variable. Defined a set of natural seismic records and scaled to the seismic intensity corresponding to life safety limit state for L'Aquila site (Italy) according to NTC08, the inelastic characteristics of the superstructures are designed as the ratio between the average elastic responses and increasing strength reduction factors. Incremental dynamic analyses (IDAs) are developed to evaluate the seismic fragility curves of both the inelastic superstructure and the isolation level assuming different values of the corresponding limit states. Integrating the fragility curves with the seismic hazard curves related to L'Aquila site (Italy), the reliability curves of the equivalent inelastic base‐isolated structural systems, with a design life of 50 years, are derived proposing seismic reliability‐based regression expressions between the displacement ductility demand and the strength reduction factors for the superstructure as well as seismic reliability‐based design (SRBD) abacuses useful to define the FPS properties. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of 212 experimentally synthesized, igneous clinopyroxenes were modeled from electronprobe chemical data. The coexisting melts span a wide range of petrologically relevant, dry and hydrous compositions, characterized by variable enrichment in silica and alkalis. Experimental conditions pertain to Earth's crust and uppermost mantle (P = 0–24 kbar; garnet absent) and a variety of f O2 values (from CCO-buffered to air-buffered) and mineral assemblages (Cpx ± Opx ± Pig ± Ol ± Plag ± Spl ± Mt ± Amp ± Ilm). Unit-cell volume (Vcell) versus M1-polyhedron volume (VM1) relations were investigated over a range of pressures and temperatures using data derived from structure modeling and corrected for thermal expansivity and compressibility. The relationships between pressure and clinopyroxene structural parameters were found to be dependent on the nature of the coexisting melt. To reduce compositional effects, only clinopyroxenes belonging to mildly alkaline (MA) and tholeiitic (TH) series were considered. Pressure was modeled as a linear function of Vcell, VM1, and Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)Cpx ratio. A calibration based on the whole data set (MA+ TH) reproduced the experimental pressures within 1.4 kbar at the 1-σ level. The maximum residuals were 3.5 kbar and 3.9 kbar for MA- and TH-clinopyroxenes, respectively. Better statistics were obtained by considering MA- and TH-clinopyroxenes separately. A calibration based on the 69 MA-clinopyroxenes reproduced the experimental pressures within 1.1 kbar (1σ) and with a maximum residual of 2.7 kbar. A calibration based on the 143 TH-clinopyroxenes reproduced the experimental pressures within 1.0 kbar (1σ) and with a maximum residual of 3.4 kbar. When these geobarometers are applied to natural samples for which P is unknown, the correction for compressibility is necessarily made through a trial-and-error procedure. This expedient propagates an additional error that increases the above uncertainties and residuals by a factor of about 2. Applications to natural, igneous rocks for which the pressures of crystallization could be constrained based on experimental, petrological or geological evidence yielded pressure estimates that reproduced the expected values to within ca. 2 kbar. Compared to the MA-formulation, the TH-formulation appears to be less robust to variations in magma composition. When applied to high-pressure (>10 kbar) clinopyroxenes synthesized from very low Na (Na2O < 1.5%) melts, the latter geobarometer can underestimate P by as much as 6 kbar. Calculation of P through the present geobarometers requires clinopyroxene major-element composition and an independent, accurate estimate of crystallization T. Underestimating T by 20 °C propagates into a 1-kbar increase in calculated P. The proposed geobarometers are incorporated in the CpxBar software program, which is designed to retrieve the pressure of crystallization from a clinopyroxene chemical analysis. Received: 11 June 1998 / Accepted: 12 November 1998  相似文献   
The motion of two rotating spheroidal bodies, constituting the components of a binary system in a weak gravitational field, has been considered up to terms of the second order in the small parameterV/c, whereV denotes the velocity of the bodies andc is the velocity of light.The following simplifying assumptions, consistent with a problem of astronomical interest, have been made: (1) the dimensions of the bodies are small compared with their mutual distance; (2) the bodies consist of matter in the fluid state with internal hydrostatic pressure and their oblateness is due to their own rotation; (3) there exist axial symmetry about the axis of rotation and symmetry with respect to the equatorial plane, the same symmetry properties apply to mass densities and stress tensors.The Fock-Papapetrou method was used to ascertain those terms in the equations of motion which are due to the rotation and to the oblateness of each component. Approximate solutions to the Poisson and wave equations were obtained to express the potential and retarded potential at large distances from the bodies generating them. The explicit evaluation of certain integrals has necessitated the use of the Laplace-Clairaut theory for the equibrium configuration of rotating bodies. The final expressions require the knowledge of the mass density as a function of the mean radius of the equipotential surfaces.As an interpretation of the results, the Lagrangian perturbation equations were employed to evaluate the secular motion of the nodal line for the relative orbit of the two components. The results constitute a generalization of Fock's work and furnish the contribution of the mass distribution to the rotation effect of general relativity.  相似文献   
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