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Sensitive diffusive samplers for concentration measurements in ambient airhave been used successfully in Sweden for several years. The samplers have theadvantage of being stable at room temperature before, as well as after,sampling, easy to handle, and cost-efficient. Furthermore, they do not requireelectricity or field calibration. In order to test their use in tropical andsubtropical environments and to obtain a preliminary set of data to validateatmospheric chemistry transport models in this part of the world, duplicatesamples were collected at 11 sites every second month during one year. Eightof the sites were background sites in Asia. It was not possible within theproject to compare the measured concentrations with other measurementtechniques. However, the reproducibility of the duplicates was satisfactoryover the whole measuring range (almost three orders of magnitude of theconcentration for SO2) and reasonable agreement with modelcalculations was obtained at least for SO2 andNH3. Further testing of the measuring technique in tropicalareas is, however, warranted.  相似文献   
On the basic of selective extractions, loosely sorbed phosphorus (ADS-P) has been shown to constitute much of the total phosphorus in the P-rich near-surface sediments of Lake Søbygaard, Denmark. The concentrations of ADS-P are seasonally variable, ranging from 0.2 mg Pg?1 DW in the winter to more than 2 mg Pg?1 DW in the summer. The variations can be observed as deep as 10 cm into the sediment but are most pronounced in the upper few centimeters. During the summer, lake and pore water pH levels are very high, and photosynthetic activity causes elevation to pH 10–11 in the lake. Laboratory experiments demonstrated a strong association between ADS-P and high pore water pH. It is likely that Lake Søbygaard represents an extreme example of pH control on sediment/water phosphorus equilibria in which high concentrations of internal ADS-P contribute significantly to the total P load of the Lake.  相似文献   
Jackson and Hunt's (1975) equation for the depth of the inner layer of flows over low hills does not depend on any closure assumption as contrarily supposed in literature. This equation contains a constant which can arbitrarily be specified. It is suggested that this inner-layer constant should be determined from experimental data. A preliminary check with some data from the Askervein experiment suggests that Jackson and Hunt's equation fits these data almost as well as Jensen's equation provided that fitted inner-layer constants are used.  相似文献   
Climatic change caused by solar variability has been proposed for at least a century, but could not be assessed reliably in the past because the uncertainty in solar irradiance measured from the Earth's surface is too large. Now satellite measurements by such instruments as the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) permit a preliminary assessment. The satellite data exhibit irradiance variations over a spectrum of shorter timescales, but the first 5-yr overall trend indicates slightly decreasing luminosity. The global temperature response to monthly-mean ACRIM-measured fluctuations from 1980–1984 was computed from the NYU 1D transient climate model - which includes thermal inertia effects of the world oceans - starting from an assumed pre-existing steady state, and the results compared with observations of recent global temperature trends. The modeled surface temperature evolution exhibited a complex history-dependent behavior whose fluctuations were an order of magnitude smaller than observed, primarily owing to oceanic thermal damping. Thus solar variability appears unlikely to have been an important factor in global-scale climate change over this period. The possibility of using the measurements to develop simple correlations for irradiance with longer term solar activity observable from the surface, and therefore to analyze historical effects, was considered, but is not supported by the satellite data. However, we have used a model of solar irradiance variation with time (Schatten, 1988), covering the period 1976–1997 in order to assess our model's response to forcing whose fluctuation timescale is comparable to the thermal relaxation time of the upper ocean. Continuous monitoring of solar flux by space-based instruments over timescales of 20 yr or more, comparable to timescales for thermal relaxation of the oceans, and of the solar cycle itself, is probably needed to resolve issues of long-term solar variation effects on climate.Presently at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964.  相似文献   
We present finite difference forward models of elastic wave propagation through laterally heterogeneous upper oceanic crust. The finite difference formulation is a 2-D solution to the elastic wave equation for heterogeneous media and implicitly calculatesP andSV propagation, compressional to shear conversion, interference effects and interface phenomena. Random velocity perturbations with Gaussian and self-similar autocorrelation functions and different correlation lengths (a) are presented which show different characteristics of secondary scattering. Heterogeneities scatter primary energy into secondary body waves and secondary Stoneley waves along the water-solid interface. The presence of a water-solid interface in the model allows for the existence of secondary Stoneley waves which account for much of the seafloor noise seen in the synthetic seismograms for the laterally heterogeneous models.Random incoherent secondary scattering generally increases aska (wavenumber,k, and correlation length,a) approaches one. Deterministic secondary scattering from larger heterogeneities is the dominant effect in the models aska increases above one. Secondary scattering also shows up as incoherence in the primary traces of the seisograms when compared to the laterally homogeneous case. Cross-correlation analysis of the initialP-diving wave arrival shows that, in general, the correlation between traces decreases aska approaches one. Also, because many different wave types exist for these marine models, the correlation between traces is range dependent, even for the laterally homogeneous case.  相似文献   
A study is reported of air pollution episodes in the Broye valley, a rural area of Switzerland located to the north-east of the city of Lausanne, in which a number of industrial sources of SO2 are located. The study comprises numerical simulations of regional-scale meteorology, local plume behavior, as well as a wind tunnel investigation of the same region in order to ascertain the relative advantages and disadvantages of numerical and physical modeling. In situ data are available for certain episodes which occured during a very cold period in the winter of 1985, allowing intercomparisons to be made between nature and models. Furthermore, a significant effort undertaken by cantonal authorities has led to the setting up of a detailed emission inventory, which includes industry, individual domestic heating and traffic. Such an inventory has proved invaluable in imposing source terms in the models.  相似文献   
A well-developed subglacial drainage system consisting of large cavities developed in the lee of bedrock steps connected together by a network of Nye channels is exposed on an area of recently deglaciated limestone bedrock in front of Glacier de Tsanfleuron, Switzerland. This system covers some 51 per cent of the bedrock surface area, and is believed to have transported the bulk of supraglacially-derived meltwaters through the glacier. Using the cavity hydraulics model of Kamb (1987), it is shown that the geometry of the system rendered it stable against collapse by meltback of channel roofs into a tunnel-dominated system. For likely combinations of glacier geometry and meltwater discharge, the steady state water pressure in this system would have been only a small fraction of that required for flotation, and for discharges of less than about 0·5–5 m3 s?1 water would have flowed at atmospheric pressure. The system appears to have adjusted to varying discharges by a combination of varying water pressure and changing the total cross-sectional area of flow by altering the number of active channels connecting cavities. Glacier sliding velocity would have been independent of meltwater discharge for discharges at which water flowed at atmospheric pressure, but would have risen with increasing discharge for higher flows. Velocities on the order of 0·1 m d?1 are predicted for a realistic range of discharges and effective pressures, and these are believed to be plausible. Episodes of enhanced sliding in glaciers with similar drainage systems could be triggered by a rise in meltwater discharge across the threshold between flows at atmospheric pressure and flow under pressure from the glacier.  相似文献   
Several numerical experiments have been undertaken with a three-dimensional mesoscale model in order to determine to what extent a water surface such as a lake can influence mesoscale flow patterns.It is shown that the influence of the lake is important when cumulus clouds are present. These clouds, generated by evaporation from the water surface are small but induce significant secondary circulations which disrupt the flow field on the mesoscale.Artificial suppression of cloud activity results in a situation where the lake exerts little influence on the atmospheric environment in comparison to the control experiment where the body of water is absent. Atmospheric stability controls the intensity of perturbations to the mean flow when clouds are present.The study is of interest when modeling a number of complex phenomena simultaneously; the results shown here indicate that under certain stability conditions, a small lake can be ignored as to its dynamic and thermodynamic influence on atmospheric processes, thus leading to a neglect of a number of equations taking into account moisture terms explicitly.  相似文献   
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