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A simple method for the non-linear static analysis of complex building structures subjected to monotonically increasing horizontal loading (push-over analysis) is presented. The method is designed to be a part of new methodologies for the seismic design and evaluation of structures. It is based on the extension of a pseudo-three-dimensional mathematical model of a building structure into the non-linear range. The structure consists of planar macroelements. For each planar macroelement, a simple bilinear or multilinear base shear–top displacement relationship is assumed. By a step-by-step analysis an approximate relationship between the global base shear and top displacement is computed. During the analysis the development of plastic hinges throughout the building can be monitored. The method has been implemented into a prototype computer program. In the paper the mathematical model, the base shear–top displacement relationships for different types of macroelements, and the step-by-step computational procedure are described. The method has been applied for the analysis of a symmetric and an asymmetric variant of a seven-storey reinforced concrete frame–wall building, as well as for the analysis of a complex asymmetric 21-storey reinforced concrete wall building. The influence of torsion on structural behaviour is discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Kenilworth Member of the Blackhawk Formation (Mesaverde Group) is part of a series of strand plain sandstones that intertongue with and overstep the shelfal shales of the western interior basin of North America. Analysis of this section at a combination of small (sedimentological) and large (stratigraphical) scales reveals the dynamics of progradation of a shelf-slope sequence into a subsiding foreland basin. Four major lithofacies are present in the upper Mancos and Kenilworth beds of the Book Cliffs. A lag sandstone and channel-fill shale lithofacies constitutes the thin, basal, transgressive sequence, which rests on a marine erosion surface. It was deposited in an outer shelf environment. Shale, interbedded sandstone and shale, and amalgamated sandstone lithofacies were deposited over the transgressive lag sandstone lithofacies as a wave-dominated delta and its flanking strand plains prograded seaward. Analysis of grain size and primary structures in Kenilworth beds indicates that there are four basic strata types which combine to build the observed lithofacies. The fine- to very fine-grained graded strata of the interbedded facies are tempestites, deposited out of suspension by alongshelf storm flows (geostrophic flows). There is no need to call on cross-shelf turbidity currents (density underflows) to explain their presence. Very fine- to fine-grained hummocky strata are likewise suspension deposits created by waning storm flows, but were deposited under conditions of more intense wave agitation on the middle shoreface. Cross-strata sets in this region are bed-load deposits that accumulated on the upper shore-face, in the surf zone. Lag strata are multi-event, bed-load deposits that are the product of prolonged storm winnowing. They occur on transgressive surfaces. While the graded beds are tempestites in the strict sense, all four classes of strata are storm deposits. The distribution of strata types and their palaeocurrent orientations suggests a model of the Kenilworth transport system driven by downwelling coastal storm flows, and probably by a northeasterly alongshore pressure gradient. The stratification patterns shift systematically from upper shoreface to lower shoreface and inner shelf lithofacies partly because of a reduction in fluid power expenditure with increasing water depth, but also because of progressive sorting, which resulted in a decrease in grain size in the sediment load delivered to successive downstream environments. The Kenilworth Member and an isolated outlier, the Hatch Mesa lentil, constitute a delta-prodelta shelf depositional system. Their rhythmically bedded, lenticular, sandstone and shale successions are a prodelta shelf facies, and may be prodelta plume deposits. Major Upper Cretaceous sandstone tongues in the Book Cliffs are underlain by erosional surfaces like that beneath the Blackhawk Formation, which extend for many tens of kilometres into the Mancos shale. These surfaces are the boundaries of Upper Cretaceous depositional sequences. The sequences are large-scale genetic stratigraphic units. They result from the arranging of facies into depositional systems; the depositional systems are in turn stacked in repeating arrays, which constitute the depositional sequences. The anatomy of these foreland basin sequences differs  相似文献   
Carbonate cements (calcite, siderite, dolomite, and ankerite) formed throughout the diagenetic history of the Sag River and Shublik Formations. The trace element and isotopic geochemistry of these cements varies as a function of the timing of precipitation. Earliest calcites, formed prior to significant compaction of the sediment, are relatively enriched in Mg (up to 4·4 mol%), and have 87Sr/86Sr values (mean = 0·707898) compatible with the original marine pore waters. Later calcites are relatively Fe-rich (up to 5·0 mol%) and are characterized by increasing 87Sr/86Sr values (up to 0·712823) and Sr content with decreasing age. The Fe content of zoned siderite and dolomite/ankerite rhombs increases towards the outside of the rhombs (i.e. increasing Fe content with decreasing age). These geochemical variations appear principally to result from changes in pore-water chemistry during diagenesis. The increase in 87Sr/86 Sr and Sr content of the cements is most likely due to interaction between pore waters and 87 Sr-rich clay and possibly feldspar in Ellesmerian mudrocks (whole rock 87Sr/86 Sr signatures for the mudrocks are > 0·716). Pore-water Fe2+ concentration was probably controlled by diagenetic alterations involving Fe-bearing minerals (e.g. pyrite precipitation). A reconnaissance examination of carbonate cements in the overlying Kingak Shale indicates that similar alterations occurred in the Kingak. The low δ18 O value of some calcite cements (-11·96% PDB) suggests that an influx of meteoric water may have occurred in the mid-Neocomian, though the low value could also result from an abnormally high geothermal gradient associated with mid-Neocomian rifting.  相似文献   
The fjord system of Scoresby Sund on the east coast of Greenland has been the subject of two research cruises by RV Polarstern in 1988 and 1990. Most of the year, the fjord is covered by sea-ice. Sediment input takes place mostly via drifting icebergs during the short summer period. Depending on the distance to glaciers, surface sediments carry varying proportions of coarse ice-rafted debris (IRD). The degree of sediment reworking by scouring icebergs is controlled by the depth of the fjord, with the most intense reworking in areas shallower than about 450 m depth. Both IRD contribution and intensity of sediment scouring clearly control the distribution pattern of benthic organisms.  相似文献   
In three different areas in western Norway, large errors are obtained in the radiocarbon dates from lacustrine sediments close to marine/lacustrine sediment boundaries. Differences occur between radiocar-bon and pollenanalytic dates and between dates at isolation/ingression contacts for lakes of the same altitude above the present sea level. Younger radiocarbon dates are also obtained below older ones in undisturbed sediments. When divergent dates occur, the radiocarbon dates always seem to be the youngest. Large differences are also found between NaOH soluble and insoluble fractions of the same sediment samples. Insoluble fractions generally yield younger dates than the soluble. Differences are not found, however, for dates younger than about 8,000 B.P. The dating errors are connected to periods with more oligotrophic conditions with isoetides. Their roots penetrate older sediments. Due to contamination of the organic part of the sediment from partly decomposed roots, some radiocarbon dates will be too young. The isoetide vegetation and the dating errors disappear when the lakes become dystrophic.  相似文献   
Traces of ice-dammed lakes are found along the southern part of the Saariselkä mountain range. Various shore marks, outlet channels and fine-grained sediments are indications of open water. The shallow basins were more or less filled by dead ice. At the beginning of deglaciation the meltwaters discharged over the mountain ridge to the north. As the ice margin receded toward the southwest new outlets were opened and the meltwaters discharged to the east and southeast. The ice-dammed lakes existed and the deglaciation took place during the period 9,500-9,300 B.P. The annual rate of retreat of the ice margin averaged 130–170 m per year.  相似文献   
Abstract Reconstructions of the relative positions of the Indian, African, and Antarctic plates and their uncertainties are given for the times of selected magnetic anomalies that could be identified on adjacent pairs of these plates. Among the most certain reconstructions are those for the Antarctic and African plates, which can be determined directly from recently published magnetic anomalies from both sides of the Southwest Indian Ridge. As Patriat and his colleagues reported, there was an important change in direction and a decrease in rate of separation between Africa and Antarctica between the times of anomalies 33 and 20. India moved rapidly away from both Africa and Antarctica in the Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods, but slowed markedly near the time of anomaly 20 (≅ 45 Myr). The positions of the Indian plate with respect to the others are poorly constrained between the times of anomaly 5 (≅ 10 Myr) and anomaly 23 (≅ 54 Myr), but using the reconstructions of the African and Antarctic plates, the uncertainties can be reduced. Despite the relatively large uncertainties, the positions of anomalies 5, 6, and 13 on the Antarctic and Indian plates apparently cannot be described by the same parameters that describe the history of separation of Australia and Antarctica. Therefore, Stein and Okal's contention that Australia and India lie on separate plates appears to be valid not only for the present, but for the last 35 Myr.  相似文献   
Expanding spread profile at the northern Jan Mayen Ridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An expanding spread seismic profile at the central northern Jan Mayen Ridge, ESP-5, has yielded a crustal seismic velocity distribution which is similar to observations from the thinned continental crust at the Norwegian continental margin. The profile reveals a post-early Eocene sedimentary sequence, about 1. 5 km thick, overlying 1 km of volcanic extrusives and interbedded sediments. Below, there are about 3 km of pre-opening sediments above the seismic basement. The results indicate that the main ridge block is underlain by a thinned crust, possibly only 13.5 km thick. The results are compatible with a continental nature for the main ridge complex.  相似文献   
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