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The 160 km2 Caledonian Fongen-Hyllingen complex is an extremelydifferentiated, layered, basic intrusion, synorogenically emplacedat 5–6 kb in the allochthonous Trondheim nappe complex,situated in the Trondheim region of Norway. A zone of gabbroic rocks without rythmic layering usually occursalong the margin and a supposed feeder to at least part of thecomplex is preserved. A wide variety of magmatic sedimentarystructures are present in the c. 10,000 m thick sequence ofrhythmically layered rocks which vary from olivine-picotitecumulates at the base to quartz-bearing ferrosyenites at thetop. Mineral compositions, fractionation trends, and the compositionof feeder rocks suggest a tholeiitic parent. Mineral compositions cover extreme ranges. Olivine varies fromFo86·2 to Fo0·2 with a hiatus between about Fo71and Fo61. Plagioclase ranges from An79·5 to An1·5,albite coexisting with orthoclase microperthite in the finaldifferentiates. Cumulus Ca-poor pyroxene (Wo2.4En66.8Fs30.8-Wo2·0En17·0Fs81·0)first shows sporadic inversion from pigeonite at the Fe-richcomposition of Fs67 and the final Ca-poor pyroxenes are replacedby magmatic grunerite which reaches an Mg: Fe ratio of 12:88.Ca-rich pyroxenes (Wo44·7En43·8Fs11·5-Wo47·0En0Fs53·0)are highly calcic and have a slight Ca-minimum in the earlystages, unrelated to the disappearance of Ca-poor pyroxene.Calcic amphibole, a constant intercumulus phase in most of thecomplex, becomes a cumulus phase in the later stages and variesfrom titanian-pargasite to ferro-edenite. Magnetite and ilmenitejoin the cumulate assemblage at Fo55 and ilmenite persists intothe final quartz-bearing ferrosyenite where it shows replacementby sphene. Apatite, biotite, zircon, quartz, K-feldspar andallanite join the final extreme differentiates in the namedsequence. The fractionation trend is, in many respects, transitionalbetween those typical of the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series,and is interpreted as reflecting crystallization under moderate,increasing PH2O. Cryptic layering shows several reversals to higher temperatureassemblages with increasing stratigraphic height. Successivereversals are to irregular compositions and measured in termsof olivine composition, can be up to about 30 mole per centFo. The minimum stratigraphic thickness to include the entirefractionation range is reduced to about 2200 m after ‘removal’of the compositional overlaps due to the reversals. Thus roughlythree-quarters of the present cumulate stratigraphic sequencerepresents magma replenishment. A mechanism involving the mixingof fresh magma batches with the residual, differentiated magmafrom the previous influx, is envisaged. The periodic influxof fresh magma took place into a chamber which was probablyclosed to the exit of material.  相似文献   
Elemental, isotopic, and mineral compositions as well as rocktextures were examined in samples from Popocatépetl volcanoand immediately surrounding monogenetic scoria cones of theSierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field, central Mexico. Magma generationis strongly linked to the active subduction regime to the south.Rocks range in composition from basalt to dacite, but Popocatépetlsamples are generally more evolved and have mineral compositionsand textures consistent with more complicated, multi-stage evolutionaryprocesses. High-Mg calc-alkaline and more alkaline primitivemagmas are present in the monogenetic cones. Systematic variationsin major and trace element compositions within the monogeneticsuite can mostly be explained by polybaric fractional crystallizationprocesses in small and short-lived magmatic systems. In contrast,Popocatépetl stratovolcano has produced homogeneous magmacompositions from a shallow, long-lived magma chamber that isperiodically replenished by primitive basaltic magmas. The currenteruption (1994–present) has produced silicic dome lavasand pumice clasts that display mingling of an evolved daciticcomponent with an olivine-bearing mafic component. The longevityof the magma chamber hosted in Cretaceous limestones has fosteredinteraction with these rocks as evidenced by the chemical andisotopic compositions of the different eruptive products, contact-metamorphosedxenoliths, and fumarolic gases. Popocatépetl volcanicproducts display a considerable range of 87Sr/86Sr (0·70397–0·70463)and Nd (+6·2 to +3·0) whereas Pb isotope ratiosare relatively homogeneous (206Pb/204Pb 18·61–18·70;207Pb/204Pb 15·56–15·60). KEY WORDS: Popocatépetl; Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field; arc petrogenesis; radiogenic isotopes  相似文献   
We provide a model for the fractional crystallization of hydrousmantle-derived magma to form calc-alkaline plutons, based uponmass balance for geological examples of fractionation sequencesin the lower continental crust. This is complemented by a thermalmodel for the heat budget obtained from a projected phase diagramand thermodynamic data. Fractional crystallization (FC) andassimilation–fractional crystallization (AFC) paths havebeen calculated with these models and the mass ratio of assimilationto crystallization as a function of parent magma type and temperature,crustal rock fertility and temperature, and mechanism of assimilation,have been determined. When these results are combined with F(melt fraction) and r (ratio of mass assimilated/crystallized)values evaluated from geochemical data then new information,not available with the methods separately, can be deduced. Thisincludes when and at what depth and temperature in the crustthe assimilation took place, as well as the likely parent magmatype and temperature of the assimilant. Our results are presentedin simple graphical fashion to facilitate future studies thatexamine the evolution of individual calc-alkaline plutons andthe mechanisms of crustal contamination, and to improve meltmodels involving hydrous magma in volcanic arcs and in the lowercontinental crust KEY WORDS: assimilation; hydrous mantle magma; thermal models; fractional crystallization; magma mixing; Alpine batholiths; Adamello; Bergell  相似文献   
Peat and net carbon accumulation rates in two sub-arctic peat plateaus of west-central Canada have been studied through geochemical analyses and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating. The peatland sites started to develop around 6600–5900 cal. yr BP and the peat plateau stages are characterized by Sphagnum fuscum peat alternating with rootlet layers. The long-term peat and net carbon accumulation rates for both profiles are 0.30–0.31 mm/yr and 12.5–12.7 gC/m2yr, respectively. These values reflect very slow peat accumulation (0.04–0.09 mm/yr) and net carbon accumulation (3.7–5.2 gC/m2yr) in the top rootlet layers. Extensive AMS radiocarbon dating of one profile shows that accumulation rates are variable depending on peat plateau stage. Peat accumulation rates are up to six times higher and net carbon accumulation rates up to four times higher in S. fuscum than in rootlet stages. Local fires represented by charcoal remains in some of the rootlet layers result in very low accumulation rates. High C/N ratios throughout most of the peat profiles suggest low degrees of decomposition due to stable permafrost conditions. Hence, original peat accretion has remained largely unaltered, except in the initial stages of peatland development when permafrost was not yet present.  相似文献   
The marine Quaternary of Vendsyssel has been studied in a series of new boreholes in the area, and the climatic development is discussed on the basis of foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopes. The foraminiferal zones are correlated with previously published records from northern Denmark, and the spatial local and regional distribution is discussed in details based on the new evidence. The new data show that the marine sedimentation in Vendsyssel was not continuous from the Late Saalian to the Middle Weichselian, as previously thought. For example, there is indication of a hiatus at our key site, Åsted Vest in the central part of Vendsyssel, at the transition between regional foraminiferal zones N4 and N3, i.e. at the Late Saalian (MIS 6) – Eemian (MIS 5e) transition. The hitherto most complete Early Weichselian succession (zone N2) in Vendsyssel is presented from Åsted Vest. Deposits from the Early Weichselian sea‐level lowstands (MIS 5d and 5b) may, however, be missing in parts of the area. Two major breaks in the marine deposition during the Middle Weichselian represent glacial advances into northern Denmark. The first event occurred just after deposition of the regional foraminiferal zone N2 (late MIS 4), and the second event in the middle part of zone N1 (early MIS 3). Zone N1 is succeeded by a series of non‐marine units deposited during the sea‐level lowstand of the Weichselian maximum glaciation (late MIS 3 and MIS 2), including deeply incised tunnel valleys, which have been refilled with non‐marine sediments during the Late Weichselian. Vendsyssel was inundated by the sea again during the Late Weichselian, at c. 18 kyr BP. Subsequently, the marine conditions were gradually changed by forced regression caused by local isostatic uplift, and around the Weichselian–Holocene transition most of Vendsyssel was above sea level. A continuous deposition across the Late Weichselian–Holocene boundary only occurred at relatively deep sites such as Skagen. The environmental and climatic indications for Vendsyssel are in accordance with the global sea‐level curve, and the Quaternary record is correlated with the oxygen isotope record from the NorthGRIP ice core, as well as the marine isotope stages.  相似文献   
Bioclastic flow deposits offshore from the Soufrière Hills volcano on Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles were deposited by the largest volume sediment flows near this active volcano in the last 26 kyr. The volume of these deposits exceeds that of the largest historic volcanic dome collapse in the world, which occurred on Montserrat in 2003. These flows were most probably generated by a large submarine slope failure of the carbonate shelf comprising the south‐west flank of Antigua or the east flank of Redonda; adjacent islands that are not volcanically active. The bioclastic flow deposits are relatively coarse‐grained and either ungraded or poorly graded, and were deposited by non‐cohesive debris flow and high density turbidity currents. The bioclastic deposit often comprises multiple sub‐units that cannot be correlated between core sites; some located just 2 km apart. Multiple sub‐units in the bioclastic deposit result from either flow reflection, stacking of multiple debris flow lobes, and/or multi‐stage collapse of the initial landslide. This study provides unusually precise constraints on the age of this mass flow event that occurred at ca 14 ka. Few large submarine landslides have been well dated, but the slope failures that have been dated are commonly associated with periods of rapid sea‐level change.  相似文献   
The settling behaviour of particulate suspensions and their deposits has been documented using a series of settling tube experiments. Suspensions comprised saline solution and noncohesive glass‐ballotini sand of particle size 35·5 μm < d < 250 μm and volume fractions, φs, up to 0·6 and cohesive kaolinite clay of particle size d < 35·5 μm and volume fractions, φm, up to 0·15. Five texturally distinct deposits were found, associated with different settling regimes: (I) clean, graded sand beds produced by incremental deposition under unhindered or hindered settling conditions; (II) partially graded, clean sand beds with an ungraded base and a graded top, produced by incremental deposition under hindered settling conditions; (III) graded muddy sands produced by compaction with significant particle sorting by elutriation; (IV) ungraded clean sand produced by compaction and (V) ungraded muddy sand produced by compaction. A transition from particle size segregation (regime I) to suppressed size segregation (regime II or III) to virtually no size segregation (IV or V) occurred as sediment concentration was increased. In noncohesive particulate suspensions, segregation was initially suppressed at φs ~ 0·2 and entirely inhibited at φs ≥ 0·6. In noncohesive and cohesive mixtures with low sand concentrations (φs < 0·2), particle segregation was initially suppressed at φm ~ 0·07 and entirely suppressed at φm ≥ 0·13. The experimental results have a number of implications for the depositional dynamics of submarine sediment gravity flows and other particulate flows that carry sand and mud; because the influence of moving flow is ignored in these experiments, the results will only be applicable to flows in which settling processes, in the depositional boundary, dominate over shear‐flow processes, as might be the case for rapidly decelerating currents with high suspended load fallout rates. The ‘abrupt’ change in settling regimes between regime I and V, over a relatively small change in mud concentration (<5% by volume), favours the development of either mud‐poor, graded sandy deposits or mud‐rich, ungraded sandy deposits. This may explain the bimodality in sediment texture (clean ‘turbidite’ or muddy ‘debrite’ sand or sandstone) found in some turbidite systems. Furthermore, it supports the notion that distal ‘linked’ debrites could form because of a relatively small increase in the mud concentration of turbidity currents, perhaps associated with erosion of a muddy sea floor. Ungraded, clean sand deposits were formed by noncohesive suspensions with concentrations 0·2 ≤ φs ≤ 0·4. Hydrodynamic sorting is interpreted as being suppressed in this case by relatively high bed aggradation rates which could also occur in association with sustained, stratified turbidity currents or noncohesive debris flows with relatively high near‐bed sediment concentrations.  相似文献   

Error and uncertainty in spatial databases have gained considerable attention in recent years. The concern is that, as in other computer applications and, indeed, all analyses, poor quality input data will yield even worse output. Various methods for analysis of uncertainty have been developed, but none has been shown to be directly applicable to an actual geographical information system application in the area of natural resources. In spatial data on natural resources in general, and in soils data in particular, a major cause of error is the inclusion of unmapped units within areas delineated on the map as uniform. In this paper, two alternative algorithms for simulating inclusions in categorical natural resource maps are detailed. Their usefulness is shown by a simplified Monte Carlo testing to evaluate the accuracy of agricultural land valuation using land use and the soil information. Using two test areas it is possible to show that errors of as much as 6 per cent may result in the process of land valuation, with simulated valuations both above and below the actual values. Thus, although an actual monetary cost of the error term is estimated here, it is not found to be large.  相似文献   
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