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The notion of consumer and user experience has become dominant in our society in recent years, especially in relation to leisure activities. In this study we used the experience sampling method (ESM) data collection technique in Aalborg Zoo, Denmark, to understand the distribution of subjective experiences within this site. Visitors to the zoo were asked to send phone messages (SMS) about their subjective feelings in real time and to carry with them Global Positioning System (GPS) devices that recorded their movement. This method allowed us to geotag experiences of visitors throughout the zoo compound. The results indicate that the quality of experience of visitors varies both in time and in space. We conclude that there is a need to further explore the effect of place on experiences using repeat, high-resolution measurements. In this regard we believe that geographers, who have a long tradition of studying human–environment relations, have the tools to lead this type of exploration.  相似文献   
The knowledge garnered in environmental science takes a crucial part in informing decision-making in various fields,including agriculture, transportation, energy, public health and safety, and more. Understanding the basic processes in each of these fields relies greatly on progress being made in conceptual, observational and technological approaches. However,existing instruments for environmental observations are often limited as a result of technical and practical constraints. Current technologies, including remote sensing systems and ground-level measuring means, may suffer from obstacles such as low spatial representativity or a lack of precision when measuring near ground-level. These constraints often limit the ability to carry out extensive meteorological observations and, as a result, the capacity to deepen the existing understanding of atmospheric phenomena and processes. Multi-system informatics and sensing technology have become increasingly distributed as they are embedded into our environment. As they become more widely deployed, these technologies create unprecedented data streams with extraordinary levels of coverage and immediacy, providing a growing opportunity to complement traditional observation techniques using the large volumes of data created. Commercial microwave links that comprise the data transfer infrastructure of cellular communication networks are an example of these types of systems. This viewpoint letter briefly reviews various works on the subject and presents aspects concerning the added value that may be obtained as a result of the integration of these new means, which are becoming available for the first time in this era, for studying and monitoring atmospheric phenomena.  相似文献   
The formation of short-lived backswamps along the Carmel coast of Israel coincides with the rapid global sea-level rise during the late Pleistocene-early Holocene transition. The current study shows that the wetland phenomena originated around 10,000 yr ago and dried up shortly before the local Pre-Pottery Neolithic humans settled on the wetland dark clay sediments 9430 cal yr BP. Palaeontological and stable-isotope data were used in this study to elucidate previously published sedimentological reconstruction obtained from a core drilled into the western trough of the Carmel coastal plain. The water body contained typical brackish calcareous fauna, with variable numerical abundance and low species richness of ostracods and foraminifera. The δ18O and δ13C of the ostracod Cyprideis torosa show close similarity to the present Pleistocene coastal aquifer isotopic values. This study therefore concludes that the wetlands were shallow-water bodies fed by groundwater, with no evidence of sea-water mixing. It seems that they developed as the result of high groundwater levels, transportation of sediments landward, and deposition of sand bars at the paleo-river mouths. It is still not fully understood why these wetlands deteriorated abruptly and disappeared within less than 1000 yr.  相似文献   
Fault zone architecture plays an important role in flow regimes of hydrological systems. Fault zones can act as conduits, barriers, or conduits/barrier systems depending on their spatial architecture. The goal of this study is to determine the fault-zone permeability structure and its effect on the local hydrogeological system in the Dead Sea fault system. Permeability was measured on small-scale outcrop plug samples at four faults along the Dead Sea fault system, and large-scale slug tests in four boreholes, in different parts of the fault, at Yair fault in Israel. The research results show that values in the damage zone are two to five orders of magnitude higher than those of the fault core (~3.5?×?10?10, 1?×?10?15 m2 respectively), resulting in an anisotropic permeability structure for the overall fault zone and preferable flow parallel to the fault. A set of injection tests in the Yair fault damage zone revealed a water-pressure-dependent behavior. The permeability of this zone increases when employing a higher water pressure in the fault fracture-dominated damage zone, due to the reopening of fractures.  相似文献   
We show that repeated sound waves in the intracluster medium (ICM) can be excited by a single inflation episode of an opposite bubble pair. To reproduce this behaviour in numerical simulations, the bubbles should be inflated by jets, rather than being injected artificially as already full-blown bubbles. The multiple sound waves are excited by the motion of the bubble–ICM boundary that is caused by vortices inside the inflated bubbles and the backflow ('cocoon') of the ICM around the bubble. These sound waves form a structure that can account for the ripples observed in the Perseus cooling flow cluster. We inflate the bubbles using slow massive jets either with a very wide opening angle or that are narrow and precessing. The wide jets (or collimated fast winds) are slow in the sense that they are highly subrelativistic,   v j∼ 0.01 c – 0.1 c   , and they are massive in the sense that the pair of bubbles carries back to the ICM a large fraction of the cooling mass, i.e.  ∼1–50 M yr−1  . We use a two-dimensional axisymmetric (referred to as 2.5D) hydrodynamical numerical code ( vh-1 ).  相似文献   
In October 1991 a high magnitude rainstorm flood, estimated return period 40 years, occurred in Nahal Zin, a 1400 km2 catchment in the hyperarid Negev Desert. The meso-scale structure of the storm was a curved squall line that developed from a thunderstorm in accordance with the topography of the catchment divide, by which it was strongly affected. Tropical moisture reached the area via the subtropical jet stream, in conjunction with a lower level northward intrusion of the Red Sea trough (RST-N) into the Mediterranean Sea. Rainfall, as measured at the few and sparse gauging stations, was much too small to account for the resulting large flood. Peak flow and other hydraulic characteristics of the flood were indirectly reconstructed. The techniques of palaeoflood hydrology used were based on sedimentological evidence of fine-grained flood sediments deposited in back-flooded tributaries, as well as on other stage indicators. The HEC-2 procedure was employed to determine water surface profiles. The spatial and temporal characteristics of the event were studied through a combination of rainstorm analysis, remote sensing, hydrological and sedimentological data; they jointly explain the magnitude and timing of tributary contributions producing the integrated flood in the main channel. The flood as reconstructed reveals a three-peak hydrograph: two peaks were generated by the same storm but had different floodwave arrival times in the main channel; the third resulted from a local rainstorm which occurred on the following day and covered only one tributary. The curved structure of the storm and its dynamics in relation to catchment orientation resulted in storm move- ment in tandem with the floodwave. The synchronous contribution from all main tributaries preserved evidence of the floodwave both in stage and volume by replacing the transmission losses in the sections with thick alluvium. Other high magnitude floods on record for the large Negev Desert catchments are caused by a cold upper air incursion associated with the RST-N. Most of them occur in the autumn and are caused by storms with high-intensity rainfall. This is in stark contrast with the flooding behaviour of the semi-arid zone further north, which is linked primarily to the core of the Mediterranean winter. The complexities involved in the generation of a large desert flood, as revealed by this study, illustrate the fallacy of applying routine hydrological modelling to such events, and underline the need to study the processes involved in adequate detail. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study provides data on the fluvial sediment transport at the Eastern Mediterranean, an area in which the regional importance for comparative study has often been raised by investigators but the data are rather scarce. We analysed long‐ and short‐term hydrologic and sedimentological data from one of the largest coastal streams of Israel, Qishon River (1100 km2), and its estuarine environment. The results indicate that during 65 years (1944–2009), a total 140 floods have contributed to the sea an amount of approximately 2.58 × 106 tons of sediment. During this period, (i) the number of floods with a return period of more than 10 years has almost doubled during the last 30 years, and (ii) the mean annual discharge during last 10 years increased by approximately 175%. The analysis of the short (2 years) hydrological and sediment data revealed that approximately 30% of the upstream channel loads do not reach the river mouth and are deposited along the channel bed, even during major flood events. This observation was attributed largely to the facts that the lower river bed is incised below sea level, to the very low slopes and to the correspondingly low stream power and transport capacity. The results of this study highlight the effect of interchannel dynamics as well as the constraints of interaction between fluvial system and estuarine processes on sediment transport. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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