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以全球大地构造为背景讨论了玄武岩浆起源和演化的一些基本概念.这些概念的正确理解有助于合理解释各种环境中火成岩的形成机制,也有助于依据野外岩石组合来判别古构造环境.在此基础上结合已有资料和观察,对中国东部中生代岩石圈减薄及中-新生代基性火山岩成因提出了一些新解释.这些解释与地质观察相吻合,且符合基本的物理学原理.虽然中国东部基性火山活动可称为"板内"火山活动,但它实际上是板块构造的特殊产物.中国东部中生代岩石圈减薄是其下部被改造为软流层的缘故.这种改造是加水"软化"所致.水则源于中国东部地幔过渡带(410~660 km)内古太平洋(或其前身)俯冲板块脱水作用.其将岩石圈底部改造为软流层的过程,实际上就是岩石圈减薄的过程.因为软流层是地幔对流的重要部分,而大陆岩石圈则不直接参与地幔对流.中生代玄武岩具有εNd<0的特征,说明其源于新近改造而成的软流层,亦即原古老岩石圈之底部.中国大陆北北东-南南西向的海拔梯度突变界线与东-西部重力异常,陆壳厚度变化,以及地幔地震波速变化梯度吻合.因此可将北北东-南南西向梯度线称为"东-西梯度界".该界东-西海拔高差(西部高原与东部丘陵平原),陆壳厚度差异(西部厚而东部薄)和100~150 km的深度范围地幔地震波速差异(西部快而东部慢),均受控于上地幔重力均衡原理.这表明西部高原岩石圈厚度>150~200 km,而东部丘陵平原岩石圈厚度<80km."遥远"的西太平洋俯冲带具有自然的地幔楔吸引作用.此吸引作用可引起中国东部"新生"软流层东流.软流层东流必将引起西部高原底部软流层的东向补给(流动).这一过程必然导致东移软流层的减压,即从西部的深源(岩石圈深度>150~200 km处)到东部的浅源(岩石圈深度~80km处).东移软流层的减压分熔可合理解释具有软流圈地球化学特征(εNd>0)的新生代中国东部基性火山活动及玄武岩的成因.这些对中国东部中-新生代地质过程的解释,将为更加细致的,以岩石学和地球化学为主的讨论所验证.  相似文献   
巴西坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地均为典型的被动陆缘盆地。随着勘探程度的增加和近年来在桑托斯盆地深水区盐下油气的重大发现,坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地之间的构造-沉积演化和油气地质特征的差异性越来越明显。通过对坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地区域地质特征和油气成藏条件差异性的比较,总结出两个盆地油气分布特征的截然不同。研究表明,盐窗比较发育的坎波斯盆地中已发现的油气主要富集于盐上浊积砂岩,而连续盐岩发育的桑托斯盆地已发现的油气则主要富集于盐下湖相碳酸盐岩。对于盐下层系,连续分布的盐岩和圣保罗高地的发育控制了盐下层系油气的分布;对于盐上层系,盐相关构造的发育则为油气垂向运移提供了有利通道,从而控制了盐上油气藏的形成与分布。  相似文献   
The no. 11 coal seam in the deep area of Hancheng mining area is mining in recent years, which is threatened by the water inrush from the Ordovician limestone aquifer. Coal-floor water inrush is governed by the water abundance of coal-floor aquifer, the water-resisting performance of coal-floor aquitard, and the pathway connecting the water source and the working face. To make an accuracy risk assessment of water inrush from the no. 11 coal seam floor, a GIS-based vulnerability index method (VIM) is adopted for its superior comprehensive consideration of more controlling factors, powerful spatial analysis, and intuitively display functions. This study firstly established an index system including the water pressure of the coal-floor aquifer, the unit water inflow, the thickness, the core recovery percentage, the thickness ratio of brittle rocks to ductile rocks, the thickness of effective aquitard, and the accumulated length of faults and folds, of which the former six indexes governed the water abundance of the coal-floor aquifer which was combined with the last two factors to determine the risk of coal-floor water inrush. Secondly, the thematic map of each controlling factor is established by GIS using the geological prospecting data, and the weight of each factor is determined by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) after consulting the expert review panel. At last, a vulnerability index is obtained and used to assess the risk of coal-floor water inrush of the no. 11 coal seam. The risk of water inrush of the no. 11 coal seam of the study area was ranked to three zones: the southeastern shallow area in red color is the dangerous zone, the wide northwestern area in green color is the safe zone, and the transition area in yellow color is the moderate-risk zone. Compared with the actual water-inrush incidents, the risk assessment result was verified to achieve an accuracy of 82.35%, which is proved to be a dependable reference for the prevention and controlling of coal-floor water inrush of the no. 11 coal seam in Hancheng mining area.  相似文献   
南海盆地及周缘地区新生代玄武岩对揭示南海盆地的演化历史至关重要,然而这些玄武岩的成因还存在争议。本文研究了位于南海北部陆缘的海南岛临高县多文组玄武岩岩石地球化学和矿物地球化学特征,并探讨其成因和构造背景。多文组玄武岩主要由橄榄石、单斜辉石、斜长石、斜方辉石、铬尖晶石和铁钛氧化物等组成。橄榄石Fo值变化于55.5~71.1之间,Ni的含量较低,Fe/Mn比值较高。铬尖晶石Cr#值为74.1~82.7,Mg#值为45.5~63.8, Ti的含量较高。斜方辉石Mg#值为63.9~79.6,单斜辉石为66.0~80.6。单斜辉石稀土配分曲线富集MREE,亏损LREE和HREE,呈拱形分布。斜长石以中-拉长石为主(Ab36.56~52.78),富集LREE、Ba、Sr和Eu。铁钛氧化物的TiO2含量为50.19%~51.46%。多文组玄武岩原始岩浆的主量和微量元素组成与夏威夷、峨眉山、塔里木等玄武岩组成一致,地幔源区包含了辉石岩的成分,而且其地幔潜在温度(>1400℃)和氧逸度(Δ...  相似文献   
A Paleozoic ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt extends along the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, North Tibetan Plateau. Eclogites in the Yuka eclogite terrane, northwest part of this UHPM belt, occur as blocks or layers of varying size intercalated with granitic and pelitic gneisses. These eclogites have protoliths geochemically similar to enriched-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (E-MORB) and oceanic island basalts (OIB). On the basis of Ti/Y ratios, they can be divided into low-Ti and high-Ti groups. The low-Ti group (LTG) eclogites exhibit relatively low TiO2 (most <2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (<500) but comparatively high Mg# (48–55), whereas the high-Ti group (HTG) eclogites have high TiO2 (most >2.5 wt%) and Ti/Y (>500) but lower Mg# (46–52). Zircons from two eclogite samples gave a magmatic crystallization (protolith) age of ∼850 Ma and a UHPM age of ∼433 Ma. The occurrence, geochemical features and age data of the Yuka eclogites suggest that their protoliths are segments of continental flood basalts (CFBs) with a mantle plume origin, similar to most typical CFBs. Our observation, together with the tectonic history and regional geologic context, lend support for the large scale onset of mantle plume within the Rodinia supercontinent at ∼850 Ma. The Qaidam block is probably one of the fragments of the Rodinia supercontinent with a volcanic-rifted passive margin. The latter may have been dragged to mantle depths by its subducting leading edge of the oceanic lithosphere in the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   
利用灰色关联分析法确定控制矿井煤与瓦斯突出的主导因素,根据人工神经网络建立煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测的系统结构,在此基础上,选用突出矿井的15个煤与瓦斯突出实例作为学习样本对网络进行训练,最后运用3个煤与瓦斯突出实例作为预测样本对所建模型进行验证。结果表明利用灰色理论—神经网络方法建立的预测模型能够满足煤与瓦斯突出预测的要求。通过分析和计算安阳矿区煤层的开采深度、地质构造(尤其是断层)与突出危险程度关系密切,在煤与瓦斯突出的预测、防治工作中可以作为首选指标来考虑。  相似文献   
长江河口地处海陆交汇地区,其海表盐度受到长江流域、东海和三角洲社会经济活动的复合影响。水体盐度直观反映了河口区域冲淡水分布,对于研究淡水羽状锋、长江物质输送与河口环境变化等具有重要意义。本文分别对枯季和洪季的长江口盐度实测数据,以及中分辨率成像光谱仪(moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer,MODIS)遥感反射率与反射率的比值进行拟合回归分析,建立长江口表层盐度反演经验模型,得到枯季的相关系数和均方根误差(root-mean-square error,RMSE)分别为-0.930 3、0.45‰,洪季的相关系数和RMSE分别为-0.818 5、0.88‰;并分析模型在时间尺度上的适用性。利用该盐度反演模型对长江口2007-2016年的表层盐度进行反演,结合大通站记录的长江径流量观测资料,分析长江口表层水体盐度的时空变化规律。结果表明:长江口表层盐度受径流量影响较大,空间上呈自西向东递增趋势,具有季节性分异;枯季近岸盐度较高,高盐度海水可以到达长江口南北支分叉122.5°E附近;洪季冲淡水影响范围广,高盐度海水聚集在123°E以东、31°N以南,长江口北部出现低盐区域;2007-2016年间枯季大通站流量呈上升趋势,平均盐度为29.27‰,总体呈降低趋势,洪季大通站流量呈降低趋势,平均盐度为27.10‰,呈上升趋势,盐度和径流量在年际变化中存在良好的负相关关系。  相似文献   
扬子板块东北缘的浅变质岩被认为是三叠纪大陆俯冲过程中从扬子板块剥离而来的,其原岩主要为新元古代中期岩浆岩和沉积岩,是理解扬子板块东北缘新元古代构造演化的重要对象。郯庐断裂带张八岭隆起北段夹持于大别造山带和苏鲁造山带之间,出露一套绿片岩相—低角闪岩变火山—沉积序列,即由西冷组变火山岩和北将军组变碎屑岩组成的张八岭群。然而,西冷组与北将军组之间的关系和张八岭群的形成时代都尚存在争议。为此,本文对张八岭群开展了详细的野外地质调查和MC-LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年工作。锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,西冷组顶部石英角斑岩的原岩时代为723±7 Ma;北将军组底部变粉砂岩的碎屑锆石年龄变化于916~614 Ma之间,与西冷组、肥东杂岩内新元古代岩浆活动时间相一致,暗示它们的物质主要由西冷组和肥东杂岩提供,其中,最年轻碎屑锆石谐和年龄(677±12 Ma)限定了北将军组沉积时代下限。结合野外地质特征和前人张八岭群上覆震旦系盖层沉积初始时间(635 Ma),本文认为北将军组的沉积时限为677~635 Ma,是覆盖于西冷组之上的中新元古代晚期沉积地层。对比研究显示,张八岭群可能是扬子东北缘新元古代中期裂谷火山—沉积岩系的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
The problem of ore-bearing potentiality of the strata involves metallogenic theory and ore-search orientation. Studies of the spatial distribution of endogenic Au-Ag polymetallic ore deposits in North Hebei indicated that the strata in which ore deposits occurred range in age from Paleozoic, Proterozoic to Mesozoic. In addition the ore deposits are characterized as being strata-bound in nature. The arise and establishment of “extracting” viewpoint may be attributed to the following three reasons: 1) influence by the idea of “ore-source bed”; 2) limitation of analytical techniques in the 1980s’ (especially gold element); and 3) a small number of samples (sampling locations were mostly disturbed by mineralization). Studies have shown that ore-forming materials would most probably come from the deep interior of the Earth. Deep-seated ore-bearing materials including Au-Ag polymetals were brought to the shallow levels by way of mantle plume-mantle sub-plume-mantle branch structure multi-stage evolution, finally leading to the formation of ore deposits.  相似文献   
论述了大陆俯冲碰撞带中地幔橄榄岩的基本特征和成岩类型,并重点讨论柴北缘超高压变质带中不同性质的橄榄岩及其成因。根据岩石学特征,我们确定柴北缘超高压带中发育有两种类型的橄榄岩:(1)石榴橄榄岩,岩石类型包括石榴二辉橄榄岩、石榴方辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩和石榴辉石岩,是大陆型俯冲带的标志性岩石。金刚石包裹体、石榴石和橄榄石的出溶结构、温压计算等均反映其来源深度大于200km。地球化学特征表明该橄榄岩的原岩是岛弧环境下高镁岩浆在地幔环境下堆晶的产物。(2)大洋蛇绿岩型地幔橄榄岩,与变质的堆晶杂岩(包括石榴辉石岩、蓝晶石榴辉岩)和具有大洋玄武岩特征的榴辉岩构成典型的蛇绿岩剖面,代表大洋岩石圈残片。这两类橄榄岩的确定对了解柴北缘超高压变质带的性质和构造演化过程有重要意义。  相似文献   
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