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油气运移滞后效应是指油气从烃源岩中生成并排出的时间早,而聚集成藏的时间晚,油气经历了长时间长距离运移,已聚集成藏的油气相态与成熟度低于现今烃源岩成熟演化的现象.这种油气运移滞后效应在东部新生代陆相断陷盆地中普遍存在,在斜坡带表现最为明显.通过利用地球化学分析,平衡剖面技术、盆地模拟、包裹体分析等手段,对渤海海域莱州湾凹...  相似文献   
利用三门峡市多普勒天气雷达资料,分析了2009年10月4日发生在河南渑池县的一次产生冰雹的超级单体风暴的回波结构及演变特征,结果表明:超级单体是在上冷下暖的大尺度环流背景和不稳定层结下产生的;其演变过程经历了生成、发展、成熟、消亡四个阶段;局地生成的弱回波若发展较快,速度场中又有逆风区与之配合,则容易发展成超级单体风暴,应引起高度重视;发展阶段回波强度加速增大,诸如底层钩状回波、有界弱回波区、中气旋等超级单体的典型结构特征开始出现,是发布预警的关键时段,大约可以提前15-30 min;成熟阶段最重要的特征是持续存在的中气旋。超级单体风暴其初始回波出现在4 km左右的中空,具有向上向下迅速发展的特点;最强回波强度大,顶高伸展高;当最强回波底到达地面时意味着冰雹、降水的开始,因而可以通过分析最强回波顶高的演变趋势来确定降雹强弱和时间;VIL可用来判断对流风暴强度,持续高的VIL值可能与超级单体风暴有关。  相似文献   
In recent years big strides have been made in the exploration of ores in the central-south segment of the Da Hinggan Ling Range, though some debates still exist on the metallogenesis and sources of ore-forming materials. Pyrite and other sulfides in direct relation to the Pb-Zn-Ag ore deposits were chosen for the He and Ar isotopic analysis of ore-forming fluids, and the first He and Ar isotope data have been obtained from the study region. ^3He/^4He ratios in 14 samples collected from 7 mining districts are 2.17×10^-6-12.52×10^-6, averaging 6.86×10^-6 and their R/Ra ratios are 1.56-9.01 Ra, averaging 4.37 Ra. By projecting the data points onto the ^3He-^4He concentrations diagram, all the points fall near the mantle helium area. The calculated mantle-source helium ratios are within the range of 19.58%-76.96%, with an average of 49.52%. Argon isotopic characteristics are close to those of mantle source, indicating that the ore-forming material was transport upwards via the multi-stage evolution of mantle plume and concentrated as ores in the favorable loci of mantle branch structures.  相似文献   
一种新的用于极化SAR图像船只检测的散射相似性测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种新的用于极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)海上船只目标检测的测度。首先利用散射相似性参数研究船只与海杂波散射机制的差异。基于这些差异,提出了一种新的船只检测测度,该测度能够有效区分船只目标和海杂波。然后提出了利用核密度估计(KDE)方法对该测度进行建模的方法。基于统计模型,实现了自适应恒虚警率(CFAR)的检测方案。本文利用多景C波段RADARSAT-2极化SAR(Pol-SAR)数据上进行实验,系统分析了所提出测度的海杂波拟合性能与船只检测性能,并与两个经典的极化测度进行了比较,实验和比较结果证明了所提的测度的可行性。  相似文献   
为研究地震作用下地裂缝场地建筑结构的动力响应特征,以西安地裂缝场地为研究背景,分别考虑独立基础、片筏基础、桩基础和桩筏基础上的框架结构,对结构峰值加速度、层间位移等动力响应特征及其影响因素和影响规律进行系统研究。研究结果表明:(1)地裂缝附近场地上的结构加速度响应和层间位移响应具有明显的放大效应,动力响应峰值随着距地裂缝距离的增大逐渐减小,最终趋于稳定,放大效应的影响范围约为24 m,此范围内的结构需提高抗震设防水平;(2)结构的峰值加速度随层高的增大而增大,整体呈现出“S”形,层间位移角随层高的增大先增大后减小,二者均表现出明显的“上盘效应”,即上盘结构响应强于下盘,且随着输入地震动强度的增大,上、下盘结构动力响应差异进一步扩大,上盘效应愈发显著;(3)片筏基础、桩基础和桩筏基础结构的加速度响应接近,而独立基础结构的加速度与前三者差异明显,但随着楼层的增大,基础形式对结构层间位移角的影响逐渐减弱;(4)上、下盘结构的峰值加速度、峰值位移大小及峰值出现的时间等存在一定差异,这是由于地震波经过地裂缝时发生复杂的反射和折射,结构受到非一致性激励造成的。  相似文献   
巴西坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地均为典型的被动陆缘盆地。随着勘探程度的增加和近年来在桑托斯盆地深水区盐下油气的重大发现,坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地之间的构造-沉积演化和油气地质特征的差异性越来越明显。通过对坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地区域地质特征和油气成藏条件差异性的比较,总结出两个盆地油气分布特征的截然不同。研究表明,盐窗比较发育的坎波斯盆地中已发现的油气主要富集于盐上浊积砂岩,而连续盐岩发育的桑托斯盆地已发现的油气则主要富集于盐下湖相碳酸盐岩。对于盐下层系,连续分布的盐岩和圣保罗高地的发育控制了盐下层系油气的分布;对于盐上层系,盐相关构造的发育则为油气垂向运移提供了有利通道,从而控制了盐上油气藏的形成与分布。  相似文献   
利用大功率的激电测深法可以寻找焦家式深部金 矿。首先,由物理和数学推导建立多层极化体的数 理模型,其数理模型产生的极化场可由多层若干 个极化单元场相叠加而成。由多次去除极化单元 场的原理而导出大功率激电测深资料进行消除浅 部强激电干扰异常的数据处理公式,从而突出了 深部矿床的激电异常。并利用处理后的激电测深 曲线,定量求取了深部金矿蚀变矿化带的顶界面 埋深。  相似文献   
The formation of the Mufushan granopegmatite was closely related to the Late Yenshanian multiphase and multistage magmatic activities,More than one generation of beryl and aquamarine occur in different types of pegmatite in the granites.The presence of melt and melt-fluid inclusions strongly indicates a melt-solution character of the pegmatitic magma.Forming temperatures of the different generations of beryl in a Na^ -K^ ,Ca^2 -CO3^2--Cl^--SO4^2- solution ranges from 990℃to 200℃.Aquamarine was formed at 720-180℃.The contents of alkali metals(Na^ K^ )in th ore-formming solution of aquamarine are lower than those in the beryl,but the contents of alkali earths(Ca) and salinity are higher,The granite was generated by remelting of the basement formation(meta-sedimentary rocks of the Lengjiaxi Group)which also served as the source of ore-forming material.Beryllium in the pegmatite was transported mainly in the form of Na[Be(CO3)2],with part of it being complexed with Cl^- and SO4^2-.During the generation and evolution of the pegmatite,equilibrium might have been reached in the solid-melt-fluid or solid-fluid system.The intergranular solutions may have reacted with the early crystallized minerals,resulting in potash-feldsparization,albitization and muscovitization during which the ore-forming elements were mobilized and transported in favour of ore deposition.  相似文献   
Sexual reproduction adversely affects the population growth of cyclic parthenogenetic animals. The density-dependent sexual reproduction of a superior competitor could mediate the coexistence. However,the cost of sex may make the inferior competitor more vulnerable. To investigate the effect of sexual reproduction on the inferior competitor,we experimentally paired the competition of one Brachionus angularis clone against three B rachionus calyciflorus clones. One of the B. calyciflorus clones showed a low propensity for sexual reproduction,while the other two showed high propensities. The results show that all B. calyciflorus clones were excluded in the competition for resources at low food level. The increased food level promoted the competition persistence,but the clones did not show a clear pattern. Both the cumulative population density and resting egg production increased with the food level. The cumulative population density decreased with the mixis investment,while the resting egg production increased with the mixis investment. A trade-off between the population growth and sexual reproduction was observed in this research. The results indicate that although higher mixis investment resulted in a lower population density,it would not determinately accelerate the exclusion process of the inferior competitor. On the contrary,higher mixis investment promoted resting egg production before being excluded and thus promised a longterm benefit. In conclusion,our results suggest that mixis investment,to some extent,favored the excluded inferior competitor under fierce competition or some other adverse conditions.  相似文献   
为了探讨中国西南地区二叠系乐平统(上二叠统)龙潭组中下部煤系不同煤组分中砷、硒的含量和演化及古环境意义,对近10年来采集于中国西南扬子地台的二叠系乐平统龙潭组主采煤层的原煤、亮煤、煤矸石、黄铁矿结核等样品中砷、硒元素含量进行了测定和分析,并与中国华北地台一些煤矿的上石炭统-下二叠统太原组、山西组的原煤、镜煤、亮煤、煤矸石、黄铁矿结核等样品中砷、硒含量进行对比分析。结果表明:西南地区乐平统龙潭组煤的砷、硒含量变化较大,但总体高于华北晚石炭世和早二叠世煤的砷、硒含量;西南二叠系乐平统龙潭组大多数的亮煤中砷、硒含量高于原煤全煤样(刻槽样)中的砷、硒含量,也远远高于同煤层煤矸石的含量,龙潭组部分亮煤的砷含量尤其高,为55~338 mg/kg,还发现砷含量为89 mg/kg的亮煤。但华北上石炭统-下二叠统的镜煤中的砷、硒含量与之相反,低于原煤全煤样的砷、硒含量,其中砷含量非常低,为063~129 mg/kg。说明西南地区上二叠统煤中的砷和硒与煤的有机质密切相关,可能主要来源于成煤古植物。在西南乐平世早、中期第Ⅰ幕陆生生物集群灭绝事件期间,陆生动物的食物--植物中有毒有害元素砷、硒含量明显增加,陆生环境或泥炭沼泽中可溶性砷、硒含量增加。  相似文献   
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