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Many breakwaters have collapsed in the past due to earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis, resulting in considerable devastation as the breakwaters failed to prevent the tsunami from entering the coastal plain areas. Breakwater failures are mainly caused by damage to its foundation ground. However, the damage mechanism of breakwater foundation during earthquakes and tsunamis remains unclear. This study focuses on the breakwater failure mechanism due to collapse of its foundation under the action of an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. In addition, reinforcing countermeasures for breakwater foundation to mitigate damage due to compound geodisasters triggered by earthquakes and tsunamis are proposed. Sheet piles and gabions were used in the breakwater foundation as reinforcing countermeasures. To evaluate the effectiveness of the reinforced foundation, a series of shaking table tests and hydraulic model tests were performed. The tsunami overflow tests were conducted on the same model after the earthquake loadings, and comparisons were made between the conventional and reinforced foundations. It was observed during the tests that the reinforced foundation could effectively reduce the damage to the breakwater caused by earthquake and tsunami-induced forces. Numerical analyses were performed to clarify the mechanism of the soil–breakwater–reinforcement–fluid system. Overall, this study is useful in practical engineering, and the reinforcing foundation model could be adopted for offshore structures to reduce damage from earthquakes and tsunamis in the future.  相似文献   
A strong earthquake often precedes a tsunami, and a breakwater may settle during the earthquake. Such seismic subsidence of the breakwater may reduce its ability to block the tsunami, and the tsunami may easily enter coastal areas by overflowing it. This study deals with the instability of a breakwater due to an earthquake. In addition, to protect a breakwater from damage caused by an earthquake, a new concept of using geogrid for reinforcing the foundation of a breakwater is introduced. To determine the behavior of unreinforced foundation and to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed reinforced foundation under different earthquake loadings, a series of shaking table tests were performed. It was observed that the earthquake generated excess pore water pressures and deformations of foundation ground were main reasons of failure of the breakwater. The reinforced foundation was found effective to reduce the earthquake-induced damage of the breakwater, and finally it makes the breakwater resilient against earthquake-induced forces. Numerical simulations were also performed to elucidate the mechanism of reinforcement–breakwater–soil–water system under different earthquake loadings.  相似文献   
The Koyna region located in the west coast of India is a classic example of reservoir triggered seismicity (RTS) that started soon after the impoundment of the Koyna reservoir in 1962. Previous studies have shown that RTS can be explained in terms of stress and pore pressure changes due to poroelastic response of the rock matrix. The permeability of rock matrix is a key parameter for pore pressure diffusion which is mainly responsible for generation of stress perturbation related to seismicity. Based on the poroelastic theory, we employ 2-D finite element models to simulate the evolution of pore pressure up to 5 years after the reservoir impoundment in 1962, using a range in permeability, 10?16–10?14 m2. Constraints on material properties of Deccan basalt and granitic rocks were taken from available studies. The results show the formation of pore pressure front and its propagation with depth and time since the reservoir impoundment as a function of permeability. While a permeability of 10?16 m2 does not produce any significant change in pore pressure, a ten-fold increase in permeability produces significant changes up to a depth of 2 km only beneath the reservoir after 5 years of impoundment. Permeability values between 10?15 m2 and 10?14 m2 are required to induce critical pore pressure changes in the range 0.1–1 MPa up to depth of 10 km, capable of triggering earthquakes in a critically stressed region. Studies on core samples of granitic basement rock down to a depth of 1522 m in the Koyna region provide evidences of fracture zones that may contribute to water channelization. Direct measurements of material properties through the ongoing deep drilling programme would help to develop more realistic models of RTS.  相似文献   
The signature of 11 X-class solar flares that occurred during the ascending half of the present subdued solar cycle 24 from 2009 to 2013 on the ionosphere over the low- and mid-latitude station, Dibrugarh (27.5°N, 95°E; magnetic latitude 17.6°N), are examined. Total electron content (TEC) data derived from Global Positioning System satellite transmissions are used to study the effect of the flares on the ionosphere. A nonlinear significant correlation (R2 = 0.86) has been observed between EUV enhancement (ΔEUV) and corresponding enhancement in TEC (ΔTEC). This nonlinearity is triggered by a rapid increase in ΔTEC beyond the threshold value ~1.5 (×1010 ph cm?2 s?1) in ΔEUV. It is also found that this nonlinear relationship between TEC and EUV flux is driven by a similar nonlinear relationship between flare induced enhancement in X-ray and EUV fluxes. The local time of occurrence of the flares determines the magnitude of enhancement in TEC for flares originating from nearly similar longitudes on the solar disc, and hence proximity to the central meridian alone may not play the dominating role. Further, the X-ray peak flux, when corrected for the earth zenith angle effect, did not improve the correlation between ΔX-ray and ΔTEC.  相似文献   
The liquefaction potential of saturated cohesionless deposits in Guwahati city, Assam, was evaluated. The critical cyclic stress ratio required to cause liquefaction and the cyclic stress ratio induced by an earthquake were obtained using the simplified empirical method developed by Seed and Idriss (J soil Mech Found Eng ASCE 97(SM9):1249–1273, 1971, Ground motions and soil liquefaction during earthquakes. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, 1982) and Seed et al. (J Geotech Eng ASCE 109(3):458–483, 1983, J Geotech Eng ASCE 111(12):1425–1445, 1985) and the Idriss and Boulanger (2004) method. Critical cyclic stress ratio was based on the empirical relationship between standard penetration resistance and cyclic stress ratio. The liquefaction potential was evaluated by determining factor of safety against liquefaction with depth for areas in the city. A soil database from 200 boreholes covering an area of 262 km2 was used for the purpose. A design peak ground acceleration of 0.36 g was used since Guwahati falls in zone V according to the seismic zoning map of India. The results show that 48 sites in Guwahati are vulnerable to liquefaction according to the Seed and Idriss method and 49 sites are vulnerable to liquefaction according to the Idriss and Boulanger method. Results are presented as maps showing zones of levels of risk of liquefaction.  相似文献   
Teleseismic earthquake data recorded by 11 broadband digital seismic stations deployed in the India–Asia collision zone in the eastern extremity of the Himalayan orogen (Tidding Suture) are analyzed to investigate the seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle. Shear-wave splitting parameters (Φ and δt) derived from the analysis of core-refracted SKS phases provide first hand information about seismic anisotropy and deformation in the upper mantle beneath the region. The analysis shows considerable strength of anisotropy (delay time ~0.85–1.9 s) with average ENE–WSW-oriented fast polarization direction (FPD) at most of the stations. The FPD observed at stations close to the Tidding Suture aligns parallel to the strike of local geological faults and orthogonal to absolute plate motion direction of the Indian plate. The average trend of FPD at each station indicates that the anisotropy is primarily originated by lithospheric deformation due to India–Asia collision. The splitting data analyzed at closely spaced stations suggest a shallow source of anisotropy originated in the crust and upper mantle. The observed delay times indicate that the primary source of anisotropy is located in the upper mantle. The shear-wave splitting analysis in the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis (EHS) and surrounding regions suggests complex strain partitioning in the mantle which is accountable for evolution of the EHS and complicated syntaxial tectonics.  相似文献   
Crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratios are estimated across the northwest (NW) Himalaya and eastern Ladakh applying H-k stacking method on receiver functions of teleseismic earthquakes recorded at 16 broadband seismological stations. The results show significant lateral variation of crustal thickness from the Lesser and Higher Himalaya (~50 km thick) to Ladakh (~80 km thick) through the Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ). The Indian Moho is continuously traceable across the ITSZ which is consistent with the underthrusting of the Indian plate beyond the surface collision boundary. The estimated Poisson’s ratios in the Lesser and Higher Himalaya are low (0.249–0.253), suggesting felsic composition of the crust. The Poisson’s ratio is intermediate in the Tethyan Himalaya (0.269–0.273) and high beneath Ladakh (0.280–0.303), indicating the effect of aqueous fluid/partial melt present in the crust.  相似文献   
The opening of cracks and influx of fluids in the dilatancy zone of impending earthquake is expected to induce short-term changes in physical/chemical/hydrological properties during earthquake build-up cycle, which should be reflected in time-varying geophysical fields. With this rationale, eleven geophysical parameters are being recorded in continuous mode at the Multi-Parametric Geophysical Observatory (MPGO), in Ghuttu, Garhwal Himalaya, for earthquake precursory research. The critical analysis of various geophysical time series indicates anomalous behavior at few occasions; however, the data is also influenced by many external forces. These external influences are the major deterrent for the isolation of precursory signals. The recent work is focused on the data adoptive techniques to estimate and eliminate effects of solar-terrestrial and hydrological/environmental factors for delimiting the data to identify short-term precursors. Although any significant earthquake is not reported close to the observatory, some weak precursory signals and coseismic changes have been identified in few parameters related to the occurrence of moderate and strong earthquakes.  相似文献   
Secondary aerosol formation was studied at Allahabad in the Indo-Gangetic region during a field campaign called Land Campaign-II in December 2004 (northern winter). Regional source locations of the ionic species in PM10 were identified by using Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF analysis). On an average, the concentration of water soluble inorganic ions (sum of anions and cations) was 63.2 μgm−3. Amongst the water soluble ions, average NO3 concentration was the highest (25.0 μgm−3) followed by SO42− (15.8 μgm−3) and NH4+ (13.8 μgm−3) concentrations. These species, contributed 87% of the total mass of water soluble species, indicating that most of the water soluble PM10 was composed of NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4/NH4HSO4 or (NH4)3H(SO4)2 particles. Further, the concentrations of SO42−, NO3, and NH4+ aerosols increased at high relative humidity levels up to the deliquescence point (∼63% RH) for salts of these species suggesting that high humidity levels favor the conversion and partitioning of gaseous SO2, NOx, and NH3 to their aerosol phase. Additionally, lowering of ambient temperature as the winter progressed also resulted in an increase of NO3 and NH4+ concentrations, probably due to the semi volatile nature of ammonium nitrate. PSCF analysis identified regions along the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) including Northern and Central Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Northern Pakistan, and parts of Rajasthan as source regions of airborne nitrate. Similar source regions, along with Northeastern Madhya Pradesh were identified for sulfate.  相似文献   
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