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冰流是指冰盖中快速流动(高达10 km/a)的区域.冰流通常长达1000 km,宽200 km,嵌入在冰盖中.沿其流动方向形成了低幅度波纹状基岩床.这些波纹状基岩床由一些高度拉伸的沿着流向呈平行状分布的脊和沟槽(巨型冰川线理)组成.这些巨型冰川线理在空间上继承自体积大、拉伸程度低的鼓丘.由于鼓丘核部的地质条件复杂多变且...  相似文献   
Anthropogenic influence on the climate – and possible societal responses to it – offers a unique window through which to examine the way people think about and relate to the natural world. This paper reports data from four, one-day deliberative workshops conducted with members of the UK public during early 2012. The workshops focused on geoengineering – the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment – as one of three possible responses to climate change (alongside mitigation and adaptation). Here, we explore one of the most pervasive and wide-ranging themes to emerge from the workshops: whether geoengineering represented an unprecedented human intervention into ‘nature’, and what the moral consequences of this might be. Using the concept of ‘messing with nature’ as an analytical lens, we explore public perceptions of geoengineering. We also reflect on why ‘messing with nature’ was such a focal point for debate and disagreement, and whether the prospect of geoengineering may reveal new dimensions to the way that people think about the natural world, and their relationship to it.  相似文献   
Inland valleys with wet lowlands are an important water source for farming communities in the sub‐humid zone of West Africa. An inland valley and surrounding contributing watershed area located in the sub‐humid zone near M'bé in central Côte d'Ivoire was instrumented to study surface runoff and base flow mechanisms. Four flumes at different distances down the main stream and more than 100 piezometers were installed. Measurements were taken during two rainfall seasons in 1998 and 1999. Under initial wet conditions, a typical single‐peak hydrograph was observed. Under low antecedent moisture conditions, however, runoff was characterized by a double‐peaked hydrograph. The first peak, which occurred during the storm, was caused by rain falling on the saturated valley bottom. The second peak was delayed by minutes to hours from the first peak and consisted of rain flowing via the subsurface of the hydromorphic zone that surrounds the valley bottom. The duration of the delay was a function of the water table depth in the hydromorphic zone before the storm. The volume of the second peak constituted the largest portion of the stream flow. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
AK Her is a very interesting contact binary exhibiting variable lightcurves and an obvious O'Connell effect, with max I greater than max II. Inthe present work an extensive study of this system is made covering notonly its light curve analysis, but also its orbital period changes in anattempt to give a definite answer regarding the apsidal motion of AK Her.Photoelectric observations of AK Her, obtained between 1985–1987 at theNational Observatory of Athens Greece, are presented, analysed anddiscussed. The light curve analysis was made with the W-D code and thegeometric and photometric elements of the system were derived. TheO'Connell effect was faced with a two dark spot model. Moreover, theorbital period of the system was examined and two periodicities weredetected. Since the first one corresponds to the time interval for whichobservational data exist and the second was found to be half of the first,it turns out that none of them is true. Two other significant results thatcame from the present analysis are that the orbital period of AK Her doesnot follow a sinusoidal variation and that, from the times of minimumlight at primary and secondary eclipses, it seems that there is no apsidalmotion.  相似文献   
New major- and trace-element data of bulk-rocks and constituent minerals, and whole-rock Re-Os isotopic compositions of samples from the Lherz Massif, French Pyrenees, reveal complex petrological relationships between the dominant lithologies of lherzolite ± olivine-websterite and harzburgite. The Lherz peridotite body contains elongate, foliation parallel, lithological strips of harzburgite, lherzolite, and olivine-websterite cross-cut by later veins of hornblende-bearing pyroxenites. Peridotite lithologies are markedly bimodal, with a clear compositional gap between harzburgites and lherzolites ± olivine-websterite. Bulk-rock and mineral major-element oxide (Mg-Fe-Si-Cr) compositions show that harzburgites are highly-depleted and result from ∼20-25 wt.% melt extraction at pressures <2 GPa. Incompatible and moderately-compatible trace-element abundances of hornblendite-free harzburgites are analogous to some mantle-wedge peridotites. In contrast, lherzolites ± olivine-websterite overlap estimates of primitive mantle composition, yet these materials are composite samples that represent physical mixtures of residual lherzolites and clinopyroxene dominated cumulates equilibrated with a LREE-enriched tholeiitic melt. Trace-element compositions of harzburgite, and some lherzolite bulk-rocks and pyroxenes have been modified by; (1) wide-spread interaction with a low-volume LREE-enriched melt +/− fluid that has disturbed highly-incompatible elements (e.g., LREEs, Zr) without enrichment of alkali- and Ti-contents; and (2) intrusion of relatively recent, small-volume, hornblendite-forming, basanitic melts linked to modal and cryptic metasomatism resulting in whole-rock and pyroxene Ti, Na and MREE enrichment.Rhenium-Os isotope systematics of Lherz samples are also compositionally bimodal; lherzolites ± olivine-websterite have chondritc to suprachondritic 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os values that overlap the range reported for Earth’s primitive upper mantle, whereas harzburgites have sub-chondritic 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os values. Various Os-model age calculations indicate that harzburgites, lherzolites, and olivine-websterites have been isolated from convective homogenisation since the Meso-Proterozoic and this broadly coincides with the time of melt extraction controlled by harzburgite Os-isotope compositions. The association between harzburgites resulting from melting in mantle-wedge environments and Os-rich trace-phases (laurite-erlichmanite sulphides and Pt-Os-Ir-alloys) suggests that a significant portion of persistent refractory anomalies in the present-day convecting mantle of Earth may be linked to ancient large-scale melting events related to wide-spread subduction-zone processing.  相似文献   
Fish tanks become fashionable throughout the Mediterranean area between the 1st century B.C. and the 1st century A.D. Because of this narrow chronological window, and their link to former sea level, they constitute precious archives to investigate relative sea level (RSL) since the Roman period, especially when combined with fossilized marine benthos found attached to the fish tank walls. Here, we present new results from an integrated analysis of a fish tank located in the Roman colony of Fréjus, Southeastern France. The well‐preserved biological remains on the fish tank wall allow us to estimate an RSL rise of 40 ± 10 cm at Fréjus since Roman times, consistent with a recently published range of −32 to −58 ± 5 cm for the Northwestern Mediterranean for the same time. By contrast, the findings contradict the ∼150 cm of RSL change since Roman times reported for the Northwestern Mediterranean by some authors. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper explores the concept of ‘geographical imaginaries’ in New Zealand geography. It reflects on the genealogy of the concept and on the work it might perform in the world. At a time when the purpose and contribution of geography in schools is under question and the discipline is under severe strain at universities, we ask whether the idea of ‘geographical imaginaries’ offers a conceptual platform for demonstrating the potential for geography to offer meaning in the complex world of 21st‐century New Zealand and whether it will help teachers to foster geographic thought in classrooms. In short, we argue for the merits of working with the idea of geographical imaginaries in classrooms and for utilising it to interrogate accounts of the geographical gaze and its values. This, we argue, offers opportunities to catalyse geographical thought, highlight the potential of thinking geographically, and open up a thinking space in which geography teachers can examine their pedagogy and enhance the purpose of their work. This would provide a platform for building a more imaginative and more politically and culturally relevant geography at school.  相似文献   
Ultra‐large rift basins, which may represent palaeo‐propagating rift tips ahead of continental rupture, provide an opportunity to study the processes that cause continental lithosphere thinning and rupture at an intermediate stage. One such rift basin is the Faroe‐Shetland Basin (FSB) on the north‐east Atlantic margin. To determine the mode and timing of thinning of the FSB, we have quantified apparent upper crustal β‐factors (stretching factors) from fault heaves and apparent whole‐lithosphere β‐factors by flexural backstripping and decompaction. These observations are compared with models of rift basin formation to determine the mode and timing of thinning of the FSB. We find that the Late Jurassic to Late Palaeocene (pre‐Atlantic) history of the FSB can be explained by a Jurassic to Cretaceous depth‐uniform lithosphere thinning event with a β‐factor of ~1.3 followed by a Late Palaeocene transient regional uplift of 450–550 m. However, post‐Palaeocene subsidence in the FSB of more than 1.9 km indicates that a Palaeocene rift with a β‐factor of more than 1.4 occurred, but there is only minor Palaeocene or post‐Palaeocene faulting (upper crustal β‐factors of less than 1.1). The subsidence is too localized within the FSB to be caused by a regional mantle anomaly. To resolve the β‐factor discrepancy, we propose that the lithospheric mantle and lower crust experienced a greater degree of thinning than the upper crust. Syn‐breakup volcanism within the FSB suggests that depth‐dependent thinning was synchronous with continental breakup at the adjacent Faroes and Møre margins. We suggest that depth‐dependent continental lithospheric thinning can result from small‐scale convection that thins the lithosphere along multiple offset axes prior to continental rupture, leaving a failed breakup basin once seafloor spreading begins. This study provides insight into the structure and formation of a generic global class of ultra‐large rift basins formed by failed continental breakup.  相似文献   
The Unified Model of active galactic nuclei (AGN) predicts that the sole difference between type 1 and 2 Seyfert galaxies nuclei is the viewing angle with respect to an obscuring structure around the nucleus. High-energy photons above 20 keV are not affected by this absorption if the column is Compton thin, so their 30–100 keV spectra should be the same. However, the observed spectra at high energies appear to show a systematic difference, with type 1 Seyfert galaxies having Γ∼ 2.1 whereas type 2 Seyfert galaxies are harder with Γ∼ 1.9. We estimate the mass and the accretion rate of Seyferts detected in these high-energy samples, and show that they span a wide range in   L / L Edd  . Both black hole binary systems and AGN show a correlation between spectral softness and Eddington fraction, so these samples are probably heterogeneous, spanning a range of intrinsic spectral indices which are hidden in individual objects by poor signal-to-noise ratio. However, the mean Eddington fraction for the type 1 Seyfert galaxies is higher than for the type 2 Seyfert galaxies, so the samples are consistent with this being the origin of the softer spectra seen in type 1 Seyfert galaxies. We stress that high-energy spectra alone are not necessarily a clean test of Unification schemes, but that the intrinsic nuclear properties should also change with   L / L Edd  .  相似文献   
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