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Lithocodium aggregatum and Bacinella irregularis are now extinct, shallow marine life forms of unknown taxonomic origin. Forming part of the tropical platform biota during much of the Mesozoic, these organisms experienced bloom periods and temporarily replaced rudist–coral assemblages during parts of the Early Aptian. Within the limitations of time resolution, this ‘out‐of‐balance’ facies is coeval with the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a‐related black shale deposition in oceanic basins but the triggering factors remain poorly understood. Here, a platform‐wide comparison of Lithocodium–Bacinella geobodies and morphotypes from the Sultanate of Oman is presented and placed in its environmental, bathymetric and physiographic context. Lithocodium–Bacinella geobodies reach from kilometre‐scale ‘superstructures’ to delicate centimetre‐sized growth forms. Clearly, scale matters and care must be taken when drawing conclusions based on spatially limited observational data. Whilst the factors that cause Lithocodium–Bacinella expansion should probably be considered in a global context, regional to local factors affected growth patterns in a more predictable manner. Here, the unresolved taxonomic relationship remains the main obstacle in any attempt to unravel the response of Lithocodium–Bacinella to specific or interlinked environmental parameters as different organisms respond differently to changing environment. Acknowledging these limitations, the following tentative patterns are observed: (i) Lithocodium–Bacinella tolerated a wide range of hydrodynamic levels and responded to differences in energy level or physiographic settings (margin, intrashelf basin, inner platform) by obtaining characteristic growth forms. (ii) Lithocodium–Bacinella favoured low‐sediment input but had the ability to react to higher sedimentation rates by enhanced upward growth; a feature perhaps pointing to a phototrophic metabolism. Circumstantial evidence for continuous growth within the upper‐sediment column is debated. (iii) The availability of accommodation space had a direct influence on the maximum size of geobodies formed. (iv) Fluctuating nutrient levels and sea water alkalinity may have affected the growth potential of Lithocodium–Bacinella. Understanding the relationship between Lithocodium–Bacinella morphogenesis on a wide range of scales and local environmental parameters allows for better prediction of the spatial distribution of reservoir properties and also results in an improved interpretation of palaeoenvironments. This study might represent a useful first step in this direction.  相似文献   
A strong coupling between hillslope and valley systems is often inferred for mountain landscapes dominated by bedrock landsliding. We reveal the nature of this link using data sets on landsliding and sediment transport from two montane catchments draining the eastern Central Range of Taiwan. Here, the magnitude-frequency distribution of landslides can be modeled by a robust power law, but this scale invariance is not mirrored in the sediment discharge at the mountain front. Instead, downstream sediment loads reflect a complex response to both sediment supply and ambient hydraulic conditions. The rivers do not transport significant amounts of sediment unless it is provided by hillslope mass wasting in the catchment. Removal of landslide debris is a function of the transport capacity of the stream at the site of entry; thus, there is a dual supply and transport control on sediment loads in bedrock-floored streams. Over a monitoring period of >25 yr, the bulk of the sediment leaving the mountain belt was supplied by climate-triggered mass wasting. Peaks in water discharge were always closely followed by sediment load maxima, and the rapid decay of the latter indicates an effective removal of most supply. Where an important part of a catchment's sediment yield is derived from interfluves, sediment transport cannot simply be estimated from known water discharge time series, using a sediment rating curve, but requires instead a detailed knowledge of the spatial and temporal patterns of hillslope mass wasting and sediment transfer into the fluvial system.  相似文献   
Bennike, O., Knudsen, K. L., Abrahamsen, N., Böcher, J., Cremer, H. & Wagner, B. 2010: Early Pleistocene sediments on Store Koldewey, northeast Greenland. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 603–619. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00147.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Marine Quaternary deposits, here named the Store Koldewey Formation, are found at ~120 m above sea level in northeast Greenland (76°N). The sequence is referred to the Olduvai normal polarity subchron at 1.95–1.78 Ma BP based on palaeomagnetic studies (palaeomagnetically reversed), amino acid epimerization ratios and evidence from marine and non‐marine fossils. The sediments and the fauna show that the sequence was deposited on a mid or inner shelf, and some elements of the marine mollusc and foraminiferal assemblages indicate water temperatures between ?1 and +1 °C and seasonal sea ice cover during deposition. Mean summer air temperatures were around 6 °C higher than at present, as demonstrated by the occurrence of southern extralimital terrestrial species. Well‐preserved remains of land plants indicate that the adjacent land area was dominated by sub‐arctic forest‐tundra with the trees Larix and Betula, shrubs, herbs and mosses. Most of the species represented as fossils have recent circumpolar geographical ranges. An extinct brachiopod species and an extinct gastropod species have been found, but the other macrofossils are referred to extant species. The brachiopod is erected as a new genus and species, Laugekochiana groenlandica. Correlation of the Koldewey Formation with the Île de France Formation farther to the north is suggested. Member A of the Kap København Formation in North Greenland is referred to the Late Pliocene, whereas Member B of the Kap København Formation is suggested to be slightly older than the Store Koldewey Formation.  相似文献   
An extensive set of proxy-data was acquired from eastern and central Denmark in order to study the dynamic behaviour of the southwestern margin of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet. We examine the last three glacier advances of the Late Weichselian: the Main advance from central Sweden, representing the maximum ice extent at this time ( c. 21–20 ka BP), and the two succeeding Baltic advances ( c. 18–15 ka BP). Directional properties from tills and glaciotectonic overprints are used to reveal large-scale flowline patterns. Together with the geomorphological outline of ice margins, flowlines were successively more fan-shaped, indicating that the dependence of the subglacial topography increases as ice advances become younger. It is suggested that while the ice thickness decreases, more lobate configurations of ice margins are created as a result. Clast-compositional data derived from the fine-gravel fraction in tills are used to reconstruct dispersal patterns of erratic material. The dispersal patterns during the three advances show a gradually diminishing influence of local Pre-Quaternary bedrocks and older glacial deposits, and progressively longer transport distances of far-travelled erratics. We speculate that the principal factor governing this development is a successively decreasing interaction between the ice and its bed, which influences the concentration of erratics, debris comminution processes and the basal ice velocity. We envisage the Main advance from central Sweden as a slow-flowing inter-stream ice body with high bed interaction compared to the succeeding Baltic advances, which we regard to have been rapid flowing ice streams with limited bed interaction.  相似文献   
Detailed sedimentological, micropalaeontological, mineralogical and geochemical investigations as well as 14C datings were carried out on a core from the southern part of the Kattegat Sea. According to the micropalaeontological interpretations, sea level rose by approximately 20 m in the period c. 9610 BP to 8200 BP. The core therefore provides evidence of the hydrographical conditions in the southern Kattegat during the early Holocene transgression. In the sediment there is geochemical evidence of strong stratification in the water column possibly related to inflow of saline water around 9080 BP. After the sediments dated to 8200 BP there is a hiatus followed by very young (<300 BP?) sediments. It is suggested that this hiatus might be associated with the opening of the Danish Straits.  相似文献   
Magnetostratigraphical results from various historical, Holocene, Lateglacial and Glacial deposits from Central Jutland, Vendsyssel, the Baltic Sea and Schleswig-Holstein are illustrated and discussed. Although only a few archaeomagnetic case studies have yet been made in Denmark, magnetic datings with accuracies of about ±50 years have been obtained on mediaeval kilns by comparing with a dipole transformed modification of the British archaeomagnetic master curve. Furthermore, a study of the expected east–west orientation of some 330 Romanesque churches in Denmark seem to indicate that about 25% of these churches were magnetically orientated; thus some kind of a magnetic compass may have been in common use in the twelfth century in Denmark. Radiocarbon-dated Holocene lake sediments from lake Skanderborg reveal a distinct pattern of magnetic secular variation with fairly short time constants, which may be useful in magnetostratigraphical correlations of other lake sediments. Also Lateglacial and Early Postglacial sediments from the southern Baltic Sea show systematical magnetic patterns, whereas glacial boulder clay at the bottom shows disturbed directions, obviously moulded by the moving ice. Lateglacial Younger Yoldia clay from North Jutland shows well-developed short periodic swings as well as an extreme declination variation of some 80° to 90°, the so-called 'Nørre Lyngby declination excursion' around 14,000 B.P. A sequence of Older Yoldia clay at the same site furthermore shows significantly low inclination values, the so-called 'Rubjerg low inclination excursion' of an age between 23,000 B.P. and 40,000 B.P. Finally, a well-clustering palaeomagnetic direction from a Weichselian glacial boulder clay from Timmerhorn north of Hamburg is discussed from a hierarchical, statistical point of view.  相似文献   
Rapidly eroding, coastal mountain belts, where steep rivers and submarine channels connect upland sources to nearby marine sinks are hotspots of organic carbon transfer from life biomass, soil and exhumed bedrock into geological storage. Using observations from the Southern Alps of New Zealand, and Taiwan, we have mapped this organic pathway to geological carbon sequestration, and can evaluate the magnitude and efficiency of transfers between sources and sinks. We demonstrate that POC is harvested by landsliding, but importantly also by common and widespread surface runoff on steep hillslopes. Although terrestrially sourced POC is found in many sedimentary environments associated with mountain belts and frontier basins, it appears to be most abundantly trapped and preserved in marine turbidites. The loss of all forms of POC in onward transport through short, steep routing systems to this repository is limited. This is in marked contrast to larger routing systems, in which only the most resilient forms of POC survive into long-term deposition.  相似文献   
Engineering geology, like geotechnical engineering, is a new scientific subject in Denmark. Experience in the period since 1924 is laid down in the Danish Code of Practice for Foundation Engineering, which states that the geological conditions establish the foundation class and must be determined as early as possible during the soil investigations by experienced geologists and engineers. The consequences are illustrated by some examples from geotechnical investigations performed at the Danish Geotechnical Institute:
• The economic foundation of a small wooden building on the brink of a postglacial lake and fiord basin at Vedbæk.
• The deep excavation for and foundation of a huge commercial center at Lyngby situated in the middle of a tunnel valley with more than 12 m late- and postglacial organic deposits, based on design and control in the high foundation class.
• The engineering geological modelling of the Quaternary development in the Danish North Sea. Applied geology plays an increasing part in geotechnical engineering as a prerequisite for economic and safe technical solutions. The future use of geological and geotechnical data bases will bring Quaternary geological knowledge into focus.  相似文献   
Lateral erosion in bedrock rivers is an important control on the shape of channel cross‐sections, and the coupling of channels and hillslopes. Recent observations link lateral erosion to the variability of flow. We propose two mechanisms to explain this. One is based on changing shear stress distributions within the channel with varying flood level, the other on the competition between cover and tool effects in fluvial bedrock erosion. We assess these processes for the Liwu River, Taiwan, and conclude that cover and tool effects dominate the partitioning of lateral and vertical erosion in this case. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The article describes the petrochemical evolution of oceanicrocks in terms of plate tectonics with special reference toIceland. The compositional variation along the rift zone isrelated to different production rates of mantle-derived olivinetholeiite of invariant composition which is added to the crustfrom below and modified by mixing with anatectic melts in thecrust and concomitant crystal fractionation. The kinematic processes of crustal accretion cause rocks depositedin the rift zone to subside towards higher temperatures wherethey suffer hydration and progressive metamorphism before becominga part of the stable crustal plate. Rocks deposited near therift-centre assume the highest metamorphic grade (greatest depth)while rocks deposited at the rift-margins follow a shallow pathbefore being carried towards lower temperatures in the stableplate. The material transport through stationary metamorphiczones produces the layering of the oceanic crust. As the hydrated rocks cross their solidus isotherm, silicicmagma is formed by incongruent partial melting. The meltingcontinues until rocks crossing the boundary between the amphiboliteand granulite fades are finally dehydrated by the break-downof amphibole. This reaction boundary defines the surface ofthe upper mantle. The segregation and retention of crust-derived magmas withinthe rift zone results in chemical fractionation in the oceaniccrust, for its lower sections are depleted in elements enteringthe early melt fractions, which are silicic and enriched inthe dispersed elements. The last melt-increments from the samesubsiding pile are ne-normative basalts. The rift-zone rocks are shown to be mantle-derived olivine tholeiitemodified by minor amounts of crustal rhyolite and nephelinebasalt, while volcanism outside the rift zone is dominated bythe crust-derived magmas themselves. All mixtures undergo furthermineralogical evolution towards invariant compositions in thebasalt system, resembling the olivine tholeiite, quartz tholeiite,and nepheline basalt of synthetic systems. The dispersed-elementgeochemistry of the oceanic rocks is but slightly modified bycrystal fractionation, and reflects the mixing ratios of theolivine tholeiite and the different crustal magmas. The geochemistry of radiogenic isotopes is controlled by continuousprocesses of crustal fractionation separating mother and daughterelements. The oxygen-isotope geochemistry can be referred tomagma mixing, for rhyolites formed by anatexis in the hydratedcrust are enriched in light oxygen relative to the mantle-derivedmelts.  相似文献   
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