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Fengyun-3 E(FY-3E),the world’s first early-morning-orbit meteorological satellite for civil use,was launched successfully at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 5 July 2021.The FY-3E satellite will fill the vacancy of the global early-morning-orbit satellite observation,working together with the FY-3C and FY-3D satellites to achieve the data coverage of early morning,morning,and afternoon orbits.The combination of these three satellites will provide global data coverage for numerical weather prediction(NWP)at 6-hour intervals,effectively improving the accuracy and time efficiency of global NWP,which is of great significance to perfect the global earth observing system.In this article,the background and meteorological requirements for the early-morning-orbit satellite are reviewed,and the specifications of the FY-3E satellite,as well as the characteristics of the onboard instrumentation for earth observations,are also introduced.In addition,the ground segment and the retrieved geophysical products are also presented.It is believed that the NWP communities will significantly benefit from an optimal temporal distribution of observations provided by the early morning,mid-morning,and afternoon satellite missions.Further benefits are expected in numerous applications such as the monitoring of severe weather/climate events,the development of improved sampling designs of the diurnal cycle for accurate climate data records,more efficient monitoring of air quality by thermal infrared remote sensing,and the quasicontinuous monitoring of the sun for space weather and climate.  相似文献   
中温UBF与UASB两相厌氧系统处理垃圾渗滤液的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对石碑岭垃圾场渗滤液水质特性,采用以高效生物陶粒为填料的UBF反应器作酸化相,以UASB反应器作甲烷相的两相厌氧系统进行了处理垃圾渗滤液的实验研究.实验结果表明:在系统进水CODCr和BOD5质量浓度分别为3 887 mg/L和819 mg/L,UBF与UASB的HRT分别控制在10.3 h和61.7 h时,CODCr和BOD5总去除率分别为85.4%和90.1%,UBF酸化率达42.9%,BOD5/CODCr比值由0.21提高到0.39.  相似文献   
内蒙古二连盆地砂岩型铀矿目的层赛汉组分段与铀矿化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年在内蒙古二连盆地赛汉组中找到了可观的砂岩型铀矿资源。关于早白垩世赛汉组的分段没有统一的认识,严重影响了铀矿勘查工作的布置。利用石油、煤炭和核工业部门勘查钻孔岩性、测井曲线、综合编录、地震剖面等资料,结合古气候-颜色变化、沉积序列变化反映的沉积环境,将赛汉组划分为4段。赛汉组一段,主要为一套冲积扇(或扇三角洲)环境下的杂色粗碎屑岩组合。二段为一套凹陷中心灰色、黑色湖沼环境下的泥岩夹褐煤层,凹陷边缘为杂色扇三角洲粗碎屑岩,总体以黑色岩系组合为特征。三段为一套灰色、深灰色含砾粗砂岩、砂岩,侧向联通性较好的灰色岩系组合,形成于辫状河环境。四段为一套红色、黄色泥岩与砂岩互层的红色岩系或组合,沉积于曲流河环境。二连盆地马尼特坳陷中砂岩型铀矿形成于三段中,为侧向氧化成矿作用所致;而乌兰察布坳陷铀矿化定位于四段中,为垂向潜水氧化成矿作用所造成,一段和二段目前还没有找到有价值的铀矿化。  相似文献   
内蒙古孟恩陶勒盖银多金属矿床及其附近侵入岩的年代学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孟恩陶勒盖是内蒙古东部地区的一处大型银多金属矿床,铅锌银矿体呈脉状产出,受东西向断裂控制。对孟恩陶勒盖矿区及其外围主要侵入岩体开展了年代学和地球化学研究。LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石测年结果表明:孟恩陶勒盖岩基中黑云母斜长花岗岩的锆石年龄为(240.5±1.2) Ma,MSWD=0.48;白云母斜长花岗岩的锆石年龄为(234.3±3.2) Ma,MSWD=0.21;矿区外围杜尔基岩基中的黑云母正长花岗岩的锆石年龄为(154.5±0.5) Ma,MSWD=0.41;矿区外围的安山玢岩的锆石年龄为(127.5±0.7) Ma,MSWD=1.3;分别代表了中三叠世、晚侏罗世和早白垩世的3期岩浆活动。岩石地球化学分析结果表明:孟恩陶勒盖岩基的黑云母斜长花岗岩和白云母斜长花岗岩与杜尔基岩体的黑云母正长花岗岩均为富SiO2、富碱、准铝的钙碱性岩石,具有轻稀土分异明显、富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)为特征,其中Ba、Nb、La、Sr、P、Ti相对亏损,而Rb、Th、K、Ta、Ce、Nd、Hf、Sm、Y 和Yb相对富集。岩体年代学和岩石地球化学特征表明,孟恩陶勒盖岩基和杜尔基岩基分别形成于印支期的碰撞造山和燕山期的伸展构造环境。根据获得的侵入岩的测年数据与前人获得的孟恩陶勒盖银铅锌矿与成矿有关的蚀变白云母的Ar-Ar年龄(179. 0士1. 5) Ma对比显示,这些侵入岩的侵位年龄与成矿年龄之间差别较大,说明这些岩体不太可能是孟恩陶勒盖银铅锌矿床的成矿母岩。成矿岩体可能在深部尚未出露,或者已被杜尔基岩体改造。  相似文献   
呼和浩特市降水化学特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2006年呼和浩特市降水离子监测资料进行分析,结果表明:降水呈碱性,季节分布明显,夏季降水集中且pH值为全年最低,冬季降水量少,pH值较高;SO42-离子为主要致酸离子,阳离子中Ca2+,Mg2+离子的浓度很高;降水中主要成分之间相关性显著,Ca2+的中和作用较强;降水气团的后向轨迹分析表明蒙古国的沙漠地区是呼和浩特冬春季碱性降水的主要来源,夏季较低的pH值降水则部分源于我国的华中、华北地区的酸性污染物中长距离输送。  相似文献   
利用NECP 1°×1°6 h再分析资料,分析2008年1月25-30日我国南方一次强降雪天气的大尺度环流形势.结果表明,高空环流波动为此次强降雪提供了有利的高空环流形势,中低层阻塞高压及其南部低涡的长期维持是导致低层锋区形成和强降雪发生的关键;由于部分地区大气垂直结构呈上下冷、中间暖的状态,致使冻雨形成.同时,利用中尺度模式MM5对此次过程进行72 h数值模拟,并以模拟结果对湖南湘潭的冰冻成因进行再分析,进一步证实了低层低温、逆温层的存在及充足的水汽是冰冻形成的主要原因.  相似文献   
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??ITRF??WGS84??ο?????????????ο???????????????????????????????????Щ?????????????? ????????,??????°汾ITRF2005??????????  相似文献   
为进一步探明陇中黄土高原区旱地春小麦产量形成对不同干旱胁迫的响应机制,依据甘肃省定西市安定区凤翔镇安家沟村2016—2018年大田控水试验数据以及定西市安定区1971—2018年气象数据,验证农业生产系统模拟(Agricultural production systems simulation,APSIM)模型模拟不同...  相似文献   
Current data from a moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler(ADCP) deployed at 69?30.155′N,169?00.654′W in the central Chukchi Sea during 2012 summertime is analyzed in the present paper.Characteristics of tidal and residual currents are ob-tained with Cosine-Lanczos filter and cross-spectral analyses.The main achievements are as follows:1) Along with the local inertial frequency of 12.8 h,two other peaks at ~12-h and ~10-d dominate the time series of raw velocity;2) The M_2 dominates the 6 resolved tide constituents with significant amplitude variations over depth and the ratios of current speed of this constituent to that of the total tidal current are 54% and 47% for u and v components,respectively.All the resolved tidal constituents rotate clockwise at depth with the exception of MM and O1.The constituents of M_2 and S_2 with the largest major semi-axes are similar in eccentricity and orientation at deeper levels;3) The maximum of residual currents varies in a range of 20–30 cms~(-1) over depth and the current with lower velocities flow more true north with smaller magnitudes compared to the current in surface layer.The ~10 d fluctuation of residual current is found throughout the water column and attributed to the response of current to the local wind forcing,with an approximate 1.4 d lag-time at the surface level and occurring several hours later in the lower layer;4) Mean residual currents flow toward the north with the magnitudes smaller than 7 cms~(-1) in a general agreement with previous studies,which suggests a relatively weaker but stable northward flow indeed exists in the central Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   
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