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聂锋  廖治杰  徐勇 《气象科学》2016,36(1):20-27
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析数据和中国台站降水资料研究冬季东亚高空副热带急流和温带急流协同变化特征及其与中国南方地区降水的关系,发现冬季东亚高原急流与温带急流同期反向协同变化特征最为显著。即高原急流增强,同时温带急流减弱(SW型)和高原急流减弱,同时温带急流增强(WS型)。当高原急流增强(减弱)而温带急流减弱(增强)时,中国南方地区降水显著增加(减少)。合成分析表明,不同急流协同变化型态下冷暖空气活动特征存在较大差异,高原急流与温带急流的反向协同变化可以真实反映与冬季中国南方地区降水相关联的冷暖空气活动特征,进而导致不同降水形态的产生。  相似文献   
采用非线性有限元软件Msc.Marc对高层钢管混凝土组合框架-钢板剪力墙结构底部四层两跨未加劲薄钢板墙模型进行了推覆分析与滞回分析。计算结果表明,组合钢板剪力墙结构具有良好的延性及稳定的滞回性能,结构进入弹塑性阶段后钢板墙的拉力带方向与CAN/CSA S16—01(2001)推荐公式吻合良好。根据分析结果,比较了不同分析类型及不同钢板墙厚度的影响。研究发现,考虑钢材强化及包辛格效应后,结构滞回分析的极限承载力将小于推覆分析的极限承载力;随着钢板墙厚度的增大,结构的弹塑性屈曲模态由局部屈曲向整体屈曲过渡;在罕遇地震作用下,钢板墙结构的底层边缘约束柱将产生较大的轴拉力,甚至被拉断而导致结构整体破坏。  相似文献   
本文对安徽省宿松县铜铃寨金多金属矿产出地质特征进行介绍,及其与地球物理、地球化学对应关系予以分析,指出该矿区构造蚀变岩带有进一步寻找蚀变岩型金矿潜力。  相似文献   
中蒙边界地区成矿地质条件优越,是世界上重要的金属成矿省和全球3大斑岩型铜(金、钼)成矿带之一,资源潜力巨大。中蒙合作1∶100万地球化学填图采集了海量的地球化学数据,为研究该地区元素分散富集、成矿趋势、资源评价和环境变化提供基础数据,为“一带一路”资源布局提供决策依据。以X±3S为临界值一次性剔除离群值后的数据集的中位值作为背景值的估计值,计算了中蒙边界地区12个Ⅱ级构造单元和5个Ⅱ级成矿省的汇水域沉积物69种元素背景值,探讨了中蒙边界地区汇水域沉积物69种元素背景值的区域分布规律和特征。研究表明不同的地质背景导致元素的地球化学分布模式不同,不同构造单元具有显著差异的元素地球化学特征,元素的海量聚集为大型矿床的形成提供了充足的元素供给,形成特定的地球化学省。这些背景值为进一步深入开发利用中蒙边界地球化学填图数据提供了可供对比的基础数据。  相似文献   
Abstract: Mantle branch structure is the third tectonic unit of multiple evolution of a mantle branch. It is not only the main mechanism of intercontinental orogeny, but also an important ore-forming and ore-control structure. Studies on geotectonic evolution, regional geological characteristics and ore-forming and ore-control structures have shown that since the Mesozoic the Da Hinggan Mts. region has entered a typical intercontinental orogenic stage, and it is closely related to mantle branch activities. The south-central segment of the Da Hinggan Mts. is a typical mantle branch structure and possesses obvious magmatic-metamorphic complexes in the core, detachment slip beds in the periphery and overlapped fault depression basins. Moreover, all of these are the principal factors leading to ore formation and ore control in the region. This paper also further explores the mechanism of mineralization in the south-central segment of the Da Hinggan, summaries the rules of mineralization, puts forward the models of mineralization and points out future ore-exploring orientation.  相似文献   
跨孔电磁波透视法在荷叶塘高架桥岩溶探测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荷叶塘高架桥桥位区岩溶强烈发育。为查明各桥墩位置深部岩溶发育的类型、规模,勘察中采用了跨孔电磁波透视法。结合钻探和跨孔电磁波测试结果对该桥桥墩位置深部岩溶发育的规律进行了分析,对跨孔电磁波测试的验证和效果进行了讨论。钻孔验证表明跨孔电磁波透视法探测精度较高。综合分析表明,可应用跨孔电磁波透视法成果作为确定桩基础持力层的辅助依据。  相似文献   
江思宏  聂凤军 《岩石学报》2006,22(11):2719-2732
首次对北山地区的乌珠尔嘎顺、额勒根、雀儿山、黑鹰山、狼娃山、明水和石板井等花岗岩体开展了高精度40Ar/39Ar同位素年代测定,共分析了10件样品,其中有6件获得了比较可靠的40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄数据,基本能够代表岩体的侵位年龄,分别为352.3±3.8Ma、271.76±0.88Ma、286.2±3.4Ma、272.0±4.7Ma、294.1±2.9Ma和255.2±4.1Ma;其他4件样品尽管受后期热扰动较为强烈,但是也能够获得一些有价值的年龄信息.另外,受后期构造-热事件的影响,本文有6件样品发生了不同程度的Ar丢失,其中样品NSS01-13钾长石Ar丢失最为严重,不能获得可靠的年龄,其他样品发生Ar丢失的时间主要集中在燕山期,少量在印支期.获得的这些40Ar/39Ar测年数据与已经发表的其他40Ar/39Ar测年数据记录下了北山地区多期次的构造-岩浆侵入活动事件.根据这些年龄数据,可以将北山地区自海西中期以来的岩浆活动归纳为5个阶段,分别是①330~360Ma,海西中期花岗岩类侵入活动;②270~310Ma,与西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和塔里木三大板块碰撞的时间同期或稍晚的花岗岩类侵入活动;③250~270Ma,明显晚于主碰撞发生的时间,为海西晚期碰撞后花岗岩类侵入活动;④210~250Ma,印支期构造-岩浆活动;⑤169~195Ma,燕山早期岩浆活动.其中270~310Ma同碰撞期花岗岩类最为发育,分布范围最广.尽管北山地区从前寒武纪到燕山期花岗岩类均有产出,但是规模最大、影响范围最广的岩浆侵入活动发生在海西晚期,反映了海西晚期西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和塔里木三大板块碰撞对接的构造事件.印支期和燕山期花岗岩类可能是在统一大陆形成之后由陆内强烈活化形成的.北山地区花岗岩类的高精度年代学测量可以构筑本区花岗岩类时空演化的精细格架,对于重塑本区大地构造演化历史、指导区域金属矿床的寻找具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
模拟试验法确定桩基承载力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过室内中型剪切摩擦试验确定桩与地层间的C、Φ值,依据莫尔—库仑准则确定桩侧摩阻力。桩侧法向应力采用桩土上部荷载引起的作用于桩身的侧向应力,桩端承载力通过室内三轴试验确定,两者之和即为单桩承载力。该方法用于肇源松花江大桥桩基承载力的测试,得出的桩承载力与实测值吻合较好,取得了预期的效果。  相似文献   
The pre-assessment of earthquake damage based on field surveys and grid dataset in 1km resolution is very helpful for emergency preparedness and mitigation of earthquake disaster losses.In this paper,we briefly introduced the contents,principles,methods and the results of software assessment as well as the revised results after field surveys.In addition,the emergency supplies and manpower requirements after the outbreak of earthquake are discussed.The assessment contents include the earthquake affected area and population,the amount of casualties,injuries,economic losses,and the number of population to be resettled.Scenario earthquake is set with an interval of 50 kilometers along the major faults and the losses induced by earthquake are outputted by the software.After that,the software outputs are revised based on field surveys.In addition,according to the earthquake cases happening between 2008 and 2015,the growth curve model used to estimate the demand of rescue supplies and teams is also proposed in this study.Based on this model and the software named earthquake emergency disaster rapid assessment and dynamic visualized software (NIE Gao-zhong,2014),and with the help of the statistical data such as population density and socio-economic situations,earthquake losses are pre-assessed by taking Dehong Dai-Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture as an example.The comparison shows that the actual losses are nearly the same as the software outputs.However,due to the ignorance of the casualties caused by geological disasters,the revised casualties are more than the software output.Not only the study area discussed in this paper,the earthquake loss assessment method can also be used to other regions in China.  相似文献   
水资源是影响榆林废弃矿区植被恢复的关键因素,污泥丙烯酸吸水树脂的保水特性有利于矿区植被恢复.通过试验方法研究污泥丙烯酸吸水树脂的性能及其对植物栽植的土壤含水率、植物株高、植物成活率的影响规律,并采用内梅罗指数法对复垦土壤进行质量评价.结果表明:污泥丙烯酸吸水树脂最大的吸水倍率为763.4 g/g;添加保水剂后土壤含水率...  相似文献   
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