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吴晓锋  王元  徐昕  吕童  聂安祺 《气象科学》2017,37(5):700-708
2013年7月1—2日,辽宁地区出现了持续时间较长的暴雨天气过程,此次过程可以分为3个阶段,其中包括两次暖区降水和一次冷锋锋面与暖区降水共存的过程,第一阶段的暖区降水和第三阶段的锋面降水形成了西北雨带,第二阶段的暖区降水形成了东南雨带。利用NCEP再分析资料、常规自动站观测资料、加密自动站观测资料和卫星资料,详细分析了此次过程中各阶段降水产生的机制以及锋面降水和暖区降水的主要物理差异。结果表明:暖区强降水主要出现在干线冷湿气团一侧或地面辐合线附近,并且由于暖区高温、高湿的特点,其产生的降水通常比锋面附近强,同时暖区降水与锋面降水在触发机制、中尺度环境条件、动力、热力结构等方面也存在着差异。  相似文献   
中国地震灾害宏观人口脆弱性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震灾害脆弱性不但是国家和地区中长期规划的基础,也是地震应急时的重要决策依据,因此地震灾害脆弱性评估是当前研究的热点和重点。本文首先介绍了地震灾害人口脆弱性定义,指出了地震灾害人口脆弱性的影响因子和影响模式;然后通过分析传统地震灾害人口脆弱性的宏观和微观评价方法和模型,利用人口总量、儿童人口比例、老年人口比例、人口密度和人均GDP 5 个指标建立了地震灾害宏观人口脆弱性综合评价模型,并对全国各县市区的人口脆弱性进行了评估。结果表明:中国地震灾害人口脆弱性区域差异明显,东部地区人口脆弱性明显高于西部;人口总量是脆弱性的主要因素,宏观人口脆弱性综合评估模型对地震灾害人口脆弱性的修正作用显著。  相似文献   
王婉  聂皓浩  陈超  郭晓军 《气象科技》2023,51(2):175-182
基于机载对空微波辐射计GVR讨论应用BP神经网络算法反演液态水路径时大气背景资料对反演结果的影响,为合理选择训练样本获取更准确的液态水观测数据提供依据,同时有利于了解反演算法的探测适用范围。文章选择多个历史探空资料,按照历史资料时间序列长度、季节和区域进行分类,建立不同类样本集训练BP神经网络获取反演方程,选择样本检验集模拟计算每类反演方程的反演精度,通过反演精度对比分析大气背景资料差异在反演云中液态水时造成的影响。结果表明训练样本的大气背景时空差异影响反演结果,在一定时间范围内增加历史资料序列长度可以减小大气背景差异对反演误差的影响,但当时间序列长度到达一定程度时,增加历史样本量将不再是提高反演精度的一种有效措施。季节分类可以减小大气背景差异对反演误差的影响,但在实际应用中,资料分类带来样本容量减小,对一定时间序列长度的历史资料,按照季节进行分类并不能有效提高垂直累积液态水的反演精度。  相似文献   
In the study of diagnosing climate simulations and understanding the dynamics of precipitation extremes, it is an essential step to adopt a simple model to relate water vapor condensation and precipitation, which occur at cloudmicrophysical and convective scales, to large-scale variables. Several simple models have been proposed; however,improvement is still needed in both their accuracy and/or the physical basis. Here, we propose a two-plume convective model that takes into account the subgrid inhomogeneity of precipitation extremes. The convective model has three components, i.e., cloud condensation, rain evaporation, and environmental descent, and is built upon the zero-buoyancy approximation and guidance from the high-resolution reanalysis. Evaluated against the CMIP5 climate simulations, the convective model shows large improvements in reproducing precipitation extremes compared to previously proposed models. Thus, the two-plume convective model better captures the main physical processes and serves as a useful diagnostic tool for precipitation extremes.  相似文献   
Horizontal velocity spirals with a clockwise rotation(downward looking) rate of 1.7?m-1, on average, were observed in the western and northern Yellow Sea from December 2006 to February 2007. With the observed thermal wind relation,the beta-spiral theory was used to explain the dynamics of spirals. It was found that the horizontal diffusion of geostrophic vortex stretching is likely to be a major mechanism for generating geostrophic spirals. Vertical advection associated with surface/bottom Ekman pumping and topography-induced upwelling is too weak to support these spirals. Strong wind stirring and large heat loss in wintertime lead to weak stratification and diminish the effects of vertical advection. The cooling effect and vertical diffusion are offset by an overwhelming contribution of horizontal diffusion in connection with vortex stretching. The Richardson number-dependent vertical eddy diffusivity reaches a magnitude of 10-4 m^2 s-1 on average. An eddy diffusivity of 2870 m^2 s-1 is required for dynamic balance by estimating the residual term. This obtained value of 10-4 m^2 s-1 is in good agreement with the estimation in terms of observed eddy activities. The suppressed and unsuppressed diffusivities in the observation region are 2752 and 2881 m^2 s-1, respectively, which supports a closed budget for velocity rotation.  相似文献   
数字摄像能见度仪(Digital Photographic Visibility System,DPVS)仿照人工目测能见度的原理测量大气能见度。本文应用2017年3—8月北京地区DPVS、前向散射仪(PWD22)、大气透射仪(LT31)三种观测仪器在降雨天气和雾霾天气观测数据进行了对比。结果表明:能见度观测数据与相对湿度、颗粒物浓度、降水粒子等要素之间有明显的负相关性;在低能见度天气条件下,三种仪器观测数据变化趋势一致,但存在一定的差异;DPVS在中雨天气、大雨天气、暴雨天气和中度雾霾天气中,观测数据离散性更小,稳定性更好。但DPVS在白天和夜间的交替过渡期观测值不够稳定,这也是今后算法优化的重点方向。  相似文献   
Understanding the responses of mean and extreme precipitation to climate change is of great importance.Previous studies have mainly focused on the responses to prescribed sea surface warming or warming due to increases of CO2.This study uses a cloud-resolving model under the idealization of radiative-convective equilibrium to examine the responses of mean and extreme precipitation to a variety of climate forcings,including changes in prescribed sea surface temperature,CO2,solar insolation,surface albedo,stratospheric volcanic aerosols,and several tropospheric aerosols.The different responses of mean precipitation are understood by examining the changes in the surface energy budget.It is found that the cancellation between shortwave scattering and longwave radiation leads to a small dependence of the mean precipitation response on forcings.The responses of extreme precipitation are decomposed into three components(thermodynamic,dynamic,and precipitation efficiency).The thermodynamic components for all climate forcings are similar.The dynamic components and the precipitation-efficiency components,which have large spreads among the cases,are negatively correlated,leading to a small dependence of the extreme precipitation response on the forcings.  相似文献   
司东  马丽娟  王朋岭  王艳娇  聂羽  孙冷 《气象》2016,42(7):892-897
2015/2016年冬季,北极涛动(AO)季内变化特征明显。2015年12月,AO处在正位相,而到了2016年1月AO突然由正位相转为强负位相,导致极区冷空气南下,北半球和我国气温由暖转冷。AO由正位相转为负位相主要与北大西洋强风暴活动有关。2015年12月末,北大西洋上空有一气旋式强风暴出现,强风暴东侧西南气流将北大西洋上空大量的暖湿空气带向北极,导致北极气温迅速升高。北极气温迅速升高使得极区的位势高度场由偏低转为偏高,是导致AO由12月的正位相转为1月负位相的主要原因。  相似文献   
2013~2015年,中国气象局人事司、干部学院牵头组织河北、安徽、湖北、湖南、四川、新疆、辽宁分院,以及山西、陕西省气象培训中心开展了全国气象部门县级气象局长第二轮综合素质轮训。轮训中,围绕推进县级气象现代化中的突出问题,要求学员带来一个工作中亟待解决的具体问题。轮训结束后共收到学员带来的问题2039个。本文将所有问题进行了分类整理,梳理出当前县级气象部门在气象现代化建设中面临的主要问题,并提出了主要值得关注的方面。  相似文献   
New ENSO indices were developed and the spatial variability and temporal evolution of ENSO were analyzed based on the new indices and modeling experiments, as well as multiple data resources. The new indices, after being defined, were validated with their good diagnostic characteristics and correlation with wind and SST. In the analysis after the definition and validation of the new indices, ENSO feedbacks from wind, heat fluxes, and precipitation were spatially and temporally examined in order to understand ENSO variability and evolution with some emphasized points such as the interaction among the feedbacks, the role of westerly wind bursts and the transformation between zonal and meridional circulations in an ENSO cycle, and the typical pattern of modern ENSO.  相似文献   
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