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Weak gravitational lensing surveys have the potential to probe mass density fluctuation in the Universe directly. Recent studies have shown that it is possible to model the statistics of the convergence field at small angular scales by modelling the statistics of the underlying density field in the highly non-linear regime. We propose a new method to model the complete probability distribution function of the convergence field as a function of smoothing angle and source redshift. The model relies on a hierarchical ansatz for the behaviour of higher order correlations of the density field. We compare our results with ray-tracing simulations and find very good agreement over a range of smoothing angles. Whereas the density probability distribution function is not sensitive to the cosmological model, the probability distribution function for the convergence can be used to constrain both the power spectrum and cosmological parameters.  相似文献   
We collected Vimba vimba throughout the spawning season (mid April to mid June, 2007) in Gorgan Bay (south-western Iran) and investigated its age, growth, and reproductive traits. The maximum age was 5+ years. Both sexes grew allometrically (positive for males: b=3.140 9 and negative for females: b=2.791 4). The von Bertalanffy growth functions were described by the formulae L t =32.565(1-e−0.184(t+0.530)) for males and L t =35.950(1-e−0.179(t+0.529)) for females. The overall sex ratio was balanced, but males were predominant in the smaller size classes and females in the larger size classes. Based on the gonadosomatic index (GSI) values, spawning appears to occur between late April and late May in the bay. The highest mean GSI was 6.44 for males in early May and 20.36 for females in late April. Absolute fecundity varies from the minimum of 5 436 eggs for age 3+ fish to the maximum of 36 141 eggs for age 5+ fish. Fecundity was also positively correlated with fish size (length and weight). Egg diameter ranged from 1.05 to 1.70 mm in the mean of 1.42 mm. There was no correlation between female size and ova diameter.  相似文献   
The 3+1 formalism of Thorne, Price and MacDonald has been used to derive the linear two-fluid equations describing transverse and longitudinal waves propagating in the two-fluid ideal collisionless plasmas surrounding a Schwarzschild black hole. The plasma is assumed to be falling in radial direction toward the event horizon. The relativistic two-fluid equations have been reformulate, in analogy with the special relativistic formulation as explained in an earlier paper, to take account of relativistic effects due to the event horizon. Here a WKB approximation is used to derive the local dispersion relation for these waves and solved numerically for the wave number k.  相似文献   
A four-component dusty plasma consisting of electrons, ions, and negative as well as positive dust particles has been considered. The basic features of shock waves that may exist in such a four-component dusty plasma have been theoretically investigated by the reductive perturbation method. The implications of our results in different regions of space (viz. cometary tails, mesosphere, Jupiter’s magnetosphere, etc.) are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The present generation of weak lensing surveys will be superseded by surveys run from space with much better sky coverage and high level of signal-to-noise ratio, such as the Supernova/Acceleration Probe ( SNAP ). However, removal of any systematics or noise will remain a major cause of concern for any weak lensing survey. One of the best ways of spotting any undetected source of systematic noise is to compare surveys that probe the same part of the sky. In this paper we study various measures that are useful in cross-correlating weak lensing surveys with diverse survey strategies. Using two different statistics – the shear components and the aperture mass – we construct a class of estimators which encode such cross-correlations. These techniques will also be useful in studies where the entire source population from a specific survey can be divided into various redshift bins to study cross-correlations among them. We perform a detailed study of the angular size dependence and redshift dependence of these observables and of their sensitivity to the background cosmology. We find that one-point and two-point statistics provide complementary tools which allow one to constrain cosmological parameters and to obtain a simple estimate of the noise of the survey.  相似文献   
The Raychaudhuri equation is written in terms of atomic units in the scale-covariant theory of Canutoet al. (1977) and it is pointed out that even dust-filled nonrotating cosmological models may not have an observable singularity of infinite density in the beginning. Simple explicit solutions of Einstein's equations are also constructed in terms of atomic units and its is shown that the Einstein-de Sitter solution in gravitational units may appear to be a static or an oscillating universe in atomic units.  相似文献   

When waves propagate over the ocean floor, they induce a change of hydrodynamic pressure, positive under the crest and negative under the trough. These pressure changes may cause shear failure in soft sediments and lead to submarine landslides. This paper presents a general analytical procedure for evaluating the probability of wave‐induced failure in offshore clay sediments. Both the wave and the un‐drained shear strength of clay sediments are considered random. Numerical results of some analyses are also presented.  相似文献   
The material loss factor for technically orthotropic plates was measured by half-power bandwidth method. Rectangular and trapezoidal corrugated plates of steel were considered. A simple isotropic steel plate was also considered for comparison of the results. The concept of single degree of freedom system was adopted. The tests were undertaken at very low frequency range (0–100) Hz. The plate models were suspended freely with two wires to minimize or prevent excessive extraneous energy dissipation. Out of plane point force, random in nature was applied to the top middle of the plates and the responses were measured from the middle point of the plates by FFT analyzer using miniature small mass accelerometer as sensor. The aim of these tests is to investigate the effects of bending rigidity and mode orders over material loss factor. The values of estimated modal damping loss factors are compared and tabulated for the plates models considered. Natural frequencies of some of the initial modes of the plates are also presented.It is observed that the higher the value of bending rigidity of the plates, the larger the values of loss factor of it. There was a significant increase in value of loss factor in corrugated plates to that of the isotropic plate.  相似文献   
The effects of Coriolis force on long waves have been discussed based on gravity waves propagating in an unbounded ocean, channel and basin. In case of ocean, results show that the Coriolis effect will be significant and negligible, when the wave period is comparable to 2π/f and much shorter, respectively. Results also show in a channel, the wave amplitude and water particle velocity decrease exponentially in the positive y direction in the northern hemisphere (where f is positive). Moreover, in a basin, the Cotidal lines have been found as curves and rotate counterclockwise around the origin.  相似文献   
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