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Finnish Lapland north of 68°30'N latitude is located in the zone of discontinuous permafrost. Two main types of permafrost have previously been found in northern Finland: palsas in the mires and frost in the bedrock on the barren fell summits. The aim of this study was (1) to investigate permafrost occurrence in the peaty earth hummocks (pounus) in several mires, and (2) model characteristics of pounus with and without permafrost.
This study showed that permafrost in Finnish Lapland occurs much more widely and commonly than was previously known. A total of 59% of the studied pounus were found to contain permafrost. Over 90% of the permafrost occurrence in the pounus was correctly classified in logistic regression modelling. The probability of permafrost in a pounu decreased with the height of vegetation, and increased with the pounu height and distance from the running stream. There were clear vegetation differences between pounus with and without permafrost. Unfrozen pounus are characterized by forest and mire species, whereas on the permanently frozen pounus the vegetation is patchier with species indicating drier conditions. Pounus provide an excellent object to study short–term and local variations in permafrost formation due to their small size. They react quickly to variation in temperature, snow depth and precipitation. We conclude that pounus can be classified as sporadic permafrost features in northernmost Europe under modern climatic conditions.  相似文献   
We studied a short sediment core from Lake Hampträsk, southern Finland, for evidence of the ‘Little Ice Age’ (LIA) in aquatic invertebrate communities. Subfossil chironomids, cladocerans, and chydorid ephippia were investigated, together with detrended correspondence analyses (DCAs) and loss-on-ignition (LOI). Our results show two cooler periods. The first cooling, indicated by increased numbers of chydorid ephippia and cold-water chironomid taxa, occurred ca. 1400 AD and the second, more drastic cooling, during the seventeenth century, when cold-water chironomids began to increase. Our data suggest that the cooling culminated around 1700 AD, when cold-stenothermic chironomids and chydorid ephippia attained maximal values and the LOI and diversity of invertebrates decreased to minimal values. After the LIA, the aquatic fauna appeared to respond to rising trophic state caused by enhanced land use in the catchment.  相似文献   
Among the numerous environmental factors affecting plant communities in alpine ecosystems, the influence of geomorphic processes and landforms has been minimally investigated. Subjected to persistent climate warming, it is vital to understand how these factors affect vegetation properties. Here, we studied 72 vegetation plots across three sites located in the Western Swiss Alps, characterized by high geomorphological variability and plant diversity. For each plot, vascular plant species were inventoried and ground surface temperature, soil moisture, topographic variables, earth surface processes (ESPs) and landform morphodynamics were assessed. The relationships between plant communities and environmental variables were analysed using non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS) and multivariate regression techniques (generalized linear model, GLM, and generalized additive model, GAM). Landform morphodynamics, growing degree days (sum of degree days above 5°C) and mean ground surface temperature were the most important explanatory variables of plant community composition. Furthermore, the regression models for species cover and species richness were significantly improved by adding a morphodynamics variable. This study provides complementary support that landform morphodynamics is a key factor, combined with growing degree days, to explain alpine plant distribution and community composition. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Soil moisture has a fundamental influence on the processes and functions of tundra ecosystems. Yet, the local dynamics of soil moisture are often ignored, due to the lack of fine resolution, spatially extensive data. In this study, we modelled soil moisture with two mechanistic models, SpaFHy (a catchment-scale hydrological model) and JSBACH (a global land surface model), and examined the results in comparison with extensive growing-season field measurements over a mountain tundra area in northwestern Finland. Our results show that soil moisture varies considerably in the study area and this variation creates a mosaic of moisture conditions, ranging from dry ridges (growing season average 12 VWC%, Volumetric Water Content) to water-logged mires (65 VWC%). The models, particularly SpaFHy, simulated temporal soil moisture dynamics reasonably well in parts of the landscape, but both underestimated the range of variation spatially and temporally. Soil properties and topography were important drivers of spatial variation in soil moisture dynamics. By testing the applicability of two mechanistic models to predict fine-scale spatial and temporal variability in soil moisture, this study paves the way towards understanding the functioning of tundra ecosystems under climate change.  相似文献   
Palsa mires are mire complexes that occur in the Northern Hemisphere, representing one of the most marginal permafrost features at the outer limit of the permafrost zone. A climate‐based spatial model is presented for the distribution of palsa mires in northern Europe. The model is based on an extensive spatial data of palsa mires and climatological variables from 1913 grid cells in an area of c. 240 000 km2. Generalized linear modelling (GLM) with curvilinear and interaction terms is used to derive the palsa mire–climate relationships. The ?nal model correctly classi?ed 77·6 per cent of the palsa mire presence squares. The results indicate a positive association of the distribution of palsa mires with increasing frost number and continentality, whereas precipitation and temperature showed a negative correlation with the distribution of palsa mires. Additionally, interaction of thawing degree days and summer time precipitation showed a negative association. Climatologically, the optimum areas of palsa mires occur in areas of low precipitation (<450 mm) and a mean annual temperature between ?3 °C and ?5 °C. Potential reasons for the performance of the model and the sensitivity of palsa mires to climate change are discussed. The application of a GIS‐based generalized linear modelling as used here provides a versatile method to study the distribution of different geomorphological phenomena across climatological gradients. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A comparison of two approaches for determining probabilistic climate change impacts is presented. In the first approach, ensemble climate projections are applied directly as inputs to an impact model and the risk of impact is computed from the resulting ensemble of outcomes. As this can involve large numbers of projections, the approach may prove to be impractical when applied to complex impact models with demanding input requirements. The second approach is to construct an impact response surface based on a sensitivity analysis of the impact model with respect to changes in key climatic variables, and then to superimpose probabilistic projections of future climate onto the response surface to assess the risk of impact. To illustrate this comparison, an impact model describing the spatial distribution of palsas in Fennoscandia was applied to estimate the risk of palsa disappearance. Palsas are northern mire complexes with permanently frozen peat hummocks, located at the outer limit of the permafrost zone and susceptible to rapid decline due to regional warming. Probabilities of climate changes were derived from an ensemble of coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) projections using a re-sampling method. Results indicated that the response surface approach, though introducing additional uncertainty, gave risk estimates of area decline for palsa suitability that were comparable to those obtained using multiple simulations with the original palsa model. It was estimated as very likely (>90% probability) that a decline of area suitable for palsas to less than half of the baseline distribution will occur by the 2030s and likely (>66%) that all suitable areas will disappear by the end of the twenty-first century under scenarios of medium (A1B) and moderately high (A2) emissions. For a low emissions (B1) scenario, it was more likely than not (>50%) that conditions over a small fraction of the current palsa distribution would remain suitable until the end of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
The sediment profile from Lake Gościąż in central Poland comprises a continuous, seasonally resolved and exceptionally well-preserved archive of the Younger Dryas (YD) climate variation. This provides a unique opportunity for detailed investigation of lake system responses during periods of rapid climate cooling (YD onset) and warming (YD termination). The new varve record of Lake Gościąż presented here spans 1662 years from the late Allerød (AL) to the early Preboreal (PB). Microscopic varve counting provides an independent chronology with a YD duration of 1149+14/–22 years, which confirms previous results of 1140±40 years. We link stable oxygen isotopes and chironomid-based air temperature reconstructions with the response of various geochemical and varve microfacies proxies especially focusing on the onset and termination of the YD. Cooling at the YD onset lasted ~180 years, which is about a century longer than the terminal warming that was completed in ~70 years. During the AL/YD transition, environmental proxy data lagged the onset of cooling by ~90 years and revealed an increase of lake productivity and internal lake re-suspension as well as slightly higher detrital sediment input. In contrast, rapid warming and environmental changes during the YD/PB transition occurred simultaneously. However, initial changes such as declining diatom deposition and detrital input occurred already a few centuries before the rapid warming at the YD/PB transition. These environmental changes likely reflect a gradual increase in summer air temperatures already during the YD. Our data indicate complex and differing environmental responses to the major climate changes related to the YD, which involve different proxy sensitivities and threshold processes.  相似文献   
A 28-cm sediment core from an Arctic pond (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard), which is currently subjected to the fertilizing effect of bird guano, was analysed for fossil invertebrates and the physical properties of the sediment. The objective was to examine aquatic community responses to climate warming. Our record reveals that faunal changes have occurred. Initially chironomid assemblages were dominated by a cold-indicating oligotrophic community but this was replaced by a community typical of more nutrient-enriched conditions and warmer water temperature at around AD 1,700–1,800. After AD 1,800, ostracods and Daphnia increase suggesting that a nutrient enrichment threshold was crossed, probably related to increased planktonic algal productivity. In the early twentieth century, organic content markedly increases and magnetic susceptibility values suddenly drop, indicating a further increase in nutrient input and lake productivity. Since the most likely source of nutrients in the lake is goose guano, this suggests that the size of the bird colony may also have increased over this period. These changes coincide with climate warming suggesting a positive feedback in which climate change is the primary driver of the increasing geese abundance and lake productivity. Our results further suggest that the predicted future warming in the Arctic will continue to have cascading effects on freshwater ecosystems in the region.  相似文献   
In this study, we aim to reconstruct long-term limnoecological development of the clay-turbid Lake Tiiläänjärvi in Askola, southern Finland, using fossil Chironomidae assemblages. The study lake suffers from hypereutrophic conditions and late-winter and end-of-summer anoxia. The retrieved sediment record revealed a succession from oligo-mesotrophic (~AD 1940–2000) to eutrophic community (~AD 2000–2010) that finally reached hypereutrophic climax community in the most recent sediments. The initial state of the record was characterized by stable ecological conditions, but the biological integrity (community and functional diversity) was completely lost in the upper part of the sediment profile. The number of taxa markedly decreased following the nutrient enrichment and only one taxon (Chironomus plumosus-type), tolerant of temporary anoxia, remained in the surface sample. During the period of available observational data (since AD 1978), variance in midge community composition was mostly explained by limnological factors, namely total phosphorus (TP), whereas the influence of climate was statistically insignificant, thus enabling quantitative midge-based reconstruction of autumnal epilimnetic TP. The midge-based reconstruction showed an identical trend compared to sediment characteristics, which correspond to increased lake productivity and anthropogenic activities in the catchment. The inferred values for the initial state indicated mesotrophic conditions, which are typical for non-disturbed clay-turbid lakes in southern Finland, and a subsequent increase to eutrophic conditions, with hypereutrophic state reached at the top of the core. This development corresponds with the instrumentally monitored development. In addition, when the reconstruction was compared with the instrumental values, the inferences were mostly (75 % of the samples) within the error estimates of the model. The present results provide invaluable information on the limnoecological development of Lake Tiiläänjärvi, and more generally, support the theory that fossil remains of chironomids provide a useful tool for assessments of eutrophication history and biological integrity.  相似文献   
One of the basic limitations to the use of geomorphological maps is their coarse resolution relative to the needs of pure and applied geomorphological research. In response to this, attempts have been made to ‘downscale’ geomorphological information to finer spatial resolutions. However, the potential of statistical downscaling in geomorphology has been insufficiently examined. We downscaled four different periglacial features (wind deflation, palsa mire, earth hummock and sorted solifluction sheet) from a 100 ha grid to a 1 ha grid resolution utilizing two different techniques: point sampling (PSA) and direct (DA) approaches. We assessed the predictive accuracy of the models with the area under the curve (AUC) of a receiver operating characteristic plot using independent evaluation data. The PSA technique yielded encouraging results with a mean accuracy of 0·81, whereas the performance of DA was poorer. The predictive performance of the palsa mire and solifluction sheet models was excellent (AUC values from 0·89 to 0·96), whereas the AUC values of deflation and earth hummock models were lower (AUC = 0·57–0·81). The application of a point sampling approach as used here provides an efficient method to translate geomorphological information to finer resolution. However, further testing of the downscaling approaches is required before they can be applied to real‐world situations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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