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This article analyzes the water and suspended solid fluxes through a straightened meander of the southern branch of the Danube Delta (the St. George branch) during episodic flooding. The Mahmudia study site corresponds to a vast natural meander which was cut off in 1984–1988 by an artificial canal opened to shipping. The meander correction accelerated fluxes through the artificial canal and dramatically enhanced deposition in the former meander. After his formation, the cutoff meander acted as sediment storage locations, essentially removing channel and point bar sediments from the active sediment budget of the main channel. Increases in slope and stream power in reaches upstream and downstream have also occurred, but to a lesser degree. During the one-hundred-year recurrent flood in April 2006, bathymetry, flow velocity and discharge data were acquired across several sections of both natural and artificial channels with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (aDcp Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz, Teledyne RDI) in order to investigate the distribution of the flow and sediment and his impact on sedimentation in a channelized reach and its adjacent cutoff. The contrasting hydro-sedimentary processes at work in both channels and bifurcation/confluence nodal points are analyzed from the measured flux distribution, morphological profiles and velocity and concentration patterns. In the cutoff, a diminishing of the intensity of the flow velocity (c. 50%) and of the SSC was observed correlated with the aggradation of the river bed. In the bifurcation/confluence nodal points and in the artificial canal were observed the most intensive hydrodynamic activity (high flow velocity, SSC concentration, degradation of the river bad). Both the event-scale and long-term morphological trends of the alluvial system are discussed analyzing the boundary shear stress and SSC variability. Excess boundary shear stress in the sub-reaches directly affected by cutoffs resulted in scour that increased downstream bed material load. These high sediment loads play a key role in driving morphological adjustments towards equilibrium in the cutoff channel.The approach followed in this paper combines detailed episodic in-situ aDcp measurements and robust numerical 1D modeling in order to provide a practical comprehension of the relevant morphodynamical processes. The 1D model reproduces robustly the continuity of hydrodynamical variables along the streamwise axes of the two-channel network. The simulated are used in the paper for highlighting reach-scale morphological processes, at both event and long-term scales.  相似文献   
Abstract. Fishes associated with the seagrass Posidonia oceanica were censused both by skid trawl and visual counts around Ischia Island, Italy. Both sampling procedures were performed during the day in summer and in winter at two sites. Significant differences in the number of species, number of individuals, biomass, and trophic structure of the fish assemblage were observed between sampling methods. Fewer fish species were recorded by visual counts than by trawling. More individuals and a greater biomass, however, were recorded from visual counts. The population of macrocarnivores (Scorpaenidae, Serranidae) were better estimated by trawling, as were canopy-dwellers (Syngnathidae; Symphodus rostratus) and benthic species (Gobiidae; Blenniidae; Bothidae). Conversely, good swimmers ( Sparidae; Coris julis, Symphodus spp.), and planktivorous fishes (Centracanthidae, Pomacentridae) mostly escaped the trawl and were better assessed by visual counts. The importance of methodological biases differed from one season to the other and was higher in summer than in winter. Particular attention should be paid to the biases induced by sampling techniques when interpreting data, and different sampling methods should be used to accurately study the fish assemblages of seagrass meadows.  相似文献   
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) in surface water and 63–200 μm-sized microphytoplankton collected at the fluorescence maximum were studied in four sites in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), a marine area influenced by the Rhone River inputs, in May and November 2004. Some environmental (temperature, salinity) and biological (POM, Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments contents, phytoplankton biomass and composition) parameters were also analysed. Significantly different C and N isotopic signatures between surface water POM and microphytoplankton were recorded in all sites and seasons. Surface water POM presented systematically lower δ13C (∼4.2‰) and higher δ15N (∼2.8‰) values than those of microphytoplankton, due to a higher content of continental and detrital material. Seasonal variations were observed for all environmental and biological parameters, except salinity. Water temperature was lower in May than in November, the fluorescence maximum was located deeper and the Chlorophyll a content and the phytoplankton biomass were higher, along with low PON/Chl a ratio, corresponding to spring bloom conditions. At all sites and seasons, diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community in abundance, whereas dinoflagellate importance increased in autumn particularly in coastal sites. C and N isotopic signatures of phytoplankton did not vary with season. However, the δ15N of surface water POM was significantly higher in November than in May in all sites likely in relation to an increase in 15N/14N ratio of the Rhone River POM which influenced surface water in the Gulf of Lions. As it is important to determine true baseline values of primary producers for analysing marine food webs, this study demonstrated that C and N isotopic values of surface water POM cannot be used as phytoplankton proxy in coastal areas submitted to high river inputs.  相似文献   
Abstract   A 8.65 Ma adakitic intrusive sheet exposed near Monglo village in the Baguio District of Northern Luzon contains a suite of ultramafic and mafic xenoliths including in order of abundance: spinel dunites showing typical mantle-related textures, mineral and bulk rock compositions, and serpentinites derived from them; amphibole-rich gabbros displaying incompatible element patterns similar to those of flat or moderately enriched back-arc basin basalt magmas; and amphibolites derived from metabasalts and/or metagabbros of identical affinity. A single quartz diorite xenolith carrying a similar subduction-related geochemical signature has also been sampled. One amphibolite xenolith provided a whole-rock K–Ar age of 115.6 Ma (Barremian). We attribute the origin of this suite to the sampling by ascending adakitic magmas of a Lower Cretaceous ophiolitic complex located at a depth within the 30–35 km thick Luzon crust. It could represent an equivalent of the Isabela-Aurora and Pugo-Lepanto ophiolitic massifs exposed in Northern Luzon.  相似文献   
Microscopic investigations have been done on the chondrites Sena and Nadiabondi (H5, not shocked), Ste. Marguerite en Comines (H4, very slightly shocked), Allegan (H5, slightly shocked). Only in such cases can the matrix be easily observed and compared to those of type 3 chondrites. The <100 μm debris found in types 4 and 5 that we have observed are not the result of the metamorphism of type 3 fines.The abundance of tiny debris is in direct relation with the intensity of the shock though this shock was insufficient to provoke either the induration of the stones or a significant loss of rare gases. The bulk of the fines are the result of local disaggregation of the most brittle parts from chondrules and fragments.A low-temperature matrix has not been observed in these meteorites but only in H3 chondrites, as a coating around the chondrules. The accretion modelists should take into account the absence or the scarcity of fine particles in their calculations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between expert judgement and numerical criteria when evaluating hydrological model performance by comparing simulated and observed hydrographs. Using a web-based survey, we collected the visual evaluations of 150 experts on a set of high- and low-flow hydrographs. We then compared these answers with results from 60 numerical criteria. Agreement between experts was found to be more frequent in absolute terms (when rating models) than in relative terms (when comparing models), and better for high flows than for low flows. When comparing the set of 150 expert judgements with numerical criteria, we found that most expert judgements were loosely correlated with a numerical criterion, and that the criterion that best reflects expert judgement varies from expert to expert. Overall, we identified two groups of 10 criteria yielding an equivalent match with the expertise of the 150 participants in low and high flows, respectively. A single criterion common to both groups (the Hydrograph Matching Algorithm with mean absolute error) may represent a good indicator for the overall evaluation of models based on hydrographs. We conclude that none of the numerical criteria examined here can fully replace expert judgement when rating hydrographs, and that both relative and absolute evaluations should be based on the judgement of multiple experts.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   
The western Hellenic arc has been commonly considered as a largely aseismic subduction zone, from the comparison of a small rate of shortening derived from the seismic moment release, with a large rate of convergence inferred from geology. Complete seismic coupling would instead be expected from models that consider a control by plate tectonic forces, because of the trenchward velocity of the Hellenic–Aegean upper plate now confirmed with GPS measurements. In the region of the Ionian Islands, a subduction interplate boundary has been recently imaged and its seismogenic downdip width suggested to be moderate, from reflection seismic profiling and local earthquake tomography. In the appropriate model for such an earthquake source region, which considers a single interplate fault and takes into account these features, the moderate seismic moment release is found consistent with complete seismic coupling of this subduction. The shallow downdip limit of the seismogenic zone can be interpreted as due to the interplate boundary being overlain there by the ductile deeper crust of the orogenically thickened Hellenides.  相似文献   
It is crucial to analyze the sensitivity of watershed (rainfall-runoff) models to imperfect knowledge of rainfall input, in order to judge whether or not they are reliable and robust, especially if they are to be used for operational purposes. In this paper, a new approach to sensitivity analysis is proposed, based on a comparison between the efficiency ratings and parameter values of the models and the quality of rainfall input estimate (GORE and BALANCE indexes, assessing the quality of rainfall time distribution and the total depth respectively). Data from three watersheds of increasing size (71, 1120, and 10700 km2), are used to test three watershed models of varying complexity (three-parameter GR3J model and six-parameter modified versions of TOPMODEL and IHACRES).

These models are able to cope with imperfect rainfall input estimates, and react to improvements in rainfall input accuracy by better performance and reduced variability of efficiency. Two different types of model behavior were identified: the models either benefit from improved rainfall data by producing more consistent parameter values, or they are unable to take advantage of the improvements. Although the watershed size seems to be immaterial, the smaller watersheds appear to need more precise areal rainfall estimates (a higher concentration of raingages) to ensure good modeling results.  相似文献   

The eastern part of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador includes fragments of an Early Cretaceous (≈123 Ma) oceanic plateau accreted around 85–80 Ma (San Juan–unit). West of this unit and in fault contact with it, another oceanic plateau sequence (Guaranda unit) is marked by the occurrence of picrites, ankaramites, basalts, dolerites and shallow level gabbros. A comparable unit is also exposed in northwestern coastal Ecuador (Pedernales unit).

Picrites have LREE-depleted patterns, high Ndi and very low Pb isotopic ratios, suggesting that they were derived from an extremely depleted source. In contrast, the ankaramites and Mg-rich basalts are LREE-enriched and have radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions similar to the Galápagos HIMU component; their Ndi are slightly lower than those of the picrites. Basalts, dolerites and gabbros differ from the picrites and ankaramites by flat rare earth element (REE) patterns and lower Nd; their Pb isotopic compositions are intermediate between those of the picrites and ankaramites. The ankaramites, Mg-rich basalts, and picrites differ from the lavas from the San Juan–Multitud Unit by higher Pb ratios and lower Ndi.

The Ecuadorian and Gorgona 88–86 Ma picrites are geochemically similar. The Ecuadorian ankaramites and Mg-rich basalts share with the 92–86 Ma Mg-rich basalts of the Caribbean–Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP) similar trace element and Nd and Pb isotopic chemistry. This suggests that the Pedernales and Guaranda units belong to the Late Cretaceous CCOP. The geochemical diversity of the Guaranda and Pedernales rocks illustrates the heterogeneity of the CCOP plume source and suggests a multi-stage model for the emplacement of these rocks. Stratigraphic and geological relations strongly suggest that the Guaranda unit was accreted in the late Maastrichtian (≈68–65 Ma).  相似文献   

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