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对中国南方的3个水稻土样品进行了Cd、Pb单一离子和混合离子吸附特点的研究。结果表明,3个水稻土样品中Cd、Pb的吸附特点都相似,Langmuir等温方程可很好地描述Cd、Pb的吸附等温线。3个土壤样品中,有较高pH值和较低有机物、CEC浓度、粘土含量、高岭石含量的2个土壤样品对Cd、Pb有较大的吸附量,且其等温吸附拟合的最大吸附量(B)也较大。在两组分混合溶液中,尽管共存离子的存在影响了土壤对单一离子的吸附,同时土壤对Cd的吸附在一定程度上受影响的程度大,但3个土壤样品都表现出对Pb有强的吸附能力。在3个土壤样品中,Langmuir等温方程中Pb的健合能常数(K)都大于Cd的健合能常数(K),混合溶液中的K值高于单一溶液的K值,表明2种金属离子对吸附位点的竞争提高了特定吸附位点的保持力,使金属离子在土壤中特定位点的吸附更加坚固。  相似文献   
There are two types of lead–zinc ore bodies, i.e., sandstone-hosted ores (SHO) and limestone-hosted ores (LHO), in the Jinding giant sulfide deposit, Yunnan, SW China. Structural analysis suggests that thrust faults and dome structures are the major structural elements controlling lead–zinc mineralization. The two types of ore bodies are preserved in two thrust sheets in a three-layered structural profile in the framework of the Jinding dome structure. The SHO forms the cap of the dome and LHO bodies are concentrated beneath the SHO cap in the central part of the dome. Quartz, feldspar and calcite, and sphalerite, pyrite, and galena are the dominant mineral components in the sandstone-hosted lead–zinc ores. Quartz and feldspar occur as detrital clasts and are cemented by diagenetic calcite and epigenetic sulfides. The sulfide paragenetic sequence during SHO mineralization is from early pyrite to galena and late sphalerite. Galena occurs mostly in two types of cracks, i.e., crescent-style grain boundary cracks along quartz–pyrite, or rarely along pyrite–pyrite boundaries, and intragranular radial cracks in early pyrite grains surrounding quartz clasts. The radial cracks are more or less perpendicular to the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries and do not show any overall (whole rock) orientation pattern. Their distribution, morphological characteristics, and geometrical relationships with quartz and pyrite grains suggest the predominant role of grain-scale cracking. Thermal expansion cracking is one of the most important mechanisms for the generation of open spaces during galena mineralization. Cracking due to heating or cooling by infiltrating fluids resulted from upwelling fluid phases through fluid passes connecting the SHO and LHO bodies, provided significant spaces for crystallization of galena. The differences in coefficients of thermal expansion between pyrite and quartz led to a difference in volume changes between quartz grains and pyrite grains surrounding them and contributed to cracking of the pyrite grains when temperature changed. Combined thermal expansion and elastic mismatch due to heating and subsequent cooling resulted in the radial and crescent cracking in the pyrite grains and along the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries.  相似文献   
黄河源区陆面过程观测和模拟研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陆面过程对黄河源区水资源变化有重要的影响,探索黄河源区陆面过程和水分循环特征的关联机理有十分重要的意义.首先简述了黄河源区气候变化背景和陆面过程的基本特征,并详细介绍了近年来在黄河源区开展的一系列陆面过程野外观测试验及相关研究主题和研究进展;进一步给出了在野外试验观测资料分析、卫星遥感、数据同化应用和数值模拟等方面取得...  相似文献   
In order to investigate succession of biological soil crusts (BSCs) and their microstructure variability, we conducted this work in Shapotou revegetation region at the southeast edge of Tengger Deser. The results showed that BSCs generally succeeded as a pathway of “Algae crusts, algae–lichen crusts, lichen crusts, lichen–moss crusts and moss crusts”. Occasionally mosses directly occurred on algae crusts, and BSCs succeeded from algae crusts to moss crusts. Crust vertical stratification was a common phenomenon, from top to bottom an inorganic layer, algae-dense layer and algae-sparse layer were divided in algae crusts; a thallus layer, rhizoid layer and sub-rhizoid layer in lichen crusts; a “stem-leaf” layer, rhizoid layer and sub-rhizoid layer in moss crusts, respectively. The main crust binding organisms varied from filamental cyanobacteria (dominated by Microcoleus) in algae crusts to lichen rhizoids, free-living cyanobacterial filaments and fungal hyphaes in lichen crusts, and to moss rhizoids and fungal hyphaes in moss crusts. The dominant phototrophic organisms varied from Microcoleus (algae) in algae crusts to Collema (lichens) in lichen crusts, and to Bryum (or Didymodon and Tortula; mosses) in moss crusts. Total phototrophic biomass increased while the free-living algal biomass decreased with the succession of BSCs. In addition, exopolysaccharides and fine particles accumulated in the course of development and succession of BSCs, all of which lead to a gradual increase in crust thickness and porosity, while decrease in the bulk density.  相似文献   
云南祖母绿的矿床地质及宝石学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张良钜  兰延 《矿物学报》1999,19(2):189-197
云南祖母绿矿床产于寒武系变质岩中,矿体分别产于片麻岩的伟晶岩及云英岩脉中。属于典型的伟晶岩型或气成高温热液矿床。祖母绿的铬、钒来源于变质岩,而铍来源于伟晶岩。  相似文献   
川西北早志留世陆源碎屑──碳酸盐混积缓坡   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
研究区位于扬子地块西北缘,由一套巨厚的页岩、泥岩层夹生物礁及透镜状和不规则层状风暴生屑灰岩、瘤状灰岩组成。根据区内特征的岩石类型及其组合、分布和相应的化石生态,作者认为本区兰多维列期至早温洛克期时为一典型的陆源碎屑--碳酸盐混积均斜缓坡,并且从浅到深划分为滨岸、浅缓坡、深缓坡及盆地等亚环境。滨岸区位于潮间带,以潮坪碳酸盐岩为代表;浅缓坡位于浪基面至风暴浪基面之间,岩性组合为A、B类风暴岩,A、B类瘤状灰岩、生物礁灰岩及粘结岩;深缓坡位于风暴浪基面至最大风暴浪基面之间,岩性以D、E类风暴岩、C类瘤状灰岩及泥页岩组合为特征;盆地处于最大风暴浪基面之下,为黑色泥页岩沉积。结合早志留世时全球冰川作用,文中讨论了海平面变化的原因及对环境的影响。  相似文献   
以1:5万地质填图和钻探验证为基础,经分析研究塔里木托云盆地的地层特征、聚煤期、古地理环境,从而建立起该区的沉积模式,总结出该盆地煤层发育于下侏罗统康苏组上段地层之中,含煤11层,煤层为不稳定发育,但分布具有一定的规律可寻,对进一步找煤具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
Variations in the abundance and distribution of pelagic tuna populations have been associated with large-scale climate indices such as the Southern Oscillation Index in the Pacific Ocean and the North Atlantic Oscillation in the Atlantic Ocean. Similarly to the Pacific and Atlantic, variability in the distribution and catch rates of tuna species have also been observed in association with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), a basin-scale pattern of sea surface and subsurface temperatures that affect climate in the Indian Ocean. The environmental processes associated with the IOD that drive variability in tuna populations, however, are largely unexplored. To better understand these processes, we investigated longline catch rates of yellowfin tuna and their distributions in the western Indian Ocean in relation to IOD events, sea surface water temperatures (SST) and estimates of net primary productivity (NPP). Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was observed to be negatively correlated to the IOD with a periodicity centred around 4 years. During positive IOD events, SSTs were relatively higher, NPP was lower, CPUE decreased and catch distributions were restricted to the northern and western margins of the western Indian Ocean. During negative IOD events, lower SSTs and higher NPP were associated with increasing CPUE, particularly in the Arabian Sea and seas surrounding Madagascar, and catches expanded into central regions of the western Indian Ocean. These findings provide preliminary insights into some of the key environmental features driving the distribution of yellowfin tuna in the western Indian Ocean and associated variability in fisheries catches.  相似文献   
通过分析环境减灾卫星(HJ)的光谱特征,参考MODIS火情监测模型,发展了基于HJ卫星的火情遥感监测方法。针对甘肃省2011年2月10日发生在玛曲、2012年12月8日发生在岷县境内的2次草原火灾,研究了HJ卫星相应通道的本地化阈值,采用植被指数的多时相阈值法提取过火范围并计算了过火面积,同时与甘肃草原监理站的过火面积观测资料及同期MODIS的监测结果分别进行比对。结果表明,2次判定火点的阈值为T4〉310K;HJ卫星监测到的玛曲、岷县的火灾面积分别为65.3hm2、19.8hm2,监测精度为98%和90%,较MODiS监测精度提高了10.5%和2g.9%;Hj卫星进行火情遥感监测的空间分辨率更高,监测结果更精细,具有很好的业务化应用价值。  相似文献   
辽宁雾预报区的划分初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分析了1997—2006年辽宁境内能见度小于1000 m雾的时空分布特征。结果表明:就雾发生的频率而言,辽宁存在两个高值区和两个低值区,高值区分别位于黄海北部沿岸至辽宁东部山区和锦州北部至阜新一带,低值区分别位于辽宁中北部平原以及朝阳地区。从雾的日变化上看,近86%的雾出现在夜间,近69%的雾出现在02-08时,且多为辐射雾。地域不同但气候条件相近时,雾的日变化与雾发生的次数存在极其相似的特点。依据相似的地理环境和气候条件、雾的日变化特征以及雾发生次数等,将辽宁划分为5个预报区,对雾采取分区预报,以提高雾预报的准确率。  相似文献   
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