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Fish, epibenthos and macroinfauna were collected in a Zostera marina bed and nearby unvegetated sediments in the estuary of the Damariscotta River, on the mid-coast of Maine. Samples of epibenthic fauna and fish were collected at low tides both during day and night, and samples of infauna at low tides during the day. The mean density of Zostera shoots in the study area was 335 m−2. Abundance and species number of fish were greater at night than during the day and greater in eelgrass beds (Z. marina) than in unvegetated habitats. Daytime fish collections were dominated by Atlantic silversides (Medinia medinia), while juvenile winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) dominated night collections. Also Zostera-associated epifaunal abundances and number of species were significantly higher at night than during the day. Mysis stenolepis, Idotea balthica and Littorina obtusata were dominant species in the epifauna samples. Of the total of 37 invertebrate species encountered, only five occurred both in the infaunal and epifaunal samples. Nineteen different taxa were collected from the benthic core samples. The most abundant invertebrate infaunal taxa were sipunculids, the polychaete Nereis virens, and oligochaetes. Infaunal invertebrate abundances and species diversity were significantly higher in eelgrass beds than in unvegetated sediments. The abundance and number of species of benthic invertebrates were also positively correlated to seagrass biomass. Community diversity values (H′) were relatively low but fit well in the general pattern of decreasing diversity towards northern latitudes.  相似文献   
This paper reports a study of the field measurements and monitoring of wastewater discharge in sea water at Bari East (Italy). A wastewater sea outfall system is an integral and fundamental part of each wastewater treatment with ultimate sink in the sea water. The design of a water treatment plant and wastewater outfall must take into account the use of the environmental water, the values of physicochemical parameters to be respected in order to safeguard the use itself and the quality of the environmental water where wastewater is issued. In the present study measurements of sea current velocity components were carried out with a VM-ADP (Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Profiler). Salinity, wind directions and velocities were assessed with, for one survey, the total faecal coliforms and other biochemical parameters. It was emphasized that the measurements necessary for monitoring cannot be concentrated in the wastewater outfall pipe zone only, but should be extended to a neighbouring area of the outfall pipe, with an extension depending on the wastewater discharge, the polluting charge and the magnitude of the sea currents and the winds typical of the zone of interest. The analyses presented in this paper confirm that the sea zones close to the wastewater outfall pipe are particularly sensitive and vulnerable. Such results must be considered in the planning of a wastewater outfall pipe.  相似文献   
Photoelectric observations of the shell staro And, obtained in 1979, are presented. The star shows variations of some hundredth of magnitudes during a few hours. The trend to retake the values of the luminosity and colour indices prior to the reduction happened between JD 42,714-27, seems to continue. We also give a qualitative model which explains satisfactorily the main features observed after the 1975 shell episode.  相似文献   
A model is proposed describing the mechanical evolution of a shear zone along compressional and extensional plate boundaries, subject to constant strain rate. The shear zones are assumed as viscoelastic with Maxwell rheology and with elastic and rheological parameters depending on temperature and petrology. Stress and strain are computed as functions of time and depth. For both kinds of boundaries the model reproduces the existence of a shallow seismogenic zone, characterized by a stress concentration. The thickness of the seismogenic layer is evaluated considering the variations of shear stress and frictional strength on faults embedded in the shear zone. Assuming that a fault dislocation takes place, the brittle-ductile transition is assumed to occur at the depth at which the time derivative of total shear stress changes from positive to negative values. The effects of different strain rates and geothermal gradients on the depth of the brittle-ductile transition are studied. The model predictions are consistent with values inferred from seismicity data of different boundary zones.  相似文献   
Survival of the tubicolous amphipodAmpelisca abdita in a sediment toxicity test was negatively correlated with the presence of indigenousNephtys incisa. The gut contents ofN. incisa held in uncontaminated sediment included identifiable portions of the amphipods.A. abdita andMicrodeutopus gryllotalpa. Although most nephtyid polychaete worms are active predators,Nephtys incisa has been considered a nonselective deposit-feeder. We coclude thatN. incisa will prey upon amphipods under laboratory conditions. This predation may be a factor in the exclusion of surface-dwelling amphipods from theNephtys-Nucula community common in southern New England.  相似文献   
Ionospheric delays compensation is a mandatory step for precise absolute and relative positioning of Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEO) by GPS measurements. The most frequently used ionosphere model for real-time GPS-based navigation in LEO is an isotropic model proposed by Lear, which uses the Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) above the receiver and a mapping function for TEC evaluation along a given ray path. Based on significant assessed results available for ground-based GPS receivers, we propose the use of a different model relying on the thin shell assumption and a bilinear horizontal variation of the VTEC as a function of latitude and longitude in the shell. It is expected that this model is capable of better describing horizontal gradients in the ionosphere, thus improving ionospheric delay estimation, especially in intense ionospheric conditions. This model is referred to as Linear Thin Shell (LTS). LTS performance in estimating undifferenced and double-differenced ionospheric delays is checked by comparing measured and predicted delays computed using flight data from the GRACE mission. Results show that the LTS always outperforms the isotropic model, especially in case of high solar activity. Moreover, the LTS model provides a higher performance uniformity over a wide range of ionospheric delays, thus ensuring good performance in different conditions. The results obtained demonstrate that the LTS model improves the ionosphere delays estimation accuracy by 20 and 40% for undifferenced and double-differenced delays, respectively. This suggests the LTS model can effectively contribute to improving precision in LEO positioning applications.  相似文献   
New stratigraphic constraints have been detailed for the Amatrice Basin, an intermountain morpho-structural depression of the central Apennines (Italy) hosting up to 60-m-thick Quaternary continental deposits. Through the results coming from a 1:5,000 scale field survey and from facies analyses, we documented the geometry, thickness, and extent of the post-orogenic continental deposits filling this basin. The Quaternary deposits form a complex architecture of purely aggradational and aggradational/degradational terraces with a dominant component of conglomerates and gravels, at the bottom, and subordinate sands, at the top. The Quaternary deposits overlie an up to 1-km-thick succession of flysch sediments that accumulated in the western Laga Basin during the Miocene syn-orogenic phases in central Apennines. The collected data are used to constrain the style and mechanisms of both syn-orogenic (i.e., subsidence and terrigenous sedimentation in foredeep environment) and post-orogenic (i.e., uplift, erosion, and continental sedimentation) phases documented for the central Apennines. In particular, the post-orogenic history of the Amatrice Basin, if compared with those of surrounding intermountain basins of the central Apennines, includes limited basin subsidence, reduced thickness of the post-orogenic covers and progressive deepening of the drainage network during the Quaternary. The results shed light on the source-to-sink history of the Amatrice Basin, which results from a long-lived interaction between regional-scale factors (climate changes, chain uplift, and extensional tectonic regime) that influenced the activity of the hydrodynamic pattern and the amount of intrabasinal sedimentation during the Quaternary.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of the interpretation of a set of high-resolution seismic lines integrated with multibeam echosounder data acquired in a coastal area in the Northern Adriatic Sea. The aim of the study was to reconstruct the stratigraphic evolution of a late Quaternary sedimentary succession offshore the town of Bibione, North-Eastern Italy, by recognising the key unconformities, identifying the main depositional units, dating them and reconstructing the depositional environments in relation to relative sea-level variations. Specifically, four sedimentary units, separated by erosional unconformities associated with the development of deep channels, were identified and dated based on literature information. By interpreting the seismic data, sedimentary dynamics were reconstructed and palaeoenvironments identified. The lower unit corresponds to a paludal environment, showing abundant gas seeps and accumulations (bright spots); the two intermediate units correspond to fluvial deposits, filling the deep incisions that characterise the bounding surfaces. Finally, the shallowest unit, bounded by a wave-ravinement surface incised by tidal currents, corresponds to the Holocenic progradation of the coastal wedge. In addition, several vertical gas chimneys were identified, ranging in width from a few metres to 20–30 m. These were present in all units, often reaching the sea floor. Finally, elongated mounds, about 300 m wide, at the sea floor were recognised. The bathymetric and seismic characteristics of these elongated bodies and their relationship to adjacent sedimentary bodies suggest that they are probably methane-derived carbonate formations known as ‘Trezze’ or ‘Tegnùe’. These names recall the fact that the trawls of the local fishermen were often hindered (‘tegnù’ in the Venetian language) or even cut off by these formations.  相似文献   
Many coastal areas are affected by groundwater salinization due to the unsustainable use of groundwater resources. For a cost-effective quantitative assessment of groundwater resources, electrical resistivity (ER) tomography is often used as a standalone geophysical technique. In this paper, we present an application of the integration of direct-current ER and full-decay-induced polarization (IP) method at the Pontina Plain (Central Italy). The case study is a coastal area in Central Italy prone to salinization due to both geological and anthropogenic factors. To achieve these goals, we inverted full-decay time-domain electrical data for Cole–Cole parameters. The resulting multi-parameter model provides a first approximation prediction of the permeability, employing well-established empirical relationships with the electrical parameters. We demonstrated that our approach: (i) can locate highly conductive zones directly related to saline intrusion inland using the resistivity as a fast proxy; (ii) can remove the ambiguity in the detection of clay/silt layers in the near-surface; and (iii) permit a prediction of the permeability, employing full-decay inversion of time-domain electrical data. However, the extremely conductive environment prevents the use of IP data for the reconstruction of deep layers or detection of the salt wedge front. Therefore, this approach can be used for hydro-geophysical screening and monitoring of salinization-prone sites, where strong limitations to direct inspection exist due to external constraints (e.g., protected lands).  相似文献   
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