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We tested the response of lacustrine testate amoebae (thecamoebians) to climate and environmental changes for the Lateglacial–Holocene transition. The palaeoenvironmental history of the study site (Lake Lautrey, Jura Mountains, eastern France) was previously established based on high‐resolution multi‐proxy studies of the same core. The present study is characterised by a high taxonomic resolution (54 taxa), inclusion of small species (down to 25 µm) and high total counts (>500 individuals per sample on average). Changes in the composition of testate amoeba assemblages (dominant species and assemblage structure), as well as in the accumulation rate (tests cm?2 a?1), corresponded to major climatic phases (i.e. Oldest Dryas, Bølling–Allerød Interstadial, Younger Dryas, Preboreal) as well as changes in organic matter inputs. Furthermore, decreases in the accumulation rate characterised minor short‐lived cooling events, such as Older Dryas event or Gerzensee oscillation. However, the Preboreal oscillation, which was well registered by other proxies at Lake Lautrey, could not be recognised in the testate amoeba record. This work demonstrates that lacustrine testate amoebae can be used for palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological reconstructions. Nevertheless, a better understanding of the relation between climate, organic matter and lacustrine testate amoebae requires further high‐resolution studies based on multi‐proxy approaches and the development of appropriate modern analogues. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The movement of oil under non-breaking waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The combined effects of wave kinematics, turbulent diffusion, and buoyancy on the transport of oil droplets at sea were investigated in this work using random walk techniques in a Monte Carlo framework. Six hundred oil particles were placed at the water surface and tracked for 500 wave periods. A dimensionless formulation was presented that allowed reporting distances in terms of the wave length and times in terms of the wave period. Stokes' drift was, expectedly, the major mechanism for horizontal transport. It was also found that plumes that have large terminal rise velocities move faster forward but spread less than those that have small terminal rise velocities. The increase in wave slope (or wave steepness) caused an increase in transport and spreading of the plume. Our results supported treating the oil as completely mixed vertically in a layer near the surface. In the horizontal direction, buoyant plumes had spreading coefficients that are essentially constant after about 200 wave periods. But neutrally buoyant plumes had horizontal spreading coefficients that increased with time (for the simulation time of 500 wave periods). Techniques for generalizing the results for a wide range of wave parameters were presented.  相似文献   
The evidence for the wider effects of fishing on the marine ecosystem demands that we incorporate these considerations into our management of human activities. The consequences of the direct physical disturbance of the seabed caused by towed bottom-fishing gear have been studied extensively with over 100 manipulations reported in the peer-reviewed literature. The outcome of these studies varies according to the gear used and the habitat in which it was deployed. This variability in the response of different benthic systems concurs with established theoretical models of the response of community metrics to disturbance. Despite this powerful evidence, a recent FAO report wrongly concludes that the variability in the reported responses to fishing disturbance mean that no firm conclusion as to the effects of fishing disturbance can be made. This thesis is further supported (incorrectly) by the supposition that current benthic sampling methodologies are inadequate to demonstrate the effects of fishing disturbance on benthic systems. The present article addresses these two erroneous conclusions which may confuse non-experts and in particular policy-makers.  相似文献   
The water retention curve (WRC), which represents the relationship between volumetric water content (θ) and suction (ψ), is required to analyze the hydro-geotechnical response of unsaturated soils. The laboratory (or field) determination of the WRC can however be time consuming and difficult to conduct. A practical alternative, particularly useful at the preliminary stages of a project, is to estimate the WRC using a predictive model based on basic geotechnical properties that are easy to obtain. One common limitation of such predictive models is due to hysteresis effects, which are not taken into account by most of these models. The authors present in this paper an extended version of the Modified Kovács (MK) predictive model that incorporates hysteresis of the WRC along different paths, including the main wetting and drying curves and the wetting and drying scanning curves for granular soils. The model formulation is presented, and predictions are compared to experimental data obtained on different granular soils. The results show a good agreement for the main and scanning curves.  相似文献   
The precision of the rates of the photolysis processes initiating the complex chemistry of Titan’s upper atmosphere conditions strongly the predictivity of photochemical models. Recent studies in sensitivity analysis of such models point out photolysis rate constants as key parameters. However, they have been treated approximately so far. We deal here directly with uncertainty in the absorption cross-sections to derive the uncertain altitude-dependent photolysis rate constants. We observe that the uncertainty on the photolysis rate constants of the major species, N2 and CH4, varies strongly with altitude and rather surprisingly vanishes at specific altitudes. We propose a simple model to interpret these features and we demonstrate that they are transferable to any major absorber distributed barometrically in an atmosphere.  相似文献   
The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group III, summarises in Box 13.7 the required emission reduction ranges in Annex I and non-Annex I countries as a group, to achieve greenhouse gas concentration stabilisation levels between 450 and 650 ppm CO2-eq. The box summarises the results of the IPCC authors’ analysis of the literature on the regional allocation of the emission reductions. The box states that Annex I countries as a group would need to reduce their emissions to below 1990 levels in 2020 by 25% to 40% for 450 ppm, 10% to 30% for 550 ppm and 0% to 25% for 650 ppm CO2-eq, even if emissions in developing countries deviate substantially from baseline for the low concentration target. In this paper, the IPCC authors of Box 13.7 provide background information and analyse whether new information, obtained after completion of the IPCC report, influences these ranges. The authors concluded that there is no argument for updating the ranges in Box 13.7. The allocation studies, which were published after the writing of the IPCC report, show reductions in line with the reduction ranges in the box. From the studies analysed, this paper specifies the “substantial deviation” or “deviation from baseline” in the box: emissions of non-Annex I countries as a group have to be below the baseline roughly between 15% to 30% for 450 ppm CO2-eq, 0% to 20% for 550 ppm CO2-eq and from 10% above to 10% below the baseline for 650 ppm CO2-eq, in 2020. These ranges apply to the whole group of non-Annex I countries and may differ substantially per country. The most important factor influencing these ranges above, for non-Annex I countries, and in the box, for Annex I countries, is new information on higher baseline emissions (e.g. that of Sheehan, Climatic Change, 2008, this issue). Other factors are the assumed global emission level in 2020 and assumptions on land-use change and forestry emissions. The current, slow pace in climate policy and the steady increase in global emissions, make it almost unfeasible to reach relatively low global emission levels in 2020 needed to meet 450 ppm CO2-eq, as was first assumed feasible by some studies, 5 years ago.  相似文献   
The general subject of this paper is subglacial deformation beneath Breiðamerkurjökull, a surging Icelandic glacier. More specifically it discusses the evolution and the role of fluid pressure on the behaviour of subglacial sediments during deformation. During Little Ice Age maximum, the two outcrops studied, North Jökulsarlon (N-Jk) and Brennhola-Alda (BA), were located at 2550 m and 550 m respectively from the front of the Breiðamerkurjökull. Sedimentological analysis at the forefield of the glacier shows thick, coarse glaciofluvial deposits interbedded with thin, fine-grained shallow lacustrine/swamp deposits, overlain by a deformed till unit at N-Jk. BA outcrop shows fine-grained shallow lacustrine/swamp deposits overlain by a deformed till unit. The sequence of deformation events from one outcrop to the other is similar. First, major thrust planes, which were rooted in shallow lacustrine/swamp deposits developed by glacially induced simple shear. Next, the thrusts were folded, indicating the deformation of hydroplastic sediment assisted by moderate fluid pressure. Then clastic dyke swarms crosscut the sedimentary succession, proving that fluid overpressure caused hydrofracturing associated with fluidisation. Finally, as water escaped from the glacier bed, fluid pressure dropped, and normal faulting occurred in brittle-state subglacial sediments. Fluid-pressure variations are related to glacier dynamics. They control the deformation sequence by modifying subglacial rheological behaviour and the nature of the subglacial tectonism.  相似文献   
MicrOmega is an ultra miniaturized spectral microscope for in situ analysis of samples. It is composed of 2 microscopes; one with a spatial sampling less or equal to 4 μm, working in 4 colors in the visible range: MicrOmega/VIS, and a NIR hyperspectral microscope working in the spectral range 0.9–4 μm with a spatial sampling of 20 μm per pixel: MicrOmega/IR (described in this paper). MicrOmega/IR illuminates and images samples a few mm in size and acquires the NIR spectrum of each resolved pixel in up to 320 contiguous spectral channels. The goal of this instrument is to analyze in situ the composition of collected samples at almost their grain size scale, in a non-destructive way. With the chosen spectral range and resolution, a wide variety of constituents can be identified: minerals, such as pyroxene and olivine, ferric oxides, hydrated phyllosilicates, sulfates and carbonates and ices and organics. The composition of the various phases within a given sample is a critical record of its formation and evolution. Coupled to the mapping information, it provides unique clues to describe the history of the parent body (planet, satellite and small body). In particular, the capability to identify hydrated grains and to characterize their adjacent phases has a huge potential in the search for possible bio-relics.  相似文献   
Ammonia inversion lines are often used as probes of the physical conditions in the dense interstellar medium. The excitation temperature between the first two para-metastable (rotational) levels is an excellent probe of the gas kinetic temperature. However, the calibration of this ammonia thermometer depends on the accuracy of the collisional rates with H2. Here, we present new collisional rates for ortho- and para-NH3 colliding with  para-H2( J = 0)  , and investigate the effects of these new rates on the excitation of ammonia. Scattering calculations employ a new, high-accuracy, potential energy surface computed at the coupled-cluster CCSD(T) level with a basis set extrapolation procedure. Rates are obtained for all transitions involving ammonia levels with   J ≤ 3  and for kinetic temperatures in the range 5–100 K. We find that the calibration curve of the ammonia thermometer – which relates the observed excitation temperature between the first two para-metastable levels to the gas kinetic temperature – does not change significantly when these new rates are used. Thus, the calibration of ammonia thermometer appears to be robust. Effects of the new rates on the excitation temperature of inversion and rotation–inversion transitions are also found to be small.  相似文献   
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