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The change of extreme precipitation is assessed with the HadGEM2-AO - 5 Regional Climate Models (RCMs) chain, which is a national downscaling project undertaken cooperatively by several South Korean institutes aimed at producing regional climate change projection with fine resolution (12.5 km) around the Korean Peninsula. The downscaling domain, resolution and lateral boundary conditions are held the same among the 5 RCMs to minimize the uncertainties from model configuration. Climatological changes reveal a statistically significant increase in the mid-21st century (2046- 2070; Fut1) and the late-21st century (2076-2100; Fut2) precipitation properties related to extreme precipitation, such as precipitation intensity and average of upper 5 percentile daily precipitation, with respect to the reference period (1981-2005). Changes depending on the intensity categories also present a clear trend of decreasing light rain and increasing heavy rain. In accordance with these results, the change of 1-in-50 year maximum precipitation intensity over South Korea is estimated by the GEV method. The result suggests that the 50-year return value (RV50) will change from -32.69% to 72.7% and from -31.6% to 96.32% in Fut1 and from -31.97% to 86.25% and from -19.45% to 134.88% in Fut2 under representative concentration pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios, respectively, at the 90% confidence level. This study suggests that multi-RCMs can be used to reduce uncertainties and assess the future change of extreme precipitation more reliably. Moreover, future projection of the regional climate change contains uncertainties evoked from not only driving GCM but also RCM. Therefore, multi-GCM and multi-RCM studies are expected to provide more robust projection.  相似文献   
峨眉山大火成岩省太和花岗岩的成因及构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
攀西地区的太和花岗质岩体和赋存超大型钒钛磁铁矿矿床的辉长岩体在空间上共生,成因上均与峨眉山地幔柱头的上升密切相关.太和花岗质岩体主要由超碱质花岗岩和石英正长岩及少量正长岩组成;富含高场强元素并具高Ga/Al值(3.74~5.63),显示典型A型花岗岩的特征.花岗岩、正长岩和辉长岩的Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf值与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)的相应比值近似.花岗质岩石具较低的87Sr/86Sr初始值(0.7025~0.7049)和正的εNd(t)值(1.9~3.5),与辉长岩的值相近[(87Sr/86Sr)i =0.7049~0.7052; εNd(t) =2.4~3.3].太和花岗质岩体的εNd(t)为正值,显示地幔柱来源的底侵玄武质岩浆对其形成起主要作用.辉长质和花岗质岩石具相似的钕同位素组成,表明其母岩浆来自于同一源区.我们认为太和花岗质侵入体主要由底侵于下地壳的玄武质岩浆分异出的花岗质熔体侵位及随后经结晶分异而形成.因此,晚古生代时幔源岩浆底侵造成的地壳增生在峨眉山大火成岩省中表现极为显著.  相似文献   
涡北勘探区属于河网地带,难以进行正常的地震施工。为此,本文提出了一种以规则束状观测为基础和特殊观测系统相结合的数据采集方法。该方法适应了这种复杂的地表条件,获得了"空白区"的地震资料,为今后类似地表条件地区的三维地震勘探提供了经验。   相似文献   
南疆沙漠腹地大气边界层气象要素廓线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用塔中80m观测塔梯度系统采集的2006年8月、10月和2007年1月、4月的风、温度、湿度资料,结合气象站的同步气象资料,对南疆沙漠腹地近地层四季的晴天平均风速、温度、湿度廓线分布特征进行分析。结果表明,晴天平均风速白天随高度升高增加缓慢,夜间较快,低层风速白天比夜间大,高层则白天比夜间小,春夏季风速较大;四季平均温度廓线表现为夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型和傍晚过渡型等四种类型,早、晚过渡时间四季各有不同,日最低、最高温度出现时间四季则相差不大;冬季夜间比湿随高度升高而增大,整个80m近地层表现为逆湿状态,其他季节逆湿一般出现在0.5—1m、1~2m、32—47m、63—80m等4个层次上,各逆湿层出现的时间各季节有所差异。  相似文献   
基于洪峰模数的山洪灾害雨量预警指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山洪灾害预警是防御山洪的重要非工程措施,雨量预警指标是山洪灾害预警的关键。目前的雨量预警指标计算方法对水文气象资料条件以及模型建模率定都有很高的要求,并不适用于基层防汛人员。因此,本文基于全国山洪灾害调查评价成果数据,提出了一种运用洪峰模数计算雨量预警指标的简便、易用的方法。该方法以小流域洪水计算推理公式为基础,将公式中流量与流域面积的比值用洪峰模数表示,得到基于洪峰模数的临界雨量估算公式,并考虑流域土壤含水量等因素,分析临界雨量变化阈值,最终得到雨量预警指标。本文以云南省绥江县双河小流域为例,计算结果显示不同时段(1 h、3 h、6 h)净雨量和预警时段呈线性关系。降雨损失计算中洼地蓄水和植被截留在不同时段相同,土壤下渗在不同的时段不相同。在此基础上,计算不同土壤含水量条件下,不同时段的雨量预警指标。最后,对临界流量、降雨损失和预警指标进行了合理性分析,结果显示预警指标和调查评价结果及实测降雨都比较接近,计算的预警指标合理。本研究为基层山洪灾害预警提供了一种快速、便捷的预警指标计算方法,为预警指标计算提供技术支持。  相似文献   
基于实测波面的波浪力获取作为结构动力响应分析以及数字孪生模型建立的必备环节,对海上风电数字化运维至关重要。为了满足更大的装机容量需求,单桩式海上风电基础趋于大型化,其尺度因子D/L也随之增大;并且实际海域均为非规则波,以尺度因子划分波浪力计算理论的方法对非规则波的适用性尚不明确。通过建立数值水槽,依据实际工况对不规则波与桩基的作用进行数值模拟,得到入射波浪场与桩基所受波浪力,在此基础上,基于入射波浪场分别采用Morison方程以及绕射理论求解波浪力并将之与数值模拟结果进行对比,分析了不同波浪力计算理论关于尺度因子的适用性,同时探究了波浪要素对计算精度的影响。结果表明:Morison方程在波高较大时精度下降;相对于Morison方程,绕射理论在该尺度下的精度更高。最后,通过分析实测数据进一步探讨了典型工况下的波浪力特征,以期通过实测波面计算波浪力的方法为实际服役风机波浪力计算提供技术支持。  相似文献   
深港边界是全球跨境活动最频繁的地区之一。以通过深圳湾口岸前往蛇口消费的香港居民为研究对象,采用定性、定量和空间计量相结合的方法分析香港居民来往深圳的消费模式和行为影响因素,发现在蛇口的跨境港人多来自“新界西”的屯门、元朗、荃湾三地,呈现以公交出行为主、出行频率高、消费低、时间短、老龄化、女性多的特点,其跨境行为主要受到个人年龄及收入、出行距离、区位等因素影响;港人在深港边界的跨境活动开始出现与收入、年龄相关的空间分异现象,呼吁展开针对不同过境群体的进一步研究,厘清其行为特点和影响因素,这将有助于建构粤港“优质生活圈”、促进粤港两地间更便利的跨境活动和更深层次的协作。  相似文献   
The ecological series of soil animals under the broad-leaved and pine mixed forest in Darlidai Mountainwas studied. Seven sample plots were selected according to different altitude gradients, which belong to different vegeta-tion types. By investigating and analyzing soil animals in every sample plot it is found that there are 45 groups and 1956individuals, which axe involved in 3 phylums, 7 classes, 16 orders, respectively. The altitude is a key factor which af-fects ecological series of soil animals. Both the groups and individuals of soil animals increase with altitude increasingunder certain conditions, which contrastes with ordinary cases, resulting from special micro-climate in studied area. Thegroups and individuls of soil animals are the most under the broad-leaved and pine forest on the top of the mountain, andthe least under Picea-Abies forest in the foot of the mountain.  相似文献   
本文简单介绍了光干涉与综合孔径技术发展的历史、国际上用于天文观测的一些著名光干涉仪的技术特点和进展、以及近年来我国开展的与光干涉 ,综合孔径技术有关的工作 ,最后简要介绍了在光学综合孔径技术领域所发展的光纤与集成光学等新技术  相似文献   
Microbial communities in different gastrointestinal regions(stomach, foregut, midgut, and hindgut) of the northern snakehead C hanna argus(Cantor, 1842) were compared by polymerase chain reaction and partial 16 S r DNA sequencing. A total of 194, 140, 212, and 122 OTUs were detected in the stomach, foregut, midgut, and hindgut, respectively. Significant dif ferences were found in the Sobs, ACE, Shannon, and Simpson indices among samples(P 0.05). The gastrointestinal microbial community of C. argus consisted predominantly of Proteobacteria with either H alomonas, Shewanella, Plesiomonas, or Sphingomonas. Fusobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes also existed in the gastrointestinal tracts. However, significant diff erences were found in the compositions of microbial community among the four regions( P 0.05). Cyanobacteria and Spirochetes were significantly higher in the midgut and hindgut( P 0.05). Fusobacteria and Firmicutes were dominant in the hindgut and foregut, respectively(P 0.05). Proteobacteria was the lowest in the hindgut( P 0.05). At genus level, C etobacterium and Plesiomonas were significantly higher in the hindgut than in the other three samples( P 0.05). Clostridium and Prevotella were the highest in the midgut(P 0.05). Halomonas, Shewanella, and S phingomonas were the highest in the foregut( P 0.05). Paracoccus and Vibrio were the highest in the stomach. Several genera were only detected in certain regions, as follows: stomach, P aracoccus and Vibrio; foregut, Halomonas, Shewanella, and Sphingomonas; midgut, Clostridium and Prevotella; and hindgut, C etobacterium and Plesiomonas( P 0.05). At the species level, A cinetobacter rhizosphaerae was only detected in the stomach. P revotella copri and Clostridium perfring were not detected in the foregut and midgut, respectively, whereas Prevotella copri and Faecalibacterium pra were not detected in the hindgut. These findings provide valuable information on the microbial community in each gastrointestinal region of C. argus. Moreover, this study indicated that microbial community was not only related to rearing environment but also to the physico-chemical characteristics of each gastrointestinal region.  相似文献   
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