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Prograde mineral assemblages and compositions have been predicted for pelitic schist in the 10 component system Na2O–K2O–CaO–MnO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2–H2O for three cases of prograde metamorphism and fluid-rock interaction: (1) increasing temperature (T) at constant pressure (P) and constant pore fluid volume (1%) without infiltration (no-infiltration case); (2) increasing T at constant P accompanied by sufficient fluid infiltration that fluid composition is at all times constant (large-flux case); and (3) increasing T at constantP accompanied by a timeintegrated fluid flux f 104 cm3 cm 2 (intermediate-flux case). Stable mineral assemblages and compositions were calculated by solving a system of non-linear equations that specify mass balance and chemical equilibrium between minerals and fluid. The model pelitic system includes quartz, muscovite, plagioclasc, chlorite, ankerite, siderite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, K-feldspar, and a coexisting, binary H2O–CO2 fluid. Specifically, prograde thermal metamorphism was modelled for Shaw's (1956) average low-grade pelite and for a moderate range of bulk rock compositions at P=3, 5, and 7 kb and initial fluids with Xco 2 o =0.02–0.40. The model predicts a carbonate-bearing mineral assemblage for average pelite under chlorite zone conditions composed of quartz, muscovite, albite, chlorite, ankerite, and siderite. The mineral assemblages predicted for the noinfiltration case are unlike those typically observed in regional metamorphic terranes. Simulations of metamorphism for the large-flux and intermediate-flux cases, however, reproduce the sequence of mineral assemblages observed in normal Barrovian regional metamorphic terranes. These results suggest that regional metamorphism of pelitic schists is typically associated with infiltration of significant quantities of aqueous fluid.  相似文献   
With a paroxysmal ash eruption on 4 September 2007 and the highly explosive activity continuing in 2008, Oldoinyo Lengai (OL) has dramatically changed its behavior, crater morphology, and magma composition after 25 years of quiet extrusion of fluid natrocarbonatite lava. This explosive activity resembles the explosive phases of 1917, 1940–1941, and 1966–1967, which were characterized by mixed ashes with dominantly nephelinitic and natrocarbonatitic components. Ash and lapilli from the 2007–2008 explosive phase were collected on the slopes of OL as well as on the active cinder cone, which now occupies the entire north crater having buried completely all earlier natrocarbonatite features. The lapilli and ash samples comprise nepheline, wollastonite, combeite, Na-åkermanite, Ti-andradite, resorbed pyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides, and a Na–Ca carbonate phase with high but varying phosphorus contents which is similar, but not identical, to the common gregoryite phenocrysts in natrocarbonatite. Lapilli from the active cone best characterize the erupted material as carbonated combeite–wollastonite–melilite nephelinite. The juvenile components represent a fundamentally new magma composition for OL, containing 25–30 wt.% SiO2, with 7–11 wt.% CO2, high alkalies (Na2O 15–19%, K2O 4–5%), and trace-element signatures reminiscent of natrocarbonatite enrichments. These data define an intermediate composition between natrocarbonatite and nephelinite, with about one third natrocarbonatite and two thirds nephelinite component. The data are consistent with a model in which the carbonated silicate magma has evolved from the common combeite–wollastonite nephelinite (CWN) of OL by enrichment of CO2 and alkalies and is close to the liquid immiscible separation of natrocarbonatite from carbonated nephelinite. Material ejected in April/May 2008 indicates reversion to a more common CWN composition.  相似文献   

Une analyse de séries sédimentaires d’âge Crétacé supérieur dans le Sud-Est de la France a été entreprise et intégrée dans un cadre de stratigraphie séquentielle. Les limites Cénomanien–Turonien et la limite Turonien–Coniacien sont marquées par des variations rapides et de fortes amplitudes du niveau marin relatif. La comparaison effectuée avec d’autres bassins mondiaux nous amène à envisager le problème dans un cadre global. On constate : (1) le synchronisme d’événements à haute fréquence dans des contextes géodynamiques différents. (2) les effets de la superposition de cycles eustatiques hiérarchiquement différents, c’est-à-dire la superposition d’oscillations à haute fréquence sur une composante de 3e ordre. Ces observations sont confrontées à deux hypothèses : le glacio-eustatisme et la tectonique à haute fréquence. © Elsevier, Paris.  相似文献   
Outcrops, offshore wells, electric logs and seismic profiles from northern Tunisia provide an opportunity to decipher the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Strait of Sicily. Messinian deposits (including gypsum beds) near the Tellian Range reveal two successive subaerial erosional surfaces overlain by breccias and marine Zanclean clays, respectively. In the Gulf of Tunis, Messinian thick evaporites (mostly halite) are strongly eroded by a fluvial canyon infilled with Zanclean clays. The first erosional phase is referred to the intra-Messinian tectonic phase and is analogous to that found in Sicily. The second phase corresponds to the Messinian Erosional Surface that postdates the marginal evaporites, to which the entire Sicilian evaporitic series must refer. The Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins were separated during deposition of the central evaporites.  相似文献   
Thermal recovery can entail considerably higher costs than conventional oil recovery, so the use of computational optimization techniques in designing and operating these processes may be beneficial. Optimization, however, requires many simulations, which results in substantial computational cost. Here, we implement a model-order reduction technique that aims at large reductions in computational requirements. The technique considered, trajectory piecewise linearization (TPWL), entails the representation of new solutions in terms of linearizations around previously simulated (and saved) training solutions. The linearized representation is projected into a low-dimensional space, with the projection matrix constructed through proper orthogonal decomposition of solution “snapshots” generated in the training step. Two idealized problems are considered here: primary production of oil driven by downhole heaters and a simplified model for steam-assisted gravity drainage, where water and steam are treated as a single “effective” phase. The strong temperature dependence of oil viscosity is included in both cases. TPWL results for these systems demonstrate that the method can provide accurate predictions relative to full-order reference solutions. Observed runtime speedups are very substantial, over 2 orders of magnitude for the cases considered. The overhead associated with TPWL model construction is equivalent to the computation time for several full-order simulations (the precise overhead depends on the number of training runs), so the method is only applicable if many simulations are to be performed.  相似文献   
Periclase formed in siliceous dolomitic marbles during contact metamorphism in the Monzoni and Predazzo aureoles, the Dolomites, northern Italy, by infiltration of the carbonate rocks by chemically reactive, H2O-rich fluids at 500 bar and 565-710 °C. The spatial distribution of periclase and oxygen isotope compositions is consistent with reactive fluid flow that was primarily vertical and upward in both aureoles with time-integrated flux ~5,000 and ~300 mol fluid/cm2 rock in the Monzoni and Predazzo aureoles, respectively. The new results for Monzoni and Predazzo are considered along with published studies of 13 other aureoles to draw general conclusions about the direction, amount, and controls on the geometry of reactive fluid flow during contact metamorphism of siliceous carbonate rocks. Flow in 12 aureoles was primarily vertically upward with and without a horizontal component directed away from the pluton. Fluid flow in two of the other three was primarily horizontal, directed from the pluton into the aureole. The direction of flow in the remaining aureole is uncertain. Earlier suggestions that fluid flow is often horizontal, directed toward the pluton, are likely explained by an erroneous assumption that widespread coexisting mineral reactants and products represent arrested prograde decarbonation reactions. With the exception of three samples from one aureole, time-integrated fluid flux was in the range 102-104 mol/cm2. Both the amount and direction of fluid flow are consistent with hydrodynamic models of contact metamorphism. The orientation of bedding and lithologic contacts appears to be the principal control over whether fluid flow was either primarily vertical or horizontal. Other pre-metamorphic structures, including dikes, faults, fold hinges, and fracture zones, served to channel fluid flow as well.  相似文献   
Alkali olivine basalts from Skye were simultaneously contact metamorphosed by Tertiary gabbro and granite intrusions and altered by the hydrothermal convection system that the plutons induced. Four metamorphic zones were mapped around the plutons. Furthest from the intrusions, in the primary olivine zone, metabasalts are composed of combinations of igneous olivine, augite, plagioclase, titaniferous magnetite, ilmenite, zeolites, gyrolite, sulfides, and chlorite-smectite intergrowths. Closer to the plutons, in the smectite zone, saponite and carbonate appear, primary olivine and gyrolite disappear, and zeolites decrease dramatically in abundance. Still closer to the plutons, in the amphibole zone, actinolite, edenite, chlorite, sphene, epidote, andradite, and quartz appear and saponite and chlorite-smectite intergrowths disappear. Along parts of the contact between gabbro and basalt, in the orthopyroxeneolivine zone, orthopyroxene, metamorphic olivine, and biotite appear and amphibole, chlorite, sphene, epidote, andradite, carbonate, and quartz disappear. Whole-rock chemical data indicate only minor change in the major-element chemical composition of the metabasalts during progressive metamorphism/hydrothermal alteration. Two-pyroxene eothermometry and various mineral-fluid equilibria suggest the range of peak temperatures attained in the metamorphic zones: orthopyroxene-olivine zone, 900°1, 030° C; amphibole zone, 400°–900° C; smectite and primary olivine zones, < 400° C. Mineralogical and oxygen isotopic alteration of the metabasalts were closely coupled: Basalts from the primary olivine zone with nearly unaltered igneous mineralogies have normal or near-normal wholerock 18O>+5 (SMOW); mineralogically more altered basalts from the smectite zone have whole-rock 18O=+2 to +5; still more mineralogically altered basalts from the amphibole zone (with one exception) have 18O<+ 2; completely recrystallized hornfelses from the orthopyroxene-olivine zone have 18O<0. The principal mechanism of isotope exchange between basalt and metamorphic/ hydrothermal fluid probably was heterogeneous mineralfluid reaction.Metabasalts from the orthopyroxene-olivine zone are mineralogically fresh pyroxene hornfelses that record crystallization temperatures > 1,000° C yet have highly altered whole-rock oxygen isotope compositions, 18O<0%. The hornfelses chemically interacted with metamorphic/hydrothermal fluids either at very high temperatures or while they were heated to > 1,000° C or both. Their mineralogy, however, rules out significant water-rock interaction after they cooled below 900° C. Hydrothermal convection on Skye was a two-stage process: (a) fluid flow through wall rocks initially was pervasive while they are heated; (b) fluid flow after the thermal peak in the wall rocks was sufficiently channelized that rocks such as those in the orthopyroxeneolivine zone were isolated from further fluid-rock interaction during all or almost all of the cooling history of the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
Bwambale  Bosco  Nyeko  Martine  Sekajugo  John  Kervyn  Matthieu 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(3):1847-1867
Natural Hazards - The integration of indigenous knowledge into understanding disasters from natural hazards is hitherto hampered by the limited conceptualization of the process that shapes...  相似文献   
This study describes the main circulation patterns (CP) in the Amazonian Basin over the 1975–2002 period and their relationship with rainfall variability. CPs in the Amazonian Basin have been computed for each season from the ERA-40 daily 850?hPa winds using an approach combining artificial neural network (Self Organizing Maps) and Hierarchical Ascendant Classification. A 6 to 8 cluster solutions (depending on the season considered) is shown to yield an integrated view of the complex regional circulation variability. For austral fall, winter and spring the temporal evolution between the different CPs shows a clear tendency to describe a cycle, with southern wind anomalies and their convergence with the trade winds progressing northward from the La Plata Basin to the Amazon Basin. This sequence is strongly related to eastward moving extra tropical perturbations and their incursion toward low latitude that modulate the geopotential and winds over South America and its adjoining oceans. During Austral summer, CPs are less spatially and temporally organized compared to other seasons, principally due to weaker extra tropical perturbations and more frequent shallow low situations. Each of these CPs is shown to be associated with coherent northward moving regional rainfall patterns (both in in situ data and ERA-40 reanalysis) and convective activity. However, our results reveals that precipitation variability is better reproduced by ERA-40 in the southern part of the Amazonian Basin than in the northern part, where rainfall variability is likely to be more constrained by local and subdaily processes (e.g. squall lines) that could be misrepresented in the reanalysis dataset. This analysis clearly illustrates the existing connections between the southern and northern part of the Amazonian Basin in terms of regional circulation/rainfall patterns. The identification of these CPs provide useful information to understand local rainfall variability and could hence be used to better understand the influence of these CPs on the hydrological variability in the Amazonian Basin.  相似文献   
Clastic sedimentary features of beachrocks and unconsolidated deposits of parent beaches were investigated along the northern Aegean coastline(Greece) to assess their suitability in palaeo-environmental reconstruction.Twelve paired datasets were collected in the Thermaikos,Toroneos,Siggitikos and lerissos gulfs of the Chalkidiki Peninsula,the adjoining Kavala Gulf and Thassos Island,comprising beachrock cores and companion beach subsurface sediments.Particle size analyses based on univariate and bivariate statistics suggest that,during the time period of beachrock formation,depositional conditions differed distinctly from those of the modern parent beaches.The results imply difference of maturity level of beach evolution from the time of cementation(coarser materials-early stage of beach formation) to modern situation(finer materials-reworked and ’mature’ beach sediments).Furthermore,the findings indicate increasing coastal protection due to beachrock exposure in the modern swash zone.In conclusion,it is suggested that textural analysis of beachrocks in comparison with unconsolidated sediments of the parent beach might provide information regarding differences of coastal depositional regimes and future research could focus on specific-layer analysis and comparison.  相似文献   
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