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Annika Nolte Malte Eley Matthias Schöniger David Gwapedza Jane Tanner Sukhmani Kaur Mantel Konstantin Scheihing 《水文研究》2021,35(6):e14264
To increase the resilience of regional water supply systems in South Africa in the face of anticipated climatic changes and a constant increase in water demand, water supply sources require diversification. Many water-stressed metropolitan regions in South Africa depend largely on surface water to cover their water demand. While climatic and river discharge data is widely available in these regions, information on groundwater resources – which could support supply source diversification – is scarce. Groundwater recharge is a key parameter that is used to estimate groundwater amounts that can be sustainably exploited at a sub-watershed level. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a reliable hydrological modelling routine that enables the assessment of regional spatio-temporal variations of groundwater recharge to discern the most promising areas for groundwater development. Accordingly, we present a semi-distributed hydrological modelling approach that incorporates water balance routines coupled with baseflow modelling techniques to yield spatio-temporal variations of groundwater recharge on a regional level. The approach is demonstrated for the actively managed catchment areas of the Amathole Water Supply System situated in a semi-arid part of the Eastern Cape of South Africa. In the investigated study area, annual groundwater recharge exhibits a high spatio-temporal heterogeneity and is estimated to vary between ~0.5% and 8% of annual rainfall. Despite some uncertainties induced by limited data availability, calibration and validation of the model were found to be satisfactory and yielded model results similar to (point) data of annual groundwater recharge reported in earlier studies. Our approach is therefore found to derive crucial information for efficiently targeting more detailed groundwater exploration studies and could work as a blueprint for orientating groundwater potential exploration in similar environments. 相似文献
Dr. Matthias Tomczak Jr. 《Ocean Dynamics》1968,21(4):145-151
Zusammenfassung Für winderzeugte interne Wellen wird gezeigt, daß bei der Trägheitsperiode in erster Näherung Resonanz eintritt, die in zweiter Näherung in zwei symmetrisch zur Trägheitsperiode liegende Resonanzen zerfällt. Der Effekt wächst mit zunehmender Schichtung und ist außerdem abhängig vom virtuellen Austauschkoeffizienten und der WellenlängeL der internen Wellen. Die Näherung erfolgt in Termen des Verhältnissesd2H2 (d=Dicke der winderzeugten Grenzschicht,H=Wassertiefe).
On internal waves near the inertia period
Summary Wind-generated internal waves are shown to have a resonance at the inertia period to first order of an analytical approximation which, to second order, splits into two resonances lying symmetrically to the inertia period. The effect is large for strong stratification and depends also on the Austausch coefficient and the wave lengthL of the internal waves. The approximation is done in terms ofd2H2 whered=thickness of the wind-generated boundary layer andH=water depth.
Sur les ondes internes près de la période d'inertie
Résumé On montre que pour les ondes internes dues au vent, il se produit en première approximation, à la période d'inertie, une résonance qui, en deuxième approximation, se décompose en deux résonances symétriques par rapport à la période d'inertie. L'effet augmente avec une stratification croissante et dépend en outre du coefficient de turbulence virtuel et de la longueur d'ondeL des ondes internes. L'approximation s'obtient en termes du rapportd2H2 (d=épaisseur de la couche-limite due au vent,H=profondeur de l'eau).相似文献
Matthias Alberti Franz T. Fürsich Dhirendra K. Pandey 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2013,102(5):1321-1336
A high-resolution stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C) analysis of a specimen of the oyster Actinostreon marshi (J. Sowerby, 1814) from the Lower Oxfordian of the Kachchh Basin in western India was used to reconstruct average seasonal temperatures over a consecutive time interval of 10 years. The recorded temperatures during this period varied around a mean of 13 °C (maximum: 15.1 °C; minimum: 11.4 °C) with a generally low seasonality between 1 and 3 °C. Such weak seasonal changes can be expected from a subtropical palaeolatitude between 25° and 30°S. However, the low average temperatures are in contrast to studies on broadly contemporaneous fossils from Europe and the southern Malagasy Gulf which point to much warmer conditions in these areas. It is therefore proposed that the low temperatures in the Kachchh Basin are caused by upwelling currents which influenced the north-western coast of India during the Late Jurassic. 相似文献
Peter Brugger Tirtha Banerjee Frederik De Roo Konstantin Kröniger Rafat Qubaja Shani Rohatyn Eyal Rotenberg Feodor Tatarinov Dan Yakir Fulin Yang Matthias Mauder 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2018,169(2):233-250
We investigate the effects of an isolated meso-(gamma )-scale surface heterogeneity for roughness and albedo on the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) height, with a case study at a semi-arid forest surrounded by sparse shrubland (forest area: (28~text{ km }^2), forest length in the main wind direction: 7 km). Doppler lidar and ceilometer measurements at this semi-arid forest show an increase in the ABL height over the forest compared with the shrubland on four out of eight days. The differences in the ABL height between shrubland and forest are explained for all days with a model that assumes a linear growth of the internal boundary layer of the forest through the convective ABL upwind of the forest followed by a square-root growth into the stable free atmosphere. For the environmental conditions that existed during our measurements, the increase in ABL height due to large sensible heat fluxes from the forest ((600~text {W~m}^{-2}) in summer) is subdued by stable stratification in the free atmosphere above the ABL, or reduced by high wind speeds in the mixed layer. 相似文献
Björn Guse Matthias Pfannerstill Michael Strauch Dominik E. Reusser Stefan Lüdtke Martin Volk Hoshin Gupta Nicola Fohrer 《水文研究》2016,30(13):2255-2270
Diagnostic analyses of hydrological models intend to improve the understanding of how processes and their dynamics are represented in models. Temporal patterns of parameter dominance could be precisely characterized with a temporally resolved parameter sensitivity analysis. In this way, the discharge conditions are characterized, that lead to a parameter dominance in the model. To achieve this, the analysis of temporal dynamics in parameter sensitivity is enhanced by including additional information in a three‐tiered framework on different aggregation levels. Firstly, temporal dynamics of parameter sensitivity provide daily time series of their sensitivities to detect variations in the dominance of model parameters. Secondly, the daily sensitivities are related to the flow duration curve (FDC) to emphasize high sensitivities of model parameters in relation to specific discharge magnitudes. Thirdly, parameter sensitivities are monthly averaged separately for five segments of the FDC to detect typical patterns of parameter dominances for different discharge magnitudes. The three methodical steps are applied on two contrasting catchments (upland and lowland catchment) to demonstrate how the temporal patterns of parameter dynamics represent different hydrological regimes. The discharge dynamic in the lowland catchment is controlled by groundwater parameters for all discharge magnitudes. In contrast, different processes are relevant in the upland catchment, because the dominances of parameters from fast and slow runoff components in the upland catchment are changing over the year for the different discharge magnitudes. The joined interpretation of these three diagnostic steps provides deeper insights of how model parameters represent hydrological dynamics in models for different discharge magnitudes. Thus, this diagnostic framework leads to a better characterization of model parameters and their temporal dynamics and helps to understand the process behaviour in hydrological models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Jan Nyssen Wim Clymans Katrien Descheemaeker Jean Poesen Ine Vandecasteele Matthias Vanmaercke Amanuel Zenebe Marc Van Camp Mitiku Haile Nigussie Haregeweyn Jan Moeyersons Kristine Martens Tesfamichael Gebreyohannes Jozef Deckers Kristine Walraevens 《水文研究》2010,24(13):1880-1895
Impact studies of catchment management in the developing world rarely include detailed hydrological components. Here, changes in the hydrological response of a 200‐ha catchment in north Ethiopia are investigated. The management included various soil and water conservation measures such as the construction of dry masonry stone bunds and check dams, the abandonment of post‐harvest grazing, and the establishment of woody vegetation. Measurements at the catchment outlet indicated a runoff depth of 5 mm or a runoff coefficient (RC) of 1·6% in the rainy season of 2006. Combined with runoff measurements at plot scale, this allowed calculating the runoff curve number (CN) for various land uses and land management techniques. The pre‐implementation runoff depth was then predicted using the CN values and a ponding adjustment factor, representing the abstraction of runoff induced by the 242 check dams in gullies. Using the 2006 rainfall depths, the runoff depth for the 2000 land management situation was predicted to be 26·5 mm (RC = 8%), in line with current RCs of nearby catchments. Monitoring of the ground water level indicated a rise after catchment management. The yearly rise in water table after the onset of the rains (ΔT) relative to the water surplus (WS) over the same period increased between 2002–2003 (ΔT/WS = 3·4) and 2006 (ΔT/WS >11·1). Emerging wells and irrigation are other indicators for improved water supply in the managed catchment. Cropped fields in the gullies indicate that farmers are less frightened for the destructive effects of flash floods. Due to increased soil water content, the crop growing period is prolonged. It can be concluded that this catchment management has resulted in a higher infiltration rate and a reduction of direct runoff volume by 81% which has had a positive influence on the catchment water balance. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The spatial and temporal distribution of snow accumulation is complex and significantly influences the hydrological characteristics of mountain catchments. Many snow redistribution processes, such as avalanching, slushflow or wind drift, are controlled by topography, but their modelling remains challenging. In situ measurements of snow accumulation are laborious and generally have a coarse spatial or temporal resolution. In this respect, time‐lapse photography shows itself as a powerful tool for collecting information at relatively low cost and without the need for direct field access. In this paper, the snow accumulation distribution of an Alpine catchment is inferred by adjusting a simple snow accumulation model combined with a temperature index melt model to match the modelled melt‐out pattern evolution to the pattern monitored during an ablation season through terrestrial oblique photography. The comparison of the resulting end‐of‐winter snow water equivalent distribution with direct measurements shows that the achieved accuracy is comparable with that obtained with an inverse distance interpolation of the point measurements. On average over the ablation season, the observed melt‐out pattern can be reproduced correctly in 93% of the area visible from the fixed camera. The relations between inferred snow accumulation distribution and topographic variables indicate large scatter. However, a significant correlation with local slope is found and terrain curvature is detected as a factor limiting the maximal snow accumulation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Matthias Matschinski 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1955,32(1):19-30
Zusammenfassung der mathematischen Ergebnisse Die von uns erhaltenen annäherndD' Alembert'schen Lösungsformen der Wellengleichung (1) sind mit den Formeln (11), (14) und (25) dargestellt; die Bedingungen für ihre Existenz sind im Hauptsatz gegeben.
Summary Case of two reflected waves in Seismology and in general Mechanics. Four types of waves near to a surface. The general properties of the concept «wave». Thermic and geometric extinction of a wave. Conditions a) that an aggregate of waves has the properties of a wave, and b) that the so formed aggregate has no more these properties. A new case of solution near to the type ofD' Alembert; some applications. Interference of two waves and impossibility of such interference of two ensembles of waves, in the general case.
Resumé Deux ondes réflechies en Séismologie et en Mécanique générale. Quatro types des ondes près d'une surface. Les propriétés générales de la notion d' «onde». Amortissement thermique et géométrique d'une onde. Les conditions où un agrégat des ondes fornie une onde et où cet agrégat n'est pas une onde. Un nouvel cas de la solution de l'équation d'ondes proche à la solution deD' Alembert. Quelques applications. L'interférence de deux ondes et l'impossibilité de l'interference dans le cas général de deux ensembles des ondes.相似文献
Kochendorfer et al. (Boundary-Layer Meterol, 145:383–398, 2012) conducted an experiment to evaluate azimuth and angle-of-attack dependent errors of sonic anemometer measurements. Several questions are raised regarding the experimental design and the presented results. The finding that instruments with non-orthogonal sonic paths underestimate fluctuations of vertical wind speed and consequently also scalar fluxes by about 10 % is compared with the results of a hitherto unpublished side-by-side field comparison and other past intercomparison experiments. Scale considerations are presented that raise considerable doubts on the validity of the implicit assumption of Kochendorfer et al. (2012) that the turbulent wind vector is highly correlated across a distance of 1.2 m at a height of 2.5 m over flat grassland, which corresponds to the separation between the sonic anemometers tested in their experiment. Nevertheless, new developments in sonic anemometer design to minimize transducer-shadow effects are desirable. 相似文献
We apply and evaluate a recent machine learning method for the automatic classification of seismic waveforms. The method relies on Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) and supervised learning to improve the detection capabilities at 3C seismic stations. A time-frequency decomposition provides the basis for the required signal characteristics we need in order to derive the features defining typical “signal” and “noise” patterns. Each pattern class is modeled by a DBN, specifying the interrelationships of the derived features in the time-frequency plane. Subsequently, the models are trained using previously labeled segments of seismic data. The DBN models can now be compared against in order to determine the likelihood of new incoming seismic waveform segments to be either signal or noise. As the noise characteristics of seismic stations varies smoothly in time (seasonal variation as well as anthropogenic influence), we accommodate in our approach for a continuous adaptation of the DBN model that is associated with the noise class. Given the difficulty for obtaining a golden standard for real data (ground truth) the proof of concept and evaluation is shown by conducting experiments based on 3C seismic data from the International Monitoring Stations, BOSA and LPAZ. 相似文献