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Uncertainties in quantitative time-lapse seismic analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most seismic time-lapse studies so far have been of a qualitative nature. Identification of areas with minor or no seismic changes has been used to plan new infill drilling targets. Increased accuracy in seismic acquisition methods, in both conventional streamer surveys and newer methods such as multicomponent sea-bed seismic and permanent sensors, opens possibilities for the next step: quantitative time-lapse analysis. Quantitative methods here mean the estimation of, for instance, a change in fluid saturation from 20% water to 90% water or the estimation of a pore pressure change of 5 MPa. Explicit expressions for the uncertainties associated with estimated changes in, for instance, reservoir pressure and fluid saturation are derived. These formulae can be used to compare relative uncertainties between estimated parameters as well as to identify the critical factors in various estimation techniques. The importance of accurate rock physics input, as well as that of highly repeatable time-lapse seismic data, is emphasized. Furthermore, uncertainty analysis can be used to find optimal weight factors when the same parameter (e.g. saturation change) is estimated by two or three different techniques.  相似文献   
The hydrology of near‐surface glacier ice remains a neglected aspect of glacier hydrology despite its role in modulating meltwater delivery to downstream environments. To elucidate the hydrological characteristics of this near‐surface glacial weathering crust, we describe the design and operation of a capacitance‐based piezometer that enables rapid, economical deployment across multiple sites and provides an accurate, high‐resolution record of near‐surface water‐level fluctuations. Piezometers were employed at 10 northern hemisphere glaciers, and through the application of standard bail–recharge techniques, we derive hydraulic conductivity (K) values from 0.003 to 3.519 m day?1, with a mean of 0.185 ± 0.019 m day?1. These results are comparable to those obtained in other discrete studies of glacier near‐surface ice, and for firn, and indicate that the weathering crust represents a hydrologically inefficient aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity correlated positively with water table height but negatively with altitude and cumulative short‐wave radiation since the last synoptic period of either negative air temperatures or turbulent energy flux dominance. The large range of K observed suggests complex interactions between meteorological influences and differences arising from variability in ice structure and crystallography. Our data demonstrate a greater complexity of near‐surface ice hydrology than hitherto appreciated and support the notion that the weathering crust can regulate the supraglacial discharge response to melt production. The conductivities reported here, coupled with typical supraglacial channel spacing, suggest that meltwater can be retained within the weathering crust for at least several days. Not only does this have implications for the accuracy of predictive meltwater run‐off models, but we also argue for biogeochemical processes and transfers that are strongly conditioned by water residence time and the efficacy of the cascade of sediments, impurities, microbes, and nutrients to downstream ecosystems. Because continued atmospheric warming will incur rising snowline elevations and glacier thinning, the supraglacial hydrological system may assume greater importance in many mountainous regions, and consequently, detailing weathering crust hydraulics represents a research priority because the flow path it represents remains poorly constrained.  相似文献   
A new formulation is proposed for the electrical potential developed inside a horizontally‐layered half‐space for a direct current point‐source at the surface. The recursion formula for the kernel coefficient in the potential integral is simpler than the generally used two‐coefficient recursion. The numerical difficulties that may occur during the computation of the integrals and near the source axis are examined and solutions are proposed. The set of equations permits a stable and accurate computation of the tabular potential everywhere in the medium.  相似文献   
Travel behavior of the present generation of youths is being increasingly explored due to their relevance in shaping future accessibility needs and mobility habits. The present study offers an original perspective on this topic by identifying territorial disparities that emerge in youth mobility patterns in rural and urban areas. Unlike most previous research, we propose taking a global view on mobility by analyzing all trip purposes and transportation modes. This is conducted by analyzing a comprehensive mobility survey in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, which provides data on mobility engagement, trip purposes, modal split, travel times and territorial differences. In general, youngsters account for larger daily travel times than older adults, present a higher attachment to public transportation and walk less on a daily basis. These differences are enhanced in rural territories, where while older adults overcome accessibility issues with higher use of the private vehicle, youngsters are more likely to invest larger travel times on transit.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of Gobiomorphus cotidianus,Retropinna retropinna, Gambusia affinis, and Anguilla australis were compared between two shallow lakes in the lower Waikato River basin, to examine the relationship between turbidity and diet. Lake Waahi and the south arm of Lake Whangape had been turbid (20–40 g suspended solids (SS) m?3) and devoid of submerged macrophytes since the late 1970s and early 1980s, respectively. The main basin of Lake Whangape had been generally clearer (5 g SS m?3) with dense beds of submerged macrophytes, but at the time of sampling (1987) water clarity had deteriorated (> c. 10 g SS m3) and submerged macrophytes had declined. The mysid Tenagomysis chiltoni was an important prey for all species of fish from turbid water bodies but was less important in stomachs of fish in the main basin of Lake Whangape. Apparently, mysids were not an important prey in Lake Waahi before it became turbid. Chironomid larvae and pupae dominated the diets of small fish in the main basin of Lake Whangape. Fish and mysids were the most important prey of shortfinned eels in both lakes, with mysids most important in Lake Waahi. High mysid densities in the turbid water bodies provide an alternative food resource apparently compensating for those lost by fish when water clarity declined and submerged macrophytes collapsed.  相似文献   
Summary A drop freezing technique applied in laboratory research to heterogeneous ice nucleation is described. The quality of the obtained experimental data is studied both theoretically and experimentally. Attention is focused on the range of measurable freezing nucleus concentration, the accuracy, the correctness and the reproducibility of the results. Some mechanisms which could influence the correctness of the method are discussed. No mechanism significantly influencing the measurements was found. It is concluded that the present experimental method is an effective method of measuring a freezing nucleus content in a water sample.
ama na uu m¶rt;a n¶rt;u mauu ¶rt; ¶rt; a ¶rt;. ¶rt;m ama mam n nuu m¶rt;a. uau ua a ¶rt;uana uum mauu ¶rt; ¶rt;, a mm, naum u nmumm mam. umum m uu a naum m¶rt;a, m u u ma.
Hypoxia in freshwater systems is currently spreading globally and putting water quality, biodiversity and other ecosystem services at risk. Such adverse effects are of particular concern in permanently stratified meromictic lakes. Yet little is known about when and how meromixis and hypoxia became established (or vanished) prior to anthropogenic impacts, or how human activities such as deforestation, erosion and nutrient cycling affected the mixing regimes of lakes. We used calibrated hyperspectral imaging (HSI) data in the visible and near infrared range from a fresh, varved sediment core taken in Lake Jaczno, NE Poland, to map sedimentary pigments at very high resolution (sub-varve scale) over the past 1700 years. HSI-inferred bacteriopheophytin a (bphe a, produced by anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria) serves as a proxy for meromixis, whereas HSI-inferred green pigments (chlorophyll a and diagenetic products) can be used as estimators of aquatic productivity. Meromixis was established and vanished long before significant human disturbance in the catchment was observed in the late eleventh century AD. Under pre-anthropogenic conditions, however, meromixis was interrupted frequently, and the lake mixing regime flickered between dimixis and meromixis. During two periods with intense deforestation and soil erosion in the catchment, characterised by sedimentary facies rich in clay and charcoal (AD 1070–1255 and AD 1670–1710), the lake was mostly dimictic and better oxygenated than in periods with relative stability and a presumably closed forest around the lake, i.e. without human disturbances. After ca. AD 1960, meromixis became established quasi-permanently as a result of eutrophication. The persistent meromixis of the last ~60 years is unusual with respect to the record of the last 1700 years.  相似文献   
We investigate the Logatchev Hydrothermal Field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14°45′N to constrain the calcium isotope hydrothermal flux into the ocean. During the transformation of seawater to a hydrothermal solution, the Ca concentration of pristine seawater ([Ca]SW) increases from about 10 mM to about 32 mM in the hydrothermal fluid endmember ([Ca]HydEnd) and thereby adopts a δ44/40CaHydEnd of −0.95 ± 0.07‰ relative to seawater (SW) and a 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of 0.7034(4). We demonstrate that δ44/40CaHydEnd is higher than that of the bedrock at the Logatchev field. From mass balance calculations, we deduce a δ44/40Ca of −1.17 ± 0.04‰ (SW) for the host-rocks in the reaction zone and −1.45 ± 0.05‰ (SW) for the isotopic composition of the entire hydrothermal cell of the Logatchev field. The values are isotopically lighter than the currently assumed δ44/40Ca for Bulk Earth of −0.92 ± 0.18‰ (SW) [Skulan J., DePaolo D. J. and Owens T. L. (1997) Biological control of calcium isotopic abundances in the global calcium cycle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta61,(12) 2505-2510] and challenge previous assumptions of no Ca isotope fractionation between hydrothermal fluid and the oceanic crust [Zhu P. and Macdougall J. D. (1998) Calcium isotopes in the marine environment and the oceanic calcium cycle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta62,(10) 1691-1698; Schmitt A. -D., Chabeaux F. and Stille P. (2003) The calcium riverine and hydrothermal isotopic fluxes and the oceanic calcium mass balance. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 6731, 1-16]. Here we propose that Ca isotope fractionation along the fluid flow pathway of the Logatchev field occurs during the precipitation of anhydrite. Two anhydrite samples from the Logatchev Hydrothermal Field show an average fractionation of about Δ44/40Ca = −0.5‰ relative to their assumed parental solutions. Ca isotope ratios in aragonites from carbonate veins from ODP drill cores indicate aragonite precipitation directly from seawater at low temperatures with an average δ44/40Ca of −1.54 ± 0.08‰ (SW). The relatively large fractionation between the aragonite precipitates and seawater in combination with their frequent abundance in weathered mafic and ultramafic rocks suggest a reconsideration of the marine Ca isotope budget, in particular with regard to ocean crust alteration.  相似文献   
Segregation veins are common in lava sheets and result from internal differentiation during lava emplacement and degassing. They consist of evolved liquid, most likely replaced by gas-filter pressing from a ∼50% crystallised host lava. Pairs of samples, host lavas and associated segregation veins from the Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland), Lanzarote (Canary Islands) and the Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) show extreme mineralogical and compositional variations (MgO in host lava, segregation veins and interstitial glass ranges from 8–10 wt%, 3–6 wt%, and to less than 0.01 wt%, respectively). These samples allow the assessment of the internal lava flow differentiation mechanism, since both the parental and derived liquid are known in addition to the last magma drops in the form of late interstitial glasses. The mineralogical variation, mass-balance calculated from major- and trace element composition, and transitional metal partition between crystals and melts are all consistent with fractional crystallisation as the dominant differentiation mechanism. The interstitial glasses are highly silicic (SiO2 = 70–80 wt%) and represent a final product of high-degree (75–97%) fractional crystallisation of olivine tholeiite at a pressure close to one atmosphere. The tholeiitic liquid-line-of-decent and the composition of the residual melts are governed by the K2O/Na2O of the initial basaltic magma. The granitic minimum is reached if the initial liquid has a high K2O/Na2O whereas trondhjemitic composition is the final product of magma with low initial K2O/Na2O. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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