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In this study, we implement Particle Filter (PF)-based assimilation algorithms to improve root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) estimates from a coupled SVAT-vegetation model during a growing season of sweet corn in North Central Florida. The results from four different PF algorithms were compared with those from the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) when near-surface soil moisture was assimilated every 3 days using both synthetic and field observations. In the synthetic case, the PF algorithm with the best performance used residual resampling of the states and obtained resampled parameters from a uniform distribution and provided reductions of 76% in root mean square error (RMSE) over the openloop estimates. The EnKF provided the RZSM and parameter estimates that were closer to the truth than the PF with an 84% reduction in RMSE. When field observations were assimilated, the PF algorithm that maintained maximum parameter diversity offered the largest reduction of 16% in root mean square difference (RMSD) over the openloop estimates. Minimal differences were observed in the overall performance of the EnKF and PF using field observations since errors in model physics affected both the filters in a similar manner, with maximum reductions in RMSD compared to the openloop during the mid and reproductive stages.  相似文献   
Preliminary results of a seasonal study of the pelagic community at a station on the outer edge of the Cornwallis Estuary suggest that the seasonal variation in plankton community respiration (PCR) is related to organic inputs from nearby salt marshes. Annual phytoplankton production is low (<30 g C m−2 y−1) and exhibits a seasonal cycle very different from PCR. There is no indication that resuspension of benthic diatoms is an important energy input to the pelagic system. PCR, however, is quite high and exhibits a seasonal trend similar to the export of salt marsh detritus. Zooplankton densities (5–200 l−1) and biomass (<0.4 g m−3) appear to be much greater than could be supported by phytoplankton alone. The Cornwallis Estuary may be an estuarine system exhibiting a net export of organic matter to nearby offshore waters.  相似文献   
Large, coarse-grained fragments of granite, containing plagioclase, a silica polymorph, potash feldspar, and exsolved pyroxene, with minor ilmenite, a phosphate, Fe-metal, and troilite, occur in sample 15405. A similar coarse-grained clast type (KREEP-rich quartz-monzodiorite) has a similar mineralogy but contains more ilmenite, large phosphates, less silica, and lacks troilite. One unusual KREEPy olivine vitrophyre fragment is also present. All the other fragments in 15405 are of Apollo 15-type KREEP basalt; ANT-suite and breccia fragments are conspicuously absent. The groundmass of 15405, of a KREEP basalt composition, is vesicular with a variolitic texture and is interpreted as an impact melt. Except for the olivine vitrophyre, the fragments are believed to be the remnants of a shallow-level KREEP basalt-granite differentiated pluton, in which granite was produced as the residual liquid without involvement of immiscibility effects.The large amount of melt required to produce the pluton, and the retention of the pluton's integrity from crystallization until the formation of the source boulder of 15405 suggest that KREEP basalt magma is not ancient (~4.3 b.y.), but was produced by the partial melting of the interior of the moon at around 3.90–3.95 b.y.; this conclusion is supported by the presence of KREEP basalt in soil breccia 15205, to the exclusion of other highland rock types. If this interpretation is correct, the source of Apollo 15-type KREEP basalt had a Rb/Sr ratio higher than anorthositic norite, commonly proposed as the source rock.  相似文献   
The hydrogen isotope fractionation factors between epidote and aqueous 1 M and 4 M NaCl, 1 M CaCl2 solutions, and between epidote and seawater, have been measured over the temperature range 250–550°C over which the degree of dissociation of dissolved species varies significantly. Measured fractionations at 350°C are decreased by up to 12‰, 9‰ and 7‰ relative to pure water in seawater, 1 M CaCl2 and 1 M NaCl respectively, while above 500°C fractionations are not measurably dependent on fluid composition. Water—solution fractionation factors are derived which are generally applicable to the correction of mineral—water hydrogen isotope fractionations for the composition of the fluid phase.The hydrogen isotope compositions of natural epidotes are interpreted in the light of experimental fractionation data for situations where temperature, δD (fluid), and, in some cases, fluid chemistry, are independently known. Epidotes from active geothermal systems have hydrogen isotope quench temperatures consistent with or close to measured well temperatures unless the measured temperature has declined substantially since epidote formation or there is uncertainty in the D/H ratio of the water associated with the epidote because of isotopic heterogeneity in the well waters. Hydrothermal and metamorphic epidotes show closure temperatures of 175–225°C and 200–250°C. There is no evidence that retrograde metamorphic fluids, if present, are isotopically different from prograde fluids.The water-solution fractionations indicate strong solute-solvent interactions between 250 and 450°C and imply that both dissociated and associated species contribute to the fractionation effects through modification of the orientations and structure of the water molecules. Solute-solvent interactions become negligible at temperatures around 550°C.  相似文献   
We present new elasticity measurements on single-crystal fayalite and combine our results with other data from resonance, pulse superposition interferometry, and Brillouin scattering to provide a set of recommended values for the adiabatic elastic moduliC ij and their temperature variations. We use a resonance method (RPR) with specimens that were previously investigated by pulse superposition experiments. The nineC ij of fayalite are determined from three new sets of measurements. One set of our newC ij data is over the range 300–500 K. We believe that the relatively large discrep ncies found in someC ij are due in large part to specimen inhomogeneities (chemical and microstructural) coupled with differences in the way various techniques sample, rather than only systematic errors associated with experimental procedures or in the preparations of the specimens.Our recommendeaC ij's (GPa) and (C ij/T) p (GPa/K) are: The resulting values for the isotropic bulk and shear moduli,K s and , and their temperature derivatives are:K s=134(4) GPa; =50.7(0.3) GPa; (K s/T) p =–0.024(0.005) GPa/K; and (/T) p =–0.013(0.001) GPa/K. An important conclusion is thatK s increases as the Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio in olivine is increased.  相似文献   
We report new helium isotope results for 49 basalt glass samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 1°N and 47°S.3He/4He in South Atlantic mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) varies between 6.5 and 9.0 RA (RA is the atmospheric ratio of1.39 × 10−6), encompassing the range of previously reported values for MORB erupted away from high3He/4He hotspots such as Iceland. He, Sr and Pb isotopes show systematic relationships along the ridge axis. The ridge axis is segmented with respect to geochemical variations, and local spike-like anomalies in3He/4He, Pb and Sr isotopes, and trace element ratios such as(La/Sm)N are prevalent at the latitudes of the islands of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough to the east of the ridge. The isotope systematics are consistent with injection beneath the ridge of mantle “blobs” enriched in radiogenic He, Pb and Sr, derived from off-axis hotspot sources. The variability in3He/4He along the ridge can be used to refine the hotspot source-migrating-ridge sink model.

MORB from the 2–7°S segment are systematically the least radiogenic samples found along the mid-ocean ridge system to date. Here the depleted mantle source is characterized by87Sr/86Sr of 0.7022, Pb isotopes close to the geochron and with206Pb/204Pb of 17.7, and3He/4He of 8.6–8.9 RA. The “background contamination” of the subridge mantle, by radiogenic helium derived from off-ridge hotspots, displays a maximum between 20 and 24°S. The HePb and HeSr isotope relations along the ridge indicate that the3He/4He ratios are lower for the hotspot sources of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough than for the MORB source, consistent with direct measurements of3He/4He ratios in the island lavas. Details of the HeSrPb isotope systematics between 12 and 22°S are consistent with early, widespread dispersion of the St. Helena plume into the asthenosphere, probably during flattening of the plume head beneath the thick lithosphere prior to continental breakup. The geographical variation in theHe/Pbratio deduced from the isotope systematics suggests only minor degassing of the plume during this stage. Subsequently, it appears that the plume component reaching the mid-Atlantic ridge was partially outgassed of He during off-ridge hotspot volcanism and related melting activity.

Overall, the similar behavior of He and Pb isotopes along the ridge indicates that the respective mantle sources have evolved under conditions which produced related He and Pb isotope variations.  相似文献   

A wide range of rock magnetic properties have been determined from two collections of mid-Cretaceous basalts; one from Israel, the other from the Rajmahal traps in northeast India. Deuteric oxidation is rare in both collections, with titanium-rich titanomagnetite being the principal remanence carrier in most cases. There are a number of differences in rock magnetic properties between the two groups. Some of these seem to be primary, whereas others appear to be caused by hydrothermal alteration and weathering, which are more prevalent in the Indian rocks. These rocks are being used in palaeointensity experiments, from which it is hoped to determine the strength of the Earth's magnetic field during the long period of normal polarity in the mid-Cretaceous. Thellier palaeointensity experiments have been performed on two samples from each site. The degree of agreement between the two results is highly variable. The low blocking temperatures and the presence of secondary viscous components in many samples make Thellier palaeointensity experiments very difficult. A further problem is that of thermal alteration, two main types of which are observed. The first manifests itself as a large and sudden increase in partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) capacity, and the second as a steady decrease in the size of pTRM with increasing temperature.  相似文献   
The influence of diet on comparative metal accumulation was investigated using a predatory muricid gastropod Thais clavigera. Individuals were fed for up to 56 days on either barnacles, i.e., Tetraclita squamosa, or mussels, i.e., Perna viridis, collected from metal-contaminated and clean sites. Barnacles and mussels have contrasting metal handling strategies and, therefore, different body concentrations, intracellular distributions and detoxification systems. Field collection of prey items that accumulated body metal concentrations over a lifetime of exposure allowed bioavailability to the predator, T. clavigera, to be assessed naturally, which may not be the case for prey exposed to metals for a short time in the laboratory. T. clavigera that was fed cadmium- and copper-contaminated barnacles or mussels ingested significantly greater amounts compared to those fed conspecifics collected from clean locations. T. clavigera body cadmium and copper concentrations were not, however, significantly different between individuals fed either contaminated or clean prey. Amount of zinc ingested was similar in mussels collected from clean and contaminated environments but much less when compared to the barnacle prey. The body concentrations of zinc in T. clavigera fed mussels collected from both sites fell. In contrast, the amount of zinc ingested from barnacle prey was significantly greater from those collected from the metal-contaminated site as compared to the clean one. This was reflected as significantly greater body zinc concentrations in T. clavigera fed contaminated barnacles compared to those fed clean individuals. Copper and zinc accumulation from prey was, therefore, complex. It varied between metal and between prey type, but appeared to be related to the amount ingested and the metal handling strategy of the prey.  相似文献   
Kijko  A.  Retief  S. J. P.  Graham  G. 《Natural Hazards》2002,26(2):175-201
In this part of our study the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for Tulbagh was performed. The applied procedure is parametric and consists essentially of two steps. The first step is applicable to the area in the vicinity of Tulbagh and requires an estimation of the area-specific parameters, which, in this case, is the mean seismic activity rate, , the Gutenberg-Richter parameter, b, and the maximum regional magnitude, mmax. The second step is applicable to the Tulbagh site, and consists of parameters of distribution of amplitude of the selected ground motion parameter. The current application of the procedure provides an assessment of the PSHA in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration (SA). The procedure permits the combination of both historical and instrumental data. The historical part of the catalogue only contains the strongest events, whereas the complete part can be divided into several subcatalogues, each assumed complete above a specified threshold of magnitude. In the analysis, the uncertainty in the determination of the earthquake was taken into account by incorporation of the concept of `apparent magnitude'. The PSHA technique has been developed specifically for the estimation of seismic hazard at individual sites without the subjective judgement involved in the definition of seismic source zones, when the specific active faults have not been mapped or identified, and where the causes of seismicity are not well understood. The results of the hazard assessment are expressed as probabilities that specified values of PGA will be exceeded during the chosen time intervals, and similarly for the spectral accelerations. A worst case scenario sketches the possibility of a maximum PGA of 0.30g. The results of the hazard assessment can be used as input to a seismic risk assessment.  相似文献   
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