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It has been advocated that convective and crystal settling processes play significant, and perhaps crucial, roles in magmatic differentiation. The fluid dynamics of magma chambers have been extensively studied in recent years, both theoretically and experimentally, but there is disagreement over the nature and scale of the convection, over its bearing on fractionation and possibly over whether it occurs at all. The differential distribution of modal olivine with height in differentiated alkaline basic sills provides critical evidence to resolve this controversy, at least for small to medium-large magma chambers. Our own and others' published data for such sills show that, irrespective of overall olivine content, modal olivine contents tend to increase in a roughly symmetrical manner inwards from the upper and lower margins of the sill, i.e. the distribution patterns are more often approximately D-shaped rather than the classic S-shape generally ascribed to gravity settling. We concur with the majority of other authors that this is an original feature of the filling process which has survived more or less unchanged since emplacement. We therefore conclude that the magmas have not undergone turbulent convection and that gravity settling has usually played only a minor modifying role since the intrusion of these sills. We offer a possible explanation for the apparent contradiction between fluid dynamical theory and the petrological evidence by suggesting that such sills rarely fill by the rapid injection of a single pulse of magma. Rather, they form from a series of pulses or a continuous pulsed influx over a protracted interval during which marginal cooling severely limits the potential for thermal convection.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Schwankungen der Jahresringbreiten von Jahr zu Jahr sind nicht nur bei verschiedenen Holzarten verschieden (bei Buche grö\er als bei Eiche, bei Lärche grö\er als bei Zirbelkiefer), sie zeigen auch bei derselben Holzart säkulare Schwankungen, mit einem Minimum in der Bronzezeit und im hohen Mittelalter (12.–13. Jahrhundert) sowie einem Maximum in der Jungsteinzeit und im 17. Jahrhundert (der kleinen Eiszeit). Eine geographische Eichung ergibt, da\ die Schwankungen in Mitteleuropa von Westen nach Osten zunehmen, da\ also stärkere Schwankungen als Zeichen eines irgendwie kontinentaleren Klimas gelten können.Auch die Periodenlänge von Jahresringbreiten-Kurven, d. h. die Zahl der Jahre, in welchen die Breite ohne Unterbrechung steigt oder fällt, weicht gesetzmä\ig von reiner Zufallsverteilung ab. Auch diese Kennzahl scheint klimabedingt säkularen Schwankungen zu unterliegen, deren statistische Sicherung noch geprüft wird.
Summary The average annual fluctuation of ring width shows secular differences with minimum in the bronce age and the high middle ages, and a maximum in neolithic times and the so called little ice time of the 17th century. This seems to be a sign of continental climate in the times of higher annual fluctuation.The same may hold truth for the average number of years the ring width increases or decreases (length of periods), a more frequent reversal of increasing to decreasing and vice versa being a sign of continental climate.
Zusammenfassung Während man schon seit einiger Zeit Satelliten-Luftbilder für Festlandsbereiche interpretierte, nahm man allgemein an, daß die Meere auf diesen Bildern von einem einheitlichen und undifferenzierten Schwarz wiedergegeben würden. Es stellte sich aber heraus, daß auf manchen Bildern im Bereich der Meere deutlich verschiedene Grautönungen zu erkennen sind, die die Vermutung aufkommen lassen, es könne hier ein primärer oder zumindest sekundärer Zusammenhang mit submarinen Strukturen bestehen und es müßten sich somit Satelliten-Luftbilder auch meeresmorphologisch auswerten lassen.Zur Prüfung dieser Möglichkeit wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit aus einer Fülle von Aufnahmen 27 Satelliten-Luftbilder mit entsprechenden Seekarten und anderen Unterlagen verglichen. Es zeigten sich an einigen Stellen verblüffende Übereinstimmungen von gewissen Grautönungen mit bekannten submarinen Formen, während an vielen anderen Stellen zunächst nur unsichere Aussagen möglich sind. Vor allem läßt sich derzeit noch nicht entscheiden, ob und wieweit primäre oder sekundäre Zusammenhänge bestehen.Die zur Beurteilung der Satellitenbilder notwendigen technischen Angaben bezüglich des Aufnahme- und Übertragungsverfahrens werden kurz resumiert, ausführlicher wird darüber an anderen Stellen (vgl. Schrifttum) berichtet.Eine kritische Diskussion des Problems der Eindringtiefe von Licht in Wasser führte zu der Annahme, daß im Bereich des Sonnenreflexes größere Tiefen als bislang vermutet ausgeleuchtet werden und sich aus der Zusammenschau aus großer Höhe veränderte optische Bedingungen ergeben können, als wir sie gewohnt sind.Insgesamt sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, daß die Aussagefähigkeit der Methode noch an technischen Mängeln und dergleichen leidet, im Prinzip aber doch neue Beiträge zur Ozeanographie erwarten läßt.
Essay of an ocean-morphological interpretation of Satellite-air-Pictures
Summary While for some time, Satellite-air-Pictures have already been interpreted for evaluation in the continental sphere, it was generally assumed that the oceans in such pictures were shown in an uniform and undifferentiated black colour. However, it was concluded that on some of these photos, showing the oceans, greyish shades were clearly visible which fact led to the assumption that one is confronted here primarily or, at least, secondarily by a coherence with submarine structures and, therefore, Satellite-air-Photos could perhaps also be construed in an ocean-morphological way.In order to test such a possibility, 27 Satellite-air-Photos out of a lot of pictures have been compared with the respective sea-charts and other data. In some instances, amazing conformities of certain greyish hues with the known substratal forms got visible, while in many other spots, so far, only vague statements can be made. First of all, at this point, it cannot as yet be decided whether and how far a primary or secondary context exists.The necessary technical data for the evaluation of such Satellite-air-Photos, with reference to the receiving and transmitting procedures, will be summarized in short, yet reports in greater detail can be found in the comparable literature.A critical discussion of the problems of depth of light-penetration into the water led us to the assumption that in the sphere of sunreflexes greater depths than so far presumed can be reached and, by the synoptical view from enormous heights, completely changed optical conditions may result, than we are so far used until now.Altogether, the results prove that the capacity of this method is still suffering from technical shortcomings, principally however, new contributions to oceanography can be expected.

Essai d'une exploitation des images par satellites pour la morphologie marine
Résumé Tandis que depuis quelque temps déjà on interprétait des images par satellites de zones continentales, il était admis en général que les mers, sur ces images, seraient rendues par un «noir» uniforme sans nuances. Mais en fait, sur plus d'une image, on peut reconnaître distinctement dans les zones maritimes diverses tonalités de gris qui donnent à penser qu'il pourrait y avoir là une relation de premier ou tout au moins de second ordre avec des structures sous-marines. Dans ces conditions des images par satellites devraient offrir un intérêt pour la morphologie marine.Afin de vérifier cette possibilité, dans la présente étude, on a comparé 27 images par satellites, tirées d'un grand nombre de prises de vues, avec les cartes marines correspondantes et d'autres documents. En quelques points apparuent des concordances surprenantes entre certains tons de gris et des formes sous-marines connues, tandis qu'en beaucoup d'autres endroits on ne peut encore rien préciser pour le moment. Avant tout, en l'état actuel des choses, on ne peut encore affirmer qu'il existe — et dans quelle mesure — des concordances d'ordre primaire ou secondaire.Les données techniques nécessaires pour l'appréciation des images par satellites en ce qui concerne les procédés de prises de vue et de transmission, sont résumées succinctement; elles sont traitées de façon plus détaillée ailleurs (voir bibliographie).Une discussion critique du problème de la profondeur de pénétration de la lumière dans l'eau, permet de supposer que dans la zone où pénètre la lumière solaire, des profondeurs plus grandes que celles admises jusqu'alors sont éclairées et aussi que de la «vue d'ensemble», de haute altitude, peuvent résulter des conditions optiques qui diffèrent de celles auxquelles nous sommes accoutumés.Dans l'ensemble les résultats montrent que les informations à attendre de la méthode, souffrent encore d'un insuffisance de moyens techniques et autres mais laisse entrevoir, en principe, de nouvelles contributions à l'océanographie.
We present results of measurements of cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl, and the indigenous (intrinsic) concentrations of the stable elements Be, Al and Cl in 120-200 kyr old corals from Barbados and Puerto Rico. The concentration levels of these radionuclides in the corals lie in the range 104 to 108 atoms/g. A comparison of the measured nuclide concentrations with those expected to be produced in the corals by nuclear interactions of energetic cosmic radiation shows that (i) the radionuclides 26Al and 36Cl are derived from in situ cosmic ray interactions in the corals after their formation, but that (ii) the radionuclide 10Be owes its provenance in the coralline lattice primarily due to incorporation of dissolved beryllium in seawater in the lattice structure of the corals.  相似文献   
The results of ten tensor magnetotelluric soundings recorded within the Charlevoix crater are presented. The geological complexity of the region (the crater is located at the junction of two major geological provinces, i.e. the crystalline basement of the Canadian shield and the more conductive sediments of the Appalachian system) and the amount of cultural noise present in our data prevent a highly definitive interpretation of the shallow structure. A subhorizontal conductive fault related to Rondot's (1971) structural sketch of the original impact structure may exist within the upper 5 km, but it is not completely constrained by the data. Pseudo 3D modelling using stacked thin sheets indicates that superficial patches of high conductivity may explain the large anisotropy observed at the long periods and suggests that our deeper structures fit well with the 2D model previously proposed by Kurtz (1982) for the region.  相似文献   
A general model for Mt. Ruapehu lahars   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A mathematical model of the motion of lahars is presented. Lahar flows and travel speeds are calculated using a kinematic wave model which equates gravitational accelerations to frictional losses. A chezyor Manning-type law of friction is assumed, in which lahar flow rate is a simple power function of lahar depth, multiplied by another simple power of the chanel slope. Use of the model requires knowledge of essentially only one parameter which appears to be relatively insensitive for flows down a given channel. Variable channel slope effects are removed by a longitudinal scaling which applies to all flows down a given channel. For lahars generated by a single explosive event it is unnecessary to perform numerical calculations to predict lahar flow and travel time, but for lahnars produced by multiple sources in which different lahar flows are interacting, numerical calculations appear necessary. The model is applied to all recorded lahar flows from Mt. Ruapehu, and satisfactorily described all lahar flows generated by a single explosive mechanism. Such flows depend essentially only on total lahar volume. The 1968 Mt. Ruapehu lahar, generated by a series of smaller eruptive mechanisms, was modelled as the interaction of seven point sources of fluid originating from positions mathematically extrapolated up the mountain. Good agreement was obtained between the predicted times of formation of these 1968 lahars, and the times of greatest seismic amplitude.  相似文献   
Twenty-four bacteria capable of utilizing naphthalene, as their sole source of carbon and energy for growth were isolated from three different sites in Nsukka, Nigeria. By standard bacteriological methods, these bacteria were characterized taxonomically as belonging to the genus Pseudomonas, Burkholderia or Actinomycetes. Two of the isolates, which showed the highest growth during screening as demonstrated by an increase in their optical densities (OD600) and identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia respectively, were also able to grow in anthracene and carbazole, but not very much so in 2,4-dichlorophenol and D-camphor. The isolates showed a concentration-dependent growth in all the compounds they grew in. There were visible changes in the colour of the growth medium of the isolates during their incubation, suggesting the production of different metabolites. There were also changes in their medium pH during growth. These studies demonstrate the possession by the bacterial species of novel degradative systems.  相似文献   
Mapping and measuring the ecological embeddedness of food supply chains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marianne Penker 《Geoforum》2006,37(3):368-379
The status of nature in food systems is the subject of this paper, which looks into the ecological embeddedness of the Austrian food system both on the national level and in a regional case study. By a first attempt to measure and map ecological embeddedness, the author intends to contribute to the operationalisation of the embeddedness concept, which is characterised as ambivalent, fuzzy and dynamic (see e.g., [Goodman, D., 2003. The quality ‘turn’ and alternative food practices: reflections and agenda. Editorial. Journal of Rural Studies 19 (1), 1-7; Markusen, A., 1999. Fuzzy concepts, scanty evidence, policy distance: the case for rigour and policy relevance in critical regional studies. Regional Studies 33, 869-884; Hess, M., 2004. ‘Spatial’ relationships? Towards a reconceptualization of embeddedness. Progress in Human Geography 28 (2), 165-186]). The paper starts with a critical outline of the academic discourse on embeddedness in food chain studies. In the second section, general developments in the Austrian food system and their ecological implications are illustrated for the national level. Thereafter in a case study, the author tries to map and measure the ecological embeddedness of two conventional bread chains. The focus on conventional food chains provides a contrast with the growing body of embeddedness studies concentrating on alternative food chains. The author concludes that for both conventional as well as alternative food chains, the mode of ecological embeddedness or the degree of a food chain’s commitment to particular landscapes could become important factors for the maintenance, enhancement and capture of ecological value.  相似文献   
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