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Zusammenfassung Im Zusammenhang mit der Verbesserung der Stickstoffmethode nach Kjeldahl durchSchmid [18] wurde die übereinstimmung des partikul?r gebundenen Stickstoffs (p.N) mit der aus Individuenzahl und Zellvolumen berechneten Biomasse (B) des Phytoplanktons überprüft. Ausser p. N undB wurde zum Teil auch die Trockensubstanz bzw. die aschenfreie Trockensubstanz gleichsam als Kontroll-und Bezugsgr?sse bestimmt. Untersucht wurde das Phytoplankton aus Netzproben und Sch?pfproben des Vierwaldst?ttersees im Ablauf eines Jahres; ferner das Kulturmaterial der PlanktonalgenOscillatoria rubescens undSynedra acus. Sowohl Netzproben als Algen aus Kulturen zeigen eine klare Beziehung 1. zwischen aschenfreier Trockensubstanz und partikul?rem Stickstoff, 2. zwischen aschenfreier Trockensubstanz und Biomasse und 3. zwischen Biomasse und partikul?rem Stickstoff. Die Verh?ltniszahlen der verglichenen Komponenten variieren je nach Algenart und Zusammensetzung des Planktons. Der prozentuale p.N-Gehalt (bezogen auf die aschenfreie Trockensubstanz) derOscillatoria rubescens betr?gt rund 10%, derjenige der Kieselalgen rund 7%. Das Verh?ltnis vonB zu p.N der Sch?pfproben hingegen variierte von Probeserie zu Probeserie. Innerhalb der einzelnen Probeserien jedoch ist das Verh?ltnis vonB zu p.N relativ konstant. Es werden Gründe diskutiert, die diese Unterschiede bedingen. Um das mühsame Ausz?hlen der Planktonorganismen und die Berechnung der Biomasse bei Seeuntersuchungen, speziell bei routinem?ssigen überwachungsprogrammen, teilweise zu umgehen, wird eine Untersuchungsweise vorgeschlagen, die es erm?glicht, die organisch geformte Substanz und zugleich die Zusammensetzung des Planktons mit verh?ltnism?ssig geringem Arbeitsaufwand zu erfassen.
Summary In connection with the improvement of the nitrogen method bySchmid (18), the agreement of particulate nitrogen with the biomass (determined by the individuals counted and the cell volume calculated) of the phytoplankton was tested. For control and reference the dry weight and the ashfree dry weight or organic dry weight respectively were determined. Three types of material were investigated: Phytoplankton from net samples and samples of unfiltered lakewater which were taken monthly during a year from the Lake of Lucerne and algal material from cultures of the two common plankton algaeOscillatoria rubescens andSynedra acus. Within the net fractions and culture samples a good agreement is observed 1) between ash-free dry weight and particulate nitrogen, 2) between ash-free dry weight and biomass, 3) between biomass and particulate nitrogen. The proportional figures of the compared components vary depending on the alga species and the composition of the plankton. The content of particulate nitrogen (per ash-free dry weight) amounted to about 10% forOscillatoria rubescens and about 7% for diatoms. The ratio of biomass to particulate nitrogen of the samples of unfiltered lakewater may alter from one sample series to another. Within the single sample series however, the relationship of the biomass to the particulate nitrogen is generally constant. Reasons for these differences are discussed. On the basis of the investigations and the results obtained therefrom, a combined method applying the determination of the particulate nitrogenand the biomass is suggested. This method allows to reduce the time consuming calculation of the biomass in lake investigations, more particularly in routine survey programs. On the other hand it enables to determineboth the organic substance formed at the momentand the composition of the plankton in relatively short time.
Identifying the driving mechanisms of soft‐sediment deformation in the geological record is the subject of debate. Thawing of ice‐rich clayey silt above permafrost was proved experimentally to be among the processes capable of triggering deformation. However, previous work has failed so far to reproduce similar structures in sand. This study investigates fluidization and intrusive ice formation from soil models in the laboratory. Experimental conditions reproduce the growth of ice‐cored mounds caused by pore water pressure increase during freeze‐back of sand in a permafrost context. Excess pore water pressure causes hydraulic fracturing and the development of water lenses beneath the freezing front. Later freezing of the water lenses generates intrusive ice. The main structures consist of sand dykes and sills formed when the increase in pore water pressure exceeds a critical threshold, and soft‐sediment deformations induced by subsidence during ice melt. The combination of processes has resulted in diapir‐like structures. The experimental structures are similar to those described in Pleistocene sites from France. These processes constitute a credible alternative to the seismic hypothesis evoked to explain soft‐sediment deformation structures in other European regions subjected to Pleistocene cold climates.  相似文献   

Springs located at the historical sites of Wadi Araba (Eastern Desert of Egypt) and emerging from the escarpments of the Northern and Southern Galala Plateaus were investigated. A combination of methods, including hydrochemistry, stable and radioisotope composition, and structural analyses based on satellite data, provided information about the structure of the subsurface and the derived groundwater flow paths. Satellite images reveal karst features within the northern plateau, e.g. conical landforms. Karstic caves were documented along both escarpments. Chemical analysis of floodwater from Wadi Araba indicates higher concentrations of terrestrial salts compared to floodwaters from central and southern parts of the desert. δ18O and δ2H signatures in spring waters resemble those of floodwater and fall on the global meteoric water line, confirming their fast infiltration with minor influence of evaporation. The aquifer feeding the springs of the Northern Galala Plateau has low retention and the springs dry out quickly, even after heavy rainfall. Contrastingly, 3H activities in springs emerging from the Southern Galala Plateau refer to much slower subsurface passage. With respect to 3H content (3.8 TU) in recent flood waters, the spring water at Southern Galala Plateau contains about 40% recently recharged groundwater. However, its largest spring—the St. Antony spring—discharges water with a radiocarbon age of about 15,000 years. In combination with this spring’s constant and high discharge over a period of several months, that age estimate suggests a large reservoir with moderate to high retention.

The new European Council Directive (PE-CONS 3696/07) frames the inhalable (PM10) and fine particles (PM2.5) on priority to chemically characterize these fractions in order to understand their possible relation with health effects. Considering this, PM2.5 was collected during four different seasons to evaluate the relative abundance of bulk elements (Cl, S, Si, Al, Br, Cu, Fe, Ti, Ca, K, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Cr and V) and water soluble ions (F, Cl, NO2 , NO3 , SO4 2−, Na+, NH4 +, Ca2+ and Mg2+) over Menen, a Belgian city near the French border. The air quality over Menen is influenced by industrialized regions on both sides of the border. The most abundant ionic species were NO3 , SO4 2− and NH4 +, and they showed distinct seasonal variation. The elevated levels of NO3 during spring and summer were found to be related to the larger availability of the NOx precursor. The various elemental species analyzed were distinguished into crustal and anthropogenic source categories. The dominating elements were S and Cl in the PM2.5 particles. The anthropogenic fraction (e.g. Zn, Pb, and Cu) shows a more scattered abundance. Furthermore, the ions and elemental data were also processed using principal component analysis and cluster analysis to identify their sources and chemistry. These approach identifies anthropogenic (traffic and industrial) emissions as a major source for fine particles. The variations in the natural/anthropogenic fractions of PM2.5 were also found to be a function of meteorological conditions as well as of long-range transport of air masses from the industrialized regions of the continent. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Transformation of vermiculite to hydroxy-interlayered vermiculites (HIV) significantly modifies the physicochemical properties of the original mineral. HIV is a common phase in acid soils, nevertheless its formation remains poorly understood. The main goal of this paper was to clarify the kinetics and process of interlayer aluminization of pure vermiculite using an experimental design. For this purpose, we monitored the dissolution of Na-saturated vermiculite in dilute HCL at pH 2.7, at 50 °C for 672 h in stirred flow-through reactors. Both reacted samples at different dissolution steps, and the leaching of elements, were investigated. The main result was a rapid change to hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite, with a decrease in CEC and a progressive displacement of d(0 0 1) reflection near 1.4 nm after K saturation, resulting from formation of hydroxy-interlayer material. Vermiculite was found to dissolve non-stoichiometrically for 500 h; after that, the release rate for Si, Mg and Al became stoichiometric with respect to vermiculite chemistry. By contrast, Fe sustained non-stoichiometric release throughout the whole experiment. At the steady state, i.e., after 500 h, a dissolution rate of 8.8 ± 0.1 × 10−11 mol vermiculite m−2 s−1 was found with respect to Si. Both Al and Fe precipitated in the interlayer space, and their amounts calculated at the end of the experiment were 3.74 × 10−4 mol g−1 of vermiculite for Al and 8.74 × 10−5 for Fe. The rate of interlayer aluminization increased for 60 h and then regularly decreased. Al-interlayering stopped after 288 h, but Fe still precipitated in the interlayer space.A comparison with the same mineral incubated for three years in acid soils revealed that the reaction was proton-promoted. The same pattern of CEC decrease and interlayer aluminization was observed, but the kinetics were slower due to soil environmental conditions.  相似文献   
We use temperature profiles from 7 deep (≈ 2000 m) boreholes located in southern Canada to infer ground surface temperature histories (GSTH) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. Visual inspection of the heat flow and of the reduced temperature depth profiles reveals significant regional differences with some sites showing conspicuous signs of post glacial warming, and other indicating only very small changes in ground surface temperature. These differences are confirmed by the inversions of the temperature profiles. The most prominent variations in GST are found at the Sudbury, Ontario, sites where the present ground surface temperature is high. With the exception of Sept-Iles, Quebec, the other sites only show moderate or no variation in GST. For all the sites, except possibly Sept-Iles, temperatures at the base of the ice sheet during the LGM were at or slightly below the melting point of ice. Temperatures might have been lower, a few degrees below 0 °C, at Sept-Iles. These results are consistent with field observations and model predictions suggesting high velocity basal flows in the ice sheet above the studied regions. These new data on basal temperatures will provide better quantitative constraints on glacier flow dynamics. The inversions give a chronology for the retreat of the ice sheet comparable to other proxies. Inversion and direct modeling show that, following the ice retreat, there was a warm period between 2 and 5 ka with temperatures 1–2 K higher than present. The inversion yields a time for this episode 1–2 kyr more recent than that inferred by other proxies for the Holocene climate optimum (HCO).  相似文献   
The point of departure for this article is the contemporary tendency towards localisation of politics in the context of neo-liberal globalisation. Mediated through institutional reforms, political discourses and localised struggles, this localisation of politics produce new and transformed local political spaces. The purpose of the article is to examine the capacity of popular movements to use and transform such political spaces within the South African housing sector. This analysis is done through a combination of conceptual examination of political space and actor capacity and a concrete case study of the political strategies and capacities of The South African Homeless People’s Federation. The article argues that the Federation has utilised political relations at different scales to mobilise resources such as land and subsidies for housing for its members. It has also influenced the formulation of housing policies through its discourses and practical experiences with people-driven housing processes. In consequence the Federation’s ability to function as a civil/political movement has granted them a certain capacity to participate in the complicated process of turning de jure rights to adequate shelter into de facto rights for the urban poor as citizens of a democratic South Africa.  相似文献   
We performed high strain (up to 47 %) axial compression experiments on natural quartz single crystals with added rutile powder (TiO2) and ~0.2 wt% H2O to investigate the effects of deformation on the titanium-in-quartz (TitaniQ) geothermobarometer. One of the objectives was to study the relationships between different deformation mechanisms and incorporation of Ti into recrystallized quartz grains. Experiments were performed in a Griggs-type solid-medium deformation apparatus at confining pressures of 1.0–1.5 GPa and temperatures of 800–1,000 °C, at constant strain rates of 1 × 10?6 or 1 × 10?7 s?1. Mobility of Ti in the fluid phase and saturation of rutile at grain boundaries during the deformation experiments are indicated by precipitation of secondary rutile in cracks and along the grain boundaries of newly recrystallized quartz grains. Microstructural analysis by light and scanning electron microscopy (the latter including electron backscatter diffraction mapping of grain misorientations) shows that the strongly deformed quartz single crystals contain a wide variety of deformation microstructures and shows evidence for subgrain rotation (SGR) and grain boundary migration recrystallization (GBMR). In addition, substantial grain growth occurred in annealing experiments after deformation. The GBMR and grain growth are evidence of moving grain boundaries, a microstructure favored by high temperatures. Electron microprobe analysis shows no significant increase in Ti content in recrystallized quartz grains formed by SGR or by GBMR, nor in grains grown by annealing. This result indicates that neither SGR nor moving grain boundaries during GBMR and grain growth are adequate processes to facilitate re-equilibration of the Ti content in experimentally deformed quartz crystals at the investigated conditions. More generally, our results suggest that exchange of Ti in quartz at low H2O contents (which may be realistic for natural deformation conditions) is still not fully understood. Thus, the application of the TitaniQ geothermobarometer to deformed metamorphic rocks at low fluid contents may not be as straightforward as previously thought and requires further research.  相似文献   
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