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Five exposed microtidal sandy beaches of North-eastern Buenos Aires (Argentina) were analysed to evaluate the influence of coastal dynamics on the abundance of the intertidal clams Donax hanleyanus and Mesodesma mactroides over a 1-year period. The physical characterisation of each beach was performed using 15 environmental variables and six morphodynamic indices. The population densities of both clam species were estimated by the number of individuals per strip-transect. Analysis of similarities revealed a significant multivariate environmental difference among beaches, which could be aggregated into a northern and a southern group. The former group was characterised by an intermediate morphodynamic state and by having, in general, high density values for both clam species. The latter was composed of beaches with an intermediate reflective state and showed, in general, low density values. Beach Index and Area showed the lowest temporal variation. Total density values, as well as density values of recruits and adults of D. hanleyanus and M. mactroides did not follow a north–south latitudinal gradient. Spatial and temporal fluctuations of density values were best explained by changes in individual physical variables rather than by changes in composite indices.  相似文献   
Parasite life cycles are frequently completed in different hosts, thus the parasites have its life cycle overlapped to natural trophic webs. The family Gymnophallidae (Class: Trematoda; Subclass: Digenea) includes digenetic parasites whose larval stages occur on bivalves and may affect bivalve predation by the final host of these parasites. In this work we evaluated: (a) if individuals of the razor clam Tagelus plebeius with higher parasite intensity suffer higher predation by the oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus and, (b) if there is any effect of parasite intensity on burrowing and escape behaviours of these razor clams which may enhance exposure to predators. Field experiments (oystercatcher exclusion vs. open access) showed that clams with higher parasite intensity support higher predation by oystercatchers, which suggests a higher consumption of more parasitized clams and thus, a more successful reproduction of parasites linked to the intensity of infection. However, clam burrowing and escape behaviours did not show differences related to different parasite intensity, suggesting that the commonly believed mechanisms are not responsible in this case.  相似文献   
The Ring of Cenotes (RC) is an alignment of numerous cenotes (sinkholes) in a semicircular form (with a radius of 100 km) located in northwestern Yucatán, México. The formation roughly coincides with a concentric ring that corresponds to a buried structure, which has been identified as the product of a meteor impact, known as the Chicxulub crater. Secondary permeability generated by the fracturing and faulting of the sedimentary sequence in the Chicxulub crater has favored the karstification process and therefore the development of underground rivers that transport water from the mainland to the sea. This study implements the network theory to study the hydrological connectivity between a group of 11 cenotes within the RC. Eight electrical resistivity tomography transects were used as an empirical basis. Each transect was acquired directly in the field using the SuperSting R1/IP equipment with a dipole‐dipole configuration. An adapted version of the reliability algorithm for communication networks was used as a theoretical model. We found evidence of the existence of water cavities in the study area. We made a network from the data and assigned connection probabilities among cenotes as a function of the separation length and the number of water cavities, as well as their size.  相似文献   
There is scatter information of the inorganic carbon system in the coastal zones and it is important to increment our knowledge and understand the global carbon cycle. We investigated the distribution of inorganic carbon system parameters and its controls in the coastal waters of the north eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (GoC) during four cruises that took place in June 2006, November 2006, February 2007 and May 2007. The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the spatio-temporal distribution of inorganic carbon system parameters in waters of the north eastern shelf of the GoC using four cruises, each undertaken in one of the four seasons, (2) to calculate net ecosystem production (NEP) and (3) to examine factors controlling these distributions. The distribution of inorganic carbon system parameters in the north eastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz showed temporal and spatial variability. River input, mixing, primary production, respiration, CO2 air-sea exchange, and remineralization were factors that controlled such distributions. The coastal zone of the GoC is autotrophic on an annual scale at a rate of 1.0 mmol m−2 d−1. Further measurements are needed it to improve the NEP calculation and to evaluated to intra-annual variability.  相似文献   
The degree of connectivity among island populations can influence their demography and affect their level of genetic differentiation. In this study we investigated genetic and morphometric differences among four populations of Grapsus grapsus (Linnaeus 1758), in Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (0°55′ N, 29°20′ W), Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (3°50′ S, 32°24′ W), Rocas Atoll (3°50′ S, 33°49′ W) and Trindade Island (20°30′ S, 29°20′ W) from 2003 to 2011. Morphometric results indicated the existence of two distinct groups based on the morphology of their chelae (Trindade Island/Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago versus Fernando de Noronha/Rocas Atoll). In addition, genetic variation in a fragment of the mitochondrial control region revealed substantial differentiation between Trindade and the other islands, with Trindade Island showing only exclusive haplotypes. The congruence of the genetic and morphologic analyses suggests the occurrence of a divergent population in Trindade Island as well as high connectivity among the three remaining equatorial islands. This is the first study to assess the level of morphologic differentiation and genetic connectivity of a species among all four Southwestern Atlantic oceanic islands. Our results provide valuable insight into understanding connectivity through surface ocean currents and suggest that the unstable current system of this area could be responsible for different dispersal patterns. We also suggest that the design of Brazilian marine protected areas should be adjusted to provide stronger protection for Trindade Island as it harbors unique genetic and morphologic variation in G. grapsus.  相似文献   
The development of new sensors and easier access to remote sensing data are significantly transforming both the theory and practice of remote sensing. Although data-driven approaches based on innovative algorithms and enhanced computing capacities are gaining importance to process big Earth Observation data, the development of knowledge-driven approaches is still considered by the remote sensing community to be one of the most important directions of their research. In this context, the future of remote sensing science should be supported by knowledge representation techniques such as ontologies. However, ontology-based remote sensing applications still have difficulty capturing the attention of remote sensing experts. This is mainly because of the gap between remote sensing experts’ expectations of ontologies and their real possible contribution to remote sensing. This paper provides insights to help reduce this gap. To this end, the conceptual limitations of the knowledge-driven approaches currently used in remote sensing science are clarified first. Then, the different modes of definition of geographic concepts, their duality, vagueness and ambiguity, and the sensory and semantic gaps are discussed in order to explain why ontologies can help address these limitations. In particular, this paper focuses on the capacity of ontologies to represent both symbolic and numeric knowledge, to reason based on cognitive semantics and to share knowledge on the interpretation of remote sensing images. Finally, a few recommendations are provided for remote sensing experts to comprehend the advantages of ontologies in interpreting satellite images.  相似文献   
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