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We examine empirical atmospheric structures that are consistent with enhanced white-light continuum emission in solar flares. This continuum can be produced either by hydrogen bound-free emission in an enhanced region in the upper chromosphere, or by H- emission in an enhanced region around the temperature minimum. In the former case, weak Paschen jumps in the spectrum will be present, with the spectrum being dominated by a strong Balmer continuum, while in the latter case the spectrum exhibits a weaker, flat enhancement over the entire visible spectrum.We find that when proper account is taken of radiative backwarming processes, the two enhanced atmospheric regions above are not independent, in that irradiation by Balmer continuum photons from the upper chromosphere creates sufficient heating around the temperature minimum to account for the temperature enhancements there. Thus the problem of main phase white-light flare production reduces to one of creating temperature enhancements of order 104 K in the upper chromosphere; radiative backwarming then naturally accounts for the enhancements of order 100 K around the temperature minimum.Heating by electron and proton bombardment, and by XUV irradiation from above, are then considered as candidates for creating the necessary enhancements in the upper chromosphere. We find that electron bombardment can be ruled out, whereas bombardment by protons in the few-MeV energy range is a viable candidate, but one without strong observational support. The XUV irradiation hypothesis is examined by incorporating it self-consistently into the PANDORA radiative transfer algorithm used to construct the empirical model atmospheres; we find that the introduction of XUV radiation, with flux and spectrum appropriate to white-light flare events, does indeed produce sufficient radiative heating in the upper chromosphere to balance the radiative losses associated with the required temperature enhancements.In summary, we find that the radiative coupling of (i) the upper chromosphere and temperature minimum regions (through Balmer continuum photons) and (ii) the transition region and upper chromosphere (through XUV photons) can account for white-light emission in solar flares.Presidential Young Investigator.  相似文献   
We investigate the response of dust particles in the mid-plane of a protoplanetary disc to the turbulent velocity field of long-lived, large-scale vortical circulation. The dynamical problem is studied through numerical integrations of the equations of motion for individual particles (the sizes of which range from centimetres to metres) subject to the solar gravity and the friction drag of the nebular gas. It is found, neglecting the thickness of the disc, that the particles do not drift inwards to the central star as occurs in a standard symmetrical nebula. Vortices tend to capture a large number of the particles. The effectiveness of this size-selective concentration mechanism depends not only on the value of the drag and the distance from the Sun, but also on the elongation of the vortex and its characteristic lifetime. Typical anticyclonic vortices with exponential decay times of 30 orbital periods and semi-axis ratios of 4 can increase the local surface density by a factor of 4 in a lifetime and accumulate 0.03–0.3 Earth masses. If the elongation is significant (>7), the vortex cannot concentrate any significant amount of solid material. Vortices with an elongation of about 2 are the most effective as regards trapping of dust. We have also found analytical expressions for the capture time as well as capture constraints as a function of the friction parameter, the elongation of the vortex and the impact parameter. By increasing the lifetime and the surface density of the solid particles, this confining mechanism can make the agglomeration of the solid material of the nebula (through collisional aggregation or gravitational instabilities) much more efficient than previously believed. This offers new possibilities for the formation of the planetesimals and the giant planet cores, and may explain the rapid formation of extrasolar giant planets.  相似文献   
We discuss the spatial and temporal characteristics of X-ray flares occurring in the active region NOAA2372 from April 6 to 13, 1980. The flares are seen to extend in most cases across the whole active complex, involving several magnetic features. They originate in an intermediate bipole, between the two main sunspots of the active region, where high magnetic shear was detected. A rapid expansion is seen in some cases, in conjunction with the start of the impulsive hard X-ray bursts. We also detect, in the late phases of some of the events, a large soft X-ray structure overlying the whole active region, which also shows up as a noise storm region at metric wavelengths. These large loops cool by heat conduction but, in some cases, Hα condensations seem to appear, probably as a result of magnetic compression and a condensation mode of the thermal instability. The topological aspects of the field configuration are discussed, in the context of flare models invoking magnetic reconnection at the site of the primary energy release. In such a model, the intermediate bipole is the natural site of initial magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration and heating. In one particular case of a flare observed at the limb, we find possible evidence of particle acceleration in a neutral sheet at the boundary between two clearly defined magnetic structures.  相似文献   
Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) are close binary systems where mass is transferred from a red dwarf star to a white dwarf star via an accretion disk. The flickering is observed as stochastic variations in the emitted radiation both in the continuum and in the emission line profiles.The main goal of our simulations is to compare synthetic Doppler maps with observed ones, aiming to constrain the flickering properties and wind parameters.A code was developed which generates synthetic emission line profiles of a geometrically thin and optically thick accretion disk. The simulation allows us to include flares in a particular disk region. The emission line flares may be integrated over arbitrary ‘`exposure’' times, producing the synthetic line profiles. Flickering Doppler maps are created using such synthetic time series. The presence of a wind inside the Roche lobe was also implemented. Radiative transfer effects in the lines where taken into account in order to reproduce the single peaked line profiles frequently seen in nova-like CVs.  相似文献   
The metasedimentary sequence of the Cushamen Formation in the western North Patagonian Massif is540 m thick and comprises six sedimentary lithofacies associations related to a glacimarine environment.Four of these lithofacies represent distal glacimarine environments, whereas another one was deposited in proximal glacimarine environments, and the last includes subglacial environments. The organization and configuration of these lithofacies associations represent the advance and retreat of the glacier masses. The maximum glacial advance is correlatable with the G2 glacial interval of the Pennsylvanian Pampa de Tepuel, Las Salinas and Valley Chico, formations of the Extraandean Chubut, and the southern part of Neuquen Cordillera. Contemporaneously, in southern Chile there are marine and glacimarine sediments. The chronostratigraphic relationships between the Silurian to Permian units allow five paleogeographic stages to be distinguished. The middle Silurian-late Devonian igneous rocks represent the first magmatic stage. The second stage, which is transitional to the first, is represented by a marine basin that includes the late Devonian-early Carboniferous Esquel and Rio Pescado formations and the Llanquihue Complex. The third stage(early-late Carboniferous) includes granitoids of the second magmatic event that partially overlapped the first magmatic igneous belt. The fourth stage belongs to the late Carboniferous sedimentation of the Cushamen and equivalent formations. The extended early Permian magmatism was the last Paleozoic event in the studied area.  相似文献   
The interaction between Ricci scalar curvature and the baryon number current, dynamically breaks CPT in an expanding universe and leads to baryon asymmetry. Using this kind of interaction and study the gravitational baryogenesis in the Bianchi type I universe. We find out the effect of anisotropy of the universe on the baryon asymmetry for the case which the equation of state parameter, ω, varies with time.  相似文献   
A procedure has been developed to compute static aberrations once the telescope PSF has been measured with the lucky imaging technique, using a nearby star close to the object of interest as the point source to probe the optical system. This PSF is iteratively turned into a phase map at the pupil using the Gerchberg?CSaxton algorithm and then converted to the appropriate actuation information for a deformable mirror having low actuator number but large stroke capability. The main advantage of this procedure is related with the capability of correcting static aberration at the specific pointing direction and without the need of a wavefront sensor.  相似文献   
In this contribution, a methodology is reported in order to build an interval fuzzy model for the pollution index PLI (a composite index using relevant heavy metal concentration) with magnetic parameters as input variables. In general, modelling based on fuzzy set theory is designed to mimic how the human brain tends to classify imprecise information or data. The “interval fuzzy model” reported here, based on fuzzy logic and arithmetic of fuzzy numbers, calculates an “estimation interval” and seems to be an adequate mathematical tool for this nonlinear problem. For this model, fuzzy c-means clustering is used to partition data, hence the membership functions and rules are built. In addition, interval arithmetic is used to obtain the fuzzy intervals. The studied sets are different examples of pollution by different anthropogenic sources, in two different study areas: (a) soil samples collected in Antarctica and (b) road-deposited sediments collected in Argentina. The datasets comprise magnetic and chemical variables, and for both cases, relevant variables were selected: magnetic concentration-dependent variables, magnetic features-dependent variables and one chemical variable. The model output gives an estimation interval; its width depends on the data density, for the measured values. The results show not only satisfactory agreement between the estimation interval and data, but also provide valued information from the rules analysis that allows understanding the magnetic behaviour of the studied variables under different conditions.  相似文献   
Estimates of extreme sea levels and return periods have been based mainly on hourly sampling rates. Technological development has enabled the sampling rates to increase and sampling rates of 5–10 min are becoming increasingly common. In this paper we explore the relationship between extreme sea levels and estimated return periods based on hourly and shorter sampling periods in three tide-gauges one at the Atlantic coasts of Spain (Coruña), one in the western Mediterranean (Malaga) and one in the N. Adriatic (Trieste). Significant differences of several centimetres are found in the hourly and 5 min extremes. These reflect in significant underestimation of the 50-year return levels which in Trieste reach 38 cm. A theoretical relationship between the high and the low sampling rate of extremes is also tested. Thus updated 50-year return levels for the Mediterranean and the coasts of the Iberian peninsula are produced assuming that the differences identified in the various stations generalise to other tide-gauge (hourly) records for which hourly values have been analysed earlier.  相似文献   
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