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An analytical procedure has been developed for the in situ measurement of carbon isotope composition of organic matter, with a spatial resolution of 20-30 μm, using a Cameca IMS 1270 ion microprobe. Instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) of carbon isotopes was observed to be independent of primary ion beam intensity and sputtering time, but did depend on vacuum conditions and on the chemical composition of the sample. To evaluate such “matrix effects”, a set of 9 standards representative of the natural chemical variability of organic matter was prepared, with H/C atomic ratios and organic carbon contents (Corg) ranging between 0.04 and 1.74 and between 41 and 100 wt.%, respectively. Under the analytical conditions tested, IMF was not found to be influenced by the presence of silicate mineral impurities in the organic matter, but variations in IMF up to 5‰ were observed over the set of standards with the magnitude of IMF negatively correlated to the H/C ratios of samples. Aliphaticity ratios determined using Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy provided an in situ estimation of H/C ratios with a spatial resolution barely exceeding that of the ion microprobe and permit a correction for matrix effects with a standard error of ± 0.2‰ (1σ). Taking into account all sources of uncertainty, ion microprobe δ13C were accurately determined with a ± 0.7‰ (1σ) total uncertainty. The mechanism for the matrix effect of H/C ratios upon IMF is still to be determined but it is likely related to the difference in proportion of atomic vs. molecular carbon ions observed between samples of different H/C ratios.  相似文献   
The comparative study of two French high-purity silica placers of European class suitable for the electrometallurgy of silicon and ferrosilicon, located at Boudeau and Thédirac, in the Dordogne and Lot departments respectively, indicates strong similarities as regards the sources and the transportation of quartz, as well as a same process of undercover karstification as a determining factor in the formation of the deposits. The main difference lies in the number of the stages necessary to the formation of the trap. This comparative study allows the constitution of dynamic models for the genesis of these economic quartz concentrations. To cite this article: L. Désindes et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The archaeological site of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) is located in a region characterized by the absence of any significant recent seismic activity, contrary to adjacent regions. However, the assessment of earthquake-related damage at the site suggests that the earthquakes that have been demonstrated to have struck this Pisidian city in ca. AD 500 and in the middle or second half of the 7th century AD are characterized by an MSK intensity of at least VIII and occurred on a fault very close to the city. Different investigation techniques (archaeoseismology, remote sensing and geomorphology, surface geology and structural data, 2D resistivity imaging and palaeoseismological trenching) have been applied at the archaeological site and its direct surroundings in search for the causative fault of these earthquakes. This multidisciplinary approach shows that each of the different approaches independently provides only partial, non-conclusive information with respect to the fault identification. Integration is imperative to give a conclusive answer in the search for the causative fault. This study has, indeed, revealed the existence of a to date unknown active normal fault system passing underneath ancient Sagalassos, i.e. the Sagalassos fault. A historical coseismic surface rupture event on this fault could be identified. This event possibly corresponds to the devastating Sagalassos earthquakes of ca. AD 500 and the middle or second half of the 7th century AD. Finally, this study demonstrates that in the particular geodynamic setting of SW Turkey archaeological sites with extensive earthquake-related damage form an important tool in any attempt to asses the seismic hazard.  相似文献   
The distribution of hypocentres in the Upper Rhine Graben area is re-examined, and discussed with respect to the present day tectonic framework. Most earthquakes occur within a N60° striking wedge, located on top of a Moho dome. This wedge is limited by the surface and at depth, by a plane which, in the south of the dome, coincides with the SE dipping Conrad discontinuity. In depth, the seismicity shows a normal distribution the maximums of which are located on a surface dipping 6° towards SE, parallel to the south-eastward dipping Conrad and Moho. This surface outcrops along the north-western edge of the uplifted crystalline Vosges and Black-Forest. The main shocks in earthquake swarms in the region often occur in the vicinity of this surface and along pre-existing N–S to NE–SW Variscan or Tertiary faults and show focal mechanisms of strike-slip. In contrast, part of the aftershocks show focal mechanisms of reverse faulting associated with SE–NW striking compression. The seismic wedge and the north-westward rising seismic surface suggest initiation of crustal ramp, which starts at the south-eastern rim of the Conrad dome and which may become a thrust plane if SE–NW compression continues. In the south-eastern edge of the graben and above the south-eastern ridge of the Moho dome, where evidences for extension have been found, we identify clustering of hypocentres along a surface that strikes N150°, parallel to the main compression and dipping towards NE. Dominant normal faulting mechanisms along this surface suggests initiation of a normal, probably listric fault. At depth, the onset of the future fault plane is located on top of the NW–SE striking ridge of the lower crust and Moho, which act as a an indenter. In addition to thrusting of the whole wedge towards NW, increasing of NW–SE compression would lead to the formation of a half graben at the place of the present Sierentz depression.  相似文献   
Intrinsic bioremediation of a petroleum-impacted wetland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Following the 1994 San Jacinto River flood and oil spill in southeast Texas, a petroleum-contaminated wetland was reserved for a long-term research program to evaluate bioremediation as a viable spill response tool. The first phase of this program, presented in this paper, evaluated the intrinsic biodegradation of petroleum in the contaminated wetland. Sediment samples from six test plots were collected 11 times over an 11-month period to assess the temporal and spatial petroleum concentrations. Petroleum concentrations were evaluated using gas chromatography-mass spectrometer analyses of specific target compounds normalized to the conservative biological marker, C(30)17alpha,21beta(H)-hopane. The analyses of specific target compounds were able to characterize that significant petroleum biodegradation had occurred at the site over the one-year period. Total resolved saturate and total resolved aromatic hydrocarbon data indicated the petroleum was degraded more than 95%. In addition, first-order biodegradation rate constants were calculated for the hopane-normalized target compounds and supported expected biodegradation patterns. The rapid degradation rates of the petroleum hydrocarbons are attributed to conditions favorable to biodegradation. Elevated nutrient levels from the flood deposition and the unconsolidated nature of the freshly deposited sediment possibly provided a nutrient rich, oxic environment. Additionally, it is suggested that an active and capable microbial community was present due to prior exposure to petroleum. These factors provided an environment conducive for the rapid bioremediation of the petroleum in the contaminated wetland.  相似文献   
Abstract– We present the results of a noble gas (He, Ne, Ar) and cosmogenic radionuclide (10Be, 26Al, 36Cl) analysis of two chondritic fragments (#A100, L4 and #25, H5) found in the Almahata Sitta strewn field in Sudan. We confirm their earlier attribution to the same fall as the ureilites dominating the strewn field, based on the following findings: (1) both chondrite samples indicate a preatmospheric radius of approximately 300 g cm?2, consistent with the preatmospheric size of asteroid 2008 TC3 that produced the Almahata Sitta strewn field; (2) both have, within error, a 21Ne/26Al‐based cosmic ray exposure age of approximately 20 Ma, identical to the reported ages of Almahata Sitta ureilites; (3) both exhibit hints of ureilitic Ar in the trapped component. We discuss a possible earlier irradiation phase for the two fragments of approximately 10–20 Ma, visible only in cosmogenic 38Ar. We also discuss the approximately 3.8 Ga (4He) and approximately 4.6 Ga (40Ar) gas retention ages, measured in both chondritic fragments. These imply that the two chondrite fragments were incorporated into the ureilite host early in solar system evolution, and that the parent asteroid from which 2008 TC3 is derived has not experienced a large break‐up event in the last 3.8 Ga.  相似文献   
Scientific outreach, international networking, collaboration and adequate courses are needed in both developed and developing countries to enable early-career hydrogeologists to promote long-term multidisciplinary approaches to cope with climate-change issues and emphasize the importance of groundwater in a global strategy for adaptation. One such collaboration has involved the Early Career Hydrogeologists’ Network of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (ECHN-IAH) and the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme’s (IHP) Groundwater Resources Assessment under the Pressures of Humanity and Climate Changes (GRAPHIC) project. This collaboration seeks to foster the education and involvement of the future generation of water leaders in the debate over groundwater and climate change.  相似文献   
The steep, south facing slopes of the central Vinschgau (Val Venosta, South Tyrol, northern Italy) are characterized by deep-seated compound rockslides affecting 51 km2 and reaching beneath the Quaternary valley fill. Morphological features include double ridges, trenches, scarps, and counterscarps, whereby the extent of displacement rises from W to E. Near the toe of these slopes, abundant fractures are present whose orientation and spatial strongly suggest that they are related to the gravitational slope deformations. These fractures host carbonate speleothems which are associated with local tufa occurrences at the surface. Given that the metamorphic host rock is essentially carbonate-free, these carbonate deposits require extensive water-rock interactions to form. Modern springs along the toe of the slope are also mostly supersaturated with respect to calcite and locally also aragonite. The invariant chemical composition, very low tritium levels, and in particular the low oxygen isotope values indicate that this groundwater infiltrates at high elevation and is characterized by a long residence time. On the other hand, local infiltration in the lower reaches of the slope is very limited due to the semiarid climate and is incompatible with the measured groundwater stable isotope composition and the high degree of mineralization. We therefore propose a conceptual model which reconciles the deep-seated gravitational slope deformation with the occurrence of mineralized groundwater and associated carbonate precipitates in fractures near the toe of the slope. These deposits provide a means to place constraints on the timing of rock fracturing and hence the slope movements. U/Th dating of 34 samples from eight sites shows that speleothem deposition started 14.2 ka BP and occurred semi-continuously throughout the Holocene. Thus, gravitational displacements likely commenced with a lag of ~3–4 ka after the deglaciation of the valley, which is also consistent with the few available dates on the onset of other deep-seated slope deformations in the Alps.  相似文献   
To improve flood prediction in headwater catchments, hydrologists need to know initial soil moisture conditions that precede rain events. In torrential hydrology, soil moisture mapping provides a valuable tool for investigating surface runoff generation processes. In these mountainous environments, soil moisture prediction is challenging because of highly heterogeneous land cover and soil properties. This survey propose a methodology to study spatial soil moisture variations in the mountainous and torrential environment of the Draix Bléone experimental site—Laval 0.86 km2. This approach associates water content measurements at the plot scale with spatialized soil bulk electrical conductivity (ECa) measurements combined in a multivariate statistical analysis based on topographical parameters. Between the summer of 2015 and winter of 2016, four geophysical surveys were conducted under various moisture conditions and along the same pathway, using the Slingram electromagnetic induction (EMI) technique (EM31 device) in horizontal dipole to identify changes in soil properties to a depth of 3 m. These results were analyzed to determine water dynamics in this mountainous catchment. Temporal variations of ECa vary among land cover types (forest, grassland, and black marl). A significant relationship was observed between ECa and soil water content (SWC) measured with capacitive sensors in forest and grassland. A multiple linear regression produced using the spatial interpolation code LISDQS shows a significant correlation between ECa and landform units depicted on a high-resolution DEM. ECa variations decrease with distance to talwegs. Riparian zones appear as potential hydrological contributing areas with patterns varying according to moisture status. This study shows that multiple linear regression analysis and EMI make it possible to fill gaps between SWC plot measurements, over wide areas that are steep and that present numerous obstacles due to vegetation cover.  相似文献   
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