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During the late Saalian Drenthe glaciation ice-damming of the Upper Weser Valley led to the formation of glacial Lake Weser. The lake drained catastrophically into the Münsterland Embayment as the western ice dam failed, releasing up to 110 km3 of water with a calculated peak discharge of 2.5 × 105 m3/s to 1.3 × 106 m3/s. Geographic information systems (GIS) and high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) were used to map streamlined landforms and channel systems in front of lake overspills. Geological maps, 2450 boreholes and the DEM were integrated into the 3D modeling program GOCAD to reconstruct the distribution of flood-related deposits, palaeotopographic surfaces and the internal facies architecture of streamlined hills. The drainage pathways are characterized by the occurrence of deep plunge pools, channels, streamlined hills and 4 km long and 12 m deep V-shaped megaflutes. Plunge pools are deeply incised into Mesozoic basement rocks and occur in front of three major overspill channels. The plunge pools are up to 780 m long, 400 m wide and 35 m deep. Approximately 1–10.5 km downslope of the overspill channels fan shaped arrays of streamlined hills are developed, each covering an area of 60–130 km2, indicating rapid flow expansion. The hills commonly have quadrilateral to elongated shapes and formed under submerged to partly submerged flow conditions, when the outburst flood entered a shallow lake in the Münsterland Embayment. Hills are up to 4300 m long, 1200 m wide, 11 m high and have characteristic average aspect ratios of 1:3.3. They are separated by shallow, anabranching channels in the outer zones and up to 30 m deep channels in the central zones. Hills partly display V-shaped chevron-like bedforms that have apices facing upslope, are 1.6–2.5 km long, 3–10 m high, 0.8–1.2 m from limb to limb, with limb separation angels of 20–35°. These bedforms are interpreted as mixed erosional depositional features. It is hypothesized that the post-Saalian landscape evolution of the Münsterland Embayment has considerably been influenced by catastrophic floods of glacial Lake Weser, creating large and deep valleys, which subsequently became the new site of river systems. The outburst floods probably followed the east-west-trending Saalian Rhine-Meuse river system eventually flowing into the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the Bay of Biscay. It is speculated that the Hondsrug ice stream may have been enhanced or even triggered by the formation and outburst of glacial lakes in the study area.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An vier feldgeologisch untersuchten Beispielen, dem Gräfenthaler Horst im Frankenwald, der Fränkischen Linie bei Kronach, der Kulmbacher Verwerfung bei Kirchleus und an Verwerfungszonen im Steigerwald wird gezeigt, daß die fränkischen Verwerfungen als Flächen eines zusammenhängenden Strukturfeldes angesehen werden können, das trotz seiner verschiedenartigen Erscheinungsformen im Grund- und Deckgebirge auf eine gemeinsame Ursache zurückgehen dürfte.
Four areas in Northern Bavaria, the Gräfenthaler Horst in the Frankenwald, the Franconian Line near Kronach, the Kulmbach Fault near Kirchleus and fault zones in the Steigerwald, were investigated by different field methods. The authors are in the opinion that these Franconian faults are elements of a connecting structural region though different tectonic phenomena may be observed on the surface.

Résumé Dans le nord de la Bavière des grands accidents tectoniques de direction NW/ SE, dont quelques-uns traversent le socle hercynien, d'autres la couverture mésozoique avoisinante, ont été étudiés par des methodes diverses. Quoique leurs caractères changent selon l'étage affectée, ces accidents sont des élements d'un seul domaine structural et ont apparement une origine commune.

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Herrn Professor Dr.Roland Brinkmann zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Antimony in the environment: Lessons from geochemical mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of Sb in a variety of sample materials, including soils, plants and surface water, was studied at different scales, from continental to local, combining published data sets with the aim of delineating the impact and relative importance of geogenic vs. anthropogenic Sb sources. Geochemical mapping demonstrates that variation is high at all scales – from the detailed scale with sample densities of many sites per km2 to the continental-scale with densities of 1 site per 5000 km2. Different processes govern the Sb distribution at different scales. A high sample density of several samples per km2 is needed to reliably detect mineralisation or contamination in soil samples. Median concentrations are so low for Sb in most sample materials (below 1 mg/kg in rocks and soils, below 0.1 mg/kg in plants, below 0.1 μg/L in surface water) that contamination is easier to detect than for many other elements. Distribution patterns on the sub-continental to continental-scale are, however, still dominated by natural variation. Given that the geochemical background is characterised by a high variation at all scales, it appears impossible to establish a reliable single value for “good soil quality” or a “natural background concentration” for Sb for any sizeable area, e.g., for Europe. For such a differentiation, geochemical maps at a variety of scales are needed.  相似文献   
Highly saline fluids were encountered during the German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB) from depths ranging between 2 and 3 km to about 9 km. The most reliable data were obtained from samples extracted during a long-term pumping test in the 4000-m deep KTB pilot hole. Some 460 m3 CaNaCl brines with about 68 g l−1 total dissolved solids (TDS) and some 270 m3 associated gases, mainly N2 and CH4 were pumped to the surface from the main fracture system situated near the bottom of the pilot hole. Geochemical and isotopic data support the hydraulic tests which suggest the presence of an open and large fluid reservoir at depth. The pumped fluids from this main fracture system were released from a deep reservoir situated at more than 5500 m depth which is hydraulically connected with the 9101 m deep KTB main hole, drilled some 250 m to the northeast of the pilot hole.While Ca and Sr contents of the extracted brines may be the result of water-rock interaction, Cl is most likely of external origin. The Cl is hypothesized to derive from geotectonic processes rather than to descending infiltration of paleo-seawater (evaporitic brines). The sampled fluids have probably migrated from a deeper reservoir to their present position since the Cretaceous-Tertiary period due to tectonic activity. However, several isotopic studies have identified an admixture of descending paleowaters down to more than 4000 m depth. The high 36ClCl ratio of the fluids sampled during the long-term pumping test point to a host rock highly enriched in UTh, unlike the sampled KTB country rocks. The fluid reservoir is believed to be in contact with the Falkenberg granite massif situated about 2 km to the E of the KTB holes capable of supplying sufficient neutron flux for considerable subsurface production of 36C1. The NaCl(K, SO4) precursor fluids of the CaNaCI brines were produced in the course of extensive tectonic processes since the Late Caledonian within the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   
The structure of realgar, As4S4, and its evolution with pressure have been investigated employing in situ X-ray diffraction, optical absorption and vibrational spectroscopy on single-crystal samples in diamond-anvil cells. Compression under true hydrostatic conditions up to 5.40 GPa reveals equation-of-state parameters of V 0 = 799.4(2.4) Å3 and K 0 = 10.5(0.4) GPa with \(K_0^\prime\) = 8.7. The remarkably high compressibility can be attributed to a denser packing of the As4S4 molecules with shortening of the intermolecular bonds of up to 12 %, while the As4S4 molecules remain intact showing rigid-unit behaviour. From ambient pressure to 4.5 GPa, Raman spectra exhibit a strong blue shift of the Raman bands of the lattice-phonon regime of 24 cm–1, whereas frequencies from intramolecular As-S stretching modes show negligible or no shifts at all. On pressurisation, realgar shows a continuous and reversible colour change from bright orange over deep red to black. Optical absorption spectroscopy shows a shift of the absorption edge from 2.30 to 1.81 eV up to 4.5 GPa, and DFT calculations show a corresponding reduction in the band gap. Synchrotron-based measurements on polycrystalline samples up to 45.5 GPa are indexed according to the monoclinic structure of realgar.  相似文献   
In a reconnaissance study, we investigated the potential of γ-ray induced production of 38ArK from 39K for geochronological applications. For this purpose, various age monitors commonly in use for the established 40Ar/39Ar-method were co-irradiated for 60 h at 17.6 MeV maximum energy in the ELBE facility, Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. Because the available energy was low, total production of 38ArK was depressed, leading to low J38-values of (2.1–4.1) × 10-6 and hence resulted in only minor 38Ar excess when compared with atmospheric 38Ar/36Ar ratios. In spite of these restrictions, ages of younger monitors could be reproduced within error, whereas older age reference materials showed discrepancies due to the low production rate. We observed Ca-derived contributions on 36Ar in analysed CaF2 reference materials, and calculated a limit for Ca-interference on 38ArCa of (38Ar/36Ar)Ca = 0.07 ± 0.03 (1s). In addition, we investigated a potential recoil redistribution of 38Ar by stepwise heating experiments, but could not quantify this further because of concurring processes. More work at higher photon energies is necessary to resolve other open issues, in particular the potential of utilising 40Ar/37Ar ratios for age determination and the possibility of 42Ar production from 44Ca, which would allow correction for Ca-interference reactions on other Ar isotopes. This would be a pre-requisite for dating extra-terrestrial rocks.  相似文献   
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