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Zusammenfassung Es werden die typischen Faseraggregate von kohliger Substanz beschrieben, die oft an den Liegendkontakten wirtschaftlich wichtiger Gold-Uran-Konglomerate des südafrikanischen Witwatersrand-Systems in dünnen Lagen auftreten. Der Mineralbestand dieser Aggregate wird erzmikroskopisch untersucht, wobei Gold und Uranpecherz besonders berücksichtigt werden. Die Faserung wird als Wachstum senkrecht zur Wandung schichtparalleler Ablösungsklüfte erklärt (parallelstengelige Kluftfüllung im Sinne vonMügge, 1928).An primären detritischen Mineralien finden sich in diesen Aggregaten Pyrit, Kobaltglanz, Chromit, Zirkon und Iridosmium; umgelagerte authigene Bestandteile der Schwerefraktion sind im wesentlichen Gold, Linneit, Kupferkies, Bleiglanz. Zinkblende und Spuren von Magnetkies. Der primär ebenfalls detritische Uranpecherzanteil liegt ausschließlich in stark resorbierter Form vor, d. h. die UO2-Partikel lösen sich in den verfestigten Kohlenwasserstoffen zu einzelnen Bruchstücken auf, die dann allmählich adsorptiv verdaut werden.Auffallend sind die charakteristischen Fließgefüge der kohligen Substanz um die allogenen Bestandteile der Paragenese, insbesondere um den mengenmäßig vorherrschenden Pyrit. Es kommt zu typischen Augenbildungen, wobei sich häufig Gold, Bleiglanz oder sekundärer Quarz in den Druckschattenräumen an beiden Enden der Streckungshöfe absetzen. Ähnliche Fließgefüge lassen sich auch um einige frühe Neubildungen wie Zinkblende beobachten.Es ergibt sich somit aus den Untersuchungen, daß die kohlige Substanz in ihrer heutigen Form jünger ist als die primären detritischen Mineralien, daß aber andererseits die pseudohydrothermale Umlagerung der Hauptmasse des Goldes (das ursprünglich ebenfalls in detritischer Form vorgelegen haben muß) teilweise noch später erfolgt ist. Dasselbe gilt für einige genetisch junge Sulfide wie Linneit, z. T. auch für Kupferkies.
The footwall of the principal uraniferous congiomerates occurring within the Witwatersrand System (South Africa) is often characterized by a fibrous carbon or thucholite seam, ranging in thickness from parts of a mm to several cm (Figs. 1 and 2). The carbonaceous material has formed by radiolytic polymerization of originally mobile (preferably gaseous) hydrocarbons percolating through the strata, the prerequisite for its formation thus being the presence of detrital uraninite within the heavy fraction of the individual reefs. The conspicuous columnar fabric of the aggregates is explained as being due to growth at right angles to the bedding planes comparable with several other fibrous minerals (Mügge, 1928).The association between heavy minerals and carbonaceous matter must be particularly intimate, since the latter has accumulated in the lowermost footwall portions where the bulk of the heavy suite of the conglomerates is concentrated. Primary detrital constituents within the fibrous aggregates are pyrite, cobaltite, chromite, zircon, and iridosmine (Figs. 4 and 5); authigenic recrystallized heavy minerals are gold, linnaeite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, as well as traces of pyrrhotite (Figs. 3 and 6). The detrital uraninite fraction is to a large extent replaced by carbonaceous matter, i. e. the UO2-particles are in the state of floating apart in, and being gradually digested by, the solid hydrocarbons (Fig. 8). Very often the carbonaceous matter displays a prominent flow lamination around the allogenic constituents, especially around the ubiquitous pyrite (Fig. 4). Rise is given thereby to a typical augen structure; gold, galena or secondary quartz are commonly deposited in the pressure-shadows on either side of the inclusions. Similar fabrics may be observed around some early-formed authigenic minerals like sphalerite (Fig. 6); the latter mostly appears to be dragged apart (boudinagedrd) and carbon usually comes to occupy the interstices between the individual fragments. Elongated fragments often tend to arrange themselves parallel to the flow laminae.It is evident from the investigation that carbonaceous matter is distinctly younger than the primary detrital minerals. On the other hand, it is likewise obvious that the pseudohydrothermal recrystallization of the main mass of the gold (which originally also formed part of the heavy suite) must have taken place at a still later stage. The same applies to several genetically young Sulfides as linnaeite, in part also to chalcopyrite.

Erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrages, den der Verfasser am 5. 9. 65 auf der 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft in Hannover gehalten hat.  相似文献   
Polarized electronic absorption spectra of colourless chalcocyanite, CuSO4, have been measured using microscope-spectrometric techniques. The spectra are characterized by a structured and clearly polarized band system in the near-infrared spectral range with components centred at 11,720, 10,545, 9,100, and 7,320 cm?1, which have been assigned to crystal field dd transitions of Cu2+ cations in pseudo-tetragonally elongated CuO6 polyhedra with point symmetry C i ( \(\bar{1}\) ). The polarization behaviour is interpreted based on a D 2(C 2″) pseudo-symmetry. Crystal field calculations were performed for the actual triclinic point symmetry by applying the Superposition Model of crystal fields, as well as in terms of a ‘classic’ pseudo-tetragonal crystal field approach yielding the parameters Dq (eq) = 910, Dt = 395, and Ds = 1,336 cm?1, corresponding to a cubically averaged Dq cub = 679 cm?1. A comparative survey on crystal fields in Cu2+ minerals shows that the low overall crystal field strength in chalcocyanite, combined with a comparatively weak pseudo-tetragonal splitting of energy levels, is responsible for its unique colourless appearance among oxygen-based Cu2+ minerals. The weak crystal field in CuSO4 can be related to the lower position of the SO4 2? anion compared to, e.g. the H2O molecule in the spectrochemical series of ligands.  相似文献   
The EU project BALANCE (Global Change Vulnerabilities in the Barents region: Linking Arctic Natural Resources, Climate Change and Economies) aims to assess vulnerability to climate change in the Barents Sea Region. As a prerequisite the potential impact of climate change on selected ecosystems of the study area has to be quantified, which is the subject of the present paper. A set of ecosystem models was run to generate baseline and future scenarios for 1990, 2020, 2050 and 2080. The models are based on data from the Regional Climate Model (REMO), driven by a GCM which in turn is forced by the IPCC-B2 scenario. The climate change is documented by means of the Köppen climate classification. Since the multitude of models requires the effect of climate change on individual terrestrial and marine systems to be integrated, the paper concentrates on a standardised visualisation of potential impacts by use of a Geographical Information System for the timeslices 2050 and 2080. The resulting maps show that both terrestrial and marine ecosystems of the Barents region will undergo significant changes until both 2050 and 2080.  相似文献   
Reviewing some important German scientists who have developed climatic regionalizationschemes either on a global or Chinese scale, their various definitions of the tropical climatecharacteristics in China are discussed and compared with Huang Bingwei's climate classificationscheme and the identification of the tropical climate therein. It can be seen that, due to differentmethodological approaches of the climatic regionalization schemes, the definitions of the tropics varyand hence also their spatial distribution in China. However, it is found that the tropical climate typeoccupies only a peripheral part of southern China, though it firmly represents a distinctive type ofclimate that is subsequently associated with a great economic importance for China. As such, thetropical climate type was mostly identified with its agro-climatological significance, that is by givingfavourable growing conditions all-year round for perennial crops with a great heat demand. Tropicalclimate is, hence, conventionally regarded to be govemed by all-year round summer conditions "wherewinter never comes".  相似文献   
作为从出山口至入海河口直线距离仅约20 km的短途河流,小凌河下游地区及相邻潮间带表层发育了砾石质冲洪积扇、曲流河道滞留相-点状砂坝-泛滥平原与洼地、贝壳砾石海滩、盐沼、开放潮坪下部与中上部等一系列沉积环境。通过沉积地层学、年代地层学及新构造等方面的综合研究,1)将中、晚全新世地层划分为7个年代地层单元,2)发现了夏-西周、元末-明初两道年龄分别约为2 050~650 BC和1 350 AD的古海岸线,3)确立了春秋、中唐-北宋初、"小冰期"结束以来3次小凌河沉积期,最有可能发育的时间进一步限定在约650~400 BC(第1期)、约700~1 000 A(D第2期)和1 850 AD以来(第3期),4)提出了NW向与NE向构造加剧小凌河下游曲流发育的假说。  相似文献   
It is well established that minute amounts of chemical elements will leach from bottle materials (glass or PET – polyethylene terephthalate) to water stored in such bottles. This study investigated whether leaching increases with storage temperature. For glass bottles this is clearly the case for a long list of elements: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, K, La, Li, Mg, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, U, V, W and Zr. However, for glass bottles drinking water maximum admissible concentration values as defined by European authorities are not exceeded even after 1 week of leaching at 80 °C. The critical temperature limit where leaching substantially increases for many elements appears to be 45 °C. For PET bottles, Sb is the only element where leaching is observed at all temperatures and again leaching strongly increases at 45 °C. For PET bottles Sb concentrations observed in water after 1 week storage at 80 °C reach almost four times the maximum admissible concentration values for drinking water but do not exceed the relevant higher limit for food (including water) packaged in PET.  相似文献   
Huang  Rui  Malik  Arunima  Lenzen  Manfred  Jin  Yutong  Wang  Yafei  Faturay  Futu  Zhu  Zhiyi 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(3):2227-2248
Natural Hazards - With the development of interregional trade, a potential disaster that happens in one place could cause enormous economic losses in distant areas. Timely and comprehensive...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Nordteil der Ostalpen, hauptsächlich im Gebiet zwischen Salzach und Inn, wurden bei Steinbruch-Sprengungen 11 Profile refraktions-seismisch vermessen. Weil die Geschwindigkeit seismischer Wellen im Bereich dieser Profile auch in lateraler Richtung relativ stark variiert, wurde zur Interpretation der Messungen ein vom Autor entwickeltes Computer-Programm für strahlenseismische Modellrechnungen in zweidimensional inhomogenen Medien verwendet. Für einige der Profile wurden damit Modelle abgeleitet, die als wichtigste Eigenschaft eine Unterlagerung der Kalkalpen bis mindestens 15 km von ihrem Nordrand nach Süden durch eine Schicht von maximal etwa 7 km Mächtigkeit zeigen. Diese Schicht kann nach ihrer Wellengeschwindigkeit aus Molasse und/oder Helvetikum und/oder Flysch bestehen.
In the northern part of the Eastern Alps, mainly in the region between Salzach and Inn, 11 seismic refraction profiles were measured using quarry blasts. There are relatively big changes of seismic velocity in this area even in lateral direction, and therefore the measurements were interpreted with a ray tracing method for twodimensional inhomogeneous mediums, the computer program for which was written by the author. Thus there were found models for some of the profiles in which the most important structure is a layer of about 7 km thickness lying under the Northern Calcareous Alps and stretching at least 15 km from their northern margin southwards. From its seismic velocity this layer can consist of Molasse and/or Helveticum and/or Flysch.

Résumé Dans la partie nord des Alpes Orientales 11 profils de seismique par réfraction ont été enrégistrés, en utilisant des explosions de carrières. La majorité des profils est située entre la Salzach et l'Inn. Les importantes variations latérales des vitesses de propagation nécessitèrent le développement d'un programme de calcul des rayons séismiques dans un milieu inhomogène à deux dimensions. L'interprétation de plusieurs des profils à l'aide de ce programme indique la présence d'une couche à faible vitesse sous les Alpes Calcaires s'étendant du bord nord des Alpes jusqu'à 15 km au moins vers le sud. L'épaisseur maximale de cette couche est environ de 7 km. Les vitesses indiquent qu'elle peut être composée de matériaux de la Molasse, des couches Helvétiques et du Flysch.

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Global GHG emissions continue to rise, with nearly a quarter of it due to trade that is not currently captured within global climate policy. In the context of current trade patterns and limited global cooperation on climate change, the feasibility of consumption-based emissions accounting to contribute to a more comprehensive (national) policy framework in the UK is investigated. Consumption-based emissions results for the UK from a range of models are presented, their technical robustness is assessed, and their potential application in national climate policy is examined using examples of policies designed to reduce carbon leakage and to address high levels of consumption. It is shown that there is a need to include consumption-based emissions as a complementary indicator to the current approach of measuring territorial emissions. Methods are shown to be robust enough to measure progress on climate change and develop and inform mitigation policy. Finally, some suggestions are made for future policy-oriented research in the area of consumption-based accounting that will facilitate its application to policy.

Policy relevance

Emissions embodied in trade are rapidly increasing and there is thus a growing gap between production emissions and the emissions associated with consumption. This is a growing concern due to the absence of a global cap and significant variation in country-level mitigation ambitions. Robust measurements of consumption-based emissions are possible and provide new insights into policy options. This includes trade-related policy (e.g. border carbon adjustments) and domestic policies (e.g. resource efficiency strategies). As climate policy targets deepen, there is a need for a broad range of policy options in addition to production and technological solutions. Consumption-based emissions are complementary to production-based emissions inventories, which are still the most accurate estimate for aggregated emissions at the global level. However, without consumption-based approaches, territorial emissions alone will not provide a complete picture of progress in regional and national emissions reduction.  相似文献   
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