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通过研究现代洪水沉积特征,可重建洪水水文过程,识别泥沙侵蚀源区,既可为防洪水利工程设计提供依据,也可为古洪水层判识建立参考.2018年8月中旬,山东省北部弥河、 丹河流域受双台风影响发生洪涝灾害.通过对洪水淹没区进行考察,在下游洪水沉积物保存完好的地点获取21.0 cm长岩芯DH1,并进行粒度、 烧失量、 磁化率和孢粉...  相似文献   
Explosive volcanic eruptions are known to be a leading cause of natural climate change. There has been a growing recognition that there is a measurable climate system response even to moderate-sized volcanic eruptions. In this study, we investigated the hindcast skills of the Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) using the hindcast experiments based on the near-term climate prediction system DecPreS developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP)(hereafter DP-EnOI-IAU experiments). The DP-EnOI-IAU experiments were run for initial years from 1960 to 2005. These hindcasts took into account observed stratospheric aerosol concentrations that included the four large tropical volcanic eruptions during that period. The time evolution over the entire hindcast period for skill in predicting the patterns of the 3~7 year prediction averages for Pacific SSTs showed that there was statistically significant skill for most years except for a dramatic drop in skill during the 1980s and 1990s. Decadal hindcast skill is reduced if the post-eruption model response deviates the internal El Niño variability in the observations. The simulations showed a post-eruption SST of a La Niña-like pattern in the third northern winter after the 1982 El Chichon eruption and a El Niño-like pattern after the 1991 Pinatubo eruption, which were opposite in sign to what was in the observations. This lead to the loss of hindcast skill for years in the 1980s and 1990s affected by the eruptions. Agung (1963) happened to have post-eruption Pacific SSTs more similar to the observations and thus did not degrade prediction skill in the hindcasts.  相似文献   
晁洪太  邓起东  李家灵  王志才  满洪敏 《地震地质》2001,23(3):399-406,T003
选择了一些典型活断层地质剖面 ,对经受了构造变动的第四纪松散沉积物进行了定向原状样品采集。通过室内样品固结、显微薄片制作和显微构造现象观察 ,从显微域里找到了第四纪松散沉积物变形的一些特点 ,并进行了分类。第四纪松散沉积物的变形类型有两种 :一种是破裂变形 ,主要表现为平行滑动条带、平直滑动界面、碎屑颗粒的破碎等 ;另一种是流动变形 ,主要表现为 :流动构造、碎砾旋转、粘土矿物的拖曳滑动等  相似文献   
范雪波  张鹏  常晨  刘金城  张曼  李林 《气象科技》2017,45(4):641-646
为不断提高气象探测装备保障业务的科技含量与信息化水平,亟待建立高效及时的相关管理平台。本文结合北京市气象装备管理的实际情况和业务需求,设计了一种基于射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)的气象探测装备动态信息管理平台,对平台结构设计进行相关阐述,重点分析了平台基于RFID技术的信息传输以及详细功能,并针对平台建设提出一些思考与展望。  相似文献   
Syn-collisional transform faulting of the Tan-Lu fault zone,East China   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Origin of the continental-scale Tan-Lu fault zone (TLFZ), East China, remains controversial. About 550 km sinistral offset of the Dabie orogenic belt (DOB) and Sulu orogenic belt (SOB) is shown along the NE-NNE-striking TLFZ. Syn-collisional, sinistral ductile shear belts in the TLFZ have been identified. Thirteen phengite bulk separates from the mylonites were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method. They gave cooling ages of the 198–181 Ma for the shear belts along the eastern margin of the DOB and 221–210 Ma from the western margin of the SOB. Distribution of the foreland basin deposits suggests that sinistral offset of the DOB and SOB by the TLFZ took place prior to deposition of the Upper Triassic strata. The marginal structures around the DOB and SOB support syn-collisional faulting, and indicate anticlockwise rotation of the DOB during the displacement. The folding and thrust faulting related to crustal subduction, coeval with the Tan-Lu faulting, is older than the foreland basin deposition related to the orogenic exhumation. Several lines of evidence demonstrate that the TLFZ was developed as a syn-collisional transform fault during latest Middle to earliest Late Triassic time when the DOB and SOB experienced crustal subduction of the South China Block (SCB). Eastward increase of the crustal subduction rates is believed to be responsible for the sinistral transform faulting.  相似文献   
江漫  漆梁波 《气象》2016,42(10):1230-1236
利用上海台风研究所整编的1959—2012年台风最佳路径和台风日降水资料,采用百分位法确定单站台风极端降水阈值,针对单个台风影响过程中所造成极端降水的影响范围、降水日数和降水强度异常等指数进行逐个评估,建立了极端降水台风综合指数,依据该指数确定了影响我国的57个极端降水台风,并统计分析了这些台风个数及强度的月际分布特征和路径特点。结果表明:台风极端降水阈值在我国呈由东南沿海向西北内陆减小的分布特征。极端降水台风影响我国的路径大致分为两类,一类穿过台湾或经过台湾北部洋面在我国东南沿海登陆,另一类则于华南沿海登陆或在其近海活动。极端降水台风在20世纪60—70年代及2000年以后相对频发,70年代平均综合指数最高。极端降水台风均出现在5—10月,7—8月频次最多。57个台风中达到台风和强台风级别的最多。  相似文献   
三峡水库澎溪河典型优势藻原位生长速率的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文提出了两种原位培养装置(培养笼、培养桶)并采用这两种装置在澎溪河高阳平湖断面进行原位培养实验,旨在研究澎溪河典型优势藻的原位生长速率.研究期间主要生境特征为营养物丰足、光热条件优越、生境条件相对稳定,适宜于藻类生长,为水华形成的敏感期;在此期间代表CR型生长策略的湖北小环藻和兼具C、R、S生长策略的卵形隐藻的原位生长速率总体呈逐渐下降趋势,代表CS型生长策略的水华鱼腥藻和空球藻的原位生长速率则先增加后又有所下降,代表S型生长策略的铜绿微囊藻的原位生长速率虽然前期都为负,但总体呈现逐渐增加的趋势;并测得培养笼和培养桶中各藻种的最大比生长速率分别为湖北小环藻0.31、0.21 d-1;铜绿微囊藻0.09、0.03 d-1;空球藻0.16、0.42 d-1;水华鱼腥藻0.30、0.26 d-1;卵形隐藻0.49、0.95 d-1.本研究中,不同生长策略藻种生长速率的变化在一定程度上体现了不同生长策略藻种的生长趋势.另外,就装置性能实验及原位培养实验结果综合分析,认为两种原位培养装置均能够满足对天然水域藻类原位生长速率的测试要求,但装置的构造对藻类实际生长过程仍存在一定影响.  相似文献   
基于中国西南地区川、渝、滇、黔、藏、桂6个省区513个国家级气象观测站的观测实况资料,运用相关系数、泰勒图等方法对比分析了ERA-Interim和ERA5两套再分析数据在中国西南复杂地形区的适用性。结果表明:ERA5再分析数据对地面各要素(2 m气温、降水、10 m风速、10 m风向)的适用性均优于ERA-Interim,其在四川中部、云南东部等地对2 m气温的再现更优,在四川、重庆、贵州对降水的再现更优,在重庆、云南、广西对10 m风速的再现更优,在四川和广西对10 m风向的再现更优。而ERA-Interim仅在西藏地区对2 m气温、10 m风速的再现更优。在月适用性上,两套再分析资料在冬春季优于夏秋季,其中ERA5对夏秋季(5~10月)2 m气温和全年各月降水、10 m风速、10 m风向的适用性更优。在日适用性上,两套再分析资料对2 m气温和降水在午后到夜间优于白天,对10 m风速和10 m风向在白天的适用性优于午后到夜间,其中ERA5对多数时段2 m气温、00时降水以及各时次10 m风速、10 m风向具有更好的适用性。  相似文献   
海水养殖可能是实现我国碳中和目标的有效途径之一。贝、藻类养殖是海水养殖的主要组成部分,可以通过碳移除(从海水中收获)、碳固定(形成贝壳)等方式成为有效的碳汇。因此,中国作为海水养殖大国,具有较大的碳汇潜力。然而,目前关于贝、藻类养殖过程中碳汇的计算、评估、监测等还没有统一的标准,对于其碳汇边界的定义(如储藏年限、周转周期等)也不清晰。本文阐述了典型贝、藻类养殖碳汇的潜力,认为碳汇的计算不仅仅要考虑储存碳,还要考虑养殖过程中由于呼吸等过程排放的碳;提出了贝、藻类养殖碳汇测算过程中存在的问题,认为目前常用的称重法等无法准确反应养殖系统的碳汇潜力;建议在未来养殖碳汇测算中首先明确碳汇边界问题(如使用长、短周期碳汇的概念)。最后,本文讨论了贝、藻类养殖生态系统综合温室效应评估的必要性,建议在碳汇核算过程中同时考虑非二氧化碳温室气体(如甲烷、氧化亚氮)的作用。  相似文献   
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