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New geologic mapping in the Marsyandi Valley of central Nepal reveals the existence of tectonically significant Quaternary thrust faults at the topographic front of the Higher Himalaya. The zone of recent faulting is coincident with an abrupt change in the gradient of the Marsyandi River and its tributaries, which is thought to mark the transition from a region of rapid uplift in the Higher Himalayan ranges to a region of slower uplift to the south. Uplift of the Higher Himalaya during the Quaternary is not entirely due to passive uplift over a deeply buried ramp in the Himalayan sole thrust, as is commonly believed, but partially reflects active thrusting at the topographic front. The zone of active thrusting is also coincident with a zone of intense monsoon precipitation, suggesting a positive feedback relationship between focused erosion and deformation at the front of the Higher Himalayan ranges.  相似文献   
基于CA模型的城市空间扩展研究——义乌市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨亮洁  王录仓  牟乃夏 《测绘科学》2009,34(3):142-144,222
本文引入地理信息系统(GIS)和元胞自动机的有机集成而构筑的GeoCA-Urban模型模拟义乌市城市空间扩展的动态演化过程。结果表明:从发展速度分析,义乌市城市发展经历了一个起步—缓慢发展—爆炸发展的过程,而且爆炸式发展还在继续,从发展的空间布局上分析,义乌市在交通(主要是浙赣铁路和主要公路)、水系(义乌江)和城市中心辐射作用下,经历了带状(东北西南向)—椭圆—圆形的发展过程。通过设置转换规则、参数,真实直观地再现展示了城市空间系统的演化过程,为城市规划等提供了辅助决策。  相似文献   
东昆仑大干沟火山岩SHRIMP 锆石U-Pb测年及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东昆仑大干沟以北地区造山后形成的牦牛山组磨拉石建造不整合覆盖于前泥盆系之上,其形成时代对限定柴达木盆地加里东造山作用的结束时间及晚古生代裂解作用的开始时间具有重要意义。应用单颗粒锆石离子探针质谱仪(SHRIMP)方法,对牦牛山组上部火山岩段的样品进行精确的锆石U-Pb测年。结果表明,牦牛山组上段火山岩样品DG01和DG02中的岩浆锆石206Pb/238U平均年龄分别为403.6±5.1Ma和409±3.4Ma。综合前人研究认为,造山后牦牛山组伸展型磨拉石的形成时代为晚志留世—早泥盆世,限定了晚古生代裂解的开始时间,也意味着早古生代加里东造山运动在晚志留世—早泥盆世之前已经结束。  相似文献   
The Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM) project, part of the Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) project, developed an integrated environmental monitoring system that can be used to detect, monitor, and assess environmental disasters, degradation, and their impacts in the Asia-Pacific region. The system primarily employs data from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) sensor on the Earth Observation System- (EOS-) Terra/Aqua satellite, as well as those from ground observations at five sites in different ecological systems in China. From the preliminary data analysis on both annual and daily variations of water, heat and CO2 fluxes, we can confirm that this system basically has been working well. The results show that both latent flux and CO2 flux are much greater in the crop field than those in the grassland and the saline desert, whereas the sensible heat flux shows the opposite trend. Different data products from MODIS have very different correspondence, e.g. MODIS-derived land surface temperature has a close correlation with measured ones, but LAI and NPP are quite different from ground measurements, which suggests that the algorithms used to process MODIS data need to be revised by using the local dataset. We are now using the APEIS-FLUX data to develop an integrated model, which can simulate the regional water, heat, and carbon fluxes. Finally, we are expected to use this model to develop more precise high-order MODIS products in Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   
针对反演的要求和实际问题的需要,提出利用地震资料叠前数据进行二维波动方程反演,采用最小平方拟合修正模型参数的非线性反演方法,构造了问题的加速迭代算法.反演算法充分利用了冗余的叠前数据和多道相关性,可以分离噪声和信号,使噪声不参与或很少参与反演,算法抗噪能力强.数值模拟例子表明算法有效和稳定,得到了令人满意的结果.  相似文献   
藏北鱼鳞山地区鱼鳞山组火山岩的特征及时代探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄勇  牟世勇  卢定彪  陈仁  易成兴  贺永忠 《贵州地质》2004,21(3):148-151,147
鱼鳞山组是青藏高原已知最新的火山岩石组合之一,属陆内裂谷型碱性火山岩,它反映了印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞后与板内造山相关的构造-岩浆作用,是青藏高原由挤压向伸展转换的标志,因而,进一步认识鱼鳞山组火山岩的特征并重新审视其时代具有重要意义。  相似文献   
自西藏区域地质调查大队创建康托组以来,康托组岩石地层单位广泛应用于羌塘地区,普遍认为其时代为新近纪。笔者于丁固—加措地区的康托组地层中采获古近纪轮藻化石Obtusocharasp.,O.lanpingensis,Gyrogonaqinajiangica和部分孢粉化石,并在康托组底部安山岩中获K-Ar年龄65.1~66.5Ma。上述轮藻组合与同位素年龄指示的地层时代为古新世—始新世,据此将测区康托组的时代确定为古近纪。由于测区康托组之上被唢纳湖组或鱼鳞山组角度不整合覆盖,因此康托组时代的确定不仅进一步完善了测区新生代地层系统,还指示测区在康托组与唢纳湖组或鱼鳞山组之间发生了一次强烈的构造运动。  相似文献   
扬子地台内晚奥陶世末—早志留世初五峰—龙马溪组内沉积了多层钾质斑脱岩,但对于该时期扬子地台西缘钾质斑脱岩的研究报道相对较少.本文旨在通过对云南大关地区新地2井五峰—龙马溪组内沉积的钾质斑脱岩进行矿物学及地球化学分析,进一步确定扬子西缘该时期钾质斑脱岩原始岩浆类型及其所产生的构造环境.矿物学特征表明,钾质斑脱岩主要由黏土...  相似文献   
昌化明矾石地鸡血石的矿物学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用电子探针、X射线衍射、红外光谱、扫描电镜等分析手段对浙江昌化里梅总洞口新发现的明矾石地鸡血石进行了研究,认为其“地”的矿物成分主要是明矾石,仅有少量迪开石和高岭石。  相似文献   
湘中地区下寒武统烃源岩沉积环境及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对湘中地区早寒武世岩相古地理的研究,认为早寒武世期间,湘中地区为发育在陆架之上的缺氧滞留盆地沉积环境,沉积了一套以黑色炭质板状页岩及含硅质炭质泥岩等为主的黑色沉积。该套黑色沉积沿着湘中地区以及扬子东南缘呈带状稳定分布,反映出当时湘中地区是一"富烃沉积区",具有生烃潜力;该套寒武纪海相地层是油气勘探的重要层位。  相似文献   
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