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湘西排碧位于中上扬子陆块的东南缘,前人认为在寒武纪第三世时期该地区位于以各种类型的“碳酸盐重力流沉积”发育为显著特征的“台缘斜坡相带”内,其主要岩石类型为泥质条带灰岩及砾屑灰岩.本文通过对花桥组上段—车夫组典型沉积物的岩石组分及沉积构造进行详细研究,发现条带灰岩并非泥质条带灰岩,而是由灰岩条带——颗粒灰岩、泥晶灰岩与粉砂质条带——粉砂质灰岩、纹层状含炭质粉砂质灰岩互层组成,表现出内源碳酸盐沉积物与陆源碎屑沉积物混积以及陆棚环境沉积物的典型特征.砾屑灰岩及伴生岩石组合发育丘状(洼状)交错层理等众多风暴成因的沉积构造,为具有不同风暴沉积序列的风暴沉积物.此外,花桥组上段—车夫组沉积物中含各种藻类等浅水生物及大量三叶虫骨刺.因此,认为花桥组上段—车夫组的沉积环境应为正常浪基面以下、风暴浪基面以上,受周期性强风浪作用影响的混积陆棚环境.  相似文献   
在页岩气的区域地质调查阶段,主要通过有机质含量(TOC)与类型、有机质热演化程度、含气页岩厚度、矿物组分类型与含量以及储集层特征等基本地质条件参数,对页岩气有利区进行评价,而以上页岩气基本地质因素均受沉积相的控制。以详细的沉积相研究为基础,通过岩相古地理编图,可以明确富有机质页岩的展布特征,所以岩相古地理控制了页岩气的发育特征。通过利用主要基本地质条件参数,对川南及邻区志留系龙马溪组黑色岩系页岩气有利区进行初步评价,认为川南及邻区志留系龙马溪组,只要已进入中成岩阶段的浅海陆棚相黑色岩系,就能形成页岩气储层。在前人研究的基础上,进一步实例论证并提出沉积相或岩相古地理研究应为页岩气地质调查和选区评价的关键和基础。  相似文献   
通过对常用定向钻进配套钻具打捞工艺的对比分析,明确了采用套铣打捞工艺处理煤矿井下近水平定向钻进中出现的塌孔、卡钻、埋钻等孔内事故的可行性与实用性。根据其工艺施工要求,结合煤矿井下近水平定向钻进系统配套钻具具体参数,研制了能够满足额定扭矩6000 N·m钻机使用要求的定向钻进套铣打捞钻杆。成庄矿的应用表明,采用套铣打捞工艺处理近水平定向钻进时孔内事故(塌孔、卡钻、埋钻等)可行性较强,且套铣打捞钻杆结构设计合理,能满足套铣打捞工艺的使用要求。  相似文献   
With the aid of geophysical measurements, including seventeen two-dimensional(2 D) seismic lines and the well logging curves of well FGY1, the structure and reservoir characteristics of the Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian strata in the Fenggang block, northern Guizhou Province, were analyzed thoroughly to identify desert areas and favorable intervals. The results show that Longmaxi-Wufeng is the most prospect-rich formation, consisting of a thick succession of overmature black shale, this formation remaining partially in the Suiyang, Fenggang and Jianchaxi synclines. The Longmaxi-Wufeng shale, especially the lower member, was deposited in a reducing low-energy environment with relatively high U content and a low Th/U value. In this shale, the organic matter type(sapropelic and humic-sapropelic), total organic carbon(TOC) content, gas content, gas adsorption capacity, vitrinite reflectance and brittle mineral content are profitable for shale gas preservation and development. The fractures of this shale were closed because of its high overburden pressure. The gas adsorption capacity of this shale increases with increasing TOC content and Ro. In the Longmaxi-Wufeng Formation at well FGY1, the most favorable intervals are in the depth ranges of 2312.4–2325.1 m and 2325.8–2331.1 m.  相似文献   
滇西户撒盆地芒棒组砂岩地球化学分析结果表明:砂岩主要为长石砂岩和杂砂岩,少量为页岩;矿物成分主要为石英、钾长石、斜长石和伊利石等;REE配分模式曲线一致,LREE/HREE=9.75~15.91,平均13.24,(La/Yb)_N=13.06~26.41,平均19.21,轻稀土元素相对重稀土元素明显富集,稀土元素分馏明显。SiO_2/Al_2O_3=2.06~6.01,平均4.60,ICV=0.54~1.09,平均0.86,结合沉积特征表明样品为被动构造环境下沉积物的再循环而成,而非强烈风化作用过程中形成的第一次旋回沉积物。Th/U=5.44~12.10,平均8.48,CIA矫正均值为69,反映了温暖、湿润条件下的中等化学风化作用。A-CN-K判别图说明交代作用降低了CIA值、且样品源岩钾长石比斜长石含量高。Th/Sc=4.43~25.35,平均8.18,Rb-K_2O图解、Co/Th-La/Sc图解和La/Yb-∑REE图解表明样品物源为花岗岩。TiO_2-(Fe_2O_3T+MgO)、Al_2O_3/(Cao+Na_2O)-(Fe_2O_3T+MgO)、La-Th-Sc以及(K_2O/Na_2O)-SiO_2构造判别图解表明:源岩形成于被动大陆边缘环境,与中特提斯洋在晚侏罗世—早白垩世已经打开且长期稳定相对应。户撒盆地为沿早期户撒走滑-挤压断裂拉张沉积形成,接受周缘晚侏罗世—早白垩世花岗岩沉积。  相似文献   
泉州湾北岸潮间带大型底栖生物群落研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2014年9月和2015年5月,分别在泉州湾北岸布设3条潮间带断面进行大型底栖生物群落研究.共计采获潮间带大型底栖生物样品166种,其中泥沙滩有80种,岩相有96种.其中环节动物、软体动物和节肢动物有145种,构成该区域潮间带大型底栖生物的主要类群,调查的3条断面中,泥沙滩断面的平均栖息密度和生物量分别为133 ind./m~2和24.48 g/m~2,岩相断面的平均栖息密度和生物量分别为1 412 ind./m~2和958.78 g/m~2.数量垂直分布,泥沙滩断面和岩相断面平均栖息密度和生物量均以中潮区低潮区高潮区.数量季节变化,泥沙滩断面平均栖息密度和生物量均为春季(170 ind./m~2和32.04 g/m~2)大于秋季(96 ind./m~2和16.92g/m~2),岩相断面平均栖息密度为春季(1 360 ind./m~2)小于秋季(1 464 ind./m~2),而平均生物量为春季(1 122.83 g/m~2)大于秋季(794.75 g/m~2),数量季节变化显著.丰度/生物量曲线显示,泉州湾北岸潮间带大型底栖生物群落群落结构较为稳定,受到干扰较小.  相似文献   
The Einstein Gravity Explorer mission (EGE) is devoted to a precise measurement of the properties of space-time using atomic clocks. It tests one of the most fundamental predictions of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, the gravitational redshift, and thereby searches for hints of quantum effects in gravity, exploring one of the most important and challenging frontiers in fundamental physics. The primary mission goal is the measurement of the gravitational redshift with an accuracy up to a factor 104 higher than the best current result. The mission is based on a satellite carrying cold atom-based clocks. The payload includes a cesium microwave clock (PHARAO), an optical clock, a femtosecond frequency comb, as well as precise microwave time transfer systems between space and ground. The tick rates of the clocks are continuously compared with each other, and nearly continuously with clocks on earth, during the course of the 3-year mission. The highly elliptic orbit of the satellite is optimized for the scientific goals, providing a large variation in the gravitational potential between perigee and apogee. Besides the fundamental physics results, as secondary goals EGE will establish a global reference frame for the Earth’s gravitational potential and will allow a new approach to mapping Earth’s gravity field with very high spatial resolution. The mission was proposed as a class-M mission to ESA’s Cosmic Vision Program 2015–2025.
S. SchillerEmail:
This paper focuses on migration occurrence as a result of environmental degradation and population growth. It briefly reviews previous practices in some less developed courtries and then considers the extent to which environmental factors have been and may be significant in initiating migration. A case study of the karst region of southwest China is used to illustrate the phenomenon, including root causes, restrictive factors, nature of the migration, desires of migrants, strategies of response and optional policies. It is argued that a comprehensive approach to the prevention of environmentally caused displacement should be developed.  相似文献   
作为典型的干旱区内陆湖泊,博斯腾湖的面积变化趋势与当地自然和人文环境的变迁密不可分.本文结合GIS与RS技术,利用Landsat影像和MODIS数据共2289景及JRC GSW水体掩膜产品,基于Google Earth Engine (GEE)平台采用指数法得出2000-2019年博斯腾湖面积年际和年内变化趋势,并采用...  相似文献   
The responses of spatiotemporal variation of ecosystem service values (ESVs) to landscape pattern from 1985 to 2005 in a typical Karst area of the northwest Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China,were examined us-ing remote sensing and geographic information system techniques in this paper.The total ecosystem service values de-clined significantly from 1985 to 1990,and then increased slowly from 1990 to 2005,almost equaled to the 1985 level.The ecosystem service values tended to decline from the west to the...  相似文献   
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